Fixed outlines extraction
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 348 additions and 230 deletions
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ void flood_fill_inner(const CutMesh &mesh, FaceTypeMap &face_type_map);
using CvtVI2VI = CutMesh::Property_map<VI, VI>;
// Each Patch track outline vertex conversion to tource model
const std::string patch_source_name = "v:patch_source";
const std::string vertex_reduction_map_name = "v:reduction";
using ReductionMap = CvtVI2VI;
/// <summary>
/// Create map to reduce unnecesary triangles,
@ -516,13 +516,16 @@ using SurfacePatches = std::vector<SurfacePatch>;
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">Patches from meshes</param>
/// <param name="m2i">Convert model_index and cut_index into one index</param>
/// <param name="cut_models">Source points for Cutted AOIs</param>
/// <param name="models">Original models without cut modifications used for
/// differenciate</param> <param name="projection">Define projection
/// direction</param> <returns>Cuts differenciate by models - Patch</returns>
/// <param name="cut_models">Source points for Cutted AOIs
/// NOTE: Create Reduction map as mesh property - clean on end</param>
/// <param name="models">Original models without cut modifications
/// used for differenciation
/// NOTE: Clip function modify Mesh</param>
/// <param name="projection">Define projection direction</param>
/// <returns>Cuts differenciate by models - Patch</returns>
SurfacePatches diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &models,
const Emboss::IProject3f &projection);
@ -742,6 +745,7 @@ void store(const SurfacePatches &patches, const std::string &dir);
void store(const Vec3f &vertex, const Vec3f &normal, const std::string &file, float size = 2.f);
void store(const ProjectionDistances &pds, const VCutAOIs &aois, const CutMeshes &meshes, const std::string &file, float width = 0.2f/* [in mm] */);
void store(const SurfaceCuts &cut, const std::string &dir);
void store(const SurfaceCut &cut, const std::string &prefix);
void store(const std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> &models, const std::string &obj_filename);
void store(const std::vector<CutMesh>&models, const std::string &dir);
@ -816,7 +820,6 @@ SurfaceCut Slic3r::cut_surface(const ExPolygons &shapes,
// Differenciate other models from CutAOI (Cutted Area of Interest)
priv::ModelCut2index m2i(model_cuts);
priv::SurfacePatches patches = priv::diff_models(model_cuts, m2i, cgal_models, cgal_neg_models, projection);
@ -836,57 +839,11 @@ SurfaceCut Slic3r::cut_surface(const ExPolygons &shapes,
// for each point select best projection
priv::ProjectionDistances best_projection = priv::choose_best_distance(distances, shapes, s2i);
// TODO: fix by using of patches
//store(best_projection, model_cuts, cgal_models, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "best_projection.obj"); // only debug
std::vector<bool> use_patch = priv::select_patches(best_projection, patches, model_cuts);
SurfaceCut result = merge_patches(patches, use_patch);
return result;
// IMPROVE: create reduce map on demand - may be model do not need it (when it is not used for result)
// Reduction prepare
std::string vertex_reduction_map_name = "v:reduction";
for (size_t model_index = 0; model_index < models.size(); model_index++) {
priv::CutMesh &cgal_model = cgal_models[model_index];
priv::ReductionMap vertex_reduction_map = cgal_model.add_property_map<priv::VI, priv::VI>(vertex_reduction_map_name).first;
priv::create_reduce_map(vertex_reduction_map, cgal_model);
priv::store(cgal_model, vertex_reduction_map, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "reduction" + std::to_string(model_index) + ".off");
priv::store(result, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "result");
// NOTE: it will be fine to calc AOIs range,
// not only outline but all vertices in direction of emboss - faster check
// on intersection
// NOTE: It is not neccessary to convert all AOIs to SurfaceCut
// but exist case where AOI intersect best AOI without edge intersection
// So filtering is made from SurfaceCuts in merge function
