Added background texture to gizmos overlay
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 133 additions and 17 deletions
@ -2584,6 +2584,23 @@ bool GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::init(GLCanvas3D& parent)
m_gizmos.insert(GizmosMap::value_type(SlaSupports, gizmo));
m_background_texture.metadata.filename = "toolbar_background.png";
m_background_texture.metadata.left = 16;
|||| = 16;
m_background_texture.metadata.right = 16;
m_background_texture.metadata.bottom = 16;
if (!m_background_texture.metadata.filename.empty())
if (!m_background_texture.texture.load_from_file(resources_dir() + "/icons/" + m_background_texture.metadata.filename, false))
return false;
return true;
@ -2612,17 +2629,16 @@ std::string GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::update_hover_state(const GLCanvas3D& canvas, con
if ((it->second == nullptr) || !it->second->is_selectable())
float tex_size = (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale;
float icon_size = (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale;
// we currently use circular icons for gizmo, so we check the radius
if (it->second->is_activable(selection) && (it->second->get_state() != GLGizmoBase::On))
bool inside = (OverlayBorder <= (float)mouse_pos(0)) && ((float)mouse_pos(0) <= OverlayBorder + tex_size) && (top_y <= (float)mouse_pos(1)) && ((float)mouse_pos(1) <= top_y + tex_size);
bool inside = (OverlayBorder <= (float)mouse_pos(0)) && ((float)mouse_pos(0) <= OverlayBorder + icon_size) && (top_y <= (float)mouse_pos(1)) && ((float)mouse_pos(1) <= top_y + icon_size);
it->second->set_state(inside ? GLGizmoBase::Hover : GLGizmoBase::Off);
if (inside)
name = it->second->get_name();
top_y += (tex_size + OverlayGapY);
top_y += (icon_size + OverlayGapY);
return name;
@ -2641,10 +2657,9 @@ void GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::update_on_off_state(const GLCanvas3D& canvas, const Vec
if ((it->second == nullptr) || !it->second->is_selectable())
float tex_size = (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale;
float icon_size = (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale;
// we currently use circular icons for gizmo, so we check the radius
bool inside = (OverlayBorder <= (float)mouse_pos(0)) && ((float)mouse_pos(0) <= OverlayBorder + tex_size) && (top_y <= (float)mouse_pos(1)) && ((float)mouse_pos(1) <= top_y + tex_size);
bool inside = (OverlayBorder <= (float)mouse_pos(0)) && ((float)mouse_pos(0) <= OverlayBorder + icon_size) && (top_y <= (float)mouse_pos(1)) && ((float)mouse_pos(1) <= top_y + icon_size);
if (it->second->is_activable(selection) && inside)
if ((it->second->get_state() == GLGizmoBase::On))
@ -2661,7 +2676,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::update_on_off_state(const GLCanvas3D& canvas, const Vec
top_y += (tex_size + OverlayGapY);
top_y += (icon_size + OverlayGapY);
GizmosMap::iterator it = m_gizmos.find(m_current);
@ -2739,14 +2754,12 @@ bool GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::overlay_contains_mouse(const GLCanvas3D& canvas, const
if ((it->second == nullptr) || !it->second->is_selectable())
float tex_size = (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale;
float half_tex_size = 0.5f * tex_size;
float icon_size = (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale;
// we currently use circular icons for gizmo, so we check the radius
if ((OverlayBorder <= (float)mouse_pos(0)) && ((float)mouse_pos(0) <= OverlayBorder + tex_size) && (top_y <= (float)mouse_pos(1)) && ((float)mouse_pos(1) <= top_y + tex_size))
if ((OverlayBorder <= (float)mouse_pos(0)) && ((float)mouse_pos(0) <= OverlayBorder + icon_size) && (top_y <= (float)mouse_pos(1)) && ((float)mouse_pos(1) <= top_y + icon_size))
return true;
top_y += (tex_size + OverlayGapY);
top_y += (icon_size + OverlayGapY);
return false;
@ -3019,21 +3032,102 @@ void GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::_render_overlay(const GLCanvas3D& canvas, const GLCanva
float inv_zoom = (zoom != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / zoom : 0.0f;
float height = _get_total_overlay_height();
float scaled_border = OverlayBorder * inv_zoom;
float top_x = (-0.5f * cnv_w) * inv_zoom;
float top_y = (0.5f * height) * inv_zoom;
float left = top_x;
float top = top_y;
float right = left + _get_total_overlay_width() * inv_zoom;
float bottom = top - height * inv_zoom;
// renders background
unsigned int bg_tex_id = m_background_texture.texture.get_id();
float bg_tex_width = (float)m_background_texture.texture.get_width();
float bg_tex_height = (float)m_background_texture.texture.get_height();
if ((bg_tex_id != 0) && (bg_tex_width > 0) && (bg_tex_height > 0))
float inv_bg_tex_width = (bg_tex_width != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / bg_tex_width : 0.0f;
float inv_bg_tex_height = (bg_tex_height != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / bg_tex_height : 0.0f;
float bg_uv_left = 0.0f;
float bg_uv_right = 1.0f;
float bg_uv_top = 1.0f;
float bg_uv_bottom = 0.0f;
float bg_left = left;
float bg_right = right;
float bg_top = top;
float bg_bottom = bottom;
float bg_width = right - left;
float bg_height = top - bottom;
float bg_min_size = std::min(bg_width, bg_height);
