2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
# include "GUI_App.hpp"
# include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
# include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
# include <wx/stdpaths.h>
# include <wx/imagpng.h>
# include <wx/display.h>
# include <wx/menu.h>
# include <wx/menuitem.h>
2018-09-20 11:12:35 +00:00
# include <wx/filedlg.h>
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
# include "Utils.hpp"
# include "GUI.hpp"
# include "MainFrame.hpp"
# include "AppConfig.hpp"
# include "PresetBundle.hpp"
# include "3DScene.hpp"
# include "../Utils/PresetUpdater.hpp"
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
# include "ConfigWizard_private.hpp"
# include "slic3r/Config/Snapshot.hpp"
# include "ConfigSnapshotDialog.hpp"
# include "FirmwareDialog.hpp"
# include "Preferences.hpp"
# include "Tab.hpp"
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
bool GUI_App : : OnInit ( )
SetAppName ( " Slic3rPE " ) ;
SetAppDisplayName ( " Slic3r Prusa Edition " ) ;
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
// Slic3r::debugf "wxWidgets version %s, Wx version %s\n", wxVERSION_STRING, wxVERSION;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// Set the Slic3r data directory at the Slic3r XS module.
// Unix: ~/ .Slic3r
// Windows : "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Slic3r" or "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Slic3r"
// Mac : "~/Library/Application Support/Slic3r"
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
datadir . empty ( ) ?
Slic3r : : set_data_dir ( wxStandardPaths : : Get ( ) . GetUserDataDir ( ) . ToStdString ( ) ) :
Slic3r : : set_data_dir ( datadir ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// set_wxapp(this); // #ys_FIXME
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
// #ys_FIXME temporary workaround
if ( var_dir ( ) . empty ( ) )
set_var_dir ( " c: \\ src \\ Slic3r_TMP \\ resources \\ icons " ) ;
if ( localization_dir ( ) . empty ( ) )
set_local_dir ( " c: \\ src \\ Slic3r_TMP \\ resources \\ localization " ) ;
app_config = new AppConfig ( ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// set_app_config(app_config);// #ys_FIXME
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
preset_bundle = new PresetBundle ( ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// set_preset_bundle(preset_bundle);// #ys_FIXME
// just checking for existence of Slic3r::data_dir is not enough : it may be an empty directory
// supplied as argument to --datadir; in that case we should still run the wizard
// eval{
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
preset_bundle - > setup_directories ( ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// };
// if ($@) {
// warn $@ . "\n";
// fatal_error(undef, $@);
// }
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
app_conf_exists = app_config - > exists ( ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// load settings
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
if ( app_conf_exists ) app_config - > load ( ) ;
app_config - > set ( " version " , " Slic3r_VERSION " /*Slic3r::VERSION*/ ) ;
app_config - > save ( ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
// preset_updater = new PresetUpdater();
// set_preset_updater(preset_updater); // #ys_FIXME
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
load_language ( ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// Suppress the '- default -' presets.
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
preset_bundle - > set_default_suppressed ( app_config - > get ( " no_defaults " ) . empty ( ) ? false : true ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// eval{
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
preset_bundle - > load_presets ( * app_config ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// };
// if ($@) {
// warn $@ . "\n";
// show_error(undef, $@);
// }
// application frame
// print STDERR "Creating main frame...\n";
// wxImage::FindHandlerType(wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) ||
wxImage : : AddHandler ( new wxPNGHandler ( ) ) ;
mainframe = new Slic3r : : GUI : : MainFrame ( no_plater , false ) ;
SetTopWindow ( mainframe ) ;
// This makes CallAfter() work
// /*mainframe->*/Bind(wxEVT_IDLE,
// [this](wxIdleEvent& event)
// {
// std::function<void()> cur_cb{ nullptr };
// // try to get the mutex. If we can't, just skip this idle event and get the next one.
// if (!callback_register.try_lock()) return;
// // pop callback
// if (m_cb.size() != 0){
// cur_cb = m_cb.top();
// m_cb.pop();
// }
// // unlock mutex
// this->callback_register.unlock();
// try { // call the function if it's not nullptr;
// if (cur_cb != nullptr) cur_cb();
// }
// catch (std::exception& e) {
// // Slic3r::Log::error(LogChannel, LOG_WSTRING("Exception thrown: " << e.what())); // #ys_FIXME
// }
// if (app_config->dirty())
// app_config->save();
// }
; // #ys_FIXME
// );
// On OS X the UI tends to freeze in weird ways if modal dialogs(config wizard, update notifications, ...)