//SurfaceCuts surface_cuts = create_surface_cuts(cutAOIs, cgal_model);
// store(surface_cuts, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "cuts/"); // only debug
//#endif // DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR
// return surface_cuts;
// TODO: cut of inside part of cuts
//priv::merge_aois(cutAOIs, is_best_cut, cgal_model);
// Self Intersection of surface cuts are
// made by damaged models AND multi volumes
//SurfaceCut result = priv::merge_intersections(surface_cuts, cutAOIs, is_best_cut);
//for (SurfaceCuts &cuts : model_cuts)
// for (SurfaceCut &cut : cuts) append(result, std::move(cut));
// its_write_obj(result, (DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "resultCut.obj").c_str()); // only debug
//#endif // DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR
return result;
@ -1899,10 +1856,10 @@ void priv::create_reduce_map(ReductionMap &reduction_map, const CutMesh &mesh)
FaceType::outside == face_type_map[mesh.face(hi)] &&
FaceType::inside == face_type_map[mesh.face(mesh.opposite(hi))]
FaceType::inside_processed == face_type_map[mesh.face(mesh.opposite(hi))]
) || (
FaceType::outside == face_type_map[mesh.face(mesh.opposite(hi))] &&
FaceType::inside == face_type_map[mesh.face(hi)]
FaceType::inside_processed == face_type_map[mesh.face(hi)]
bool is_first = reduction_map[erase] == erase;
if (is_first)
@ -1913,7 +1870,7 @@ void priv::create_reduce_map(ReductionMap &reduction_map, const CutMesh &mesh)
for (FI fi : mesh.faces()) {
if (face_type_map[fi] != FaceType::inside) continue;
if (face_type_map[fi] != FaceType::inside_processed) continue;
// find all reducible edges
HI hi = mesh.halfedge(fi);
@ -1995,7 +1952,8 @@ SurfaceCut priv::create_index_triangle_set(const std::vector<FI> &faces,
its_face[0] == its_face[1] ||
its_face[1] == its_face[2] ||
its_face[2] == its_face[0]
)) continue;
@ -2006,7 +1964,6 @@ SurfaceCut priv::create_index_triangle_set(const std::vector<FI> &faces,
return sc;
SurfaceCut::CutContour priv::create_cut(const std::vector<HI> &outlines,
const CutMesh &mesh,
const ReductionMap &reduction_map,
@ -2475,6 +2432,7 @@ priv::ClosePoint priv::find_close_point(const Point &p,
// IMPROVE: create better structure to find closest points e.g. Tree
// IMPROVE2: when select distance fill in all distances from Patch
priv::ProjectionDistances priv::choose_best_distance(
const std::vector<ProjectionDistances> &distances,
const ExPolygons &shapes,
@ -2675,7 +2633,19 @@ BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh);
BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const CutMesh &mesh);
BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const SurfacePatch &ecut);
SurfacePatch create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh);
SurfacePatch create_surface_patch(const std::vector<FI> &fis, const CutMesh &mesh);
/// <summary>
/// Create patch with no use of vertices made by diagonal edge in rectangle of
/// shape side
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cut">Triangles and outline edges of patch</param>
/// <param name="mesh">Source of triangles</param>
/// <param name="rmap">Map for reduction of vertices </param>
/// <returns></returns>
SurfacePatch create_reduced_patch(CutAOI &cut,
const CutMesh &mesh,
const ReductionMap &rmap);
} // namespace priv
@ -2812,14 +2782,7 @@ bool priv::clip_cut(SurfacePatch &cut, CutMesh clipper)
// .throw_on_self_intersection(false); is set automaticaly by param 'do_not_modify'
// .clip_volume(false); is set automaticaly by param 'do_not_modify'
std::string dir = "C:/data/temp/out/";
static int i = 0;
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "in_patch"+std::to_string(i)+".off", tm);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "in_model"+std::to_string(i)+".off", clipper);
bool suc = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::clip(tm, clipper, np_tm, np_c);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "out_patch"+std::to_string(i)+".off", tm);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "out_model"+std::to_string(i++)+".off", clipper);
// true if the output surface mesh is manifold.
// If false is returned tm and clipper are only corefined.
