Fix fill on edge

change color to enum
This commit is contained in:
Filip Sykala 2022-03-14 11:12:53 +01:00
parent 572207e1c3
commit 41e6dba3df

View file

@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ namespace Slic3r::MeshBoolean::cgal2 {
using CGALMesh = _EpicMesh;
// Add an indexed triangle mesh to CGAL Surface_mesh.
// Store map of CGAL face to source face index into object_face_source_id.
// Store map of CGAL face to source face index into face_map.
void triangle_mesh_to_cgal(
const std::vector<stl_vertex> &V,
const std::vector<stl_triangle_vertex_indices> &F,
@ -731,12 +731,12 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
using MyMesh = Slic3r::MeshBoolean::cgal2::CGALMesh;
// name of CGAL property map for store source object face id - index into its.indices
std::string face_map_name = "f:object_face_source_id";
std::string face_map_name = "f:face_map";
// identify glyph for intersected vertex
std::string vert_shape_map_name = "v:glyph_id";
MyMesh cgalcube = MeshBoolean::cgal2::to_cgal(cube, face_map_name);
auto& face_map = cgalcube.property_map<MyMesh::Face_index, int32_t>(face_map_name).first;
auto& vert_shape_map = cgalcube.add_property_map<MyMesh::Vertex_index, IntersectingElemnt>(vert_shape_map_name).first;
MyMesh cgal_object = MeshBoolean::cgal2::to_cgal(cube, face_map_name);
auto& face_map = cgal_object.property_map<MyMesh::Face_index, int32_t>(face_map_name).first;
auto& vert_shape_map = cgal_object.add_property_map<MyMesh::Vertex_index, IntersectingElemnt>(vert_shape_map_name).first;
std::string edge_shape_map_name = "e:glyph_id";
std::string face_shape_map_name = "f:glyph_id";
@ -749,22 +749,22 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
// cgalShapes
MyMesh cgaltext = MeshBoolean::cgal2::to_cgal(shape[0], projection, 0, edge_shape_map_name, face_shape_map_name, glyph_contours);
MyMesh cgal_shape = MeshBoolean::cgal2::to_cgal(shape[0], projection, 0, edge_shape_map_name, face_shape_map_name, glyph_contours);
auto& edge_shape_map = cgaltext.property_map<MyMesh::Edge_index, IntersectingElemnt>(edge_shape_map_name).first;
auto& face_shape_map = cgaltext.property_map<MyMesh::Face_index, IntersectingElemnt>(face_shape_map_name).first;
auto& edge_shape_map = cgal_shape.property_map<MyMesh::Edge_index, IntersectingElemnt>(edge_shape_map_name).first;
auto& face_shape_map = cgal_shape.property_map<MyMesh::Face_index, IntersectingElemnt>(face_shape_map_name).first;
//MeshBoolean::cgal2::glyph2model(shape, 0, projection, cgaltext, glyph_contours, edge_glyph_map, face_glyph_map);
//MeshBoolean::cgal2::glyph2model(shape, 0, projection, cgal_shape, glyph_contours, edge_glyph_map, face_glyph_map);
struct Visitor {
const MyMesh &object;
const MyMesh &glyphs;
// Properties of the glyphs mesh:
MyMesh::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Edge_index, IntersectingElemnt> glyph_id_edge;
MyMesh::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Face_index, IntersectingElemnt> glyph_id_face;
const MyMesh &shape;
// Properties of the shape mesh:
MyMesh::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Edge_index, IntersectingElemnt> edge_shape_map;
MyMesh::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Face_index, IntersectingElemnt> face_shape_map;
// Properties of the object mesh.
