Other refactoring plus some fixes into GLGizmoScale3D
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 25 additions and 23 deletions
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void GLGizmoScale3D::on_start_dragging()
if (m_hover_id != -1) {
m_starting.drag_position = m_grabbers[m_hover_id].center;
m_starting.ctrl_down = wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL);
m_starting.box = (m_starting.ctrl_down && (m_hover_id < 6)) ? m_box : m_parent.get_selection().get_bounding_box();
m_starting.box = (m_starting.ctrl_down && m_hover_id < 6) ? m_box : m_parent.get_selection().get_bounding_box();
const Vec3d& center = m_starting.box.center();
m_starting.pivots[0] = m_transform * Vec3d(m_starting.box.max.x(), center.y(), center.z());
@ -118,15 +118,14 @@ void GLGizmoScale3D::on_render()
m_transform = Transform3d::Identity();
// Transforms grabbers' offsets to world refefence system
Transform3d offsets_transform = Transform3d::Identity();
m_offsets_transform = Transform3d::Identity();
Vec3d angles = Vec3d::Zero();
if (selection.is_single_full_instance()) {
// calculate bounding box in instance local reference system
const Selection::IndicesList& idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs();
for (unsigned int idx : idxs) {
const GLVolume* vol = selection.get_volume(idx);
const GLVolume* v = selection.get_volume(idx);
// gets transform from first selected volume
@ -136,7 +135,6 @@ void GLGizmoScale3D::on_render()
angles = v->get_instance_rotation();
// consider rotation+mirror only components of the transform for offsets
offsets_transform = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), angles, Vec3d::Ones(), v->get_instance_mirror());
m_offsets_transform = offsets_transform;
else if (selection.is_single_modifier() || selection.is_single_volume()) {
const GLVolume* v = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin());
@ -145,38 +143,40 @@ void GLGizmoScale3D::on_render()
angles = Geometry::extract_euler_angles(m_transform);
// consider rotation+mirror only components of the transform for offsets
offsets_transform = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), angles, Vec3d::Ones(), v->get_instance_mirror());
m_offsets_transform = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), v->get_volume_rotation(), Vec3d::Ones(), v->get_volume_mirror());
m_box = selection.get_bounding_box();
const Vec3d& center = m_box.center();
Vec3d offset_x = offsets_transform * (Offset * Vec3d::UnitX());
Vec3d offset_y = offsets_transform * (Offset * Vec3d::UnitY());
Vec3d offset_z = offsets_transform * (Offset * Vec3d::UnitZ());
bool ctrl_down = (m_dragging && m_starting.ctrl_down) || (!m_dragging && wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL));
// x axis
m_grabbers[0].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.min.x() - Offset, center.y(), center.z());
m_grabbers[0].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.min.x(), center.y(), center.z()) - offset_x;
m_grabbers[0].color = (ctrl_down && m_hover_id == 1) ? CONSTRAINED_COLOR : AXES_COLOR[0];
m_grabbers[1].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.max.x() + Offset, center.y(), center.z());
m_grabbers[1].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.max.x(), center.y(), center.z()) + offset_x;
m_grabbers[1].color = (ctrl_down && m_hover_id == 0) ? CONSTRAINED_COLOR : AXES_COLOR[0];
// y axis
m_grabbers[2].center = m_transform * Vec3d(center.x(), m_box.min.y() - Offset, center.z());
m_grabbers[2].center = m_transform * Vec3d(center.x(), m_box.min.y(), center.z()) - offset_y;
m_grabbers[2].color = (ctrl_down && m_hover_id == 3) ? CONSTRAINED_COLOR : AXES_COLOR[1];
m_grabbers[3].center = m_transform * Vec3d(center.x(), m_box.max.y() + Offset, center.z());
