
133 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-12-21 22:09:58 +00:00
#include "CoolingBuffer.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace Slic3r {
CoolingBuffer::append(const std::string &gcode, std::string obj_id, size_t layer_id, float print_z)
std::string out;
if (this->_last_z.find(obj_id) != this->_last_z.end()) {
// A layer was finished, Z of the object's layer changed. Process the layer.
out = this->flush();
this->_layer_id = layer_id;
this->_last_z[obj_id] = print_z;
this->_gcode += gcode;
// This is a very rough estimate of the print time,
// not taking into account the acceleration curves generated by the printer firmware.
this->_elapsed_time += this->_gcodegen->elapsed_time;
this->_gcodegen->elapsed_time = 0;
return out;
apply_speed_factor(std::string &line, float speed_factor, float min_print_speed)
// find pos of F
size_t pos = line.find_first_of('F');
size_t last_pos = line.find_first_of(' ', pos+1);
// extract current speed
float speed;
std::istringstream iss(line.substr(pos+1, last_pos));
iss >> speed;
// change speed
speed *= speed_factor;
speed = std::max(speed, min_print_speed);
// replace speed in string
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << speed;
line.replace(pos+1, (last_pos-pos), oss.str());
GCode &gg = *this->_gcodegen;
std::string gcode = this->_gcode;
float elapsed = this->_elapsed_time;
this->_gcode = "";
this->_elapsed_time = 0;
this->_last_z.clear(); // reset the whole table otherwise we would compute overlapping times
int fan_speed = gg.config.fan_always_on ? gg.config.min_fan_speed.value : 0;
float speed_factor = 1.0;
if (gg.config.cooling) {
printf("Layer %zu estimated printing time: %f seconds\n", layer_id, elapsed);
if (elapsed < (float)gg.config.slowdown_below_layer_time) {
// Layer time very short. Enable the fan to a full throttle and slow down the print
// (stretch the layer print time to slowdown_below_layer_time).
fan_speed = gg.config.max_fan_speed;
speed_factor = elapsed / (float)gg.config.slowdown_below_layer_time;
} else if (elapsed < (float)gg.config.fan_below_layer_time) {
// Layer time quite short. Enable the fan proportionally according to the current layer time.
fan_speed = gg.config.max_fan_speed
- (gg.config.max_fan_speed - gg.config.min_fan_speed)
* (elapsed - (float)gg.config.slowdown_below_layer_time)
/ (gg.config.fan_below_layer_time - gg.config.slowdown_below_layer_time);
printf(" fan = %d%%, speed = %f%%\n", fan_speed, speed_factor * 100);
if (speed_factor < 1.0) {
// Adjust feed rate of G1 commands marked with an _EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED
// as long as they are not _WIPE moves (they cannot if they are _EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED)
// and they are not preceded directly by _BRIDGE_FAN_START (do not adjust bridging speed).
std::string new_gcode;
std::istringstream ss(gcode);
std::string line;
bool bridge_fan_start = false;
while (std::getline(ss, line)) {
if (boost::starts_with(line, "G1")
&& boost::contains(line, ";_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED")
&& !boost::contains(line, ";_WIPE")
&& !bridge_fan_start) {
apply_speed_factor(line, speed_factor, this->_min_print_speed);
boost::replace_first(line, ";_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED", "");
bridge_fan_start = boost::contains(line, ";_BRIDGE_FAN_START");
new_gcode += line + '\n';
gcode = new_gcode;
if (this->_layer_id < gg.config.disable_fan_first_layers)
fan_speed = 0;
gcode = gg.writer.set_fan(fan_speed) + gcode;
// bridge fan speed
if (!gg.config.cooling || gg.config.bridge_fan_speed == 0 || this->_layer_id < gg.config.disable_fan_first_layers) {
boost::replace_all(gcode, ";_BRIDGE_FAN_START", "");
boost::replace_all(gcode, ";_BRIDGE_FAN_END", "");
} else {
boost::replace_all(gcode, ";_BRIDGE_FAN_START", gg.writer.set_fan(gg.config.bridge_fan_speed, true));
boost::replace_all(gcode, ";_BRIDGE_FAN_END", gg.writer.set_fan(fan_speed, true));
boost::replace_all(gcode, ";_WIPE", "");
boost::replace_all(gcode, ";_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED", "");
return gcode;