Improvements of infill path planning:
Implementation of 2-opt pairwise exchange iterative improvement algorithm with an extension to a chain of segments, where the chain of segments may get flipped during the exchange operation. The 2-opt exchange algorithm may be quite slow.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 903 additions and 16 deletions
@ -389,6 +389,585 @@ std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> chain_segments_greedy_constrained_reversals
return out;
template<typename QueueType, typename KDTreeType, typename ChainsType, typename EndPointType>
void update_end_point_in_queue(QueueType &queue, const KDTreeType &kdtree, ChainsType &chains, std::vector<EndPointType> &end_points, EndPointType &end_point, size_t first_point_idx, const EndPointType *first_point)
// Updating an end point or a 2nd from an end point.
size_t this_idx = end_point.index(end_points);
// If this segment is not the starting segment, then this end point or the opposite is unconnected.
assert(first_point_idx == this_idx || first_point_idx == (this_idx ^ 1) || end_point.chain_id == 0 || end_point.opposite(end_points).chain_id == 0);
end_point.edge_candidate = nullptr;
if (first_point_idx == this_idx || (end_point.chain_id > 0 && first_point_idx == (this_idx ^ 1)))
// One may never flip the 1st edge, don't try it again.
if (! end_point.heap_idx_invalid())
// Update edge_candidate and distance.
size_t chain1a = end_point.chain_id;
size_t chain1b = end_points[this_idx ^ 1].chain_id;
size_t this_chain = chains.equivalent(std::max(chain1a, chain1b));
// Find the closest point to this end_point, which lies on a different extrusion path (filtered by the filter lambda).
size_t next_idx = find_closest_point(kdtree, end_point.pos, [&end_points, &chains, this_idx, first_point_idx, first_point, this_chain](size_t idx) {
assert(end_points[this_idx].edge_candidate == nullptr);
// Either this end of the edge or the other end of the edge is not yet connected.
assert((end_points[this_idx ].chain_id == 0 && end_points[this_idx ].edge_out == nullptr) ||
(end_points[this_idx ^ 1].chain_id == 0 && end_points[this_idx ^ 1].edge_out == nullptr));
if ((idx ^ this_idx) <= 1 || idx == first_point_idx)
// Points of the same segment shall not be connected.
// Don't connect to the first point, we must not flip the 1st edge.
return false;
size_t chain2a = end_points[idx].chain_id;
size_t chain2b = end_points[idx ^ 1].chain_id;
if (chain2a > 0 && chain2b > 0)
// Only unconnected end point or a point next to an unconnected end point may be connected to.
// Ideally those would be removed from the KD tree, but the update is difficult.
return false;
assert(chain2a == 0 || chain2b == 0);
size_t chain2 = chains.equivalent(std::max(chain2a, chain2b));
if (this_chain == chain2)
// Don't connect back to the same chain, don't create a loop.
return this_chain == 0;
// Don't connect to a segment requiring flipping if the segment starts or ends with the first point.
if (chain2a > 0) {
// Chain requires flipping.
assert(chain2b == 0);
auto &chain = chains.chain(chain2);
if (chain.begin == first_point || chain.end == first_point)
return false;
// Everything is all right, try to connect.
return true;
assert(next_idx < end_points.size());
assert(chains.equivalent(end_points[next_idx].chain_id) != chains.equivalent(end_points[next_idx ^ 1].chain_id) || end_points[next_idx].chain_id == 0);
end_point.edge_candidate = &end_points[next_idx];
end_point.distance_out = (end_points[next_idx].pos - end_point.pos).norm();
if (end_point.chain_id > 0)
end_point.distance_out += chains.chain_flip_penalty(this_chain);
if (end_points[next_idx].chain_id > 0)
// The candidate chain is flipped.
end_point.distance_out += chains.chain_flip_penalty(end_points[next_idx].chain_id);
// Update position of this end point in the queue based on the distance calculated at the line above.
if (end_point.heap_idx_invalid())
template<typename PointType, typename SegmentEndPointFunc, bool REVERSE_COULD_FAIL, typename CouldReverseFunc>
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> chain_segments_greedy_constrained_reversals2_(SegmentEndPointFunc end_point_func, CouldReverseFunc could_reverse_func, size_t num_segments, const PointType *start_near)
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> out;
if (num_segments == 0) {
// Nothing to do.
else if (num_segments == 1)
// Just sort the end points so that the first point visited is closest to start_near.
out.emplace_back(0, start_near != nullptr &&
(end_point_func(0, true) - *start_near).template cast<double>().squaredNorm() < (end_point_func(0, false) - *start_near).template cast<double>().squaredNorm());
// End points of segments for the KD tree closest point search.
// A single end point is inserted into the search structure for loops, two end points are entered for open paths.
struct EndPoint {
EndPoint(const Vec2d &pos) : pos(pos) {}
Vec2d pos;
// Candidate for a new connection link.
EndPoint *edge_candidate = nullptr;
// Distance to the next end point following the link.
// Zero value -> start of the final path.
double distance_out = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
size_t heap_idx = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
bool heap_idx_invalid() const { return this->heap_idx == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); }
// Identifier of the chain, to which this end point belongs. Zero means unassigned.
size_t chain_id = 0;
// Double linked chain of segment end points in current path.
EndPoint *edge_out = nullptr;
size_t index(std::vector<EndPoint> &endpoints) const { return this -; }
// Opposite end point of the same segment.
