integration of the simple physical model into the refactored version
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 199 additions and 80 deletions
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ struct Params {
float bridge_distance = 10.0f; //mm
float max_first_ex_perim_unsupported_distance_factor = 0.0f; // if external perim first, return tighter max allowed distance from previous layer extrusion
float max_unsupported_distance_factor = 1.0f; // For internal perimeters, infill, bridges etc, allow gap of [extrusion width] size, these extrusions have usually something to stick to.
float bridge_distance_decrease_by_curvature_factor = 5.0f; // allowed bridge distance = bridge_distance / ( 1 + this factor * (curvature / PI) )
float base_adhesion = 2000.0f; // adhesion per mm^2 of first layer; Force needed to remove the object from the bed, divided by the adhesion area (g/mm*s^2)
@ -91,10 +91,9 @@ public:
// negative sign means inside
float signed_distance_from_lines(const Point &point, size_t &nearest_line_index_out,
float signed_distance_from_lines(const Vec2f &point, size_t &nearest_line_index_out,
Vec2f &nearest_point_out) const {
Vec2f p = unscaled(point).cast<float>();
auto distance = AABBTreeLines::squared_distance_to_indexed_lines(lines, tree, p, nearest_line_index_out,
auto distance = AABBTreeLines::squared_distance_to_indexed_lines(lines, tree, point, nearest_line_index_out,
if (distance < 0)
return std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ public:
distance = sqrt(distance);
const ExtrusionLine &line = lines[nearest_line_index_out];
Vec2f v1 = line.b - line.a;
Vec2f v2 = p - line.a;
Vec2f v2 = point - line.a;
if ((v1.x() * v2.y()) - (v1.y() * v2.x()) > 0.0) {
distance *= -1;
@ -114,30 +113,30 @@ public:
class SupportedSegmentAccumulator {
class StabilityAccumulator {
Polygon base_convex_hull { };
Points supported_points { };
Points support_points { };
Vec3f centroid_accumulator = Vec3f::Zero();
float accumulated_volume { };
float base_area { };
float base_height { };
explicit SupportedSegmentAccumulator(float base_height) :
explicit StabilityAccumulator(float base_height) :
base_height(base_height) {
void add_base_extrusion(const ExtrusionLine &line, float width, float print_z, float cross_section) {
base_area += line.len * width;
add_extrusion(line, print_z, cross_section);
void add_support_point(const Point &position, float area) {
base_area += area;
@ -149,57 +148,68 @@ public:
centroid_accumulator += volume * Vec3f(center.x(), center.y(), print_z);
Vec3f get_centroid() const {
return centroid_accumulator / accumulated_volume;
float get_base_area() const {
return base_area;
float get_base_height() const {
return base_height;
const Polygon& segment_base_hull() {
if (this->base_convex_hull.empty()) {
this->base_convex_hull = Geometry::convex_hull(this->supported_points);
this->base_convex_hull = Geometry::convex_hull(this->support_points);
return this->base_convex_hull;
void add_from(const SupportedSegmentAccumulator &acc) {
this->supported_points.insert(this->supported_points.end(), acc.supported_points.begin(),
const Points& get_support_points() {
return support_points;
void add_from(const StabilityAccumulator &acc) {
this->support_points.insert(this->support_points.end(), acc.support_points.begin(),
this->centroid_accumulator += acc.centroid_accumulator;
this->accumulated_volume += acc.accumulated_volume;
this->base_area += acc.base_area;
bool check_stability() {
return true;
struct SupportedSegmentAccumulators {
struct StabilityAccumulators {
size_t next_id = 0;
std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> mapping;
std::vector<SupportedSegmentAccumulator> acccumulators;
std::vector<StabilityAccumulator> acccumulators;
void merge_to(size_t from_id, size_t to_id) {
SupportedSegmentAccumulator &from_acc = this->access(from_id);
SupportedSegmentAccumulator &to_acc = this->access(to_id);