// are shown before or in the same event callback with the main frame creation.
// Therefore we schedule them for later using CallAfter.
// CallAfter([this](){
// // eval{
// if (!preset_updater->config_update())
// mainframe->Close();
// // };
// // if ($@) {
// // show_error(undef, $@);
// // mainframe->Close();
// // }
// });
// CallAfter([this](){
// if (!Slic3r::GUI::config_wizard_startup(app_conf_exists)) {
// // Only notify if there was not wizard so as not to bother too much ...
// preset_updater->slic3r_update_notify();
// }
// preset_updater->sync(preset_bundle);
// });
// #ys_FIXME All of this should to be removed
// # The following event is emited by the C++ menu implementation of preferences change.
// $self->update_ui_from_settings;
// });
// # The following event is emited by PresetUpdater(C++) to inform about
// # the newer Slic3r application version avaiable online.
// my($self, $event) = @_;
// my $version = $event->GetString;
// $self->{app_config}->set('version_online', $version);
// $self->{app_config}->save;
// });
mainframe - > Show ( true ) ;
return true ;
void GUI_App : : recreate_GUI ( )
// print STDERR "recreate_GUI\n";
auto topwindow = GetTopWindow ( ) ;
mainframe = new Slic3r : : GUI : : MainFrame ( no_plater , false ) ;
if ( topwindow ) {
SetTopWindow ( mainframe ) ;
topwindow - > Destroy ( ) ;
// On OSX the UI was not initialized correctly if the wizard was called
// before the UI was up and running.
CallAfter ( [ ] ( ) {
// Run the config wizard, don't offer the "reset user profile" checkbox.
Slic3r : : GUI : : config_wizard_startup ( true ) ;
} ) ;
void GUI_App : : system_info ( )
// auto slic3r_info = Slic3r::slic3r_info(format = > 'html');
// auto copyright_info = Slic3r::copyright_info(format = > 'html');
// auto system_info = Slic3r::system_info(format = > 'html');
std : : string opengl_info = " " ;
std : : string opengl_info_txt = " " ;
if ( mainframe & & mainframe - > m_plater /*&& mainframe->m_plater->canvas3D*/ ) {
opengl_info = _3DScene : : get_gl_info ( true , true ) ;
opengl_info_txt = _3DScene : : get_gl_info ( false , true ) ;
// auto about = new SystemInfo(nullptr, slic3r_info, /*copyright_info,*/system_info, opengl_info,
// text_info = > Slic3r::slic3r_info.Slic3r::system_info.$opengl_info_txt,
// );
// about->ShowModal();
// about->Destroy();
// static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter
bool GUI_App : : catch_error ( std : : function < void ( ) > cb ,
// wxMessageDialog* message_dialog,
const std : : string & err /*= ""*/ ) {
if ( ! err . empty ( ) ) {
if ( cb )
cb ( ) ;
// if (message_dialog)
// message_dialog->(err, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
show_error ( /*this*/ nullptr , err ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter
void fatal_error ( wxWindow * parent ) {
show_error ( parent , " " ) ;
// exit 1; // #ys_FIXME
// Called after the Preferences dialog is closed and the program settings are saved.
// Update the UI based on the current preferences.