EndPoint& opposite(std::vector<EndPoint> &endpoints) { return endpoints[(this - ^ 1]; }
const EndPoint& opposite(const std::vector<EndPoint> &endpoints) const { return endpoints[(this - ^ 1]; }
std::vector<EndPoint> end_points;
end_points.reserve(num_segments * 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_segments; ++ i) {
end_points.emplace_back(end_point_func(i, true ).template cast<double>());
end_points.emplace_back(end_point_func(i, false).template cast<double>());
// Construct the closest point KD tree over end points of segments.
auto coordinate_fn = [&end_points](size_t idx, size_t dimension) -> double { return end_points[idx].pos[dimension]; };
KDTreeIndirect<2, double, decltype(coordinate_fn)> kdtree(coordinate_fn, end_points.size());
// Chained segments with their sum of connection lengths.
// The chain supports flipping all the segments, connecting the segments at the opposite ends.
// (this is a very useful path optimization for infill lines).
struct Chain {
size_t num_segments = 0;
double cost = 0.;
double cost_flipped = 0.;
EndPoint *begin = nullptr;
EndPoint *end = nullptr;
size_t equivalent_with = 0;
// Flipping the chain has a time complexity of O(n).
void flip(std::vector<EndPoint> &endpoints)
assert(this->num_segments > 1);
assert(this->begin->edge_out == nullptr);
assert(this->end ->edge_out == nullptr);
assert(this->begin->opposite(endpoints).edge_out != nullptr);
assert(this->end ->opposite(endpoints).edge_out != nullptr);
// Start of the current segment processed.
EndPoint *ept = this->begin;
// Previous end point to connect the other side of ept to.
EndPoint *ept_prev = nullptr;
do {
EndPoint *ept_end = &ept->opposite(endpoints);
EndPoint *ept_next = ept_end->edge_out;
assert(ept_next == nullptr || ept_next->edge_out == ept_end);
// Connect to the preceding segment.
ept_end->edge_out = ept_prev;
if (ept_prev != nullptr)
ept_prev->edge_out = ept_end;
ept_prev = ept;
ept = ept_next;
} while (ept != nullptr);
ept_prev->edge_out = nullptr;
// Swap the costs.
std::swap(this->cost, this->cost_flipped);
// Swap the ends.
EndPoint *new_begin = &this->begin->opposite(endpoints);
EndPoint *new_end = &this->end->opposite(endpoints);
std::swap(this->begin->chain_id, new_begin->chain_id);
std::swap(this->end ->chain_id, new_end ->chain_id);
this->begin = new_begin;
this->end = new_end;
assert(this->begin->edge_out == nullptr);
assert(this->end ->edge_out == nullptr);
assert(this->begin->opposite(endpoints).edge_out != nullptr);
assert(this->end ->opposite(endpoints).edge_out != nullptr);
double flip_penalty() const { return this->cost_flipped - this->cost; }
// Helper to detect loops in already connected paths and to accomodate flipping of chains.
// Unique chain IDs are assigned to paths. If paths are connected, end points will not have their chain IDs updated, but the chain IDs
// will remember an "equivalent" chain ID, which is the lowest ID of all the IDs in the path, and the lowest ID is equivalent to itself.
// Chain IDs are indexed starting with 1.
// Chains remember their lengths and their lengths when each segment of the chain is flipped.
class Chains {
// Zero'th chain ID is invalid.
Chains(size_t reserve) {
m_chains.reserve(reserve / 2);
// Indexing starts with 1.
// Generate next equivalence class.
size_t next_id() {
m_chains.back().equivalent_with = ++ m_last_chain_id;
return m_last_chain_id;
// Get equivalence class for chain ID, update the "equivalent_with" along the equivalence path.
size_t equivalent(size_t chain_id) {
if (chain_id != 0) {
for (size_t last = chain_id;;) {
size_t lower = m_chains[last].equivalent_with;
if (lower == last) {
m_chains[chain_id].equivalent_with = lower;
chain_id = lower;
last = lower;
return chain_id;
// Return a lowest chain ID of the two input chains.
// Produce a new chain ID of both chain IDs are zero.
size_t merge(size_t chain_id1, size_t chain_id2) {
if (chain_id1 == 0)
return (chain_id2 == 0) ? this->next_id() : chain_id2;
if (chain_id2 == 0)
return chain_id1;
assert(m_chains[chain_id1].equivalent_with == chain_id1);
assert(m_chains[chain_id2].equivalent_with == chain_id2);
size_t chain_id = std::min(chain_id1, chain_id2);
m_chains[chain_id1].equivalent_with = chain_id;
m_chains[chain_id2].equivalent_with = chain_id;
return chain_id;
Chain& chain(size_t chain_id) { return m_chains[chain_id]; }
const Chain& chain(size_t chain_id) const { return m_chains[chain_id]; }
double chain_flip_penalty(size_t chain_id) {
chain_id = this->equivalent(chain_id);
return m_chains[chain_id].flip_penalty();
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool validate()
// Validate that the segments merged chain IDs make up a directed acyclic graph
// with edges oriented towards the lower chain ID, therefore all ending up
// in the lowest chain ID of all of them.
assert(m_last_chain_id >= 0);
assert(m_last_chain_id + 1 == m_chains.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_chains.size(); ++ i) {
for (size_t last = i;;) {
size_t lower = m_chains[last].equivalent_with;
assert(lower <= last);
if (lower == last)
last = lower;
return true;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
std::vector<Chain> m_chains;
// Unique chain ID assigned to chains of end points of segments.
size_t m_last_chain_id = 0;
} chains(num_segments);
// Find the first end point closest to start_near.