StabilityAccumulator &from_acc = this->access(from_id);
StabilityAccumulator &to_acc = this->access(to_id);
if (&from_acc == &to_acc) {
mapping[from_id] = mapping[to_id];
from_acc = SupportedSegmentAccumulator { 0.0f };
from_acc = StabilityAccumulator { 0.0f };
SupportedSegmentAccumulators() = default;
StabilityAccumulators() = default;
int create_accumulator(float base_height) {
size_t id = next_id;
mapping[id] = acccumulators.size();
acccumulators.push_back(SupportedSegmentAccumulator { base_height });
acccumulators.push_back(StabilityAccumulator { base_height });
return id;
SupportedSegmentAccumulator& access(size_t id) {
StabilityAccumulator& access(size_t id) {
return acccumulators[mapping[id]];
@ -207,23 +217,37 @@ public:
if (from_id == NULL_ACC_ID || to_id == NULL_ACC_ID) {
SupportedSegmentAccumulator &from_acc = this->access(from_id);
SupportedSegmentAccumulator &to_acc = this->access(to_id);
StabilityAccumulator &from_acc = this->access(from_id);
StabilityAccumulator &to_acc = this->access(to_id);
if (&from_acc == &to_acc) {
mapping[from_id] = mapping[to_id];
from_acc = SupportedSegmentAccumulator { 0.0f };
from_acc = StabilityAccumulator { 0.0f };
std::unordered_set<size_t> get_active_acc_indices() const {
std::unordered_set<size_t> result;
for (const auto &pair : mapping) {
Vec3f get_emerging_color(size_t id) {
if (mapping.find(id) == mapping.end()) {
std::cerr << " ERROR: uknown accumulator ID: " << id << std::endl;
return Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
return result;
size_t pseudornd = ((id + 127) * 33331 + 6907) % 13;
return value_to_rgbf(0.0f, 13.0f, float(pseudornd));
Vec3f get_final_color(size_t id) {
if (mapping.find(id) == mapping.end()) {
std::cerr << " ERROR: uknown accumulator ID: " << id << std::endl;
return Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
size_t pseudornd = ((mapping[id] + 127) * 33331 + 6907) % 13;
return value_to_rgbf(0.0f, 13.0f, float(pseudornd));
float get_flow_width(const LayerRegion *region, ExtrusionRole role) {
@ -247,16 +271,6 @@ float get_flow_width(const LayerRegion *region, ExtrusionRole role) {
float get_max_allowed_distance(ExtrusionRole role, float flow_width, bool external_perimeters_first,
const Params ¶ms) { // <= distance / flow_width (can be larger for perimeter, if not external perimeter first)
if ((role == ExtrusionRole::erExternalPerimeter || role == ExtrusionRole::erOverhangPerimeter)
&& (external_perimeters_first)) {
return params.max_first_ex_perim_unsupported_distance_factor * flow_width;
} else {
return params.max_unsupported_distance_factor * flow_width;
struct ExtrusionPropertiesAccumulator {
float distance = 0; //accumulated distance
float curvature = 0; //accumulated signed ccw angles
@ -279,7 +293,7 @@ struct ExtrusionPropertiesAccumulator {
void check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
SupportedSegmentAccumulators &stability_accs,
StabilityAccumulators &stability_accs,
Issues &issues,
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> &checked_lines,
float print_z,
@ -305,7 +319,7 @@ void check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
lines.emplace_back(unscaled(points[0]).cast<float>(), unscaled(points[0]).cast<float>());
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < int(points.size() - 1); ++point_idx) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx + 1]).cast<float>();
Vec2f v = next - start; // vector from next to current
float dist_to_next = v.norm();
@ -318,37 +332,32 @@ void check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
checked_lines.insert(checked_lines.end(), lines.begin(), lines.end());
size_t current_stability_acc = NULL_ACC_ID;
ExtrusionPropertiesAccumulator bridging_acc { };
bridging_acc.add_distance(params.bridge_distance + 1.0f); // Initialise unsupported distance with larger than tolerable distance ->
// -> it prevents extruding perimeter start and short loops into air.
