Fix etra perimeters overhang filtering based on the testing models

This commit is contained in:
Pavel Mikus 2023-01-03 18:35:49 +01:00 committed by Pavel Mikuš
parent 7b657f3e88
commit 50425627b7

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@ -831,23 +831,25 @@ std::tuple<std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>, Polygons> generate_extra_perimeters_over
std::vector<Polygons> anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size{};
for (double delta : deltas) {
// for each delta, store anchors without the delta region around overhangs
anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size.push_back(diff(anchors, expand(overhangs, delta, EXTRA_PERIMETER_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size.size() - 1; i++) {
// Then, clip off each anchor area by the next area expanded back to original size, so that this smaller anchor region is only where larger wouldnt fit
Polygons clipped = diff(anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i], expand(anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i + 1],
// Finally, intersect the region with clipped part
anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i] = intersection(anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i],
expand(clipped, deltas[i+1] + 0.1*overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(),
expand(clipped, deltas[i + 1] + 0.1 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(),
for (size_t i = 0; i < anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size.size(); i++) {
inset_anchors = union_(inset_anchors, anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i]);
inset_anchors = opening(inset_anchors, 0.8 * deltas[0], EXTRA_PERIMETER_OFFSET_PARAMETERS);
inset_anchors = closing(inset_anchors, 0.8 * deltas[0], EXTRA_PERIMETER_OFFSET_PARAMETERS);
inset_anchors = expand(inset_anchors, 0.1*overhang_flow.scaled_width());
@ -901,12 +903,6 @@ std::tuple<std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>, Polygons> generate_extra_perimeters_over
Polygon anchoring_convex_hull = Geometry::convex_hull(anchoring);
double unbridgeable_area = area(diff(real_overhang, {anchoring_convex_hull}));
// penalize also holes
for (const Polygon &poly : perimeter_polygon) {
if (poly.is_clockwise()) { // hole, penalize bridges.
unbridgeable_area += std::abs(area(poly));
auto [dir, unsupp_dist] = detect_bridging_direction(real_overhang, anchors);
@ -920,16 +916,19 @@ std::tuple<std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>, Polygons> generate_extra_perimeters_over
for (const Line &line : to_lines(anchoring_convex_hull)) svg.draw(line, "green", scale_(0.15));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(anchoring)) svg.draw(line, "yellow", scale_(0.10));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(diff_ex(perimeter_polygon, {anchoring_convex_hull}))) svg.draw(line, "black", scale_(0.10));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(diff_pl(to_polylines(diff(real_overhang, anchors)), expand(anchors, float(SCALED_EPSILON)))))
svg.draw(line, "blue", scale_(0.30));
if (unbridgeable_area < 0.2 * area(real_overhang) && unsupp_dist < total_length(real_overhang) * 0.125) {
if (unbridgeable_area < 0.2 * area(real_overhang) && unsupp_dist < total_length(real_overhang) * 0.2) {
} else {
// fill the overhang with perimeters
int continuation_loops = 2;
while (continuation_loops > 0) {
while (continuation_loops >= 0) {
auto prev = perimeter_polygon;
// prepare next perimeter lines
Polylines perimeter = intersection_pl(to_polylines(perimeter_polygon), shrinked_overhang_to_cover);