EndPoint *first_point = nullptr;
size_t first_point_idx = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
if (start_near != nullptr) {
size_t idx = find_closest_point(kdtree, start_near->template cast<double>());
assert(idx < end_points.size());
first_point = &end_points[idx];
first_point->distance_out = 0.;
first_point->chain_id = chains.next_id();
Chain &chain = chains.chain(first_point->chain_id);
chain.begin = first_point;
chain.end = &first_point->opposite(end_points);
first_point_idx = idx;
EndPoint *initial_point = first_point;
EndPoint *last_point = nullptr;
// Assign the closest point and distance to the end points.
for (EndPoint &end_point : end_points) {
assert(end_point.edge_candidate == nullptr);
if (&end_point != first_point) {
size_t this_idx = end_point.index(end_points);
// Find the closest point to this end_point, which lies on a different extrusion path (filtered by the lambda).
// Ignore the starting point as the starting point is considered to be occupied, no end point coud connect to it.
size_t next_idx = find_closest_point(kdtree, end_point.pos,
[this_idx, first_point_idx](size_t idx){ return idx != first_point_idx && (idx ^ this_idx) > 1; });
assert(next_idx < end_points.size());
EndPoint &end_point2 = end_points[next_idx];
end_point.edge_candidate = &end_point2;
end_point.distance_out = (end_point2.pos - end_point.pos).norm();
// Initialize a heap of end points sorted by the lowest distance to the next valid point of a path.
auto queue = make_mutable_priority_queue<EndPoint*>(
[](EndPoint *ep, size_t idx){ ep->heap_idx = idx; },
[](EndPoint *l, EndPoint *r){ return l->distance_out < r->distance_out; });
queue.reserve(end_points.size() * 2);
for (EndPoint &ep : end_points)
if (first_point != &ep)
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto validate_graph_and_queue = [&chains, &end_points, &queue, first_point]() -> bool {
for (EndPoint &ep : end_points) {
if (ep.heap_idx < queue.size()) {
// End point is on the heap.
assert(*(queue.cbegin() + ep.heap_idx) == &ep);
// One side or the other of the segment is not yet connected.
assert(ep.chain_id == 0 || ep.opposite(end_points).chain_id == 0);
} else {
// End point is NOT on the heap, therefore it must part of the output path.
assert(ep.chain_id != 0);
if (&ep == first_point) {
assert(ep.edge_out == nullptr);
} else {
assert(ep.edge_out != nullptr);
// Detect loops.
for (EndPoint *pt = &ep; pt != nullptr;) {
// Out of queue. It is a final point.
EndPoint *pt_other = &pt->opposite(end_points);
if (pt_other->heap_idx < queue.size()) {
// The other side of this segment is undecided yet.
// assert(pt_other->edge_out == nullptr);
pt = pt_other->edge_out;
for (EndPoint *ep : queue)
// Points in the queue or the opposites of the same segment are not connected yet.
assert(ep->chain_id == 0 || ep->opposite(end_points).chain_id == 0);
return true;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Chain the end points: find (num_segments - 1) shortest links not forming bifurcations or loops.
assert(num_segments >= 2);
#ifndef NDEBUG
double distance_taken_last = 0.;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Some links stored onto the priority queue are being invalidated during the calculation and they are not
// updated immediately. If such a situation is detected for an end point pulled from the priority queue,
// the end point is being updated and re-inserted into the priority queue. Therefore the number of iterations
// required is higher than expected (it would be the number of links, num_segments - 1).
// The limit here may not be necessary, but it guards us against an endless loop if something goes wrong.
size_t num_iter = num_segments * 16;
for (size_t num_connections_to_end = num_segments - 1; num_iter > 0; -- num_iter) {
// Take the first end point, for which the link points to the currently closest valid neighbor.
EndPoint *end_point1 =;
assert(end_point1 != first_point);
EndPoint *end_point1_other = &end_point1->opposite(end_points);
// true if end_point1 is not the end of its chain, but the 2nd point. When connecting to the 2nd point, this chain needs
// to be flipped first.
bool chain1_flip = end_point1->chain_id > 0;
// Either this point at the queue is not connected, or it is the 2nd point of a chain.
// If connecting to a 2nd point of a chain, the 1st point shall not yet be connected and this chain will need
// to be flipped.
assert( chain1_flip || (end_point1->chain_id == 0 && end_point1->edge_out == nullptr));
assert(! chain1_flip || (end_point1_other->chain_id == 0 && end_point1_other->edge_out == nullptr));
assert(end_point1->edge_candidate != nullptr);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Each edge added shall be longer than the previous one taken.