@ -2830,55 +2793,7 @@ bool priv::clip_cut(SurfacePatch &cut, CutMesh clipper)
cut.mesh = backup_copy;
return false;
// TODO: fix outlines list
// Need to trace clip (corefine line)
return true;
//Store_VI_pairs::Pairs intersections;
//std::string vertex_source_map_name = "v:source_intersections";
//VertexSourceMap vmap = tm1.add_property_map<VI, Source>(vertex_source_map_name).first;
//Sources sources;
//IntersectionSources visitor = {&tm1, &tm2, vmap, &sources};
////// bool map for affected edge
//EcmType ecm = get(DynamicEdgeProperty(), tm1);
//const auto &p = CGAL::parameters::visitor(visitor)
// .edge_is_constrained_map(ecm)
// .throw_on_self_intersection(false);
//const auto &q = CGAL::parameters::do_not_modify(true)
// .throw_on_self_intersection(false);
//CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine(tm1, tm2, p, q);
//// when no intersection detected than no result surface cut
//if (sources.empty()) return;
//// TODO: check patch is all inside?
//FaceTypeMap face_type_map = tm1.add_property_map<FI, FaceType>(face_type_map_name).first;
//create_face_types(face_type_map, tm1, tm2, ecm, vmap);
//store(tm1, face_type_map, dir + std::to_string(i) + "");
//flood_fill_inner(tm1, face_type_map);
//store(tm1, face_type_map, dir + std::to_string(i) +"");
//std::string vi_to_res_name = "v:vertex_to_result";
////V2I_map vi1_to_res = tm1.add_property_map<VI, SurfaceCut::Index>(vi_to_res_name).first;
//// create result Surface cut
////indexed_triangle_set its = create_merged_its(tm1, face_type_map1,
//// vi1_to_res, tm2,
//// face_type_map2, vi2_to_res,
//// vi1_to_vi2);
////its_write_obj(its, (dir + "merged_result.obj").c_str());
//// calculate contours:
//// set result into cut1
////cut1.indices = std::move(its.indices);
////cut1.vertices = std::move(its.vertices);
BoundingBoxf3 priv::bounding_box(const CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh) {
@ -2916,11 +2831,86 @@ BoundingBoxf3 priv::bounding_box(const SurfacePatch &ecut) {
return bounding_box(ecut.mesh);
priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_reduced_patch(CutAOI &cut,
const CutMesh &mesh,
const ReductionMap &rmap)
std::vector<bool> is_counted(mesh.vertices().size(), {false});
uint32_t count_vertices = 0;
for (FI fi : cut.first) {
for (VI vi : mesh.vertices_around_face(mesh.halfedge(fi))) {
// Will vertex be reduced?
if (vi != rmap[vi]) continue;
if (!is_counted[vi.idx()]) {
is_counted[vi.idx()] = true;
uint32_t count_faces = cut.first.size();
// IMPROVE: Value is greater than neccessary, guess it better
uint32_t count_edges = count_faces * 3;
CutMesh cm;
cm.reserve(count_vertices, count_edges, count_faces);
// vertex conversion function
constexpr uint32_t def_val = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
std::vector<uint32_t> v_cvt(mesh.vertices().size(), {def_val});
for (FI fi : cut.first) {
std::array<VI, 3> t;
int index = 0;
bool exist_reduction = false;
for (VI vi : mesh.vertices_around_face(mesh.halfedge(fi))) {
VI vi_r = rmap[vi];
if (vi != vi_r) {
exist_reduction = true;
vi = vi_r;
assert(vi.idx() < v_cvt.size());
uint32_t &cvt = v_cvt[vi.idx()];
if (cvt == def_val) {
cvt = cm.vertices().size();
t[index++] = VI(cvt);
// prevent add reduced triangle
if (exist_reduction &&
(t[0] == t[1] ||
t[1] == t[2] ||
t[2] == t[0]))
cm.add_face(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
assert(count_vertices == cm.vertices().size());
assert(count_faces >= cm.faces().size());
assert(count_edges >= cm.edges().size());
// convert VI from this patch to source VI, when exist
CvtVI2VI &cvt = cm.add_property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
// vi_s .. VertexIndex into mesh (source)