const float flow_width = get_flow_width(layer_region, entity->role());
const float region_height = layer_region->layer()->height;
const float max_allowed_dist_from_prev_layer = get_max_allowed_distance(entity->role(), flow_width,
layer_region->region().config().external_perimeters_first, params);
const float max_allowed_dist_from_prev_layer = flow_width;
for (size_t line_idx = 0; line_idx < lines.size(); ++line_idx) {
ExtrusionLine current_line = lines[line_idx];
ExtrusionLine ¤t_line = lines[line_idx];
Point current = Point::new_scale(current_line.b);
float cross_section = region_height * flow_width * 0.7071f;
float angle = 0;
float curr_angle = 0;
if (line_idx + 1 < lines.size()) {
const Vec2f v1 = current_line.b - current_line.a;
const Vec2f v2 = lines[line_idx + 1].b - lines[line_idx + 1].a;
float dot = v1(0) * v2(0) + v1(1) * v2(1);
float cross = v1(0) * v2(1) - v1(1) * v2(0);
angle = float(atan2(float(cross), float(dot))); // ccw angle, TODO replace with angle func, once it gets into master
curr_angle = angle(v1, v2);
size_t nearest_line_idx;
Vec2f nearest_point;
float dist_from_prev_layer = prev_layer_lines.signed_distance_from_lines(current, nearest_line_idx,
float dist_from_prev_layer = prev_layer_lines.signed_distance_from_lines(current_line.b, nearest_line_idx,
if (dist_from_prev_layer - flow_width < max_allowed_dist_from_prev_layer) {
if (dist_from_prev_layer < max_allowed_dist_from_prev_layer) {
const ExtrusionLine &nearest_line = prev_layer_lines.get_line(nearest_line_idx);
size_t acc_id = nearest_line.supported_segment_accumulator_id;
stability_accs.merge_accumulators(std::max(acc_id, current_stability_acc),
@ -360,29 +369,110 @@ void check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
// TODO curving here
} else {
if (current_stability_acc < 0) {
size_t acc_id = stability_accs.create_accumulator(print_z);
stability_accs.merge_accumulators(std::max(acc_id, current_stability_acc),
std::min(acc_id, current_stability_acc));
current_stability_acc = std::min(acc_id, current_stability_acc);
if (current_stability_acc == NULL_ACC_ID) {
current_stability_acc = stability_accs.create_accumulator(print_z);
SupportedSegmentAccumulator ¤t_segment = stability_accs.access(current_stability_acc);
StabilityAccumulator ¤t_segment = stability_accs.access(current_stability_acc);
current_line.supported_segment_accumulator_id = current_stability_acc;
current_segment.add_extrusion(current_line, print_z, cross_section);
if (bridging_acc.distance // if unsupported distance is larger than bridge distance linearly decreased by curvature, enforce supports.
> params.bridge_distance
/ (1.0f + (bridging_acc.max_curvature
* params.bridge_distance_decrease_by_curvature_factor / PI))) {
current_segment.add_support_point(current, 5.0f);
current_segment.add_support_point(current, params.support_points_interface_area);
issues.supports_nedded.emplace_back(to_vec3f(current), 1.0);
checked_lines.insert(checked_lines.end(), lines.begin(), lines.end());
void check_layer_global_stability(StabilityAccumulators &stability_accs,
Issues &issues,
const std::vector<ExtrusionLine> &checked_lines,
float print_z,
const Params ¶ms) {
std::unordered_map<StabilityAccumulator*, std::vector<size_t>> layer_accs_lines;
for (size_t i = 0; i < checked_lines.size(); ++i) {
for (auto &acc_lines : layer_accs_lines) {
StabilityAccumulator *acc = acc_lines.first;
Vec3f centroid = acc->get_centroid();
Vec2f hull_centroid = unscaled(acc->segment_base_hull().centroid()).cast<float>();
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> hull_lines;
for (const Line &line : acc->segment_base_hull().lines()) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(line.a).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(line.b).cast<float>();
hull_lines.push_back( { start, next });
if (hull_lines.empty()) {
if (acc->get_support_points().empty()) {
issues.supports_nedded.emplace_back(to_3d(checked_lines[acc_lines.second[0]].a, print_z), 1.0);
hull_lines.push_back( { unscaled(acc->get_support_points()[0]).cast<float>(),
unscaled(acc->get_support_points()[0]).cast<float>() });
hull_centroid = unscaled(acc->get_support_points()[0]).cast<float>();
LayerLinesDistancer hull_distancer(std::move(hull_lines));
size_t _li;
Vec2f _p;
bool centroid_inside_hull = hull_distancer.signed_distance_from_lines(centroid.head<2>(), _li, _p) < 0;
float sticking_force = acc->get_base_area()
* (acc->get_base_height() == 0 ? params.base_adhesion : params.support_adhesion);
// float weight = acc-> * params.filament_density * params.gravity_constant;
// float weight_torque = embedded_distance * weight;
// if (!inside) {
// weight_torque *= -1;
// }
for (size_t line_idx : acc_lines.second){
const ExtrusionLine &line = checked_lines[line_idx];
size_t nearest_line_idx;
Vec2f nearest_hull_point;
float hull_distance = hull_distancer.signed_distance_from_lines(line.b, nearest_line_idx,
float sticking_torque = (nearest_hull_point - hull_centroid).norm() * sticking_force;
std::cout << "sticking_torque: " << sticking_torque << std::endl;