//assert(end_point1->distance_out > distance_taken_last - SCALED_EPSILON);
if (end_point1->distance_out < distance_taken_last - SCALED_EPSILON) {
// printf("Warning: taking shorter length than previously is suspicious\n");
distance_taken_last = end_point1->distance_out;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Take the closest end point to the first end point,
EndPoint *end_point2 = end_point1->edge_candidate;
EndPoint *end_point2_other = &end_point2->opposite(end_points);
bool chain2_flip = end_point2->chain_id > 0;
// Is the link from end_point1 to end_point2 still valid? If yes, the link may be taken. Otherwise the link needs to be refreshed.
bool valid = true;
size_t end_point1_chain_id = 0;
size_t end_point2_chain_id = 0;
if (end_point2->chain_id > 0 && end_point2_other->chain_id > 0) {
// The other side is part of the output path. Don't connect to end_point2, update end_point1 and try another one.
valid = false;
} else {
// End points of the opposite ends of the segments.
end_point1_chain_id = chains.equivalent((chain1_flip ? end_point1 : end_point1_other)->chain_id);
end_point2_chain_id = chains.equivalent((chain2_flip ? end_point2 : end_point2_other)->chain_id);
if (end_point1_chain_id == end_point2_chain_id && end_point1_chain_id != 0)
// This edge forms a loop. Update end_point1 and try another one.
valid = false;
else {
// Verify whether end_point1.distance_out still matches the current state of the two end points to be connected and their chains.
// Namely, the other chain may have been flipped in the meantime.
double dist = (end_point2->pos - end_point1->pos).norm();
if (chain1_flip)
dist += chains.chain_flip_penalty(end_point1_chain_id);
if (chain2_flip)
dist += chains.chain_flip_penalty(end_point2_chain_id);
if (std::abs(dist - end_point1->distance_out) > SCALED_EPSILON)
// The distance changed due to flipping of one of the chains. Refresh this end point in the queue.
valid = false;
if (valid && first_point != nullptr) {
// Verify that a chain starting or ending with the first_point does not get flipped.
if (chain1_flip) {
Chain &chain = chains.chain(end_point1_chain_id);
if (chain.begin == first_point || chain.end == first_point)
valid = false;
if (valid && chain2_flip) {
Chain &chain = chains.chain(end_point2_chain_id);
if (chain.begin == first_point || chain.end == first_point)
valid = false;
if (valid) {
// Remove the first and second point from the queue.
assert(end_point1->edge_candidate == end_point2);
end_point1->edge_candidate = nullptr;
Chain *chain1 = (end_point1_chain_id == 0) ? nullptr : &chains.chain(end_point1_chain_id);
Chain *chain2 = (end_point2_chain_id == 0) ? nullptr : &chains.chain(end_point2_chain_id);
assert(chain1 == nullptr || (chain1_flip ? (chain1->begin == end_point1_other || chain1->end == end_point1_other) : (chain1->begin == end_point1 || chain1->end == end_point1)));
assert(chain2 == nullptr || (chain2_flip ? (chain2->begin == end_point2_other || chain2->end == end_point2_other) : (chain2->begin == end_point2 || chain2->end == end_point2)));
if (chain1_flip)
if (chain2_flip)
assert(chain1 == nullptr || chain1->begin == end_point1 || chain1->end == end_point1);
assert(chain2 == nullptr || chain2->begin == end_point2 || chain2->end == end_point2);
size_t chain_id = chains.merge(end_point1_chain_id, end_point2_chain_id);
Chain &chain = chains.chain(chain_id);
Chain chain_dst;
chain_dst.begin = (chain1 == nullptr) ? end_point1_other : (chain1->begin == end_point1) ? chain1->end : chain1->begin;
chain_dst.end = (chain2 == nullptr) ? end_point2_other : (chain2->begin == end_point2) ? chain2->end : chain2->begin;
chain_dst.cost = (chain1 == 0 ? 0. : chain1->cost) + (chain2 == 0 ? 0. : chain2->cost) + (end_point2->pos - end_point1->pos).norm();
chain_dst.cost_flipped = (chain1 == 0 ? 0. : chain1->cost_flipped) + (chain2 == 0 ? 0. : chain2->cost_flipped) + (end_point2_other->pos - end_point1_other->pos).norm();
chain_dst.num_segments = (chain1 == 0 ? 1 : chain1->num_segments) + (chain2 == 0 ? 1 : chain2->num_segments);
chain_dst.equivalent_with = chain_id;
chain = chain_dst;
if (chain.begin != end_point1_other && ! end_point1_other->heap_idx_invalid())
if (chain.end != end_point2_other && ! end_point2_other->heap_idx_invalid())
end_point1->edge_out = end_point2;
end_point2->edge_out = end_point1;
end_point1->chain_id = chain_id;
end_point2->chain_id = chain_id;
end_point1_other->chain_id = chain_id;
end_point2_other->chain_id = chain_id;
if (chain.begin != first_point)
chain.begin->chain_id = 0;
if (chain.end != first_point)
chain.end->chain_id = 0;
if (-- num_connections_to_end == 0) {
// Last iteration. There shall be exactly one or two end points waiting to be connected.
assert(queue.size() <= ((first_point == nullptr) ? 4 : 2));
if (first_point == nullptr) {
// Find the first remaining end point.
do {
first_point =;
} while (first_point->edge_out != nullptr);
assert(first_point->edge_out == nullptr);
// Find the first remaining end point.
do {
last_point =;
} while (last_point->edge_out != nullptr);
assert(last_point->edge_out == nullptr);
#ifndef NDEBUG
while (! queue.empty()) {
assert(>edge_out != nullptr &&>chain_id > 0);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
} else {
//FIXME update the 2nd end points on the queue.