float bg_uv_i_left = (float)m_background_texture.metadata.left * inv_bg_tex_width;
float bg_uv_i_right = 1.0f - (float)m_background_texture.metadata.right * inv_bg_tex_width;
float bg_uv_i_top = 1.0f - (float) * inv_bg_tex_height;
float bg_uv_i_bottom = (float)m_background_texture.metadata.bottom * inv_bg_tex_height;
float bg_i_left = bg_left + scaled_border;
float bg_i_right = bg_right - scaled_border;
float bg_i_top = bg_top - scaled_border;
float bg_i_bottom = bg_bottom + scaled_border;
bg_uv_left = bg_uv_i_left;
bg_i_left = bg_left;
if ((OverlayBorder > 0) && (bg_uv_top != bg_uv_i_top))
if (bg_uv_left != bg_uv_i_left)
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_left, bg_i_left, bg_i_top, bg_top, { { bg_uv_left, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_top }, { bg_uv_left, bg_uv_top } });
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_i_left, bg_i_right, bg_i_top, bg_top, { { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_top }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_top } });
if (bg_uv_right != bg_uv_i_right)
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_i_right, bg_right, bg_i_top, bg_top, { { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_right, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_right, bg_uv_top }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_top } });
if ((OverlayBorder > 0) && (bg_uv_left != bg_uv_i_left))
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_left, bg_i_left, bg_i_bottom, bg_i_top, { { bg_uv_left, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_left, bg_uv_i_top } });
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_i_left, bg_i_right, bg_i_bottom, bg_i_top, { { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_i_top } });
if ((OverlayBorder > 0) && (bg_uv_right != bg_uv_i_right))
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_i_right, bg_right, bg_i_bottom, bg_i_top, { { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_right, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_right, bg_uv_i_top }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_i_top } });
if ((OverlayBorder > 0) && (bg_uv_bottom != bg_uv_i_bottom))
if (bg_uv_left != bg_uv_i_left)
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_left, bg_i_left, bg_bottom, bg_i_bottom, { { bg_uv_left, bg_uv_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_left, bg_uv_i_bottom } });
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_i_left, bg_i_right, bg_bottom, bg_i_bottom, { { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_left, bg_uv_i_bottom } });
if (bg_uv_right != bg_uv_i_right)
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(bg_tex_id, bg_i_right, bg_right, bg_bottom, bg_i_bottom, { { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_bottom }, { bg_uv_right, bg_uv_bottom }, { bg_uv_right, bg_uv_i_bottom }, { bg_uv_i_right, bg_uv_i_bottom } });
top_x += OverlayBorder * inv_zoom;
top_y -= OverlayBorder * inv_zoom;
float top_x = (OverlayBorder - 0.5f * cnv_w) * inv_zoom;
float top_y = (0.5f * height - OverlayBorder) * inv_zoom;
float scaled_gap_y = OverlayGapY * inv_zoom;
for (GizmosMap::const_iterator it = m_gizmos.begin(); it != m_gizmos.end(); ++it)
if ((it->second == nullptr) || !it->second->is_selectable())
float tex_size = (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale * inv_zoom;
GLTexture::render_texture(it->second->get_texture_id(), top_x, top_x + tex_size, top_y - tex_size, top_y);
float icon_size = (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale * inv_zoom;
GLTexture::render_texture(it->second->get_texture_id(), top_x, top_x + icon_size, top_y - icon_size, top_y);
if (it->second->get_state() == GLGizmoBase::On)
it->second->render_input_window(2.0f * OverlayBorder + tex_size * zoom, 0.5f * cnv_h - top_y * zoom, selection);
it->second->render_input_window(2.0f * OverlayBorder + icon_size * zoom, 0.5f * cnv_h - top_y * zoom, selection);
#endif // ENABLE_IMGUI
top_y -= (tex_size + scaled_gap_y);
top_y -= (icon_size + scaled_gap_y);
@ -3059,6 +3153,22 @@ float GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::_get_total_overlay_height() const
return height - OverlayGapY;
float GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::_get_total_overlay_width() const
float max_icon_width = 0.0f;
for (GizmosMap::const_iterator it = m_gizmos.begin(); it != m_gizmos.end(); ++it)
if ((it->second == nullptr) || !it->second->is_selectable())
max_icon_width = std::max(max_icon_width, (float)it->second->get_textures_size() * OverlayIconsScale);
return max_icon_width + 2.0f * OverlayBorder;
GLGizmoBase* GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::_get_current() const
GizmosMap::const_iterator it = m_gizmos.find(m_current);
@ -628,6 +628,9 @@ private:
bool m_enabled;
typedef std::map<EType, GLGizmoBase*> GizmosMap;
GizmosMap m_gizmos;
BackgroundTexture m_background_texture;
EType m_current;
@ -696,6 +699,9 @@ private:
void _render_current_gizmo(const Selection& selection) const;
float _get_total_overlay_height() const;
float _get_total_overlay_width() const;
GLGizmoBase* _get_current() const;
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