MyMesh::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Face_index, int32_t> object_face_source_id;
MyMesh::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Vertex_index, IntersectingElemnt> object_vertex_glyph_id;
MyMesh::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Face_index, int32_t> face_map;
MyMesh::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Vertex_index, IntersectingElemnt> vert_shape_map;
typedef boost::graph_traits<MyMesh> GT;
typedef typename GT::face_descriptor face_descriptor;
@ -776,11 +776,11 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
void before_subface_creations(face_descriptor f_old, MyMesh& mesh)
assert(&mesh == &object);
source_face_id = object_face_source_id[f_old];
source_face_id = face_map[f_old];
void after_subface_created(face_descriptor f_new, MyMesh& mesh) {
assert(&mesh == &object);
object_face_source_id[f_new] = source_face_id;
face_map[f_new] = source_face_id;
std::vector<const IntersectingElemnt*> intersection_point_glyph;
@ -813,31 +813,31 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
const IntersectingElemnt* glyph = nullptr;
if (&tm_face == &glyphs) {
if (&tm_face == &shape) {
assert(&tm_edge == &object);
switch (simplex_dimension) {
case 1:
// edge x edge intersection
glyph = &glyph_id_edge[glyphs.edge(hh_face)];
glyph = &edge_shape_map[shape.edge(hh_face)];
case 2:
// edge x face intersection
glyph = &glyph_id_face[glyphs.face(hh_face)];
glyph = &face_shape_map[shape.face(hh_face)];
if (edge_source_coplanar_with_face)
object_vertex_glyph_id[object.source(hh_edge)] = *glyph;
vert_shape_map[object.source(hh_edge)] = *glyph;
if (edge_target_coplanar_with_face)
object_vertex_glyph_id[] = *glyph;
vert_shape_map[] = *glyph;
} else {
assert(&tm_edge == &glyphs && &tm_face == &object);
assert(&tm_edge == &shape && &tm_face == &object);
glyph = &glyph_id_edge[glyphs.edge(hh_edge)];
glyph = &edge_shape_map[shape.edge(hh_edge)];
if (simplex_dimension == 0)
object_vertex_glyph_id[] = *glyph;
vert_shape_map[] = *glyph;
intersection_point_glyph[i_id] = glyph;
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
assert(glyph != nullptr);
assert(glyph->vertex_index != -1);
assert(glyph->point_index != -1);
object_vertex_glyph_id[vh] = glyph ? *glyph : IntersectingElemnt{};
vert_shape_map[vh] = glyph ? *glyph : IntersectingElemnt{};
void after_subface_creations(MyMesh&) {}
@ -860,32 +860,35 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
void after_edge_split() {}
void add_retriangulation_edge(halfedge_descriptor /* h */, MyMesh& /* tm */) {}
visitor { cgalcube, cgaltext, edge_shape_map, face_shape_map, face_map, vert_shape_map};
visitor { cgal_object, cgal_shape, edge_shape_map, face_shape_map, face_map, vert_shape_map};
// bool map for affected edge
auto ecm = get(CGAL::dynamic_edge_property_t<bool>(), cgalcube);
auto ecm = get(CGAL::dynamic_edge_property_t<bool>(), cgal_object);
const auto& p = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::parameters::throw_on_self_intersection(false).visitor(visitor).edge_is_constrained_map(ecm);
const auto& q = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::parameters::do_not_modify(true);
// CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine(cgalcube, cgalcube2, p, p);
// CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine(cgal_object, cgalcube2, p, p);
CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine(cgalcube, cgaltext, p, q);
CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine(cgal_object, cgal_shape, p, q);
auto vertex_colors = cgalcube.add_property_map<MyMesh::Vertex_index, CGAL::Color>("v:color").first;
auto face_colors = cgalcube.add_property_map<MyMesh::Face_index, CGAL::Color>("f:color").first;
enum class SideType {
auto side_type_map = cgal_object.add_property_map<MyMesh::Face_index, SideType>("f:side").first;
// separate by direction of extrusion
const CGAL::Color marked { 255, 0, 0 };
for (auto fi : cgalcube.faces()) {
CGAL::Color color(0, 255, 0);
auto hi_end = cgalcube.halfedge(fi);
for (auto fi : cgal_object.faces()) {
SideType side_type = SideType::not_constrained;
auto hi_end = cgal_object.halfedge(fi);
auto hi = hi_end;
do {
CGAL::SM_Edge_index edge_index = cgalcube.edge(hi);
CGAL::SM_Edge_index edge_index = cgal_object.edge(hi);
// is edge new created - constrained?
if (get(ecm, edge_index)) {
// This face has a constrained edge.
