SLA gimzmo: Sharing the Mesh's indexed triangle set with IGL AABB
structure directly, without having to make a copy.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 33 additions and 35 deletions
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ GLGizmoSlaSupports::GLGizmoSlaSupports(GLCanvas3D& parent, unsigned int sprite_i
: GLGizmoBase(parent, sprite_id)
, m_quadric(nullptr)
, m_its(nullptr)
m_quadric = ::gluNewQuadric();
if (m_quadric != nullptr)
@ -379,36 +380,24 @@ bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::is_point_clipped(const Vec3d& point) const
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::is_mesh_update_necessary() const
return ((m_state == On) && (m_model_object != nullptr) && !m_model_object->instances.empty())
&& ((m_model_object->id() != m_current_mesh_model_id) || m_V.size()==0);
&& ((m_model_object->id() != m_current_mesh_model_id) || m_its == nullptr);
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::update_mesh()
wxBusyCursor wait;
Eigen::MatrixXf& V = m_V;
Eigen::MatrixXi& F = m_F;
// We rely on SLA model object having a single volume,
// this way we can use that mesh directly.
// This mesh does not account for the possible Z up SLA offset.
m_mesh = &m_model_object->volumes.front()->mesh;
const_cast<TriangleMesh*>(m_mesh)->require_shared_vertices(); // TriangleMeshSlicer needs this
const stl_file& stl = m_mesh->stl;
V.resize(3 * stl.stats.number_of_facets, 3);
F.resize(stl.stats.number_of_facets, 3);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<stl.stats.number_of_facets; ++i) {
const stl_facet &facet = stl.facet_start[i];
V.block<1, 3>(3 * i + 0, 0) = facet.vertex[0];
V.block<1, 3>(3 * i + 1, 0) = facet.vertex[1];
V.block<1, 3>(3 * i + 2, 0) = facet.vertex[2];
F(i, 0) = 3*i+0;
F(i, 1) = 3*i+1;
F(i, 2) = 3*i+2;
m_its = &m_mesh->its;
m_current_mesh_model_id = m_model_object->id();
m_editing_mode = false;
m_AABB = igl::AABB<Eigen::MatrixXf,3>();
m_AABB.init(m_V, m_F);
MapMatrixXfUnaligned(m_its->vertices.front().data(), m_its->vertices.size(), 3),
MapMatrixXiUnaligned(m_its->indices.front().data(), m_its->indices.size(), 3));
// Unprojects the mouse position on the mesh and return the hit point and normal of the facet.
@ -416,7 +405,7 @@ void GLGizmoSlaSupports::update_mesh()
std::pair<Vec3f, Vec3f> GLGizmoSlaSupports::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos)
// if the gizmo doesn't have the V, F structures for igl, calculate them first:
if (m_V.size() == 0)
if (m_its == nullptr)
const Camera& camera = m_parent.get_camera();
@ -442,7 +431,10 @@ std::pair<Vec3f, Vec3f> GLGizmoSlaSupports::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse
point1 = inv * point1;
point2 = inv * point2;
if (!m_AABB.intersect_ray(m_V, m_F, point1.cast<float>(), (point2-point1).cast<float>(), hits))
if (!m_AABB.intersect_ray(
MapMatrixXfUnaligned(m_its->vertices.front().data(), m_its->vertices.size(), 3),
MapMatrixXiUnaligned(m_its->indices.front().data(), m_its->indices.size(), 3),
point1.cast<float>(), (point2-point1).cast<float>(), hits))
throw std::invalid_argument("unproject_on_mesh(): No intersection found.");
std::sort(hits.begin(), hits.end(), [](const igl::Hit& a, const igl::Hit& b) { return a.t < b.t; });
@ -457,9 +449,9 @@ std::pair<Vec3f, Vec3f> GLGizmoSlaSupports::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse
igl::Hit& hit = hits[i];
int fid =; // facet id
bc = Vec3f(1-hit.u-hit.v, hit.u, hit.v); // barycentric coordinates of the hit
a = (m_V.row(m_F(fid, 1)) - m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)));
b = (m_V.row(m_F(fid, 2)) - m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)));
result = bc(0) * m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)) + bc(1) * m_V.row(m_F(fid, 1)) + bc(2)*m_V.row(m_F(fid, 2));
a = (m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](1)] - m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](0)]);
b = (m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](2)] - m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](0)]);
result = bc(0) * m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](0)] + bc(1) * m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](1)] + bc(2)*m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](2)];
if (m_clipping_plane_distance == 0.f || !is_point_clipped(result.cast<double>()))
@ -564,15 +556,18 @@ bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
// Cast a ray in the direction of the camera and look for intersection with the mesh:
std::vector<igl::Hit> hits;
// Offset the start of the ray to the front of the ball + EPSILON to account for numerical inaccuracies.