// vi_d .. new VertexIndex in cm (destination)
for (uint32_t vi_s = 0; vi_s < v_cvt.size(); ++vi_s) {
uint32_t vi_d = v_cvt[vi_s];
if (vi_d == def_val) continue;
// check only one conversion
cvt[VI(vi_d)] = VI(vi_s);
return {std::move(cm)};
priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(const std::vector<FI> &fis, const CutMesh &mesh)
std::vector<bool> is_counted(mesh.vertices().size(), {false});
uint32_t count_vertices = 0;
for (FI fi : cut.first) {
for (FI fi : fis) {
for (VI vi : mesh.vertices_around_face(mesh.halfedge(fi))) {
if (!is_counted[vi.idx()]) {
is_counted[vi.idx()] = true;
@ -2929,8 +2919,8 @@ priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
uint32_t count_faces = cut.first.size();
// IMPROVE: Value is greater than neccessary, guess it better
uint32_t count_faces = fis.size();
// IMPROVE: Value is greater than neccessary, count edges used twice
uint32_t count_edges = count_faces*3;
CutMesh cm;
@ -2939,7 +2929,7 @@ priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
// vertex conversion function
constexpr uint32_t def_val = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
std::vector<uint32_t> v_cvt(mesh.vertices().size(), {def_val});
for (FI fi : cut.first) {
for (FI fi : fis) {
std::array<VI, 3> t;
int index = 0;
for (VI vi : mesh.vertices_around_face(mesh.halfedge(fi))) {
@ -2952,20 +2942,9 @@ priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
cm.add_face(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
// converted source.second to mesh half edges
std::vector<HI> outline;
for (HI hi : cut.second) {
VI vi_s = mesh.source(hi);
VI vi_t =;
VI vi_s2(v_cvt[vi_s.idx()]);
VI vi_t2(v_cvt[vi_t.idx()]);
// converted half edge
HI hi_cvt = cm.halfedge(vi_s2, vi_t2);
assert(count_vertices == cm.vertices().size());
assert(count_faces == cm.faces().size());
assert(count_edges >= cm.edges().size());
// convert VI from this patch to source VI, when exist
CvtVI2VI& cvt = cm.add_property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
@ -2979,7 +2958,7 @@ priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
cvt[VI(vi_d)] = VI(vi_s);
return {std::move(cm), std::move(outline)};
return {std::move(cm)};
namespace priv {
@ -2992,6 +2971,20 @@ namespace priv {
std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> create_bbs(const VCutAOIs &cuts,
const CutMeshes &cut_models);
using PatchNumber = CutMesh::Property_map<FI, size_t>;
/// <summary>
/// Separate triangles singned with number n
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">Order number of patch to separate</param>
/// <param name="patch_number">Number for each triangle</param>
/// <param name="patch">Original patch</param>
/// <param name="cvt_from">conversion map</param>
/// <returns>Just separated patch</returns>
SurfacePatch separate_patch(size_t n,
const PatchNumber &patch_number,
const SurfacePatch &patch,
const CvtVI2VI &cvt_from);
/// <summary>
/// Separate connected triangles into it's own patches
/// new patches are added to back of input patches
@ -3021,6 +3014,28 @@ std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> priv::create_bbs(const VCutAOIs &cuts,
return bbs;
priv::SurfacePatch priv::separate_patch(size_t n,
const PatchNumber &patch_number,
const SurfacePatch &patch,
const CvtVI2VI &cvt_from)
std::vector<FI> fis;
for (FI fi_cm : patch.mesh.faces())
if (patch_number[fi_cm] == n) fis.push_back(fi_cm);
SurfacePatch patch_new = create_surface_patch(fis, patch.mesh);
|||| = bounding_box(patch_new.mesh);
patch_new.aoi_id = patch.aoi_id;
patch_new.model_id = patch.model_id;
patch_new.shape_id = patch.shape_id;
// fix cvt
CvtVI2VI &cvt = patch_new.mesh.property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