// Update end points of the flipped segments.
update_end_point_in_queue(queue, kdtree, chains, end_points, chain.begin->opposite(end_points), first_point_idx, first_point);
update_end_point_in_queue(queue, kdtree, chains, end_points, chain.end->opposite(end_points), first_point_idx, first_point);
if (chain1_flip)
update_end_point_in_queue(queue, kdtree, chains, end_points, *chain.begin, first_point_idx, first_point);
if (chain2_flip)
update_end_point_in_queue(queue, kdtree, chains, end_points, *chain.end, first_point_idx, first_point);
// End points of chains shall certainly stay in the queue.
assert(chain.begin == first_point || chain.begin->heap_idx < queue.size());
assert(chain.end == first_point || chain.end ->heap_idx < queue.size());
assert(&chain.begin->opposite(end_points) != first_point &&
(chain.begin == first_point ? chain.begin->opposite(end_points).heap_idx_invalid() : chain.begin->opposite(end_points).heap_idx < queue.size()));
assert(&chain.end ->opposite(end_points) != first_point &&
(chain.end == first_point ? chain.end ->opposite(end_points).heap_idx_invalid() : chain.end ->opposite(end_points).heap_idx < queue.size()));
} else {
// This edge forms a loop. Update end_point1 and try another one.
update_end_point_in_queue(queue, kdtree, chains, end_points, *end_point1, first_point_idx, first_point);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Each edge shall be longer than the last one removed from the queue.
//assert(end_point1->distance_out > distance_taken_last - SCALED_EPSILON);
if (end_point1->distance_out < distance_taken_last - SCALED_EPSILON) {
// printf("Warning: taking shorter length than previously is suspicious\n");
#endif /* NDEBUG */
//FIXME Remove the other end point from the KD tree.
// As the KD tree update is expensive, do it only after some larger number of points is removed from the queue.
// Now interconnect pairs of segments into a chain.
assert(first_point != nullptr);
bool failed = false;
do {
assert(out.size() < num_segments);
size_t first_point_id = first_point - &end_points.front();
size_t segment_id = first_point_id >> 1;
bool reverse = (first_point_id & 1) != 0;
EndPoint *second_point = &end_points[first_point_id ^ 1];
if (reverse && ! could_reverse_func(segment_id)) {
failed = true;
} else {
assert(! reverse || could_reverse_func(segment_id));
out.emplace_back(segment_id, reverse);
first_point = second_point->edge_out;
} while (first_point != nullptr);
if (failed) {
if (start_near == nullptr) {
// We may try the reverse order.
first_point = last_point;
failed = false;
do {
assert(out.size() < num_segments);
size_t first_point_id = first_point - &end_points.front();
size_t segment_id = first_point_id >> 1;
bool reverse = (first_point_id & 1) != 0;
EndPoint *second_point = &end_points[first_point_id ^ 1];
if (reverse && ! could_reverse_func(segment_id)) {
failed = true;
out.emplace_back(segment_id, reverse);
first_point = second_point->edge_out;
} while (first_point != nullptr);
if (failed)
// As a last resort, try a dumb algorithm, which is not sensitive to edge reversal constraints.
out = chain_segments_closest_point<EndPoint, decltype(kdtree), CouldReverseFunc>(end_points, kdtree, could_reverse_func, (initial_point != nullptr) ? *initial_point : end_points.front());
} else {
assert(! failed);
assert(out.size() == num_segments);
return out;
template<typename PointType, typename SegmentEndPointFunc, typename CouldReverseFunc>
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> chain_segments_greedy_constrained_reversals(SegmentEndPointFunc end_point_func, CouldReverseFunc could_reverse_func, size_t num_segments, const PointType *start_near)
@ -402,6 +981,19 @@ std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> chain_segments_greedy(SegmentEndPointFunc e
return chain_segments_greedy_constrained_reversals_<PointType, SegmentEndPointFunc, false, decltype(could_reverse_func)>(end_point_func, could_reverse_func, num_segments, start_near);
template<typename PointType, typename SegmentEndPointFunc, typename CouldReverseFunc>
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> chain_segments_greedy_constrained_reversals2(SegmentEndPointFunc end_point_func, CouldReverseFunc could_reverse_func, size_t num_segments, const PointType *start_near)
return chain_segments_greedy_constrained_reversals2_<PointType, SegmentEndPointFunc, true, CouldReverseFunc>(end_point_func, could_reverse_func, num_segments, start_near);
template<typename PointType, typename SegmentEndPointFunc>
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> chain_segments_greedy2(SegmentEndPointFunc end_point_func, size_t num_segments, const PointType *start_near)
auto could_reverse_func = [](size_t /* idx */) -> bool { return true; };
return chain_segments_greedy_constrained_reversals2_<PointType, SegmentEndPointFunc, false, decltype(could_reverse_func)>(end_point_func, could_reverse_func, num_segments, start_near);
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> chain_extrusion_entities(std::vector<ExtrusionEntity*> &entities, const Point *start_near)
auto segment_end_point = [&entities](size_t idx, bool first_point) -> const Point& { return first_point ? entities[idx]->first_point() : entities[idx]->last_point(); };
@ -472,8 +1064,22 @@ std::vector<size_t> chain_points(const Points &points, Point *start_near)
return out;
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif /* NDEBUG */
void svg_draw_polyline_chain(const char *name, size_t idx, const Polylines &polylines)
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(polylines);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("%s-%d.svg", name, idx).c_str(), bbox);
for (size_t i = 1; i < polylines.size(); ++i)
svg.draw(Line(polylines[i - 1].last_point(), polylines[i].first_point()), "red");
#endif /* DEBUG_SVG_OUTPUT */
// Flip the sequences of polylines to lower the total length of connecting lines.