m_grabbers[3].center = m_transform * Vec3d(center.x(), m_box.max.y(), center.z()) + offset_y;
m_grabbers[3].color = (ctrl_down && m_hover_id == 2) ? CONSTRAINED_COLOR : AXES_COLOR[1];
// z axis
m_grabbers[4].center = m_transform * Vec3d(center.x(), center.y(), m_box.min.z() - Offset);
m_grabbers[4].center = m_transform * Vec3d(center.x(), center.y(), m_box.min.z()) - offset_z;
m_grabbers[4].color = (ctrl_down && m_hover_id == 5) ? CONSTRAINED_COLOR : AXES_COLOR[2];
m_grabbers[5].center = m_transform * Vec3d(center.x(), center.y(), m_box.max.z() + Offset);
m_grabbers[5].center = m_transform * Vec3d(center.x(), center.y(), m_box.max.z()) + offset_z;
m_grabbers[5].color = (ctrl_down && m_hover_id == 4) ? CONSTRAINED_COLOR : AXES_COLOR[2];
// uniform
m_grabbers[6].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.min.x() - Offset, m_box.min.y() - Offset, center.z());
m_grabbers[7].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.max.x() + Offset, m_box.min.y() - Offset, center.z());
m_grabbers[8].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.max.x() + Offset, m_box.max.y() + Offset, center.z());
m_grabbers[9].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.min.x() - Offset, m_box.max.y() + Offset, center.z());
m_grabbers[6].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.min.x(), m_box.min.y(), center.z()) - offset_x - offset_y;
m_grabbers[7].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.max.x(), m_box.min.y(), center.z()) + offset_x - offset_y;
m_grabbers[8].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.max.x(), m_box.max.y(), center.z()) + offset_x + offset_y;
m_grabbers[9].center = m_transform * Vec3d(m_box.min.x(), m_box.max.y(), center.z()) - offset_x + offset_y;
for (int i = 6; i < 10; ++i) {
m_grabbers[i].color = m_highlight_color;
@ -303,7 +303,10 @@ void GLGizmoScale3D::do_scale_along_axis(Axis axis, const UpdateData& data)
if (ratio > 0.0) {
m_scale(axis) = m_starting.scale(axis) * ratio;
if (m_starting.ctrl_down) {
double local_offset = 0.5 * (m_scale(axis) - m_starting.scale(axis)) * m_starting.box.size()(axis);
double local_offset = 0.5 * (ratio - 1.0) * m_starting.box.size()(axis);
if (!m_parent.get_selection().is_single_full_instance())
local_offset *= m_starting.scale(axis);
if (m_hover_id == 2 * axis)
local_offset *= -1.0;
@ -316,7 +319,7 @@ void GLGizmoScale3D::do_scale_along_axis(Axis axis, const UpdateData& data)
default: break;
m_offset = m_offsets_transform * local_offset_vec;
m_offset = local_offset_vec;
m_offset = Vec3d::Zero();
@ -336,10 +339,11 @@ double GLGizmoScale3D::calc_ratio(const UpdateData& data) const
double ratio = 0.0;
const Vec3d pivot = (m_starting.ctrl_down && (m_hover_id < 6)) ? m_starting.pivots[m_hover_id] : m_starting.box.center();
const Vec3d pivot = (m_starting.ctrl_down && m_hover_id < 6) ? m_starting.pivots[m_hover_id] : m_starting.box.center();
const Vec3d starting_vec = m_starting.drag_position - pivot;
const double len_starting_vec = starting_vec.norm();
if (len_starting_vec != 0.0) {
const Vec3d mouse_dir = data.mouse_ray.unit_vector();
// finds the intersection of the mouse ray with the plane parallel to the camera viewport and passing throught the starting position
@ -22,10 +22,8 @@ class GLGizmoScale3D : public GLGizmoBase
std::array<Vec3d, 6> pivots{ Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero() };
mutable BoundingBoxf3 m_box;
mutable Transform3d m_transform;
// Transforms grabbers offsets to the proper reference system (world for instances, instance for volumes)
mutable Transform3d m_offsets_transform;
BoundingBoxf3 m_box;
Transform3d m_transform;
Vec3d m_scale{ Vec3d::Ones() };
Vec3d m_offset{ Vec3d::Zero() };
double m_snap_step{ 0.05 };
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