Bugfixes and improvements in surface detection
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 202 additions and 67 deletions
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ use Slic3r::Fill;
use Slic3r::Geometry;
use Slic3r::Layer;
use Slic3r::Line;
use Slic3r::Line::FacetEdge;
use Slic3r::Perimeter;
use Slic3r::Point;
use Slic3r::Polyline;
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ use constant B => 1;
use constant X => 0;
use constant Y => 1;
use constant epsilon => 1E-6;
use constant epsilon2 => epsilon**2;
our $parallel_degrees_limit = abs(deg2rad(3));
sub slope {
@ -92,20 +91,35 @@ sub point_in_polygon {
# if point is not in polygon, let's check whether it belongs to the contour
if (!$side && 0) {
foreach my $line (polygon_lines($polygon)) {
# calculate the Y in line at X of the point
if ($line->[A][X] == $line->[B][X]) {
return 1 if abs($x - $line->[A][X]) < epsilon;
my $y3 = $line->[A][Y] + ($line->[B][Y] - $line->[A][Y])
* ($x - $line->[A][X]) / ($line->[B][X] - $line->[A][X]);
return 1 if abs($y3 - $y) < epsilon2;
return 1 if point_in_segment($point, $line);
return $side;
sub point_in_segment {
my ($point, $line) = @_;
my ($x, $y) = @$point;
my @line_x = sort { $a <=> $b } $line->[A][X], $line->[B][X];
my @line_y = sort { $a <=> $b } $line->[A][Y], $line->[B][Y];
# check whether the point is in the segment bounding box
return 0 unless $x >= ($line_x[0] - epsilon) && $x <= ($line_x[1] + epsilon)
&& $y >= ($line_y[0] - epsilon) && $y <= ($line_y[1] + epsilon);
# if line is vertical, check whether point's X is the same as the line
if ($line->[A][X] == $line->[B][X]) {
return 1 if abs($x - $line->[A][X]) < epsilon;
# calculate the Y in line at X of the point
my $y3 = $line->[A][Y] + ($line->[B][Y] - $line->[A][Y])
* ($x - $line->[A][X]) / ($line->[B][X] - $line->[A][X]);
return abs($y3 - $y) < epsilon ? 1 : 0;
sub polygon_lines {
my ($polygon) = @_;
@ -112,6 +112,24 @@ sub make_polylines {
@{ $self->lines } = grep $lines_map{"$_"}, @{ $self->lines };
# now remove lines that are already part of a surface
my @lines = @{ $self->lines };
@{ $self->lines } = ();
LINE: foreach my $line (@lines) {
if (!$line->isa('Slic3r::Line::FacetEdge')) {
push @{ $self->lines }, $line;
next LINE;
foreach my $surface (@{$self->surfaces}) {
if ($surface->surface_type eq $line->edge_type && $surface->contour->has_segment($line)) {
next LINE;
push @{ $self->lines }, $line;
# make a cache of line endpoints
my %pointmap = ();
foreach my $line (@{ $self->lines }) {
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ has 'points' => (
sub cast {
my $class = shift;
my ($line) = @_;
my ($line, %args) = @_;
if (ref $line eq 'ARRAY') {
@$line == 2 or die "Line needs two points!";
return Slic3r::Line->new(points => [ map Slic3r::Point->cast($_), @$line ]);
return $class->new(points => [ map Slic3r::Point->cast($_), @$line ], %args);
} else {
return $line;
@ -51,6 +51,17 @@ sub has_endpoint {
return $point->coincides_with($self->a) || $point->coincides_with($self->b);
sub has_segment {
my $self = shift;
my ($line) = @_;
$line = $line->p if $line->isa('Slic3r::Line');
# a segment belongs to another segment if its points belong to it
return Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment($line->[0], $self->p)
&& Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment($line->[1], $self->p);
sub parallel_to {
my $self = shift;
my ($line) = @_;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package Slic3r::Line::FacetEdge;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Line';
has 'edge_type' => (is => 'ro'); # top/bottom
@ -113,12 +113,11 @@ sub offset_polygon {
# apply all holes to all contours;
# this is improper, but Math::Clipper handles it
return map {{
outer => $_,
holes => [ @hole_offsets ],
}} @contour_offsets;
# apply holes to the right contours
my $clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
my $results = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_UNION, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
return @$results;
sub _mgp_from_points_ref {
@ -97,4 +97,14 @@ sub nearest_point_to {
return Slic3r::Point->cast($point);
sub has_segment {
my $self = shift;
my ($line) = @_;
for ($self->lines) {
return 1 if $_->has_segment($line);
return 0;
@ -46,9 +46,6 @@ sub new_from_stl {
# detect which surfaces are near external layers
return $print;
@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
my $layer = $self->layers->[$i];
foreach my $type (qw(top bottom)) {
# find surfaces of current type for current layer
my @surfaces = grep $_->surface_type eq $type, @{$layer->surfaces} or next;
my @surfaces = grep $_->surface_type eq $type, map @{$_->surfaces}, @{$layer->fill_surfaces} or next;
Slic3r::debugf "Layer %d has %d surfaces of type '%s'\n",
$i, scalar(@surfaces), $type;
@ -99,7 +96,9 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
next if $n < 0 || $n >= $self->layer_count;
Slic3r::debugf " looking for neighbors on layer %d...\n", $n;
my $neighbor_polygons = [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq 'internal', @{$self->layers->[$n]->surfaces} ];
foreach my $surf_coll (@{$self->layers->[$n]->fill_surfaces}) {
my $neighbor_polygons = [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq 'internal', @{$surf_coll->surfaces} ];
# find intersection between @surfaces and current layer's surfaces
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ map $_->p, @surfaces ]);