static inline void improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping(Polylines &polylines, bool fixed_start)
#ifndef NDEBUG
@ -487,14 +1093,8 @@ static inline void improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping(Polylines &polylines, bo
static int iRun = 0;
++ iRun;
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(polylines);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping-initial-%d.svg", iRun).c_str(), bbox);
for (size_t i = 1; i < polylines.size(); ++ i)
svg.draw(Line(polylines[i - 1].last_point(), polylines[i].first_point()), "red");
svg_draw_polyline_chain("improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping-initial", iRun, polylines);
#endif /* DEBUG_SVG_OUTPUT */
#endif /* NDEBUG */
@ -643,34 +1243,285 @@ static inline void improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping(Polylines &polylines, bo
#ifndef NDEBUG
double cost_final = cost();
svg_draw_polyline_chain("improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping-final", iRun, polylines);
#endif /* DEBUG_SVG_OUTPUT */
assert(cost_final <= cost_prev);
assert(cost_final <= cost_initial);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
struct FlipEdge {
FlipEdge(const Vec2d &p1, const Vec2d &p2, size_t source_index) : p1(p1), p2(p2), source_index(source_index) {}
void flip() { std::swap(this->p1, this->p2); }
Vec2d p1;
Vec2d p2;
size_t source_index;
struct ConnectionCost {
ConnectionCost(double cost, double cost_flipped) : cost(cost), cost_flipped(cost_flipped) {}
ConnectionCost() : cost(0.), cost_flipped(0.) {}
void flip() { std::swap(this->cost, this->cost_flipped); }
double cost = 0;
double cost_flipped = 0;
static inline ConnectionCost operator-(const ConnectionCost &lhs, const ConnectionCost& rhs) { return ConnectionCost(lhs.cost - rhs.cost, lhs.cost_flipped - rhs.cost_flipped); }
static inline std::pair<double, size_t> minimum_crossover_cost(
const std::vector<FlipEdge> &edges,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span1, const ConnectionCost &cost1,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span2, const ConnectionCost &cost2,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span3, const ConnectionCost &cost3,
const double cost_current)
auto connection_cost = [&edges](
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span1, const ConnectionCost &cost1, bool reversed1, bool flipped1,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span2, const ConnectionCost &cost2, bool reversed2, bool flipped2,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span3, const ConnectionCost &cost3, bool reversed3, bool flipped3) {
auto first_point = [&edges](const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span, bool flipped) { return flipped ? edges[span.first].p2 : edges[span.first].p1; };
auto last_point = [&edges](const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span, bool flipped) { return flipped ? edges[span.second - 1].p1 : edges[span.second - 1].p2; };
auto point = [first_point, last_point](const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span, bool start, bool flipped) { return start ? first_point(span, flipped) : last_point(span, flipped); };
auto cost = [](const ConnectionCost &acost, bool flipped) {
assert(acost.cost >= 0. && acost.cost_flipped >= 0.);
return flipped ? acost.cost_flipped : acost.cost;
// Ignore reversed single segment spans.
auto simple_span_ignore = [](const std::pair<size_t, size_t>& span, bool reversed) {
return span.first + 1 == span.second && reversed;
assert(span1.first < span1.second);
assert(span2.first < span2.second);
assert(span3.first < span3.second);
simple_span_ignore(span1, reversed1) || simple_span_ignore(span2, reversed2) || simple_span_ignore(span3, reversed3) ?
// Don't perform unnecessary calculations simulating reversion of single segment spans.
std::numeric_limits<double>::max() :
// Calculate the cost of reverting chains and / or flipping segment orientations.
cost(cost1, flipped1) + cost(cost2, flipped2) + cost(cost3, flipped3) +
(point(span2, ! reversed2, flipped2) - point(span1, reversed1, flipped1)).norm() +
(point(span3, ! reversed3, flipped3) - point(span2, reversed2, flipped2)).norm();
#ifndef NDEBUG
SVG svg(debug_out_path("improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping-final-%d.svg", iRun).c_str(), bbox);
for (size_t i = 1; i < polylines.size(); ++ i)
svg.draw(Line(polylines[i - 1].last_point(), polylines[i].first_point()), "red");
double c = connection_cost(span1, cost1, false, false, span2, cost2, false, false, span3, cost3, false, false);
assert(std::abs(c - cost_current) < SCALED_EPSILON);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
double cost_min = cost_current;
size_t flip_min = 0; // no flip, no improvement
for (size_t i = 0; i < (1 << 6); ++ i) {
// From the three combinations of 1,2,3 ordering, the other three are reversals of the first three.
