2018-02-22 08:56:05 +00:00
# include "../ClipperUtils.hpp"
# include "../PolylineCollection.hpp"
# include "../Surface.hpp"
# include <cmath>
# include <algorithm>
# include <iostream>
# include "FillGyroid.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
Polyline FillGyroid : : makeLineVert ( double xPos , double yPos , double width , double height , double currentXBegin , double segmentSize , coord_t scaleFactor ,
double zCs , double zSn , bool flip , double decal ) {
double maxSlope = abs ( abs ( zCs ) - abs ( zSn ) ) ;
Polyline polyline ;
polyline . points . push_back ( Point ( coord_t ( ( std : : max ( std : : min ( currentXBegin , xPos + width ) , xPos ) + decal ) * scaleFactor ) , coord_t ( yPos * scaleFactor ) ) ) ;
for ( double y = yPos ; y < yPos + height + segmentSize ; y + = segmentSize ) {
if ( y > yPos + height ) y = yPos + height ;
double ySn = sin ( y + ( zCs < 0 ? 3.14 : 0 ) + 3.14 ) ;
double yCs = cos ( y + ( zCs < 0 ? 3.14 : 0 ) + 3.14 + ( ! flip ? 0 : 3.14 ) ) ;
double a = ySn ;
double b = - zCs ;
double res = zSn * yCs ;
double r = sqrt ( a * a + b * b ) ;
double x = asin ( a / r ) + asin ( res / r ) + 3.14 ;
x + = currentXBegin ;
double ydeviation = 0.5 * ( flip ? - 1 : 1 ) * ( zSn > 0 ? - 1 : 1 ) * decal * ( 1 - maxSlope ) * ( res / r - a / r ) ;
polyline . points . push_back ( Point ( coord_t ( ( std : : max ( std : : min ( x , xPos + width ) , xPos ) + decal - ydeviation / 2 ) * scaleFactor ) , coord_t ( ( y + ydeviation ) * scaleFactor ) ) ) ;
return polyline ;
Polyline FillGyroid : : makeLineHori ( double xPos , double yPos , double width , double height , double currentYBegin , double segmentSize , coord_t scaleFactor ,
double zCs , double zSn , bool flip , double decal ) {
double maxSlope = abs ( abs ( zCs ) - abs ( zSn ) ) ;
Polyline polyline ;
polyline . points . push_back ( Point ( coord_t ( xPos * scaleFactor ) , coord_t ( ( std : : max ( std : : min ( currentYBegin , yPos + height ) , yPos ) + decal ) * scaleFactor ) ) ) ;
for ( double x = xPos ; x < xPos + width + segmentSize ; x + = segmentSize ) {
if ( x > xPos + width ) x = xPos + width ;
double xSn = sin ( x + ( zSn < 0 ? 3.14 : 0 ) + ( flip ? 0 : 3.14 ) ) ;
double xCs = cos ( x + ( zSn < 0 ? 3.14 : 0 ) ) ;
double a = xCs ;
double b = - zSn ;
double res = zCs * xSn ;
double r = sqrt ( a * a + b * b ) ;
double y = asin ( a / r ) + asin ( res / r ) + 3.14 / 2 ;
y + = currentYBegin ;
double xdeviation = 0.5 * ( flip ? - 1 : 1 ) * ( zCs > 0 ? - 1 : 1 ) * decal * ( 1 - maxSlope ) * ( res / r - a / r ) ;
polyline . points . push_back ( Point ( coord_t ( ( x + xdeviation ) * scaleFactor ) , coord_t ( ( std : : max ( std : : min ( y , yPos + height ) , yPos ) + decal - xdeviation / 2 ) * scaleFactor ) ) ) ;
return polyline ;
2018-02-22 11:00:24 +00:00
inline void FillGyroid : : correctOrderAndAdd ( const int num , Polyline poly , Polylines & array ) {
2018-02-22 08:56:05 +00:00
if ( num % 2 = = 0 ) {
Points temp ( poly . points . rbegin ( ) , poly . points . rend ( ) ) ;
poly . points . assign ( temp . begin ( ) , temp . end ( ) ) ;
array . push_back ( poly ) ;
// Generate a set of curves (array of array of 2d points) that describe a
// horizontal slice of a truncated regular octahedron with a specified
// grid square size.
Polylines FillGyroid : : makeGrid ( coord_t gridZ , double density , double layer_width , size_t gridWidth , size_t gridHeight , size_t curveType )
coord_t scaleFactor = coord_t ( scale_ ( layer_width ) / density ) ;
Polylines result ;
Polyline * polyline2 ;
double segmentSize = density / 2 ;
double decal = layer_width * density ;
double xPos = 0 , yPos = 0 , width = gridWidth , height = gridHeight ;
//scale factor for 5% : 8 712 388
// 1z = 10^-6 mm ?