IntersectingElemnt shape_from = vert_shape_map[cgalcube.source(hi)];
IntersectingElemnt shape_to = vert_shape_map[];
IntersectingElemnt shape_from = vert_shape_map[cgal_object.source(hi)];
IntersectingElemnt shape_to = vert_shape_map[];
assert(shape_from.vertex_index != -1 && shape_from.vertex_index == shape_to.vertex_index);
assert(shape_from.point_index != -1);
assert(shape_to.point_index != -1);
@ -893,102 +896,115 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
const ShapesVertexId &vertex_index = glyph_contours[shape_from.vertex_index];
const ExPolygon &expoly = shape[vertex_index.expoly];
const Polygon &contour = vertex_index.contour == 0 ? expoly.contour : expoly.holes[vertex_index.contour - 1];
bool inside = false;
bool is_inside = false;
// 4 type
// index into contour
int32_t i_from = shape_from.point_index;
int32_t i_to = shape_to.point_index;
if (i_from == i_to && shape_from.type == shape_to.type) {
// Crossing both object vertices with the same glyph face.
assert(shape_from.type == IntersectingElemnt::Type::face_1 ||
shape_from.type == IntersectingElemnt::Type::face_2 );
const auto& p = cgalcube.point(;
// Vertex index
int i = i_from * 2;
bool is_last = (i_from + 1 == int(contour.size()));
int j = is_last ? 0 : i + 2;
i += vertex_index.vertex_base;
j += vertex_index.vertex_base;
// triangle from side of shape
auto abcp = (shape_from.type == IntersectingElemnt::Type::face_1) ?
cgaltext.point(CGAL::SM_Vertex_index(i + 1)),
cgaltext.point(CGAL::SM_Vertex_index(j)), p) :
cgaltext.point(CGAL::SM_Vertex_index(i + 1)),
cgaltext.point(CGAL::SM_Vertex_index(j + 1)), p);
inside = abcp == CGAL::POSITIVE;
// Outside is detect by face orientation
is_inside = true;
} else if (i_from < i_to || (i_from == i_to && shape_from.type < shape_to.type)) {
bool is_last = i_from == 0 && (i_to + 1) == contour.size();
if (!is_last)
inside = true;
} else { // i_from > i_to
if (!is_last) is_inside = true;
} else { // i_from > i_to || (i_from == i_to && shape_from.type > shape_to.type)
bool is_last = i_to == 0 && (i_from + 1) == contour.size();
if (is_last)
inside = true;
if (is_last) is_inside = true;
if (inside) {
if (is_inside) {
// Is this face oriented towards p or away from p?
const auto &a = cgalcube.point(cgalcube.source(hi));
const auto &b = cgalcube.point(;
const auto &c = cgalcube.point(;
const auto &a = cgal_object.point(cgal_object.source(hi));
const auto &b = cgal_object.point(;
const auto &c = cgal_object.point(;
//FIXME prosim nahrad skutecnou projekci.
const auto p = a + MeshBoolean::cgal2::EpicKernel::Vector_3(0, 0, 10);
auto abcp = CGAL::orientation(a, b, c, p);
if (abcp == CGAL::POSITIVE)
color = marked;
side_type = SideType::inside;
is_inside = false;
if (!is_inside) side_type = SideType::outside;
// next half edge index inside of face
hi =;
hi =;
} while (hi != hi_end);
face_colors[fi] = color;
side_type_map[fi] = side_type;
// debug output
auto face_colors = cgal_object.add_property_map<MyMesh::Face_index, CGAL::Color>("f:color").first;
for (auto fi : cgal_object.faces()) {
auto &color = face_colors[fi];
switch (side_type_map[fi]) {
case SideType::inside: color = CGAL::Color{255, 0, 0}; break;
case SideType::outside: color = CGAL::Color{255, 0, 255}; break;
case SideType::not_constrained: color = CGAL::Color{0, 255, 0}; break;
CGAL::IO::write_OFF("c:\\data\\temp\\", cgal_object);
// separate by direction of extrusion
auto vertex_colors = cgal_object.add_property_map<MyMesh::Vertex_index, CGAL::Color>("v:color").first;
// Seed fill the other faces inside the region.