double c1 = (i == 0) ? cost_current :
connection_cost(span1, cost1, (i & 1) != 0, (i & (1 << 1)) != 0, span2, cost2, (i & (1 << 2)) != 0, (i & (1 << 3)) != 0, span3, cost3, (i & (1 << 4)) != 0, (i & (1 << 5)) != 0);
double c2 = connection_cost(span1, cost1, (i & 1) != 0, (i & (1 << 1)) != 0, span3, cost3, (i & (1 << 2)) != 0, (i & (1 << 3)) != 0, span2, cost2, (i & (1 << 4)) != 0, (i & (1 << 5)) != 0);
double c3 = connection_cost(span2, cost2, (i & 1) != 0, (i & (1 << 1)) != 0, span1, cost1, (i & (1 << 2)) != 0, (i & (1 << 3)) != 0, span3, cost3, (i & (1 << 4)) != 0, (i & (1 << 5)) != 0);
if (c1 < cost_min) {
cost_min = c1;
flip_min = i;
if (c2 < cost_min) {
cost_min = c2;
flip_min = i + (1 << 6);
if (c3 < cost_min) {
cost_min = c3;
flip_min = i + (2 << 6);
return std::make_pair(cost_min, flip_min);
static inline void do_crossover(const std::vector<FlipEdge> &edges_in, std::vector<FlipEdge> &edges_out,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span1, const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span2, const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span3,
size_t i)
assert(edges_in.size() == edges_out.size());
auto do_it = [&edges_in, &edges_out](
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span1, bool reversed1, bool flipped1,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span2, bool reversed2, bool flipped2,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span3, bool reversed3, bool flipped3) {
auto it_edges_out = edges_out.begin();
auto copy_span = [&edges_in, &edges_out, &it_edges_out](std::pair<size_t, size_t> span, bool reversed, bool flipped) {
assert(span.first < span.second);
auto it = it_edges_out;
if (reversed)
std::reverse_copy(edges_in.begin() + span.first, edges_in.begin() + span.second, it_edges_out);
std::copy (edges_in.begin() + span.first, edges_in.begin() + span.second, it_edges_out);
it_edges_out += span.second - span.first;
if (reversed != flipped) {
for (; it != it_edges_out; ++ it)
copy_span(span1, reversed1, flipped1);
copy_span(span2, reversed2, flipped2);
copy_span(span3, reversed3, flipped3);
switch (i >> 6) {
case 0:
do_it(span1, (i & 1) != 0, (i & (1 << 1)) != 0, span2, (i & (1 << 2)) != 0, (i & (1 << 3)) != 0, span3, (i & (1 << 4)) != 0, (i & (1 << 5)) != 0);
case 1:
do_it(span1, (i & 1) != 0, (i & (1 << 1)) != 0, span3, (i & (1 << 2)) != 0, (i & (1 << 3)) != 0, span2, (i & (1 << 4)) != 0, (i & (1 << 5)) != 0);
assert((i >> 6) == 2);
do_it(span2, (i & 1) != 0, (i & (1 << 1)) != 0, span1, (i & (1 << 2)) != 0, (i & (1 << 3)) != 0, span3, (i & (1 << 4)) != 0, (i & (1 << 5)) != 0);
assert(edges_in.size() == edges_out.size());
static inline void reorder_by_two_exchanges_with_segment_flipping(std::vector<FlipEdge> &edges)
if (edges.size() < 2)
std::vector<ConnectionCost> connections(edges.size());
std::vector<FlipEdge> edges_tmp(edges);
std::vector<std::pair<double, size_t>> connection_lengths(edges.size() - 1, std::pair<double, size_t>(0., 0));
std::vector<char> connection_tried(edges.size(), false);
for (size_t iter = 0; iter < edges.size(); ++ iter) {
// Initialize connection costs and connection lengths.
for (size_t i = 1; i < edges.size(); ++ i) {
const FlipEdge &e1 = edges[i - 1];
const FlipEdge &e2 = edges[i];
ConnectionCost &c = connections[i];
c = connections[i - 1];
double l = (e2.p1 - e1.p2).norm();
c.cost += l;
c.cost_flipped += (e2.p2 - e1.p1).norm();
connection_lengths[i - 1] = std::make_pair(l, i);
std::sort(connection_lengths.begin(), connection_lengths.end(), [](const std::pair<double, size_t> &l, const std::pair<double, size_t> &r) { return l.first > r.first; });
std::fill(connection_tried.begin(), connection_tried.end(), false);
size_t crossover1_pos_final = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t crossover2_pos_final = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t crossover_flip_final = 0;
for (const std::pair<double, size_t> &first_crossover_candidate : connection_lengths) {
double longest_connection_length = first_crossover_candidate.first;
size_t longest_connection_idx = first_crossover_candidate.second;
connection_tried[longest_connection_idx] = true;
// Find the second crossover connection with the lowest total chain cost.
size_t crossover_pos_min = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
double crossover_cost_min = connections.back().cost;
size_t crossover_flip_min = 0;
for (size_t j = 1; j < connections.size(); ++ j)
if (! connection_tried[j]) {
size_t a = j;
size_t b = longest_connection_idx;
if (a > b)
std::swap(a, b);
std::pair<double, size_t> cost_and_flip = minimum_crossover_cost(edges,
std::make_pair(size_t(0), a), connections[a - 1], std::make_pair(a, b), connections[b - 1] - connections[a], std::make_pair(b, edges.size()), connections.back() - connections[b],
if (cost_and_flip.second > 0 && cost_and_flip.first < crossover_cost_min) {
crossover_pos_min = j;
crossover_cost_min = cost_and_flip.first;
crossover_flip_min = cost_and_flip.second;
assert(crossover_cost_min < connections.back().cost + EPSILON);
if (crossover_cost_min < connections.back().cost) {
// The cost of the chain with the proposed two crossovers has a lower total cost than the current chain. Apply the crossover.
crossover1_pos_final = longest_connection_idx;
crossover2_pos_final = crossover_pos_min;
crossover_flip_final = crossover_flip_min;
} else {
// Continue with another long candidate edge.
if (crossover_flip_final > 0) {
// Pair of cross over positions and flip / reverse constellation has been found, which improves the total cost of the connection.
