2011-09-30 15:46:48 +02:00
package Slic3r::Geometry::DouglasPeucker;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter ;
use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT) ;
$VERSION = 1.0 ;
@ISA = qw ( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw (
) ;
# Call as: @Opoints = &Douglas_Peucker( <reference to input array of points>, <tolerance>) ;
# Returns: Array of points
# Points Array Format:
# ([lat1,lng1],[lat2,lng2],...[latn,lngn])
sub Douglas_Peucker
my $href = shift ;
my $tolerance = shift ;
my @Ipoints = @$href ;
my @Opoints = ( ) ;
my @stack = ( ) ;
my $fIndex = 0 ;
my $fPoint = '' ;
my $aIndex = 0 ;
my $anchor = '' ;
my $max = 0 ;
my $maxIndex = 0 ;
my $point = '' ;
my $dist = 0 ;
my $polygon = 0 ; # Line Type
$anchor = $Ipoints[0] ; # save first point
push( @Opoints, $anchor ) ;
$aIndex = 0 ; # Anchor Index
# Check for a polygon: At least 4 points and the first point == last point...
if ( $#Ipoints >= 4 and $Ipoints[0] == $Ipoints[$#Ipoints] )
$fIndex = $#Ipoints - 1 ; # Start from the next to last point
$polygon = 1 ; # It's a polygon
} else
$fIndex = $#Ipoints ; # It's a path (open polygon)
push( @stack, $fIndex ) ;
# Douglas - Peucker algorithm...
$fIndex = $stack[$#stack] ;
$fPoint = $Ipoints[$fIndex] ;
$max = $tolerance ; # comparison values
$maxIndex = 0 ;
# Process middle points...
for (($aIndex+1) .. ($fIndex-1))
$point = $Ipoints[$_] ;
$dist = &perp_distance($anchor, $fPoint, $point);
if( $dist >= $max )
$max = $dist ;
$maxIndex = $_;
if( $maxIndex > 0 )
push( @stack, $maxIndex ) ;
} else
push( @Opoints, $fPoint ) ;
$anchor = $Ipoints[(pop @stack)] ;
$aIndex = $fIndex ;
if ( $polygon ) # Check for Polygon
push( @Opoints, $Ipoints[$#Ipoints] ) ; # Add the last point
# Check for collapsed polygons, use original data in that case...
if( $#Opoints < 4 )
@Opoints = @Ipoints ;
return ( @Opoints ) ;
# Calculate Perpendicular Distance in meters between a line (two points) and a point...
# my $dist = &perp_distance( <line point 1>, <line point 2>, <point> ) ;
sub perp_distance # Perpendicular distance in meters
my $lp1 = shift ;
my $lp2 = shift ;
my $p = shift ;
my $dist = &haversine_distance_meters( $lp1, $p ) ;
my $angle = &angle3points( $lp1, $lp2, $p ) ;
return ( sprintf("%0.6f", abs($dist * sin($angle)) ) ) ;
# Calculate Distance in meters between two points...
sub haversine_distance_meters
my $p1 = shift ;
my $p2 = shift ;
my $O = 3.141592654/180 ;
my $b = $$p1[0] * $O ;
my $c = $$p2[0] * $O ;
my $d = $b - $c ;
my $e = ($$p1[1] * $O) - ($$p2[1] * $O) ;
my $f = 2 * &asin( sqrt( (sin($d/2) ** 2) + cos($b) * cos($c) * (sin($e/2) ** 2)));
return sprintf("%0.4f",$f * 6378137) ; # Return meters
sub asin
atan2($_[0], sqrt(1 - $_[0] * $_[0])) ;
# Calculate Angle in Radians between three points...
sub angle3points # Angle between three points in radians
my $p1 = shift ;
my $p2 = shift ;
my $p3 = shift ;
my $m1 = &slope( $p2, $p1 ) ;
my $m2 = &slope( $p3, $p1 ) ;
return ($m2 - $m1) ;
sub slope # Slope in radians
my $p1 = shift ;
my $p2 = shift ;
2011-10-08 19:02:05 +02:00
return atan2( (@$p2[1] - @$p1[1]),( @$p2[0] - @$p1[0] ));
2011-09-30 15:46:48 +02:00