if (m_AABB.intersect_ray(m_V, m_F, support_point.pos + direction_to_camera_mesh * (support_point.head_front_radius + EPSILON), direction_to_camera_mesh, hits)) {
if (m_AABB.intersect_ray(
MapMatrixXfUnaligned(m_its->vertices.front().data(), m_its->vertices.size(), 3),
MapMatrixXiUnaligned(m_its->indices.front().data(), m_its->indices.size(), 3),
support_point.pos + direction_to_camera_mesh * (support_point.head_front_radius + EPSILON), direction_to_camera_mesh, hits)) {
std::sort(hits.begin(), hits.end(), [](const igl::Hit& h1, const igl::Hit& h2) { return h1.t < h2.t; });
if (m_clipping_plane_distance != 0.f) {
// If the closest hit facet normal points in the same direction as the ray,
// we are looking through the mesh and should therefore discard the point:
int fid = hits.front().id; // facet id
Vec3f a = (m_V.row(m_F(fid, 1)) - m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)));
Vec3f b = (m_V.row(m_F(fid, 2)) - m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)));
Vec3f a = (m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](1)] - m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](0)]);
Vec3f b = (m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](2)] - m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](0)]);
if ((a.cross(b)).dot(direction_to_camera_mesh) > 0.f)
is_obscured = true;
@ -582,7 +577,7 @@ bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
int fid =; // facet id
Vec3f bc = Vec3f(1-hit.u-hit.v, hit.u, hit.v); // barycentric coordinates of the hit
Vec3f hit_pos = bc(0) * m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)) + bc(1) * m_V.row(m_F(fid, 1)) + bc(2)*m_V.row(m_F(fid, 2));
Vec3f hit_pos = bc(0) * m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](0)] + bc(1) * m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](1)] + bc(2)*m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[fid](2)];
if (is_point_clipped(hit_pos.cast<double>())) {
@ -759,9 +754,12 @@ void GLGizmoSlaSupports::update_cache_entry_normal(unsigned int i) const
int idx = 0;
Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 3> pp = m_editing_mode_cache[i].support_point.pos;
Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 3> cc;
m_AABB.squared_distance(m_V, m_F, pp, idx, cc);
Vec3f a = (m_V.row(m_F(idx, 1)) - m_V.row(m_F(idx, 0)));
Vec3f b = (m_V.row(m_F(idx, 2)) - m_V.row(m_F(idx, 0)));
MapMatrixXfUnaligned(m_its->vertices.front().data(), m_its->vertices.size(), 3),
MapMatrixXiUnaligned(m_its->indices.front().data(), m_its->indices.size(), 3),
pp, idx, cc);
Vec3f a = (m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[idx](1)] - m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[idx](0)]);
Vec3f b = (m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[idx](2)] - m_its->vertices[m_its->indices[idx](0)]);
m_editing_mode_cache[i].normal = a.cross(b);
@ -1067,8 +1065,7 @@ void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_set_state()
m_clipping_plane_distance = 0.f;
// Release triangle mesh slicer and the AABB spatial search structure.
m_V = Eigen::MatrixXf();
m_F = Eigen::MatrixXi();
m_its = nullptr;
@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ private:
const float RenderPointScale = 1.f;
GLUquadricObj* m_quadric;
Eigen::MatrixXf m_V; // vertices
Eigen::MatrixXi m_F; // facets indices
igl::AABB<Eigen::MatrixXf,3> m_AABB;
typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::DontAlign>> MapMatrixXfUnaligned;
typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::DontAlign>> MapMatrixXiUnaligned;
igl::AABB<MapMatrixXfUnaligned, 3> m_AABB;
const TriangleMesh* m_mesh;
const indexed_triangle_set* m_its;
mutable const TriangleMesh* m_supports_mesh;
mutable std::vector<Vec2f> m_triangles;
mutable std::vector<Vec2f> m_supports_triangles;
Reference in a new issue