for (Visitor::face_descriptor fi : cgal_object.faces()) {
if (side_type_map[fi] != SideType::not_constrained) continue;
// check if neighbor face is inside
Visitor::halfedge_descriptor hi = cgal_object.halfedge(fi);
Visitor::halfedge_descriptor hi_end = hi;
bool has_inside_neighbor = false;
std::vector<MyMesh::Face_index> queue;
do {
Visitor::face_descriptor fi_opposite = cgal_object.face(cgal_object.opposite(hi));
SideType side = side_type_map[fi_opposite];
if (side == SideType::inside) {
has_inside_neighbor = true;
} else if (side == SideType::not_constrained) {
hi =;
} while (hi != hi_end);
if (!has_inside_neighbor) continue;
side_type_map[fi] = SideType::inside;
do {
Visitor::face_descriptor fi = queue.back();
// Do not fill twice
if (side_type_map[fi] == SideType::inside) continue;
side_type_map[fi] = SideType::inside;
// check neighbor triangle
Visitor::halfedge_descriptor hi = cgal_object.halfedge(fi);
Visitor::halfedge_descriptor hi_end = hi;
do {
Visitor::face_descriptor fi_opposite = cgal_object.face(cgal_object.opposite(hi));
SideType side = side_type_map[fi_opposite];
if (side == SideType::not_constrained)
hi =;
} while (hi != hi_end);
} while (!queue.empty());
CGAL::IO::write_OFF("c:\\data\\temp\\", cgalcube);
// Seed fill the other faces inside the region.
std::vector<MyMesh::Face_index> queue;
for (auto fi_seed : cgalcube.faces())
if (face_colors[fi_seed] != marked) {
// Is this face completely unconstrained?
auto hi = cgalcube.halfedge(fi_seed);
auto hi_prev = cgalcube.prev(hi);
auto hi_next =;
if (! get(ecm, cgalcube.edge(hi)) && ! get(ecm, cgalcube.edge(hi_prev)) && ! get(ecm, cgalcube.edge(hi_next))) {
do {
auto fi = queue.back();
auto hi = cgalcube.halfedge(fi);
auto hi_prev = cgalcube.prev(hi);
auto hi_next =;
// The following condition may not apply if crossing a silhouette wrt. the glyph projection direction.
// assert(! get(ecm, cgalcube.edge(hi)) && ! get(ecm, cgalcube.edge(hi_prev)) && ! get(ecm, cgalcube.edge(hi_next)));
auto this_opposite = cgalcube.face(cgalcube.opposite(hi));
bool this_marked = face_colors[this_opposite] == marked;
auto prev_opposite = cgalcube.face(cgalcube.opposite(hi_prev));
bool prev_marked = face_colors[prev_opposite] == marked;
auto next_opposite = cgalcube.face(cgalcube.opposite(hi_next));
bool next_marked = face_colors[next_opposite] == marked;
int num_marked = this_marked + prev_marked + next_marked;
if (num_marked >= 2) {
face_colors[fi] = marked;
if (num_marked == 2)
queue.emplace_back(! this_marked ? this_opposite : ! prev_marked ? prev_opposite : next_opposite);
} while (! queue.empty());
// debug output
for (auto fi : cgal_object.faces()) {
auto &color = face_colors[fi];
switch (side_type_map[fi]) {
case SideType::inside: color = CGAL::Color{255, 0, 0}; break;
case SideType::outside: color = CGAL::Color{255, 0, 255}; break;
case SideType::not_constrained: color = CGAL::Color{0, 255, 0}; break;
CGAL::IO::write_OFF("c:\\data\\temp\\", cgalcube);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF("c:\\data\\temp\\", cgal_object);
// Mapping of its_extruded faces to source faces.
enum class FaceState : int8_t {
@ -1000,9 +1016,9 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
UnmarkedEmitted = -6,
std::vector<FaceState> face_states(cube.indices.size(), FaceState::Unknown);
for (auto fi_seed : cgalcube.faces()) {
for (auto fi_seed : cgal_object.faces()) {
FaceState &state = face_states[face_map[fi_seed]];
bool m = face_colors[fi_seed] == marked;
bool m = side_type_map[fi_seed] == SideType::inside;
switch (state) {
case FaceState::Unknown:
state = m ? FaceState::Marked : FaceState::Unmarked;
@ -1021,13 +1037,13 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
indexed_triangle_set its_extruded;
// Mapping of its_extruded vertices (original and offsetted) to cgalcuble's vertices.