void GUI_App : : update_ui_from_settings ( ) {
mainframe - > update_ui_from_settings ( ) ;
2018-09-20 11:12:35 +00:00
void GUI_App : : open_model ( wxWindow * parent , wxArrayString & input_files )
auto dialog = new wxFileDialog ( parent ? parent : GetTopWindow ( ) ,
_ ( L ( " Choose one or more files (STL/OBJ/AMF/3MF/PRUSA): " ) ) ,
app_config - > get_last_dir ( ) , " " ,
if ( dialog - > ShowModal ( ) ! = wxID_OK ) {
dialog - > Destroy ( ) ;
return ;
dialog - > GetPaths ( input_files ) ;
dialog - > Destroy ( ) ;
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
void GUI_App : : CallAfter ( std : : function < void ( ) > cb )
// set mutex
callback_register . lock ( ) ;
// push function onto stack
m_cb . emplace ( cb ) ;
// unset mutex
callback_register . unlock ( ) ;
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
wxMenuItem * GUI_App : : append_menu_item ( wxMenu * menu ,
int id ,
const wxString & string ,
const wxString & description ,
const std : : string & icon ,
std : : function < void ( wxCommandEvent & event ) > cb ,
wxItemKind kind /* = wxITEM_NORMAL*/ )
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
if ( id = = wxID_ANY )
id = wxNewId ( ) ;
auto item = new wxMenuItem ( menu , id , string , description , kind ) ;
if ( ! icon . empty ( ) )
item - > SetBitmap ( wxBitmap ( Slic3r : : var ( icon ) , wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) ) ;
menu - > Append ( item ) ;
menu - > Bind ( wxEVT_MENU , /*[cb](wxCommandEvent& event){cb; }*/ cb ) ;
return item ;
wxMenuItem * GUI_App : : append_submenu ( wxMenu * menu ,
wxMenu * sub_menu ,
int id ,
const wxString & string ,
const wxString & description ,
const std : : string & icon )
if ( id = = wxID_ANY )
id = wxNewId ( ) ;
auto item = new wxMenuItem ( menu , id , string , description ) ;
if ( ! icon . empty ( ) )
item - > SetBitmap ( wxBitmap ( Slic3r : : var ( icon ) , wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) ) ;
item - > SetSubMenu ( sub_menu ) ;
menu - > Append ( item ) ;
return item ;
void GUI_App : : save_window_pos ( wxTopLevelWindow * window , const std : : string & name ) {
int x , y ;
window - > GetScreenPosition ( & x , & y ) ;
app_config - > set ( name + " _pos " , wxString : : Format ( " %d,%d " , x , y ) . ToStdString ( ) ) ;
window - > GetSize ( & x , & y ) ;
app_config - > set ( name + " _size " , wxString : : Format ( " %d,%d " , x , y ) . ToStdString ( ) ) ;
app_config - > set ( name + " _maximized " , window - > IsMaximized ( ) ? " 1 " : " 0 " ) ;
app_config - > save ( ) ;
void GUI_App : : restore_window_pos ( wxTopLevelWindow * window , const std : : string & name ) {
if ( ! app_config - > has ( name + " _pos " ) )
return ;
std : : string str = app_config - > get ( name + " _size " ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > values ;
boost : : split ( values , str , boost : : is_any_of ( " , " ) ) ;
wxSize size = wxSize ( atoi ( values [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) , atoi ( values [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
window - > SetSize ( size ) ;
auto display = ( new wxDisplay ( ) ) - > GetClientArea ( ) ;
str = app_config - > get ( name + " _pos " ) ;
values . resize ( 0 ) ;
boost : : split ( values , str , boost : : is_any_of ( " , " ) ) ;
wxPoint pos = wxPoint ( atoi ( values [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) , atoi ( values [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
if ( pos . x + 0.5 * size . GetWidth ( ) < display . GetRight ( ) & &
pos . y + 0.5 * size . GetHeight ( ) < display . GetBottom ( ) )
window - > Move ( pos ) ;
if ( app_config - > get ( name + " _maximized " ) = = " 1 " )
window - > Maximize ( ) ;
2018-09-20 23:33:41 +00:00
bool GUI_App : : load_language ( )
wxString language = wxEmptyString ;
if ( app_config - > has ( " translation_language " ) )
language = app_config - > get ( " translation_language " ) ;
if ( language . IsEmpty ( ) )
return false ;
wxArrayString names ;
wxArrayLong identifiers ;
get_installed_languages ( names , identifiers ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < identifiers . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( wxLocale : : GetLanguageCanonicalName ( identifiers [ i ] ) = = language )
auto locale = get_locale ( ) ;
locale = new wxLocale ;
locale - > Init ( identifiers [ i ] ) ;
locale - > AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix ( wxPathOnly ( localization_dir ( ) ) ) ;
locale - > AddCatalog ( GetAppName ( ) ) ;
wxSetlocale ( LC_NUMERIC , " C " ) ;
Preset : : update_suffix_modified ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
ConfigMenuIDs GUI_App : : get_view_mode ( )
if ( ! app_config - > has ( " view_mode " ) )
return ConfigMenuModeSimple ;
const auto mode = app_config - > get ( " view_mode " ) ;
return mode = = " expert " ? ConfigMenuModeExpert : ConfigMenuModeSimple ;
static wxString dots ( " <EFBFBD> " , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
void GUI_App : : add_config_menu ( wxMenuBar * menu )
auto local_menu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
wxWindowID config_id_base = wxWindow : : NewControlId ( ( int ) ConfigMenuCnt ) ;
const auto config_wizard_name = _ ( ConfigWizard : : name ( ) . wx_str ( ) ) ;
const auto config_wizard_tooltip = wxString : : Format ( _ ( L ( " Run %s " ) ) , config_wizard_name ) ;
// Cmd+, is standard on OS X - what about other operating systems?