for (VI &vi : cvt) {
if (!vi.is_valid()) continue;
vi = cvt_from[vi];
return patch_new;
void priv::divide_patch(size_t i, SurfacePatches &patches) {
SurfacePatch &patch = patches[i];
@ -3030,7 +3045,7 @@ void priv::divide_patch(size_t i, SurfacePatches &patches) {
CutMesh& cm = patch.mesh;
std::string patch_number_name = "f:patch_number";
auto patch_number = cm.add_property_map<FI, size_t>(patch_number_name, {def_value}).first;
PatchNumber& patch_number = cm.add_property_map<FI, size_t>(patch_number_name, {def_value}).first;
size_t number = 0;
std::vector<FI> queue;
@ -3062,37 +3077,18 @@ void priv::divide_patch(size_t i, SurfacePatches &patches) {
if (number == 1) {
|||| = bounding_box(cm);
// TODO: fix outline
const CvtVI2VI& cvt_from = patch.mesh.property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
auto separate_patch = [&patch_number, &patch, &cvt_from](size_t n) -> SurfacePatch {
CutAOI cut;
for (FI fi_cm : patch.mesh.faces())
if (patch_number[fi_cm] == n) cut.first.push_back(fi_cm);
SurfacePatch patch_new = create_surface_patch(cut, patch.mesh);
|||| = bounding_box(patch_new.mesh);
patch_new.aoi_id = patch.aoi_id;
patch_new.model_id = patch.model_id;
patch_new.shape_id = patch.shape_id;
// fix cvt
CvtVI2VI& cvt = patch_new.mesh.property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
for (VI &vi : cvt) {
if (!vi.is_valid()) continue;
vi = cvt_from[vi];
return patch_new;
for (size_t n = 1; n < number; n++)
patch = separate_patch(0);
patches.push_back(separate_patch(n, patch_number, patch, cvt_from));
patch = separate_patch(0, patch_number, patch, cvt_from);
priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &models,
const Emboss::IProject3f &projection)
@ -3180,10 +3176,14 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t model_index = 0; model_index < models.size(); ++model_index) {
CutAOIs &model_cuts = cuts[model_index];
const CutMesh &cut_model = cut_models[model_index];
CutMesh &cut_model_ = cut_models[model_index];
const CutMesh &cut_model = cut_model_;
ReductionMap& vertex_reduction_map = cut_model_.add_property_map<VI, VI>(vertex_reduction_map_name).first;
create_reduce_map(vertex_reduction_map, cut_model);
for (size_t cut_index = 0; cut_index < model_cuts.size(); ++cut_index, ++index) {
CutAOI &cut = model_cuts[cut_index];
SurfacePatch patch = create_surface_patch(cut, cut_model);
SurfacePatch patch = create_reduced_patch(cut, cut_model, vertex_reduction_map);
|||| = bbs[index];
patch.aoi_id = index;
patch.model_id = model_index;
@ -3221,11 +3221,12 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
// fill outlines
// Also use outline inside of patches(made by non manifold models)
// IMPROVE: trace outline from AOIs
// IMPROVE: trace outline from AOIs
for (SurfacePatch &patch : patches) {
const CutMesh &mesh = patch.mesh;
@ -3248,10 +3249,6 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
return patches;
// TODO: reduce outlines
// TODO: add cutting edge
// TODO: merge AOIs without intersection - only append
@ -3394,6 +3391,17 @@ SurfaceCut priv::merge_intersections(
// help function to 'merge_patches'
namespace priv {
using Loop = std::vector<VI>;
using Loops = std::vector<Loop>;
/// <summary>
/// Create closed loops of contour vertices created from half edges
/// </summary>
/// <param name="outlines">Unsorted half edges</param>
/// <param name="mesh">Source mesh for half edges</param>
/// <returns>Closed loops</returns>
Loops create_loops(const std::vector<HI> &outlines, const CutMesh& mesh);
/// <summary>
/// Convert patch to indexed_triangle_set
/// </summary>
@ -3402,12 +3410,75 @@ namespace priv {