std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> map_vertices(cgalcube.number_of_vertices(), std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>{-1, -1});
std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> map_vertices(cgal_object.number_of_vertices(), std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>{-1, -1});
Vec3f extrude_dir { 0, 0, 5.f };
for (auto fi : cgalcube.faces()) {
for (auto fi : cgal_object.faces()) {
const int32_t source_face_id = face_map[fi];
const FaceState state = face_states[source_face_id];
assert(state == FaceState::Unmarked || state == FaceState::UnmarkedSplit || state == FaceState::UnmarkedEmitted ||
@ -1048,37 +1064,37 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
face_states[source_face_id] = FaceState::UnmarkedEmitted;
} else {
auto hi = cgalcube.halfedge(fi);
auto hi_prev = cgalcube.prev(hi);
auto hi_next =;
const Vec3i source_vertices{ int((std::size_t), int((std::size_t), int((std::size_t) };
auto hi = cgal_object.halfedge(fi);
auto hi_prev = cgal_object.prev(hi);
auto hi_next =;
const Vec3i source_vertices{ int((std::size_t), int((std::size_t), int((std::size_t) };
Vec3i target_vertices;
if (face_colors[fi] == marked) {
if (side_type_map[fi] == SideType::inside) {
// Extrude the face. Neighbor edges separating extruded face from non-extruded face will be extruded.
bool boundary_vertex[3] = { false, false, false };
Vec3i target_vertices_extruded { -1, -1, -1 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (face_colors[cgalcube.face(cgalcube.opposite(hi))] != marked)
if (side_type_map[cgal_object.face(cgal_object.opposite(hi))] != SideType::inside)
// Edge separating extruded / non-extruded region.
boundary_vertex[i] = boundary_vertex[(i + 2) % 3] = true;
hi =;
hi =;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
target_vertices_extruded(i) = map_vertices[source_vertices(i)].second;
if (target_vertices_extruded(i) == -1) {
map_vertices[source_vertices(i)].second = target_vertices_extruded(i) = int(its_extruded.vertices.size());
const auto& p = cgalcube.point(;
const auto& p = cgal_object.point(;
its_extruded.vertices.emplace_back(Vec3f{ float(p.x()), float(p.y()), float(p.z()) } + extrude_dir);
if (boundary_vertex[i]) {
target_vertices(i) = map_vertices[source_vertices(i)].first;
if (target_vertices(i) == -1) {
map_vertices[source_vertices(i)].first = target_vertices(i) = int(its_extruded.vertices.size());
const auto& p = cgalcube.point(;
const auto& p = cgal_object.point(;
its_extruded.vertices.emplace_back(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
hi =;
hi =;
// Add the sides.
@ -1098,10 +1114,10 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
target_vertices(i) = map_vertices[source_vertices(i)].first;
if (target_vertices(i) == -1) {
map_vertices[source_vertices(i)].first = target_vertices(i) = int(its_extruded.vertices.size());
const auto &p = cgalcube.point(;
const auto &p = cgal_object.point(;
its_extruded.vertices.emplace_back(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
hi =;
hi =;
@ -1112,10 +1128,10 @@ TEST_CASE("Emboss extrude cut", "[Emboss-Cut]")
indexed_triangle_set edges_its;
std::vector<Vec3f> edges_its_colors;
for (auto ei : cgalcube.edges())
if (cgalcube.is_valid(ei)) {
const auto &p1 = cgalcube.point(cgalcube.vertex(ei, 0));
const auto &p2 = cgalcube.point(cgalcube.vertex(ei, 1));
for (auto ei : cgal_object.edges())
if (cgal_object.is_valid(ei)) {
const auto &p1 = cgal_object.point(cgal_object.vertex(ei, 0));
const auto &p2 = cgal_object.point(cgal_object.vertex(ei, 1));
bool constrained = get(ecm, ei);
Vec3f color = constrained ? Vec3f{ 1.f, 0, 0 } : Vec3f{ 0, 1., 0 };
edges_its.indices.emplace_back(Vec3i(edges_its.vertices.size(), edges_its.vertices.size() + 1, edges_its.vertices.size() + 2));