Georgiy Komarov 40ae9b210b
config_parser: Improve error messages ()
* config_parser: Improve error messages

This commit adds an additional context with configuration file name and
line number to some error messages in the config_parser.

* config_parser: Add file name and line number to invalid_name_error

* config_parser: Update unit tests to avoid crashes on regressions
2021-10-03 20:46:16 +02:00

314 lines
9.2 KiB

#include "components/config_parser.hpp"
#include "common/test.hpp"
#include "components/logger.hpp"
using namespace polybar;
using namespace std;
* \brief Testing-only subclass of config_parser to change access level
class TestableConfigParser : public config_parser {
using config_parser::config_parser;
TestableConfigParser(const logger& logger, string&& file, string&& bar)
: config_parser(logger, move(file), move(bar)) {
using config_parser::get_line_type;
using config_parser::parse_key;
using config_parser::parse_header;
using config_parser::parse_line;
using config_parser::parse_escaped_value;
using config_parser::m_files;
* \brief Fixture class
class ConfigParser : public ::testing::Test {
const logger l = logger(loglevel::NONE);
unique_ptr<TestableConfigParser> parser = make_unique<TestableConfigParser>(l, "/dev/zero", "TEST");
// ParseLineTest {{{
class ParseLineInValidTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<string> {};
class ParseLineHeaderTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<string, string>> {};
class ParseLineKeyTest : public ConfigParser,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> {};
vector<string> parse_line_invalid_list = {
" # comment",
"; comment",
" ",
"\t ",
vector<pair<string, string>> parse_line_header_list = {
{"section", "\t[section]"},
{"section", "\t[section] "},
{"bar/name", "\t[bar/name] "},
vector<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> parse_line_key_list = {
{{"key", "value"}, " key = value"},
{{"key", ""}, " key\t = \"\""},
{{"key", "\""}, " key\t = \"\"\""},
{{"key", "\\"}, " key = \\"},
{{"key", "\\"}, " key = \\\\"},
{{"key", "\\val\\ue\\"}, " key = \\val\\ue\\"},
{{"key", "\\val\\ue\\"}, " key = \\\\val\\\\ue\\\\"},
{{"key", "\\val\\ue\\"}, " key = \"\\val\\ue\\\""},
{{"key", "\\val\\ue\\"}, " key = \"\\\\val\\\\ue\\\\\""},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseLineInValidTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_line_invalid_list));
TEST_P(ParseLineInValidTest, correctness) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
parser->parse_line(line, GetParam());
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseLineHeaderTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_line_header_list));
TEST_P(ParseLineHeaderTest, correctness) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
parser->parse_line(line, GetParam().second);
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, line.header);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseLineKeyTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_line_key_list));
TEST_P(ParseLineKeyTest, correctness) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
parser->parse_line(line, GetParam().second);
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first.first, line.key);
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first.second, line.value);
TEST_F(ParseLineInValidTest, throwsSyntaxError) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_line(line, "unknown"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_line(line, "\ufeff"), syntax_error);
// }}}
// GetLineTypeTest {{{
* \brief Class for parameterized tests on get_line_type
* Parameters are pairs of the expected line type and a string that should be
* detected as that line type
class GetLineTypeTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<line_type, string>> {};
* \brief Helper function generate GetLineTypeTest parameter values
vector<pair<line_type, string>> line_type_transform(vector<string>&& in, line_type type) {
vector<pair<line_type, string>> out;
for (const auto& i : in) {
out.emplace_back(type, i);
return out;
* \brief Parameter values for GetLineTypeTest
auto line_type_key = line_type_transform({"a = b", " a =b", " a\t =\t \t b", "a = "}, line_type::KEY);
auto line_type_header = line_type_transform({"[section]", "[section]", "[section/sub]"}, line_type::HEADER);
auto line_type_comment = line_type_transform({";abc", "#abc", ";", "#"}, line_type::COMMENT);
auto line_type_empty = line_type_transform({""}, line_type::EMPTY);
auto line_type_unknown = line_type_transform({"|a", " |a", "a"}, line_type::UNKNOWN);
* Instantiate GetLineTypeTest for the different line types
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeKey, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_key));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeHeader, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_header));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeComment, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_comment));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeEmpty, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_empty));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeUnknown, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_unknown));
* \brief Parameterized test for get_line_type
TEST_P(GetLineTypeTest, correctness) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, parser->get_line_type(GetParam().second));
// }}}
// ParseKeyTest {{{
* \brief Class for parameterized tests on parse_key
* The first element of the pair is the expected key-value pair and the second
* element is the string to be parsed, has to be trimmed and valid.
class ParseKeyTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> {};
vector<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> parse_key_list = {
{{"key", "value"}, "key = value"},
{{"key", "value"}, "key=value"},
{{"key", "value"}, "key =\"value\""},
{{"key", "value"}, "key\t=\t \"value\""},
{{"key", "\"value"}, "key = \"value"},
{{"key", "value\""}, "key = value\""},
{{"key", "= value"}, "key == value"},
{{"key", ""}, "key ="},
{{"key", ""}, R"(key ="")"},
{{"key", "\"\""}, R"(key ="""")"},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseKeyTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_key_list));
* Parameterized test for parse_key with valid line
TEST_P(ParseKeyTest, correctness) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, parser->parse_key(line, GetParam().second));
* Tests if exception is thrown for invalid key line
TEST_F(ParseKeyTest, throwsSyntaxError) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_key(line, "= empty name"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_key(line, "forbidden char = value"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_key(line, "forbidden\tchar = value"), syntax_error);
// }}}
// ParseHeaderTest {{{
* \brief Class for parameterized tests on parse_key
* The first element of the pair is the expected key-value pair and the second
* element is the string to be parsed, has to be trimmed and valid
class ParseHeaderTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<string, string>> {};
vector<pair<string, string>> parse_header_list = {
{"section", "[section]"},
{"bar/name", "[bar/name]"},
{"with_underscore", "[with_underscore]"},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseHeaderTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_header_list));
* Parameterized test for parse_header with valid line
TEST_P(ParseHeaderTest, correctness) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, parser->parse_header(line, GetParam().second));
* Tests if exception is thrown for invalid header line
TEST_F(ParseHeaderTest, throwsSyntaxError) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header(line, "[]"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header(line, "[no_end"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header(line, "[forbidden char]"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header(line, "[forbidden\tchar]"), syntax_error);
// Reserved names
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header(line, "[self]"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header(line, "[BAR]"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header(line, "[root]"), syntax_error);
// }}}
// ParseEscapedValueTest {{{
* \brief Class for parameterized tests on parse_escaped_value
* The first element of the pair is the expected value and the second
* element is the escaped string to be parsed.
class ParseEscapedValueTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<string, string>> {};
vector<pair<string, string>> parse_escaped_value_list = {
{"\\", "\\"},
{"\\", "\\\\"},
{"\\val\\ue\\", "\\val\\ue\\"},
{"\\val\\ue\\", "\\\\val\\\\ue\\\\"},
{"\"\\val\\ue\\\"", "\"\\val\\ue\\\""},
{"\"\\val\\ue\\\"", "\"\\\\val\\\\ue\\\\\""},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseEscapedValueTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_escaped_value_list));
* Parameterized test for parse_escaped_value with valid line
TEST_P(ParseEscapedValueTest, correctness) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = 0;
line.line_no = 0;
string value = GetParam().second;
value = parser->parse_escaped_value(line, move(value), "key");
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, value);
// }}}