@ -107,6 +106,7 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
# intersections have contours and holes
my $intersections = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_INTERSECTION, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
next if @$intersections == 0;
Slic3r::debugf " %d intersections found\n", scalar @$intersections;
@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
# polygons as $internal_polygons; they will be removed by removed_small_features()
# assign resulting inner surfaces to layer
foreach my $p (@$internal_polygons) {
push @{$self->layers->[$n]->surfaces}, Slic3r::Surface->new(
push @{$surf_coll->surfaces}, Slic3r::Surface->new(
surface_type => 'internal',
contour => Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->cast($p->{outer}),
holes => [
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
# assign new internal-solid surfaces to layer
foreach my $p (@$intersections) {
push @{$self->layers->[$n]->surfaces}, Slic3r::Surface->new(
push @{$surf_coll->surfaces}, Slic3r::Surface->new(
surface_type => 'internal-solid',
contour => Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->cast($p->{outer}),
holes => [
@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
# remove perimeters and fill surfaces which are too small to be extruded
sub remove_small_features {
@ -176,7 +176,10 @@ sub intersect_facet {
if ($a->[Z] == $b->[Z] && $a->[Z] == $z) {
# edge is horizontal and belongs to the current layer
push @lines, [ [$a->[X], $a->[Y]], [$b->[X], $b->[Y]] ];
push @lines, Slic3r::Line::FacetEdge->cast(
[ [$a->[X], $a->[Y]], [$b->[X], $b->[Y]] ],
edge_type => (grep $_->[Z] > $z, @$vertices) ? 'bottom' : 'top',
#print "Horizontal!\n";
} elsif (($a->[Z] < $z && $b->[Z] > $z) || ($b->[Z] < $z && $a->[Z] > $z)) {
@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ sub intersect_facet {
# connect points:
push @lines, [ @intersection_points ];
push @lines, Slic3r::Line->cast([ @intersection_points ]);
return @lines;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package Slic3r::Skein;
use Moo;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use XXX;
has 'input_file' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has 'output_file' => (is => 'rw', required => 0);
@ -16,6 +17,10 @@ sub go {
my $print = Slic3r::Print->new_from_stl($self->input_file);
# detect which surfaces are near external layers
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
use Test::More;
plan tests => 1;
use Math::Clipper ':all';
my $clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
my $square = [ # ccw
[10, 10],
[20, 10],
[20, 20],
[10, 20],
my $hole_in_square = [ # cw
[14, 14],
[14, 16],
[16, 16],
[16, 14],
my $square = [ # ccw
[5, 12],
[25, 12],
[25, 18],
[5, 18],
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ $square, $hole_in_square ]);
$clipper->add_clip_polygons([ $square ]);
my $intersection = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_INTERSECTION, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
is_deeply $intersection, [
holes => [
[14, 16],
[16, 16],
[16, 14],
[14, 14],
outer => [
[5, 18],
[5, 12],
[25, 12],
[25, 18],
], 'hole is preserved after intersection';
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use Test::More;
plan tests => 4;
plan tests => 9;
use FindBin;
@ -29,3 +29,10 @@ is $intersection, undef, 'external lines are ignored 2';
$intersection = Slic3r::Geometry::clip_segment_polygon([ [12, 12], [18, 16] ], $square);
is_deeply $intersection, [ [12, 12], [18, 16] ], 'internal lines are preserved';
is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 10], [ [5, 10], [20, 10] ]), 1, 'point in horizontal segment';
is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([30, 10], [ [5, 10], [20, 10] ]), 0, 'point not in horizontal segment';
is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 10], [ [10, 5], [10, 20] ]), 1, 'point in vertical segment';
is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 30], [ [10, 5], [10, 20] ]), 0, 'point not in vertical segment';
is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([15, 15], [ [10, 10], [20, 20] ]), 1, 'point in diagonal segment';
is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([20, 15], [ [10, 10], [20, 20] ]), 0, 'point not in diagonal segment';
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use Test::More;
plan tests => 7;
plan tests => 11;
use FindBin;
@ -28,10 +28,17 @@ is_deeply lines(28, 20, 30), [ ], 'lower vertex on la
is_deeply lines(24, 10, 16), [ [ [4, 4], [2, 6] ] ], 'two edges intersect';
is_deeply lines(24, 10, 20), [ [ [4, 4], [1, 9] ] ], 'one vertex on plane and one edge intersects';
my @lower = $stl->intersect_facet(vertices(22, 20, 20), $z, $dz);
my @upper = $stl->intersect_facet(vertices(20, 20, 10), $z, $dz);
isa_ok $lower[0], 'Slic3r::Line::FacetEdge', 'bottom edge on layer';
isa_ok $upper[0], 'Slic3r::Line::FacetEdge', 'upper edge on layer';
is $lower[0]->edge_type, 'bottom', 'lower edge is detected as bottom';
is $upper[0]->edge_type, 'top', 'upper edge is detected as top';
sub vertices {
[ map [ @{$points[$_]}, $_[$_] ], 0..2 ]
sub lines {
[ map [ map ref $_ eq 'Slic3r::Point' ? $_->p : [ map sprintf('%.0f', $_), @$_ ], @$_ ], $stl->intersect_facet(vertices(@_), $z, $dz) ];
[ map [ map ref $_ eq 'Slic3r::Point' ? $_->p : [ map sprintf('%.0f', $_), @$_ ], @$_ ], map $_->p, $stl->intersect_facet(vertices(@_), $z, $dz) ];
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