Each tray client is directly reparented to the bar window. This saves us the hassle of having to configure a basically useless tray window and keeping its background pixmap in sync. The only disadvantages are having to (un)map each client window individually and calculating its position relative to the bar window (which changes all the time) instead of relative to the tray window (which only changes when clients are added/removed).
137 lines
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137 lines
3.4 KiB
#pragma once
#include <cairo/cairo.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <memory>
#include "cairo/fwd.hpp"
#include "common.hpp"
#include "components/renderer_interface.hpp"
#include "components/types.hpp"
#include "events/signal_fwd.hpp"
#include "events/signal_receiver.hpp"
#include "x11/extensions/fwd.hpp"
#include "x11/types.hpp"
// fwd {{{
class connection;
class config;
class logger;
class background_manager;
class bg_slice;
// }}}
using std::map;
struct alignment_block {
cairo_pattern_t* pattern;
* The x-position where the next thing will be rendered.
double x;
double y;
* The total width of this block.
* This is always >= x, but may be larger because a negative offset may
* decrease x, but the width doesn't change.
double width;
class renderer : public renderer_interface,
public signal_receiver<SIGN_PRIORITY_RENDERER, signals::ui::request_snapshot> {
using make_type = unique_ptr<renderer>;
static make_type make(const bar_settings& bar, tags::action_context& action_ctxt);
explicit renderer(connection& conn, signal_emitter& sig, const config&, const logger& logger, const bar_settings& bar,
background_manager& background_manager, tags::action_context& action_ctxt);
xcb_window_t window() const;
xcb_visualtype_t* visual() const;
int depth() const;
void begin(xcb_rectangle_t rect);
void end();
void flush();
void render_offset(const tags::context& ctxt, const extent_val offset) override;
void render_text(const tags::context& ctxt, const string&&) override;
void change_alignment(const tags::context& ctxt) override;
double get_x(const tags::context& ctxt) const override;
double get_alignment_start(const alignment align) const override;
void apply_tray_position(const tags::context& context) override;
void fill_background();
void fill_overline(rgba color, double x, double w);
void fill_underline(rgba color, double x, double w);
void fill_borders();
void draw_offset(const tags::context& ctxt, rgba color, double x, double w);
double block_x(alignment a) const;
double block_y(alignment a) const;
double block_w(alignment a) const;
double block_h(alignment a) const;
void increase_x(double dx);
void flush(alignment a);
void highlight_clickable_areas();
bool on(const signals::ui::request_snapshot& evt) override;
struct reserve_area {
edge side{edge::NONE};
unsigned int size{0U};
connection& m_connection;
signal_emitter& m_sig;
const config& m_conf;
const logger& m_log;
const bar_settings& m_bar;
std::shared_ptr<bg_slice> m_background;
int m_depth{-1};
xcb_window_t m_window;
xcb_colormap_t m_colormap{XCB_NONE};
xcb_visualtype_t* m_visual;
xcb_gcontext_t m_gcontext;
xcb_pixmap_t m_pixmap;
xcb_rectangle_t m_rect{0, 0, 0U, 0U};
reserve_area m_cleararea{};
// bool m_autosize{false};
unique_ptr<cairo::context> m_context;
unique_ptr<cairo::xcb_surface> m_surface;
map<alignment, alignment_block> m_blocks;
cairo_pattern_t* m_cornermask{};
cairo_operator_t m_comp_bg{CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE};
cairo_operator_t m_comp_fg{CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER};
cairo_operator_t m_comp_ol{CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER};
cairo_operator_t m_comp_ul{CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER};
cairo_operator_t m_comp_border{CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER};
bool m_pseudo_transparency{false};
alignment m_align;
bool m_fixedcenter;
string m_snapshot_dst;