SurfaceCut patch2cut(SurfacePatch &patch);
} // namespace priv
priv::Loops priv::create_loops(const std::vector<HI> &outlines, const CutMesh& mesh)
Loops loops;
Loops unclosed;
for (HI hi : outlines) {
VI vi_s = mesh.source(hi);
VI vi_t =;
Loop *loop_move = nullptr;
Loop *loop_connect = nullptr;
for (std::vector<VI> &cut : unclosed) {
if (cut.back() != vi_s) continue;
if (cut.front() == vi_t) {
// cut closing
loop_move = &cut;
} else {
loop_connect = &cut;
if (loop_move != nullptr) {
// index of closed cut
size_t index = loop_move - &unclosed.front();
// move cut to result
// remove it from unclosed cut
unclosed.erase(unclosed.begin() + index);
} else if (loop_connect != nullptr) {
// try find tail to connect cut
Loop *loop_tail = nullptr;
for (Loop &cut : unclosed) {
if (cut.front() != vi_t) continue;
loop_tail = &cut;
if (loop_tail != nullptr) {
// index of tail
size_t index = loop_tail - &unclosed.front();
// move to connect vector
// remove tail from unclosed cut
unclosed.erase(unclosed.begin() + index);
} else {
} else { // not found
bool create_cut = true;
// try to insert to front of cut
for (Loop &cut : unclosed) {
if (cut.front() != vi_t) continue;
cut.insert(cut.begin(), vi_s);
create_cut = false;
if (create_cut)
unclosed.emplace_back(std::vector{vi_s, vi_t});
return loops;
SurfaceCut priv::patch2cut(SurfacePatch &patch)
CutMesh &mesh = patch.mesh;
std::string convert_map_name = "v:convert";
priv::ConvertMap convert_map = mesh.add_property_map<priv::VI, SurfaceCut::Index>(convert_map_name).first;
ConvertMap convert_map = mesh.add_property_map<VI, SurfaceCut::Index>(convert_map_name).first;
size_t indices_size = mesh.faces().size();
size_t vertices_size = mesh.vertices().size();
@ -3445,8 +3516,19 @@ SurfaceCut priv::patch2cut(SurfacePatch &patch)
ti[i++] = convert_map[vi];
// Not neccessary, clean and free
Loops loops = create_loops(patch.outline, patch.mesh);
for (const Loop &loop : loops) {
std::vector<SurfaceCut::Index> &contour = sc.contours.back();
for (VI vi : loop) contour.push_back(convert_map[vi]);
// Not neccessary, clean and free memory
return sc;
@ -3722,72 +3804,98 @@ void priv::store(const ProjectionDistances &pds,
its_write_obj(its, file.c_str());
void priv::store(const SurfaceCuts &cut, const std::string &dir) {
auto create_contour_its =
[](const indexed_triangle_set& its, const std::vector<unsigned int> &contour)
-> indexed_triangle_set {
static const float line_width = 0.1f;
namespace priv {
/// <summary>
/// Create model consist of rectangles for each contour edge
/// </summary>
/// <param name="its"></param>
/// <param name="contour"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
indexed_triangle_set create_contour_its(const indexed_triangle_set& its, const std::vector<unsigned int> &contour);
auto get_triangle_tip = [&its](unsigned int vi1,
unsigned int vi2) -> const Vec3f& {
for (const auto &t : its.indices) {
unsigned int tvi = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
for (const auto &vi : t) {
unsigned int vi_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(vi);
if (vi_ == vi1) continue;
if (vi_ == vi2) continue;
if (tvi == std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) {
tvi = vi_;
} else {
tvi = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
if (tvi != std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
return its.vertices[tvi];
/// <summary>
/// Getter on triangle tip (third vertex of face)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vi1">First vertex index</param>
/// <param name="vi2">Second vertex index</param>
/// <param name="its">Source model</param>
/// <returns>Tip Vertex index</returns>
unsigned int get_triangle_tip(unsigned int vi1,