// Perform a crossover.
if (crossover1_pos_final > crossover2_pos_final)
std::swap(crossover1_pos_final, crossover2_pos_final);
do_crossover(edges, edges_tmp, std::make_pair(size_t(0), crossover1_pos_final), std::make_pair(crossover1_pos_final, crossover2_pos_final), std::make_pair(crossover2_pos_final, edges.size()), crossover_flip_final);
} else {
// No valid pair of cross over positions was found improving the total cost. Giving up.
// Flip the sequences of polylines to lower the total length of connecting lines.
static inline void improve_ordering_by_two_exchanges_with_segment_flipping(Polylines &polylines, bool fixed_start)
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto cost = [&polylines]() {
double sum = 0.;
for (size_t i = 1; i < polylines.size(); ++i)
sum += (polylines[i].first_point() - polylines[i - 1].last_point()).cast<double>().norm();
return sum;
double cost_initial = cost();
static int iRun = 0;
++ iRun;
svg_draw_polyline_chain("improve_ordering_by_two_exchanges_with_segment_flipping-initial", iRun, polylines);
#endif /* DEBUG_SVG_OUTPUT */
#endif /* NDEBUG */
assert(cost_final <= cost_prev);
std::vector<FlipEdge> edges;
std::transform(polylines.begin(), polylines.end(), std::back_inserter(edges),
[&polylines](const Polyline &pl){ return FlipEdge(pl.first_point().cast<double>(), pl.last_point().cast<double>(), &pl -; });
Polylines out;
for (const FlipEdge &edge : edges) {
Polyline &pl = polylines[edge.source_index];
if (edge.p2 == pl.first_point().cast<double>()) {
// Polyline is flipped.
} else {
// Polyline is not flipped.
assert(edge.p1 == pl.first_point().cast<double>());
#ifndef NDEBUG
double cost_final = cost();
svg_draw_polyline_chain("improve_ordering_by_two_exchanges_with_segment_flipping-final", iRun, out);
#endif /* DEBUG_SVG_OUTPUT */
assert(cost_final <= cost_initial);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
Polylines chain_polylines(Polylines &&polylines, const Point *start_near)
static int iRun = 0;
++ iRun;
svg_draw_polyline_chain("chain_polylines-initial", iRun, polylines);
#endif /* DEBUG_SVG_OUTPUT */
Polylines out;
if (! polylines.empty()) {
auto segment_end_point = [&polylines](size_t idx, bool first_point) -> const Point& { return first_point ? polylines[idx].first_point() : polylines[idx].last_point(); };
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> ordered = chain_segments_greedy<Point, decltype(segment_end_point)>(segment_end_point, polylines.size(), start_near);
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> ordered = chain_segments_greedy2<Point, decltype(segment_end_point)>(segment_end_point, polylines.size(), start_near);
for (auto &segment_and_reversal : ordered) {
if (segment_and_reversal.second)
if (out.size() > 1)
improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping(out, start_near != nullptr);
if (out.size() > 1 && start_near == nullptr) {
improve_ordering_by_two_exchanges_with_segment_flipping(out, start_near != nullptr);
//improve_ordering_by_segment_flipping(out, start_near != nullptr);
svg_draw_polyline_chain("chain_polylines-final", iRun, out);
#endif /* DEBUG_SVG_OUTPUT */
return out;
@ -263,6 +263,42 @@ SCENARIO("Path chaining", "[Geometry]") {
GIVEN("Gyroid infill end points") {
Polylines polylines = {
{ {28122608, 3221037}, {27919139, 56036027} },
{ {33642863, 3400772}, {30875220, 56450360} },
{ {34579315, 3599827}, {35049758, 55971572} },
{ {26483070, 3374004}, {23971830, 55763598} },
{ {38931405, 4678879}, {38740053, 55077714} },
{ {20311895, 5015778}, {20079051, 54551952} },
{ {16463068, 6773342}, {18823514, 53992958} },
{ {44433771, 7424951}, {42629462, 53346059} },
{ {15697614, 7329492}, {15350896, 52089991} },
{ {48085792, 10147132}, {46435427, 50792118} },
{ {48828819, 10972330}, {49126582, 48368374} },
{ {9654526, 12656711}, {10264020, 47691584} },
{ {5726905, 18648632}, {8070762, 45082416} },
{ {54818187, 39579970}, {52974912, 43271272} },
{ {4464342, 37371742}, {5027890, 39106220} },
{ {54139746, 18417661}, {55177987, 38472580} },
{ {56527590, 32058461}, {56316456, 34067185} },
{ {3303988, 29215290}, {3569863, 32985633} },
{ {56255666, 25025857}, {56478310, 27144087} },
{ {4300034, 22805361}, {3667946, 25752601} },
{ {8266122, 14250611}, {6244813, 17751595} },
{ {12177955, 9886741}, {10703348, 11491900} }
Polylines chained = chain_polylines(polylines);
THEN("Chained taking the shortest path") {
double connection_length = 0.;
for (size_t i = 1; i < chained.size(); ++i) {
const Polyline &pl1 = chained[i - 1];
const Polyline &pl2 = chained[i];
connection_length += (pl2.first_point() - pl1.last_point()).cast<double>().norm();
REQUIRE(connection_length < 85206000.);
GIVEN("Loop pieces") {
Point a { 2185796, 19058485 };
Point b { 3957902, 18149382 };
Add table
Reference in a new issue