local_menu - > Append ( config_id_base + ConfigMenuWizard , config_wizard_name + dots , config_wizard_tooltip ) ;
local_menu - > Append ( config_id_base + ConfigMenuSnapshots , _ ( L ( " Configuration Snapshots " ) ) + dots , _ ( L ( " Inspect / activate configuration snapshots " ) ) ) ;
local_menu - > Append ( config_id_base + ConfigMenuTakeSnapshot , _ ( L ( " Take Configuration Snapshot " ) ) , _ ( L ( " Capture a configuration snapshot " ) ) ) ;
// local_menu->Append(config_id_base + ConfigMenuUpdate, _(L("Check for updates")), _(L("Check for configuration updates")));
local_menu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
local_menu - > Append ( config_id_base + ConfigMenuPreferences , _ ( L ( " Preferences " ) ) + dots + " \t Ctrl+, " , _ ( L ( " Application preferences " ) ) ) ;
local_menu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
auto mode_menu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
mode_menu - > AppendRadioItem ( config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeSimple , _ ( L ( " &Simple " ) ) , _ ( L ( " Simple View Mode " ) ) ) ;
mode_menu - > AppendRadioItem ( config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeExpert , _ ( L ( " &Expert " ) ) , _ ( L ( " Expert View Mode " ) ) ) ;
mode_menu - > Check ( config_id_base + get_view_mode ( ) , true ) ;
local_menu - > AppendSubMenu ( mode_menu , _ ( L ( " &Mode " ) ) , _ ( L ( " Slic3r View Mode " ) ) ) ;
local_menu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
local_menu - > Append ( config_id_base + ConfigMenuLanguage , _ ( L ( " Change Application Language " ) ) ) ;
local_menu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
local_menu - > Append ( config_id_base + ConfigMenuFlashFirmware , _ ( L ( " Flash printer firmware " ) ) , _ ( L ( " Upload a firmware image into an Arduino based printer " ) ) ) ;
// TODO: for when we're able to flash dictionaries
// local_menu->Append(config_id_base + FirmwareMenuDict, _(L("Flash language file")), _(L("Upload a language dictionary file into a Prusa printer")));
local_menu - > Bind ( wxEVT_MENU , [ this , config_id_base ] ( wxEvent & event ) {
switch ( event . GetId ( ) - config_id_base ) {
case ConfigMenuWizard :
config_wizard ( ConfigWizard : : RR_USER ) ;
break ;
case ConfigMenuTakeSnapshot :
// Take a configuration snapshot.
if ( check_unsaved_changes ( ) ) {
wxTextEntryDialog dlg ( nullptr , _ ( L ( " Taking configuration snapshot " ) ) , _ ( L ( " Snapshot name " ) ) ) ;
if ( dlg . ShowModal ( ) = = wxID_OK )
app_config - > set ( " on_snapshot " ,
Slic3r : : GUI : : Config : : SnapshotDB : : singleton ( ) . take_snapshot (
* app_config , Slic3r : : GUI : : Config : : Snapshot : : SNAPSHOT_USER , dlg . GetValue ( ) . ToUTF8 ( ) . data ( ) ) . id ) ;
break ;
case ConfigMenuSnapshots :
if ( check_unsaved_changes ( ) ) {
std : : string on_snapshot ;
if ( Config : : SnapshotDB : : singleton ( ) . is_on_snapshot ( * app_config ) )
on_snapshot = app_config - > get ( " on_snapshot " ) ;
ConfigSnapshotDialog dlg ( Slic3r : : GUI : : Config : : SnapshotDB : : singleton ( ) , on_snapshot ) ;
dlg . ShowModal ( ) ;
if ( ! dlg . snapshot_to_activate ( ) . empty ( ) ) {
if ( ! Config : : SnapshotDB : : singleton ( ) . is_on_snapshot ( * app_config ) )
Config : : SnapshotDB : : singleton ( ) . take_snapshot ( * app_config , Config : : Snapshot : : SNAPSHOT_BEFORE_ROLLBACK ) ;
app_config - > set ( " on_snapshot " ,
Config : : SnapshotDB : : singleton ( ) . restore_snapshot ( dlg . snapshot_to_activate ( ) , * app_config ) . id ) ;
preset_bundle - > load_presets ( * app_config ) ;
// Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box.