unsigned int vi2,
const indexed_triangle_set &its);
unsigned int priv::get_triangle_tip(unsigned int vi1,
unsigned int vi2,
const indexed_triangle_set &its)
assert(vi1 < its.vertices.size());
assert(vi2 < its.vertices.size());
for (const auto &t : its.indices) {
unsigned int tvi = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
for (const auto &vi : t) {
unsigned int vi_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(vi);
if (vi_ == vi1) continue;
if (vi_ == vi2) continue;
if (tvi == std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) {
tvi = vi_;
} else {
tvi = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
// triangle with indices vi1 and vi2 doesnt exist
return its.vertices[vi1];
indexed_triangle_set result;
result.vertices.reserve((contour.size() + 1) * 4);
result.indices.reserve((contour.size() + 1) * 2);
unsigned int prev_vi = contour.back();
for (unsigned int vi : contour) {
const Vec3f &a = its.vertices[vi];
const Vec3f &b = its.vertices[prev_vi];
const Vec3f &c = get_triangle_tip(vi, prev_vi);
Vec3f v1 = b - a; // from a to b
Vec3f v2 = c - a; // from a to c
// triangle normal
Vec3f norm = v1.cross(v2);
// perpendiculat to edge lay on triangle
Vec3f perp_to_edge = norm.cross(v1);
Vec3f dir = -perp_to_edge * line_width;
size_t ai = result.vertices.size();
size_t bi = result.vertices.size();
size_t ai2 = result.vertices.size();
result.vertices.push_back(a + dir);
size_t bi2 = result.vertices.size();
result.vertices.push_back(b + dir);
result.indices.push_back(Vec3i(ai, bi, ai2));
result.indices.push_back(Vec3i(ai2, bi, bi2));
prev_vi = vi;
return result;
if (tvi != std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
return tvi;
// triangle with indices vi1 and vi2 doesnt exist
return std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
indexed_triangle_set priv::create_contour_its(
const indexed_triangle_set &its, const std::vector<unsigned int> &contour)
static const float line_width = 0.1f;
indexed_triangle_set result;
result.vertices.reserve((contour.size() + 1) * 4);
result.indices.reserve((contour.size() + 1) * 2);
unsigned int prev_vi = contour.back();
for (unsigned int vi : contour) {
const Vec3f &a = its.vertices[vi];
const Vec3f &b = its.vertices[prev_vi];
const Vec3f &c = its.vertices[get_triangle_tip(vi, prev_vi, its)];
Vec3f v1 = b - a; // from a to b
Vec3f v2 = c - a; // from a to c
// triangle normal
Vec3f norm = v1.cross(v2);
// perpendiculat to edge lay on triangle
Vec3f perp_to_edge = norm.cross(v1);
Vec3f dir = -perp_to_edge * line_width;
size_t ai = result.vertices.size();
size_t bi = result.vertices.size();
size_t ai2 = result.vertices.size();
result.vertices.push_back(a + dir);
size_t bi2 = result.vertices.size();
result.vertices.push_back(b + dir);
result.indices.push_back(Vec3i(ai, bi, ai2));
result.indices.push_back(Vec3i(ai2, bi, bi2));
prev_vi = vi;
return result;
void priv::store(const SurfaceCuts &cut, const std::string &dir) {
for (const auto &c : cut) {
size_t index = &c - &cut.front();
@ -3803,6 +3911,16 @@ void priv::store(const SurfaceCuts &cut, const std::string &dir) {
void priv::store(const SurfaceCut &cut, const std::string &prefix) {
its_write_obj(cut, (prefix + ".obj").c_str());
for (const auto& contour : cut.contours) {
size_t c_index = &contour - &cut.contours.front();
std::string c_file = prefix + "_contour" + std::to_string(c_index) + ".obj";
indexed_triangle_set c_its = create_contour_its(cut, contour);
its_write_obj(c_its, c_file.c_str());
void priv::store(const std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> &models,
const std::string &obj_filename)
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