double z = gridZ / ( 1.0 * scaleFactor ) ;
double zSn = sin ( z ) ;
double zCs = cos ( z ) ;
int numLine = 0 ;
if ( abs ( zSn ) < = abs ( zCs ) ) {
//begin to first one
int iter = 1 ;
double currentXBegin = xPos - PI / 2 ;
currentXBegin = PI * ( int ) ( currentXBegin / PI - 1 ) ;
iter = ( int ) ( currentXBegin / PI + 1 ) % 2 ;
bool flip = iter % 2 = = 1 ;
// bool needNewLine =false;
while ( currentXBegin < xPos + width - PI / 2 ) {
correctOrderAndAdd ( numLine , makeLineVert ( xPos , yPos , width , height , currentXBegin , segmentSize , scaleFactor , zCs , zSn , flip , 0 ) , result ) ;
numLine + + ;
//then, return by the other side
iter + + ;
currentXBegin = currentXBegin + PI ;
flip = iter % 2 = = 1 ;
if ( currentXBegin < xPos + width - PI / 2 ) {
correctOrderAndAdd ( numLine , makeLineVert ( xPos , yPos , width , height , currentXBegin , segmentSize , scaleFactor , zCs , zSn , flip , 0 ) , result ) ;
numLine + + ;
// relance
iter + + ;
currentXBegin = currentXBegin + PI ;
flip = iter % 2 = = 1 ;
} else {
//begin to first one
int iter = 1 ;
//search first line output
double currentYBegin = yPos ;
currentYBegin = PI * ( int ) ( currentYBegin / PI - 0 ) ;
iter = ( int ) ( currentYBegin / PI + 1 ) % 2 ;
bool flip = iter % 2 = = 1 ;
while ( currentYBegin < yPos + width ) {
correctOrderAndAdd ( numLine , makeLineHori ( xPos , yPos , width , height , currentYBegin , segmentSize , scaleFactor , zCs , zSn , flip , 0 ) , result ) ;
numLine + + ;
//then, return by the other side
iter + + ;
currentYBegin = currentYBegin + PI ;
flip = iter % 2 = = 1 ;
if ( currentYBegin < yPos + width ) {
correctOrderAndAdd ( numLine , makeLineHori ( xPos , yPos , width , height , currentYBegin , segmentSize , scaleFactor , zCs , zSn , flip , 0 ) , result ) ;
numLine + + ;
iter + + ;
currentYBegin = currentYBegin + PI ;
flip = iter % 2 = = 1 ;
return result ;
void FillGyroid : : _fill_surface_single (
const FillParams & params ,
unsigned int thickness_layers ,
const std : : pair < float , Point > & direction ,
ExPolygon & expolygon ,
Polylines & polylines_out )
// no rotation is supported for this infill pattern
BoundingBox bb = expolygon . contour . bounding_box ( ) ;
coord_t distance = coord_t ( scale_ ( this - > spacing ) / ( params . density * this - > scaling ) ) ;
// align bounding box to a multiple of our grid module
bb . merge ( _align_to_grid ( bb . min , Point ( 2 * M_PI * distance , 2 * M_PI * distance ) ) ) ;
// generate pattern
Polylines polylines = makeGrid (
( coord_t ) scale_ ( this - > z ) ,
params . density * this - > scaling ,
this - > spacing ,
( size_t ) ( ceil ( bb . size ( ) . x / distance ) + 1 ) ,
( size_t ) ( ceil ( bb . size ( ) . y / distance ) + 1 ) ,
( size_t ) ( ( ( this - > layer_id / thickness_layers ) % 2 ) + 1 ) ) ;
// move pattern in place
for ( Polylines : : iterator it = polylines . begin ( ) ; it ! = polylines . end ( ) ; + + it )
it - > translate ( bb . min . x , bb . min . y ) ;
// clip pattern to boundaries
polylines = intersection_pl ( polylines , ( Polygons ) expolygon ) ;
// connect lines
if ( ! params . dont_connect & & ! polylines . empty ( ) ) { // prevent calling leftmost_point() on empty collections
ExPolygon expolygon_off ;
ExPolygons expolygons_off = offset_ex ( expolygon , ( float ) SCALED_EPSILON ) ;
if ( ! expolygons_off . empty ( ) ) {
// When expanding a polygon, the number of islands could only shrink. Therefore the offset_ex shall generate exactly one expanded island for one input island.
assert ( expolygons_off . size ( ) = = 1 ) ;
std : : swap ( expolygon_off , expolygons_off . front ( ) ) ;
Polylines chained = PolylineCollection : : chained_path_from (
# if SLIC3R_CPPVER >= 11
std : : move ( polylines ) ,
# else
polylines ,
# endif
PolylineCollection : : leftmost_point ( polylines ) , false ) ; // reverse allowed
bool first = true ;
for ( Polylines : : iterator it_polyline = chained . begin ( ) ; it_polyline ! = chained . end ( ) ; + + it_polyline ) {
if ( ! first ) {
// Try to connect the lines.
Points & pts_end = polylines_out . back ( ) . points ;
const Point & first_point = it_polyline - > points . front ( ) ;
const Point & last_point = pts_end . back ( ) ;
// TODO: we should also check that both points are on a fill_boundary to avoid
// connecting paths on the boundaries of internal regions
// TODO: avoid crossing current infill path
if ( first_point . distance_to ( last_point ) < = 5 * distance & &
expolygon_off . contains ( Line ( last_point , first_point ) ) ) {
// Append the polyline.
pts_end . insert ( pts_end . end ( ) , it_polyline - > points . begin ( ) , it_polyline - > points . end ( ) ) ;
continue ;
// The lines cannot be connected.
# if SLIC3R_CPPVER >= 11
polylines_out . push_back ( std : : move ( * it_polyline ) ) ;
# else
polylines_out . push_back ( Polyline ( ) ) ;
std : : swap ( polylines_out . back ( ) , * it_polyline ) ;
# endif
first = false ;
} // namespace Slic3r