load_current_presets ( ) ;
break ;
case ConfigMenuPreferences :
// PreferencesDialog dlg(mainframe, event_preferences_changed);
// dlg.ShowModal();
break ;
case ConfigMenuLanguage :
wxArrayString names ;
wxArrayLong identifiers ;
get_installed_languages ( names , identifiers ) ;
if ( select_language ( names , identifiers ) ) {
save_language ( ) ;
show_info ( mainframe - > m_tabpanel , _ ( L ( " Application will be restarted " ) ) , _ ( L ( " Attention! " ) ) ) ;
_3DScene : : remove_all_canvases ( ) ; // remove all canvas before recreate GUI
recreate_GUI ( ) ;
break ;
case ConfigMenuFlashFirmware :
FirmwareDialog : : run ( mainframe ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
} ) ;
mode_menu - > Bind ( wxEVT_MENU , [ this , config_id_base ] ( wxEvent & event ) {
std : : string mode = event . GetId ( ) - config_id_base = = ConfigMenuModeExpert ?
" expert " : " simple " ;
app_config - > set ( " view_mode " , mode ) ;
app_config - > save ( ) ;
update_mode ( ) ;
} ) ;
menu - > Append ( local_menu , _ ( L ( " &Configuration " ) ) ) ;
// This is called when closing the application, when loading a config file or when starting the config wizard
// to notify the user whether he is aware that some preset changes will be lost.
bool GUI_App : : check_unsaved_changes ( )
std : : string dirty ;
for ( Tab * tab : tabs_list )
if ( tab - > current_preset_is_dirty ( ) )
if ( dirty . empty ( ) )
dirty = tab - > name ( ) ;
dirty + = std : : string ( " , " ) + tab - > name ( ) ;
if ( dirty . empty ( ) )
// No changes, the application may close or reload presets.
return true ;
// Ask the user.
auto dialog = new wxMessageDialog ( mainframe ,
_ ( L ( " You have unsaved changes " ) ) + dirty + _ ( L ( " . Discard changes and continue anyway? " ) ) ,
_ ( L ( " Unsaved Presets " ) ) ,
return dialog - > ShowModal ( ) = = wxID_YES ;
wxNotebook * GUI_App : : tab_panel ( ) const
return mainframe - > m_tabpanel ;
// std::vector<PresetTab> preset_tabs = {
// { "print", nullptr, ptFFF },
// { "filament", nullptr, ptFFF },
// { "sla_material", nullptr, ptSLA }
// };
// Tab* GUI_App::get_tab(const std::string& name)
// {
// std::vector<PresetTab>::iterator it = std::find_if(preset_tabs.begin(), preset_tabs.end(),
// [name](PresetTab& tab){ return name == tab.name; });
// return it != preset_tabs.end() ? it->panel : nullptr;
// }
2018-09-20 06:40:22 +00:00
// static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter
// void warning_catcher{
// my($self, $message_dialog) = @_;
// return sub{
// my $message = shift;
// return if $message = ~/ GLUquadricObjPtr | Attempt to free unreferenced scalar / ;
// my @params = ($message, 'Warning', wxOK | wxICON_WARNING);
// $message_dialog
// ? $message_dialog->(@params)
// : Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, @params)->ShowModal;
// };
// }
// Do we need this function???
// void GUI_App::notify(message){
// auto frame = GetTopWindow();
// // try harder to attract user attention on OS X
// if (!frame->IsActive())
// frame->RequestUserAttention(defined(__WXOSX__/*&Wx::wxMAC */)? wxUSER_ATTENTION_ERROR : wxUSER_ATTENTION_INFO);
// // There used to be notifier using a Growl application for OSX, but Growl is dead.
// // The notifier also supported the Linux X D - bus notifications, but that support was broken.
// //TODO use wxNotificationMessage ?
// }
} // GUI
} //Slic3r