llenck 6e34265d7b
Replace system_clock with steady_clock ()
This fixes  and . Also replaces PR , since we don't need
our own implementation of condition_variable anymore since people who
update their polybar should have GCC 10 by now.

The m_updated_at field of the mpd module was removed instead of having
its clock change because it became unused in commit 645a3142a1.
2022-01-12 23:06:29 +01:00

182 lines
3.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <mpd/client.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <csignal>
#include "common.hpp"
#include "errors.hpp"
// fwd
class logger;
namespace chrono = std::chrono;
namespace mpd {
extern sig_atomic_t g_connection_closed;
DEFINE_CHILD_ERROR(client_error, mpd_exception);
DEFINE_CHILD_ERROR(server_error, mpd_exception);
void check_connection(mpd_connection* conn);
void check_errors(mpd_connection* conn);
// types details {{{
enum class connection_state { NONE = 0, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED };
enum class mpdstate {
UNKNOWN = 1 << 0,
STOPPED = 1 << 1,
PLAYING = 1 << 2,
PAUSED = 1 << 4,
namespace details {
struct mpd_connection_deleter {
void operator()(mpd_connection* conn);
struct mpd_status_deleter {
void operator()(mpd_status* status);
struct mpd_song_deleter {
void operator()(mpd_song* song);
using mpd_connection_t = unique_ptr<mpd_connection, details::mpd_connection_deleter>;
using mpd_status_t = unique_ptr<mpd_status, details::mpd_status_deleter>;
using mpd_song_t = unique_ptr<mpd_song, details::mpd_song_deleter>;
// }}}
// class : mpdsong {{{
class mpdsong {
explicit mpdsong(mpd_song_t&& song) : m_song(forward<decltype(song)>(song)) {}
operator bool();
string get_artist();
string get_album_artist();
string get_album();
string get_title();
string get_date();
unsigned get_duration();
mpd_song_t m_song;
// }}}
// class : mpdconnection {{{
class mpdstatus;
class mpdconnection {
explicit mpdconnection(
const logger& logger, string host, unsigned int port = 6600, string password = "", unsigned int timeout = 15);
void connect();
void disconnect();
bool connected();
bool retry_connection(int interval = 1);
int get_fd();
void idle();
int noidle();
unique_ptr<mpdstatus> get_status();
unique_ptr<mpdstatus> get_status_safe();
unique_ptr<mpdsong> get_song();
void play();
void pause(bool state);
void toggle();
void stop();
void prev();
void next();
void seek(int songid, int pos);
void set_repeat(bool mode);
void set_random(bool mode);
void set_single(bool mode);
void set_consume(bool mode);
operator mpd_connection_t::element_type*();
void check_prerequisites();
void check_prerequisites_commands_list();
const logger& m_log;
mpd_connection_t m_connection{};
struct sigaction m_signal_action {};
bool m_listactive = false;
bool m_idle = false;
int m_fd = -1;
string m_host;
unsigned int m_port;
string m_password;
unsigned int m_timeout;
// }}}
// class : mpdstatus {{{
class mpdstatus {
explicit mpdstatus(mpdconnection* conn, bool autoupdate = true);
void fetch_data(mpdconnection* conn);
void update(int event, mpdconnection* connection);
bool random() const;
bool repeat() const;
bool single() const;
bool consume() const;
bool match_state(mpdstate state) const;
int get_songid() const;
int get_queuelen() const;
unsigned get_total_time() const;
unsigned get_elapsed_time() const;
unsigned get_elapsed_percentage();
string get_formatted_elapsed();
string get_formatted_total();
int get_seek_position(int percentage);
mpd_status_t m_status{};
unique_ptr<mpdsong> m_song{};
mpdstate m_state{mpdstate::UNKNOWN};
bool m_random{false};
bool m_repeat{false};
bool m_single{false};
bool m_consume{false};
int m_songid{0};
int m_queuelen{0};
unsigned long m_total_time{0UL};
unsigned long m_elapsed_time{0UL};
unsigned long m_elapsed_time_ms{0UL};
// }}}