Vec3f extruder_pressure_direction = to_3d(Vec2f(line.b - line.a), 0.0f).normalized();
if (hull_distance > 0) {
extruder_pressure_direction.z() = -0.333f;
float pressure_torque_arm = (to_3d(Vec2f(nearest_hull_point - line.b), print_z).cross(extruder_pressure_direction)).norm();
float extruder_conflict_torque = params.tolerable_extruder_conflict_force * pressure_torque_arm;
std::cout << "extruder_conflict_torque: " << extruder_conflict_torque << std::endl;
if (extruder_conflict_torque > sticking_torque) {
acc->add_support_point(Point::new_scale(line.b), params.support_points_interface_area);
issues.supports_nedded.emplace_back(to_3d(line.b, print_z), extruder_conflict_torque - sticking_torque);
Issues check_object_stability(const PrintObject *po, const Params ¶ms) {
SupportedSegmentAccumulators stability_accs;
FILE *eacc = boost::nowide::fopen(debug_out_path("emerging_accumulators.obj").c_str(), "w");
FILE *facc = boost::nowide::fopen(debug_out_path("final_accumulators.obj").c_str(), "w");
StabilityAccumulators stability_accs;
LayerLinesDistancer prev_layer_lines { { } };
Issues issues { };
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> checked_lines;
@ -396,15 +486,15 @@ Issues check_object_stability(const PrintObject *po, const Params ¶ms) {
const float region_height = layer_region->layer()->height;
const float cross_section = region_height * flow_width * 0.7071f;
int id = stability_accs.create_accumulator(base_print_z);
SupportedSegmentAccumulator &acc = stability_accs.access(id);
StabilityAccumulator &acc = stability_accs.access(id);
Points points { };
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < int(points.size() - 1); ++point_idx) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
ExtrusionLine line{start, next};
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx + 1]).cast<float>();
ExtrusionLine line { start, next };
line.supported_segment_accumulator_id = id;
acc.add_base_extrusion( line, flow_width, base_print_z, cross_section);
acc.add_base_extrusion(line, flow_width, base_print_z, cross_section);
} // perimeter
@ -415,22 +505,37 @@ Issues check_object_stability(const PrintObject *po, const Params ¶ms) {
const float region_height = layer_region->layer()->height;
const float cross_section = region_height * flow_width * 0.7071f;
int id = stability_accs.create_accumulator(base_print_z);
SupportedSegmentAccumulator &acc = stability_accs.access(id);
StabilityAccumulator &acc = stability_accs.access(id);
Points points { };
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < int(points.size() - 1); ++point_idx) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
acc.add_base_extrusion( { start, next }, flow_width, base_print_z, cross_section);
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx + 1]).cast<float>();
ExtrusionLine line { start, next };
line.supported_segment_accumulator_id = id;
acc.add_base_extrusion(line, flow_width, base_print_z, cross_section);
} // fill
} // ex_entity
} // region
for (const auto &line : checked_lines) {
Vec3f ecolor = stability_accs.get_emerging_color(line.supported_segment_accumulator_id);
fprintf(eacc, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", line.b[0],
line.b[1], base_print_z, ecolor[0], ecolor[1], ecolor[2]);
Vec3f fcolor = stability_accs.get_final_color(line.supported_segment_accumulator_id);
fprintf(facc, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", line.b[0],
line.b[1], base_print_z, fcolor[0], fcolor[1], fcolor[2]);
for (size_t layer_idx = 1; layer_idx < po->layer_count(); ++layer_idx) {
const Layer *layer = po->layers()[layer_idx];
prev_layer_lines = LayerLinesDistancer{std::move(checked_lines)};
checked_lines = std::vector<ExtrusionLine>{};
prev_layer_lines = LayerLinesDistancer { std::move(checked_lines) };
checked_lines = std::vector<ExtrusionLine> { };
float print_z = layer->print_z;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer->regions()) {
@ -452,17 +557,34 @@ Issues check_object_stability(const PrintObject *po, const Params ¶ms) {
} // fill
} // ex_entity
} // region
check_layer_global_stability(stability_accs, issues, checked_lines, print_z, params);
for (const auto &line : checked_lines) {
Vec3f ecolor = stability_accs.get_emerging_color(line.supported_segment_accumulator_id);
fprintf(eacc, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", line.b[0],
line.b[1], print_z, ecolor[0], ecolor[1], ecolor[2]);
Vec3f fcolor = stability_accs.get_final_color(line.supported_segment_accumulator_id);
fprintf(facc, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", line.b[0],
line.b[1], print_z, fcolor[0], fcolor[1], fcolor[2]);
std::cout << " SUPP: " << issues.supports_nedded.size() << std::endl;
return issues;
void debug_export(Issues issues, std::string file_name) {
Slic3r::CNumericLocalesSetter locales_setter;
FILE *fp = boost::nowide::fopen(debug_out_path((file_name + "_supports.obj").c_str()).c_str(), "w");
if (fp == nullptr) {
@ -494,7 +616,6 @@ void debug_export(Issues issues, std::string file_name) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue