Updated dictionaries.
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 2493 additions and 1889 deletions
Binary file not shown.
@ -337,6 +337,10 @@ msgstr "Logický výraz může používat konfigurační hodnoty aktivního prof
msgid "A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active printer profile."
msgstr "Logický výraz může používat konfigurační hodnoty aktivního profilu tiskárny. Pokud je tento logický výraz pravdivý, potom je tento profil považován za kompatibilní s aktivním profilem tiskárny."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:975
msgid "A copy of the current system preset will be created, which will be detached from the system preset."
msgstr "Bude vytvořena oddělená kopie aktuálního systémového přednastavení."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:1034
msgid "A rule of thumb is 160 to 230 °C for PLA, and 215 to 250 °C for ABS."
msgstr "Obecným pravidlem je 160 až 230 °C pro PLA a 215 až 250 °C pro ABS."
@ -1569,15 +1573,6 @@ msgstr "Aktuální nastavení je zděděné od"
msgid "Current preset is inherited from the default preset."
msgstr "Aktuální nastavení je zděděno z výchozího nastavení."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:960
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Current preset is inherited from:\n"
msgstr ""
"Aktuální nastavení je zděděné od:\n"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/UpdateDialogs.cpp:43
msgid "Current version:"
msgstr "Aktuální verze:"
@ -1877,6 +1872,18 @@ msgstr "Odznačit obdélníkovým výběrem myši"
msgid "Deselects all objects"
msgstr "Odznačit všechny objekty"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:963
msgid "Detach from system preset"
msgstr "Oddělit od systémového přednastavení"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:984
msgid "Detach preset"
msgstr "Oddělení přednastavení"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgid "Detached"
msgstr "Odpojeno"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1373
msgid "Detect bridging perimeters"
msgstr "Detekovat perimetry přemostění"
@ -2152,6 +2159,11 @@ msgstr "Vysunout SD kartu / Flash disk"
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive after the G-code was exported to it."
msgstr "Vysunout SD kartu / Flash disk po vyexportování G-codu."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp:2202
#, c-format
msgid "Ejecting of device %s(%s) has failed."
msgstr "Vysunutí zařízení %s(%s) se nezdařilo."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:118
msgid "Elephant foot compensation"
msgstr "Kompenzace rozplácnutí první vrstvy"
@ -2971,15 +2983,6 @@ msgstr "Pro více informací prosím navštivte naší wiki stránku:"
msgid "For support enforcers only"
msgstr "Pouze pro vynucené podpěry"
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3265
msgid ""
"for the left button: \tindicates a non-system (or non-default) preset,\n"
"for the right button: \tindicates that the settings hasn't been modified."
msgstr ""
"na levé straně: indikuje nesystémové (jiné než výchozí) přednastavení,\n"
"na pravé straně: indikuje, že nastavení nebylo změněno."
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3267
msgid ""
@ -3401,16 +3404,6 @@ msgstr "Soubor HTTPS CA"
msgid "HTTPS CA file is optional. It is only needed if you use HTTPS with a self-signed certificate."
msgstr "Soubor HTTPS CA je volitelný. Je nutný pouze pokud použijte HTTPS certifikát s vlastním podpisem."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:1757
#, c-format
msgid ""
"HTTPS CA File:\n"
" \tOn this system, %s uses HTTPS certificates from the system Certificate Store or Keychain.\n"
" \tTo use a custom CA file, please import your CA file into Certificate Store / Keychain."
msgstr ""
"Soubor HTTPS CA:\n"
"V tomto systému používá %s certifikáty HTTPS ze systému Certificate Store nebo Keychain. Chcete-li použít vlastní soubor CA, importujte soubor CA do Certificate Store / Keychain."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Icon size in a respect to the default size"
msgstr "Velikost ikon vůči výchozí velikosti"
@ -4627,6 +4620,10 @@ msgstr "Oprava modelu byla dokončena"
msgid "Model repaired successfully"
msgstr "Model byl úspěšně opraven"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:979
msgid "Modifications to the current profile will be saved."
msgstr "Úpravy aktuálního profilu budou uloženy."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preset.cpp:247
msgid "modified"
msgstr "upraveno"
@ -5425,10 +5422,10 @@ msgstr "Přednastavení (%s)"
msgid "Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists."
msgstr "Přednastavení s názvem \"%1%\" již existuje."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3045
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgctxt "PresetName"
msgid "%1% - Copy"
msgstr "%1% - Kopie"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopie"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:163
msgid "Press to activate deselection rectangle"
@ -6468,16 +6465,6 @@ msgstr "Vyberte, jaký typ podložky potřebujete"
msgid "Select what kind of support do you need"
msgstr "Vyberte typ podpěr, které potřebujete"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
"\tNO if you want all tool changes switch to color changes, \n"
"\tor CANCEL to leave it unchanged."
msgstr ""
"Vyberte ANO, pokud chcete odstranit všechny uložené změny nástroje,\n"
"NE, pokud chcete, aby se všechny změny nástroje přepnout na změny barev,\n"
"nebo ZRUŠIT pro ponechání beze změny."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
@ -7641,6 +7628,10 @@ msgid ""
"If the device is connected, please press the Reset button next to the USB connector ..."
msgstr "Zařízení %s nebylo nalezeno. Pokud je zařízení připojeno, stiskněte tlačítko Reset vedle USB konektoru ..."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:976
msgid "The current custom preset will be detached from the parent system preset."
msgstr "Aktuální vlastní přednastavení bude odděleno od rodičovského systémového přednastavení."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectManipulation.cpp:875
msgid ""
"The currently manipulated object is tilted (rotation angles are not multiples of 90°).\n"
@ -7795,7 +7786,7 @@ msgstr "Vybraný objekt nemůže být rozdělen, protože obsahuje více než je
msgid "The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part."
msgstr "Vybraný objekt nemůže být rozdělen, protože obsahuje pouze jednu část."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:432
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:461
msgid ""
"The selected project is no longer available.\n"
"Do you want to remove it from the recent projects list?"
@ -7803,10 +7794,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Vybraný projekt již není k dispozici.\n"
"Chcete ho odstranit ze seznamu posledních projektů?"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:422
msgid "The selected project is no more available"
msgstr "Vybraný projekt již není dostupný"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:998
msgid ""
"The sequential print is on.\n"
@ -7982,6 +7969,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This %s version: %s"
msgstr "Tento %s verze: %s"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:982
msgid ""
"This action is not revertable.\n"
"Do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Tato akce je nevratná.\n"
"Chcete pokračovat?"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:165
msgid "This code is inserted between objects when using sequential printing. By default extruder and bed temperature are reset using non-wait command; however if M104, M109, M140 or M190 are detected in this custom code, Slic3r will not add temperature commands. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want."
msgstr "Tento kód je vložen mezi objekty, pokud je použit sekvenční tisk. Ve výchozím nastavení je resetován extruder a tisková podložka pomocí non-wait (nečekacím) příkazem; nicméně pokud jsou příkazy M104, M109, 140 nebo M190 detekovány v tomto vlastním kódu, Slic3r nebude přidávat teplotní příkazy. Můžete přidávat zástupné proměnné pro veškeré nastavení Slic3ru, takže můžete vložit příkaz “M109 S[first_layer_temperature]” kamkoliv chcete."
@ -8153,10 +8148,6 @@ msgstr "Nejmenší tisknutelná výška vrstvy pro tento extruder. Omezuje rozli
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "To je obvykle způsobeno zanedbatelně malým množstvím extrudovaného materiálu nebo chybným modelem. Zkuste model opravit nebo změnit jeho orientaci na podložce."
#: src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp:639
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "To je obvykle způsobeno zanedbatelně malým množstvím extrudovaného materiálu nebo chybným modelem. Zkuste model opravit nebo změnit jeho orientaci na podložce."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2215
msgid "This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools."
msgstr "Tato matice popisuje objemy (v kubických milimetrech) nutné k vyčištění nového filamentu na čistící věži pro danou dvojici nástrojů."
Binary file not shown.
@ -337,6 +337,10 @@ msgstr "Ein boolescher Ausdruck, der die Konfigurationswerte eines aktiven Druck
msgid "A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active printer profile."
msgstr "Ein boolescher Ausdruck, der die Konfigurationswerte eines aktiven Druckerprofils verwendet. Wenn dieser Ausdruck als wahr bewertet wird, wird dieses Profil als kompatibel mit dem aktiven Druckerprofil angesehen."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:975
msgid "A copy of the current system preset will be created, which will be detached from the system preset."
msgstr "Es wird eine Kopie der aktuellen Systemvoreinstellung erstellt, die von der Systemvoreinstellung gelöst wird."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:1034
msgid "A rule of thumb is 160 to 230 °C for PLA, and 215 to 250 °C for ABS."
msgstr "Ein Daumenwert ist 160 bis 230 °C für PLA, und 215 bis 250 °C für ABS."
@ -1565,15 +1569,6 @@ msgstr "Aktuelle Voreinstellung ist abgeleitet von"
msgid "Current preset is inherited from the default preset."
msgstr "Aktuelle Voreinstellung ist abgeleitet von der Standardvoreinstellung."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:960
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Current preset is inherited from:\n"
msgstr ""
"Aktuelle Voreinstellung ist abgeleitet von:\n"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/UpdateDialogs.cpp:43
msgid "Current version:"
msgstr "Aktuelle Version:"
@ -1873,6 +1868,18 @@ msgstr "Abwahl über Rechteck"
msgid "Deselects all objects"
msgstr "Alle Objekte abwählen"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:963
msgid "Detach from system preset"
msgstr "Lösen von der Systemvoreinstellung"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:984
msgid "Detach preset"
msgstr "Lösen der Voreinstellugen"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgid "Detached"
msgstr "Losgelöst"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1373
msgid "Detect bridging perimeters"
msgstr "Umfangbrücken entdecken"
@ -2136,6 +2143,23 @@ msgstr "Häkchen bearbeiten - Rechtsklick"
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Bearbeitung"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Ejec&t SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "SD-Kar&te/Flash-Laufwerk auswerfen"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:126
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "SD-Karte/Flash-Laufwerk auswerfen"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive after the G-code was exported to it."
msgstr "SD-Karte / Flash-Laufwerk auswerfen, nachdem der G-Code dorthin exportiert wurde."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp:2202
#, c-format
msgid "Ejecting of device %s(%s) has failed."
msgstr "Das Auswerfen von Gerät %s(%s) ist fehlgeschlagen."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:118
msgid "Elephant foot compensation"
msgstr "Elefantenfußkompensation"
@ -2426,6 +2450,10 @@ msgstr "Exportiere die aktuelle Plattenbelegung als AMF"
msgid "Export current plate as G-code"
msgstr "Exportiere die aktuelle Plattenbelegung als G-Code"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export current plate as G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Aktuelle Druckplatte als G-Code auf SD-Karte/Flash-Laufwerk exportieren"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:486
msgid "Export current plate as STL"
msgstr "Exportiere die aktuelle Plattenbelegung als STL"
@ -2447,6 +2475,10 @@ msgstr "Exportieren Sie die vollständigen Pfadnamen der Modelle und Teilequelle
msgid "Export G-code"
msgstr "Export G-Code"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "G-Code auf SD-Karte/Flash-Laufwerk exportieren"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:3320
msgid "Export OBJ"
msgstr "Exportiere OBJ"
@ -2947,15 +2979,6 @@ msgstr "Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte unsere Wiki-Seite:"
msgid "For support enforcers only"
msgstr "Nur für Stützverstärker"
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3265
msgid ""
"for the left button: \tindicates a non-system (or non-default) preset,\n"
"for the right button: \tindicates that the settings hasn't been modified."
msgstr ""
"Beim linken Knopf: zeigt eine Nicht-System- (oder Nicht-Standard-) Einstellung an.\n"
"Beim rechten Knopf: zeigt an, dass die Einstellung nicht geändert wurde."
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3267
msgid ""
@ -3373,16 +3396,6 @@ msgstr "HTTPS CA Datei"
msgid "HTTPS CA file is optional. It is only needed if you use HTTPS with a self-signed certificate."
msgstr "HTTPS-CA-Datei ist optional. Sie wird nur benötigt, wenn Sie HTTPS mit einem selbstsignierten Zertifikat verwenden."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:1757
#, c-format
msgid ""
"HTTPS CA File:\n"
" \tOn this system, %s uses HTTPS certificates from the system Certificate Store or Keychain.\n"
" \tTo use a custom CA file, please import your CA file into Certificate Store / Keychain."
msgstr ""
"HTTPS CA-Datei:\n"
"Auf diesem System verwendet %s HTTPS-Zertifikate aus dem System Zertifikatsspeicher oder Schlüsselbund. Um eine benutzerdefinierte CA-Datei zu verwenden, importieren Sie bitte Ihre CA-Datei in den Zertifikatsspeicher / Schlüsselbund."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Icon size in a respect to the default size"
msgstr "Symbolgröße in Bezug auf die Standardgröße"
@ -4599,6 +4612,10 @@ msgstr "Modellreparatur beendet"
msgid "Model repaired successfully"
msgstr "Modellreparatur erfolgreich"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:979
msgid "Modifications to the current profile will be saved."
msgstr "Änderungen am aktuellen Profil werden gespeichert."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preset.cpp:247
msgid "modified"
msgstr "geändert"
@ -5397,10 +5414,10 @@ msgstr "Voreinstellung (%s)"
msgid "Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists."
msgstr "Eine Voreinstellung mit dem Namen \"%1%\" existiert bereits."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3045
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgctxt "PresetName"
msgid "%1% - Copy"
msgstr "%1% - Kopieren"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopieren"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:163
msgid "Press to activate deselection rectangle"
@ -6437,16 +6454,6 @@ msgstr "Wählen Sie aus, welche Art von Grundschicht Sie benötigen"
msgid "Select what kind of support do you need"
msgstr "Wählen Sie aus, welche Art von Unterstützung Sie benötigen"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
"\tNO if you want all tool changes switch to color changes, \n"
"\tor CANCEL to leave it unchanged."
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie JA, wenn Sie alle gespeicherten Werkzeugänderungen löschen möchten, \n"
"NEIN, wenn Sie möchten, dass alle Werkzeugänderungen auf Farbwechsel umgestellt werden, \n"
"oder ABBRECHEN, um sie unverändert zu lassen."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
@ -7612,6 +7619,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Das %s-Gerät wurde nicht gefunden.\n"
"Wenn das Gerät angeschlossen ist, drücken Sie bitte die Reset-Taste neben dem USB-Anschluss...."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:976
msgid "The current custom preset will be detached from the parent system preset."
msgstr "Die aktuelle benutzerdefinierte Voreinstellung wird von der Voreinstellung des übergeordneten Systems gelöst."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectManipulation.cpp:875
msgid ""
"The currently manipulated object is tilted (rotation angles are not multiples of 90°).\n"
@ -7769,7 +7780,7 @@ msgstr "Das ausgewählte Objekt konnte nicht getrennt werden, weil es aus mehr a
msgid "The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part."
msgstr "Das ausgewählte Objekt konnte nicht getrennt werden, da es nur aus einem Teil besteht."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:432
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:461
msgid ""
"The selected project is no longer available.\n"
"Do you want to remove it from the recent projects list?"
@ -7777,10 +7788,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Das ausgewählte Projekt ist nicht mehr verfügbar.\n"
"Wollen Sie es aus der Liste der letzten Projekte entfernen?"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:422
msgid "The selected project is no more available"
msgstr "Das ausgewählte Projekt ist nicht mehr verfügbar"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:998
msgid ""
"The sequential print is on.\n"
@ -7952,6 +7959,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This %s version: %s"
msgstr "Diese %s Version: %s"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:982
msgid ""
"This action is not revertable.\n"
"Do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Diese Aktion ist nicht umkehrbar.\n"
"Wollen Sie fortfahren?"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:165
msgid "This code is inserted between objects when using sequential printing. By default extruder and bed temperature are reset using non-wait command; however if M104, M109, M140 or M190 are detected in this custom code, Slic3r will not add temperature commands. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want."
msgstr "Dieser Code wird beim sequentiellen Drucken zwischen Objekten eingefügt. Standardmäßig werden Extruder- und Betttemperatur mit dem Befehl, der nicht auf die Änderung wartet, zurückgesetzt. Wenn jedoch M104, M109, M140 oder M190 in diesem benutzerdefinierten Code erkannt werden, fügt Slic3r keine Temperaturbefehle hinzu. Beachten Sie, dass Sie Platzhaltervariablen für alle PrusaSlicer-Einstellungen verwenden können, so dass Sie einen \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\"-Befehl an beliebiger Stelle platzieren können."
@ -8121,10 +8136,6 @@ msgstr "Dies ist die niedrigste druckbare Schichthöhe für diesen Extruder und
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "Dies wird in der Regel durch vernachlässigbar kleine Extrusionen oder durch ein fehlerhaftes Modell verursacht. Versuchen Sie, das Modell zu reparieren oder seine Ausrichtung auf dem Druckbett zu ändern."
#: src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp:639
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "Dies wird in der Regel durch vernachlässigbar kleine Extrusionen oder durch ein fehlerhaftes Modell verursacht. Versuchen Sie, das Modell zu reparieren oder seine Ausrichtung auf dem Druckbett zu ändern."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2215
msgid "This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools."
msgstr "Diese Matrix beschreibt die Volumina (in Kubikmillimetern), die benötigt werden, um das neue Filament auf dem Reinigungsturm für ein bestimmtes Werkzeugpaar zu reinigen."
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/UpdateDialogs.cpp:71
msgid "Don't notify about new releases any more"
msgstr "Don't notify about new releases anymore"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:287
msgid "A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active print profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active print profile."
msgstr "A Boolean expression using the configuration values of an active print profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active print profile."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:272
msgid "A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active printer profile."
msgstr "A Boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active printer profile."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:409
msgid "Add solid infill near sloping surfaces to guarantee the vertical shell thickness (top+bottom solid layers)."
msgstr "Add solid infill near sloping surfaces to guarantee the vertical shell thickness (top + bottom solid layers)."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:791
msgid "Additionally a backup snapshot of the whole configuration is created before an update is applied."
msgstr "Additionally, a backup snapshot of the whole configuration is created before an update is applied."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSlaSupports.cpp:1268
msgid "Autogeneration will erase all manually edited points."
msgstr "Auto Generation will erase all manually edited points."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:1171
msgid "Autospeed (advanced)"
msgstr "Auto Speed (advanced)"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigSnapshotDialog.cpp:22
msgid "Before roll back"
msgstr "Before rollback"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ButtonsDescription.cpp:16
msgid "Buttons And Text Colors Description"
msgstr "Buttons and Text Colors Description"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:791
msgid "Density of internal infill, expressed in the range 0% - 100%."
msgstr "Density of internal infill, expressed in the range 0 % - 100 %."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:773
#, c-format
msgid "If enabled, %s checks for new application versions online. When a new version becomes available, a notification is displayed at the next application startup (never during program usage). This is only a notification mechanisms, no automatic installation is done."
msgstr "If enabled, %s checks for new application versions online. When a new version becomes available, a notification is displayed at the next application startup (never during program usage). This is only a notification mechanism, no automatic installation is done."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:783
#, c-format
msgid "If enabled, %s downloads updates of built-in system presets in the background.These updates are downloaded into a separate temporary location.When a new preset version becomes available it is offered at application startup."
msgstr "If enabled, %s downloads updates of built-in system presets in the background. These updates are downloaded into a separate temporary location. When a new preset version becomes available it is offered at application startup."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preferences.cpp:66
msgid "If enabled, PrusaSlicer will check for the new versions of itself online. When a new version becomes available a notification is displayed at the next application startup (never during program usage). This is only a notification mechanisms, no automatic installation is done."
msgstr "If enabled, PrusaSlicer will check for the new versions of itself online. When a new version becomes available a notification is displayed at the next application startup (never during program usage). This is only a notification mechanism, no automatic installation is done."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1858
msgid "If enabled, the wipe tower will not be printed on layers with no toolchanges. On layers with a toolchange, extruder will travel downward to print the wipe tower. User is responsible for ensuring there is no collision with the print."
msgstr "If enabled, the wipe tower will not be printed on layers with no tool changes. On layers with a tool change, extruder will travel downward to print the wipe tower. User is responsible for ensuring there is no collision with the print."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2262
msgid "Object will be used to purge the nozzle after a toolchange to save material that would otherwise end up in the wipe tower and decrease print time. Colours of the objects will be mixed as a result."
msgstr "Object will be used to purge the nozzle after a tool change to save material that would otherwise end up in the wipe tower and decrease print time. Colours of the objects will be mixed as a result."
#: src/libslic3r/Print.cpp:1365
msgid "One or more object were assigned an extruder that the printer does not have."
msgstr "One or more objects were assigned an extruder that the printer does not have."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2254
msgid "Purging after toolchange will done inside this object's infills. This lowers the amount of waste but may result in longer print time due to additional travel moves."
msgstr "Purging after tool change will done inside this object's infills. This lowers the amount of waste but may result in longer print time due to additional travel moves."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1552
msgid "Retraction Length (Toolchange)"
msgstr "Retraction Length (Tool change)"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:556
msgid "Set this to a non-zero value to allow a manual extrusion width. If left to zero, Slic3r derives extrusion widths from the nozzle diameter (see the tooltips for perimeter extrusion width, infill extrusion width etc). If expressed as percentage (for example: 230%), it will be computed over layer height."
msgstr "Set this to a non-zero value to allow a manual extrusion width. If left to zero, Slic3r derives extrusion widths from the nozzle diameter (see the tooltips for perimeter extrusion width, infill extrusion width etc.). If expressed as percentage (for example: 230%), it will be computed over layer height."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2824
msgid "Some objects can get along with a few smaller pads instead of a single big one. This parameter defines how far the center of two smaller pads should be. If theyare closer, they will get merged into one pad."
msgstr "Some objects can get along with a few smaller pads instead of a single big one. This parameter defines how far the center of two smaller pads should be. If they are closer, they will get merged into one pad."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:624
msgid "Speed used for unloading the filament on the wipe tower (does not affect initial part of unloading just after ramming)."
msgstr "Speed used for unloading the filament on the wipe tower (does not affect initial part of unloading just after ramming)."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2044
msgid "Support material will not be generated for overhangs whose slope angle (90° = vertical) is above the given threshold. In other words, this value represent the most horizontal slope (measured from the horizontal plane) that you can print without support material. Set to zero for automatic detection (recommended)."
msgstr "Support material will not be generated for overhangs whose slope angle (90° = vertical) is above the given threshold. In other words, this value represents the most horizontal slope (measured from the horizontal plane) that you can print without support material. Set to zero for automatic detection (recommended)."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:998
msgid ""
"The sequential print is on.\n"
"It's impossible to apply any custom G-code for objects printing sequentually.\n"
"This code won't be processed during G-code generation."
msgstr ""
"The sequential print is on.\n"
"It's impossible to apply any custom G-code for objects printing sequentially.\n"
"This code won't be processed during G-code generation."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2094
msgid "This custom code is inserted before every toolchange. Placeholder variables for all PrusaSlicer settings as well as {previous_extruder} and {next_extruder} can be used. When a tool-changing command which changes to the correct extruder is included (such as T{next_extruder}), PrusaSlicer will emit no other such command. It is therefore possible to script custom behaviour both before and after the toolchange."
msgstr "This custom code is inserted before every tool change. Placeholder variables for all PrusaSlicer settings as well as {previous_extruder} and {next_extruder} can be used. When a tool-changing command which changes to the correct extruder is included (such as T{next_extruder}), PrusaSlicer will emit no other such command. It is therefore possible to script custom behaviour both before and after the tool change."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:396
msgid "This end procedure is inserted at the end of the output file, before the printer end gcode (and before any toolchange from this filament in case of multimaterial printers). Note that you can use placeholder variables for all PrusaSlicer settings. If you have multiple extruders, the gcode is processed in extruder order."
msgstr "This end procedure is inserted at the end of the output file, before the printer end gcode (and before any tool change from this filament in case of multimaterial printers). Note that you can use placeholder variables for all PrusaSlicer settings. If you have multiple extruders, the gcode is processed in extruder order."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2215
msgid "This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools."
msgstr "This matrix describes volumes (in cubic millimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1829
msgid "This start procedure is inserted at the beginning, after any printer start gcode (and after any toolchange to this filament in case of multi-material printers). This is used to override settings for a specific filament. If PrusaSlicer detects M104, M109, M140 or M190 in your custom codes, such commands will not be prepended automatically so you're free to customize the order of heating commands and other custom actions. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all PrusaSlicer settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want. If you have multiple extruders, the gcode is processed in extruder order."
msgstr "This start procedure is inserted at the beginning, after any printer start gcode (and after any tool change to this filament in case of multi-material printers). This is used to override settings for a specific filament. If PrusaSlicer detects M104, M109, M140 or M190 in your custom codes, such commands will not be prepended automatically so you're free to customize the order of heating commands and other custom actions. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all PrusaSlicer settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want. If you have multiple extruders, the gcode is processed in extruder order."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:641
msgid "Time to wait after the filament is unloaded. May help to get reliable toolchanges with flexible materials that may need more time to shrink to original dimensions."
msgstr "Time to wait after the filament is unloaded. May help to get reliable tool changes with flexible materials that may need more time to shrink to original dimensions."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:1491
msgid "Toolchange parameters with single extruder MM printers"
msgstr "Toolchange parameters with single extruder MM printers"
#: src/slic3r/Utils/Duet.cpp:82 src/slic3r/Utils/Duet.cpp:137
#: src/slic3r/Utils/FlashAir.cpp:119 src/slic3r/Utils/FlashAir.cpp:140
#: src/slic3r/Utils/FlashAir.cpp:156
msgid "Unknown error occured"
msgstr "Unknown error occurred"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:253
msgid "When printing multi-material objects, this settings will make Slic3r to clip the overlapping object parts one by the other (2nd part will be clipped by the 1st, 3rd part will be clipped by the 1st and 2nd etc)."
msgstr "When printing multi-material objects, this settings will make Slic3r to clip the overlapping object parts one by the other (2nd part will be clipped by the 1st, 3rd part will be clipped by the 1st and 2nd etc.)."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1391
msgid "When set to zero, the distance the filament is moved from parking position during load is exactly the same as it was moved back during unload. When positive, it is loaded further, if negative, the loading move is shorter than unloading."
msgstr "When set to zero, the distance the filament is moved from parking position during load is exactly the same as it was moved back during unload. When positive, it is loaded further, if negative, the loading move is shorter than unloading."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3285
msgid "WHITE BULLET icon indicates a non system (or non default) preset."
msgstr "WHITE BULLET icon indicates a non-system (or non-default) preset."
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Binary file not shown.
@ -337,6 +337,10 @@ msgstr "Une expression booléenne utilisant les valeurs de configuration d'un pr
msgid "A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active printer profile."
msgstr "Une expression booléenne utilisant les valeurs de configuration d'un profil d'imprimante actif. Si cette expression est évaluée comme vraie, ce profil est considéré comme compatible avec le profil d'imprimante actif."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:975
msgid "A copy of the current system preset will be created, which will be detached from the system preset."
msgstr "Une copie du préréglage système actuel sera créé, et il sera détaché du préréglage système."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:1034
msgid "A rule of thumb is 160 to 230 °C for PLA, and 215 to 250 °C for ABS."
msgstr "La règle générale est 160 à 230 °C pour le PLA et 215 à 250 °C pour l'ABS."
@ -1569,15 +1573,6 @@ msgstr "Le préréglage actuel est hérité de"
msgid "Current preset is inherited from the default preset."
msgstr "Le préréglage actuel est hérité du préréglage par défaut."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:960
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Current preset is inherited from:\n"
msgstr ""
"Le préréglage actuel est hérité de :\n"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/UpdateDialogs.cpp:43
msgid "Current version:"
msgstr "Version actuelle :"
@ -1877,6 +1872,18 @@ msgstr "Désélectionner par rectangle"
msgid "Deselects all objects"
msgstr "Désélectionner tous les objets"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:963
msgid "Detach from system preset"
msgstr "Détacher du préréglage système"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:984
msgid "Detach preset"
msgstr "Détacher le préréglage"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgid "Detached"
msgstr "Détaché"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1373
msgid "Detect bridging perimeters"
msgstr "Détecter les périmètres faisant des ponts"
@ -2140,6 +2147,23 @@ msgstr "Modifier la coche - Clic droit"
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Édition"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Ejec&t SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Éjec&ter la carte SD / la clef USB"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:126
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Éjecter la carte SD / la clef USB"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive after the G-code was exported to it."
msgstr "Éjecter la carte SD / la clef USB une fois que la G-code y a été exporté."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp:2202
#, c-format
msgid "Ejecting of device %s(%s) has failed."
msgstr "L'éjection de l'appareil %s(%s) a échoué."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:118
msgid "Elephant foot compensation"
msgstr "Compensation de l'effet patte d'éléphant"
@ -2430,6 +2454,10 @@ msgstr "Exporter le plateau courant en AMF"
msgid "Export current plate as G-code"
msgstr "Exporter le plateau courant en G-code"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export current plate as G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Exporter le plateau actuel en tant que G-code vers la carte SD / la clef USB"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:486
msgid "Export current plate as STL"
msgstr "Exporter le plateau courant en STL"
@ -2451,6 +2479,10 @@ msgstr "Exportez les chemins d'accès complets des modèles et des sources de pi
msgid "Export G-code"
msgstr "Exporter le G-code"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Exporter le G-code vers la carte SD / la clef USB"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:3320
msgid "Export OBJ"
msgstr "Exporter OBJ"
@ -2951,15 +2983,6 @@ msgstr "Pour plus d'informations, merci de visiter notre page wiki :"
msgid "For support enforcers only"
msgstr "Seulement pour les générateur de supports"
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3265
msgid ""
"for the left button: \tindicates a non-system (or non-default) preset,\n"
"for the right button: \tindicates that the settings hasn't been modified."
msgstr ""
"pour le bouton gauche : indique un préréglage non-système (ou non par défaut),\n"
"pour le bouton droit : indique que le réglage n'a pas été modifié."
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3267
msgid ""
@ -3381,17 +3404,6 @@ msgstr "HTTPS CA Fichier"
msgid "HTTPS CA file is optional. It is only needed if you use HTTPS with a self-signed certificate."
msgstr "Le fichier HTTPS CA est optionnel. Il est uniquement requis si vous utilisez le HTTPS avec un certificat auto-signé."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:1757
#, c-format
msgid ""
"HTTPS CA File:\n"
" \tOn this system, %s uses HTTPS certificates from the system Certificate Store or Keychain.\n"
" \tTo use a custom CA file, please import your CA file into Certificate Store / Keychain."
msgstr ""
"Fichier HTTPS CA :\n"
"\tDans ce système, %s utilise des certificats HTTPS issus du système Magasin de Certificats ou Trousseau.\n"
"\tPour utiliser un fichier CA personnalisé, veuillez importer votre fichier CA dans le Magasin de Certificats / Trousseau."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Icon size in a respect to the default size"
msgstr "Taille de l'icône par rapport à la taille par défaut"
@ -4608,6 +4620,10 @@ msgstr "Réparation du modèle terminée"
msgid "Model repaired successfully"
msgstr "Réparation du modèle réussie"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:979
msgid "Modifications to the current profile will be saved."
msgstr "Les modifications du profil actuel vont être sauvegardées."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preset.cpp:247
msgid "modified"
msgstr "modifié"
@ -5406,10 +5422,10 @@ msgstr "Préréglage (%s)"
msgid "Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists."
msgstr "Un préréglage avec le nom \"%1%\" existe déjà."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3045
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgctxt "PresetName"
msgid "%1% - Copy"
msgstr "%1% - Copie"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copie"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:163
msgid "Press to activate deselection rectangle"
@ -6452,16 +6468,6 @@ msgstr "Choisissez le type de socle dont vous avez besoin"
msgid "Select what kind of support do you need"
msgstr "Choisissez le type de support dont vous avez besoin"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
"\tNO if you want all tool changes switch to color changes, \n"
"\tor CANCEL to leave it unchanged."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez OUI si vous souhaitez supprimer tous les changements d'outil enregistrées, \n"
"NON si vous souhaitez que tous les changements d'outil soient remplacés par des modifications de couleur, \n"
"ou ANNULER pour ne pas les modifier."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
@ -7626,6 +7632,10 @@ msgstr ""
"L'équipement %s n'a pas été trouvé.\n"
"Si l'équipement est connecté, veuillez appuyer sur le bouton Reset à côté du connecteur USB ..."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:976
msgid "The current custom preset will be detached from the parent system preset."
msgstr "Le préréglage personnalisé actuel sera détaché du préréglage système parent."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectManipulation.cpp:875
msgid ""
"The currently manipulated object is tilted (rotation angles are not multiples of 90°).\n"
@ -7780,7 +7790,7 @@ msgstr "L'objet sélectionné ne peut être scindé car il contient plus d'un vo
msgid "The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part."
msgstr "L'objet sélectionné n'a pu être scindé car il ne contient qu'une seule pièce."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:432
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:461
msgid ""
"The selected project is no longer available.\n"
"Do you want to remove it from the recent projects list?"
@ -7788,10 +7798,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Le projet sélectionné n'est plus disponible.\n"
"Voulez-vous le retirer de la liste des projets récents?"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:422
msgid "The selected project is no more available"
msgstr "Le projet sélectionné n'est plus disponible"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:998
msgid ""
"The sequential print is on.\n"
@ -7964,6 +7970,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This %s version: %s"
msgstr "Version de ce %s : %s"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:982
msgid ""
"This action is not revertable.\n"
"Do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Cette action n'est pas réversible.\n"
"Voulez-vous continuer ?"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:165
msgid "This code is inserted between objects when using sequential printing. By default extruder and bed temperature are reset using non-wait command; however if M104, M109, M140 or M190 are detected in this custom code, Slic3r will not add temperature commands. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want."
msgstr "Ce code est inséré entre des objets lorsque vous utilisez l'impression séquentielle. Par défaut la température de l'extrudeur et du plateau est réinitialisée et utilise la commande sans-attente ; toutefois si des commandes M104, M109, M140 ou M190 sont détectées dans ce code personnalisé, Slic3r n'ajoutera pas de commandes de température. Notez que vous pouvez utiliser des variables génériques pour tous les réglages de Slic3r, donc vous pouvez entrer une commande \"M109S[first_layer_temperature]\" où vous le souhaitez."
@ -8135,10 +8149,6 @@ msgstr "Cette valeur est la hauteur de couche imprimable minimum pour cet extrud
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "Ceci est généralement provoqué par de petites extrusions négligeables ou par un modèle défectueux. Essayez de réparer le modèle ou de changer son orientation sur le lit."
#: src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp:639
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "Ceci est généralement provoqué par de petites extrusions négligeables ou par un modèle défectueux. Essayez de réparer le modèle ou de changer son orientation sur le lit."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2215
msgid "This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools."
msgstr "Cette matrice décrit les volumes (en millimètres cube) nécessaires pour purger le nouveau filament dans la tour de nettoyage pour une paire d'outils donnée."
Binary file not shown.
@ -337,6 +337,10 @@ msgstr "Un'espressione booleana che usa i valori di configurazione di un profilo
msgid "A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active printer profile."
msgstr "Un'espressione booleana che usa i valori di configurazione di un profilo stampante attivo. Se questa espressione produce un risultato vero, questo profilo si considera compatibile con il profilo stampante attivo."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:975
msgid "A copy of the current system preset will be created, which will be detached from the system preset."
msgstr "Verrà creata una copia del preset di sistema corrente, e verrà distaccata dal preset di sistema."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:1034
msgid "A rule of thumb is 160 to 230 °C for PLA, and 215 to 250 °C for ABS."
msgstr "Una regola generale è da 160 a 230°C per il PLA, e da 215 a 250°C per l'ABS."
@ -1569,15 +1573,6 @@ msgstr "Il preset corrente è ereditato da"
msgid "Current preset is inherited from the default preset."
msgstr "Il preset attuale è stato ereditato dal preset predefinito."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:960
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Current preset is inherited from:\n"
msgstr ""
"Il preset corrente è ereditato da:\n"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/UpdateDialogs.cpp:43
msgid "Current version:"
msgstr "Versione corrente:"
@ -1877,6 +1872,18 @@ msgstr "Deseleziona con rettangolo"
msgid "Deselects all objects"
msgstr "Deseleziona tutti gli oggetti"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:963
msgid "Detach from system preset"
msgstr "Distacco dal preset di sistema"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:984
msgid "Detach preset"
msgstr "Preset distacco"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgid "Detached"
msgstr "Distaccato"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1373
msgid "Detect bridging perimeters"
msgstr "Rileva perimetri ponte (bridge)"
@ -2140,6 +2147,23 @@ msgstr "Modifica segno di spunta - Clic destro"
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Editing"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Ejec&t SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "(&t) Espelli Scheda SD / Memoria flash"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:126
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Espelli scheda SD / Memoria flash"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive after the G-code was exported to it."
msgstr "Espelli scheda SD / Memoria flash dopo l'esportazione del G-code in essa."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp:2202
#, c-format
msgid "Ejecting of device %s(%s) has failed."
msgstr "Espulsione del dispositivo %s(%s) non riuscita."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:118
msgid "Elephant foot compensation"
msgstr "Compensazione zampa d'elefante"
@ -2430,6 +2454,10 @@ msgstr "Esporta il piano corrente come AMF"
msgid "Export current plate as G-code"
msgstr "Esporta il piano corrente come G-code"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export current plate as G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Esporta il piano corrente come G-code su scheda SD / Memoria flash"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:486
msgid "Export current plate as STL"
msgstr "Esporta il piano corrente come STL"
@ -2451,6 +2479,10 @@ msgstr "Esporta il percorso completo dei modelli e fonti delle parti nei file 3m
msgid "Export G-code"
msgstr "Esporta G-code"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Esporta G-code su Scheda SD / Memoria flash"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:3320
msgid "Export OBJ"
msgstr "Esporta OBJ"
@ -2951,15 +2983,6 @@ msgstr "Per maggiori informazioni visita la nostra pagina wiki:"
msgid "For support enforcers only"
msgstr "Solo per rinforzi supporto"
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3265
msgid ""
"for the left button: \tindicates a non-system (or non-default) preset,\n"
"for the right button: \tindicates that the settings hasn't been modified."
msgstr ""
"per il tasto sinistro: indica un preset non di sistema (o non-predefinito),\n"
"per il tasto destro: indica che le impostazioni non sono state modificate."
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3267
msgid ""
@ -3375,17 +3398,6 @@ msgstr "File HTTPS CA"
msgid "HTTPS CA file is optional. It is only needed if you use HTTPS with a self-signed certificate."
msgstr "File HTTPS CA opzionale. È necessario solo se si intende usare un HTTPS con certificato autofirmato."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:1757
#, c-format
msgid ""
"HTTPS CA File:\n"
" \tOn this system, %s uses HTTPS certificates from the system Certificate Store or Keychain.\n"
" \tTo use a custom CA file, please import your CA file into Certificate Store / Keychain."
msgstr ""
"File HTTPS CA:\n"
"Su questo sistema, %s utilizza certificati HTTPS provenienti dal sistema Certificate Store o da Keychain.\n"
"Per utilizzare un file CA personalizzato, importa il tuo file CA sul Certificate Store / Keychain."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Icon size in a respect to the default size"
msgstr "Dimensioni icona rispetto alla dimensione predefinita"
@ -4170,7 +4182,7 @@ msgstr "Distanza massima bridging"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2269
msgid "Maximal distance between supports on sparse infill sections."
msgstr "Distanza massima tra supporti in sezioni a scarso riempimento."
msgstr "Distanza massima tra supporti in sezioni a riempimento sparso."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1145
msgid "Maximum acceleration E"
@ -4602,6 +4614,10 @@ msgstr "Riparazione modello terminata"
msgid "Model repaired successfully"
msgstr "Modello riparato con successo"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:979
msgid "Modifications to the current profile will be saved."
msgstr "Verranno salvate le modifiche al profilo attuale."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preset.cpp:247
msgid "modified"
msgstr "modificato"
@ -4792,7 +4808,7 @@ msgstr "NESSUN RAMMING"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1857
msgid "No sparse layers (EXPERIMENTAL)"
msgstr "Nessun layer rado (SPERIMENTALE)"
msgstr "Nessun layer sparso (SPERIMENTALE)"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2774
msgid "No support points will be placed closer than this threshold."
@ -5399,10 +5415,10 @@ msgstr "Preset (%s)"
msgid "Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists."
msgstr "Preset con il nome \"%1%\" già esistente."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3045
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgctxt "PresetName"
msgid "%1% - Copy"
msgstr "%1% - Copia"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copia"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:163
msgid "Press to activate deselection rectangle"
@ -6441,16 +6457,6 @@ msgstr "Seleziona il tipo di Pad richiesto"
msgid "Select what kind of support do you need"
msgstr "Seleziona il tipo di supporto richiesto"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
"\tNO if you want all tool changes switch to color changes, \n"
"\tor CANCEL to leave it unchanged."
msgstr ""
"Seleziona SI se vuoi cancellare tutti i cambi attrezzo salvati,\n"
"NO se vuoi che tutti i cambi attrezzo passino a cambi colore,\n"
"o ANNULLA per lasciarlo invariato."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
@ -7616,6 +7622,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Il dispositivo %s non è stato trovato.\n"
"Se il dispositivo è connesso, premi il pulsante Reset vicino al connettore USB ..."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:976
msgid "The current custom preset will be detached from the parent system preset."
msgstr "Il preset personalizzato corrente sarà staccato dal preset del sistema padre."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectManipulation.cpp:875
msgid ""
"The currently manipulated object is tilted (rotation angles are not multiples of 90°).\n"
@ -7772,7 +7782,7 @@ msgstr "L'oggetto selezionato non può essere diviso perché contiene più di un
msgid "The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part."
msgstr "L'oggetto selezionato non può essere diviso perché contiene solo una parte."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:432
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:461
msgid ""
"The selected project is no longer available.\n"
"Do you want to remove it from the recent projects list?"
@ -7780,10 +7790,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Il progetto selezionato non è più disponibile.\n"
"Vuoi rimuoverlo dall'elenco dei progetti recenti?"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:422
msgid "The selected project is no more available"
msgstr "Il progetto selezionato non è più disponibile"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:998
msgid ""
"The sequential print is on.\n"
@ -7953,6 +7959,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This %s version: %s"
msgstr "%s versione: %s"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:982
msgid ""
"This action is not revertable.\n"
"Do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Questa azione non è reversibile.\n"
"Vuoi continuare?"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:165
msgid "This code is inserted between objects when using sequential printing. By default extruder and bed temperature are reset using non-wait command; however if M104, M109, M140 or M190 are detected in this custom code, Slic3r will not add temperature commands. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want."
msgstr "Questo codice è inserito tra gli oggetti quando si utilizza una stampa sequenziale. Come predefinito, la temperatura di estrusione e del piano sono resettate con il comando non-attesa; in ogni caso se nel codice personalizzato vengono rilevati i comandi M104,M109,M140 o M190, Slic3r non aggiungerà i comandi di temperatura. Si fa presente che puoi usare variabili sostitutive per tutte le impostazioni di Slic3r, quindi puoi inserire un comando \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" quando preferisci."
@ -8124,10 +8138,6 @@ msgstr "Questa è l'altezza minima stampabile per questo estrusore e limita la r
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "Questo solitamente è causato da estrusioni molto piccole o da un modello difettoso. Provare a riparare il modello o cambiare il suo orientamento sul piano."
#: src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp:639
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "Questo solitamente è causato da estrusioni molto piccole o da un modello difettoso. Provare a riparare il modello o cambiare il suo orientamento sul piano."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2215
msgid "This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools."
msgstr "Questa matrice descrive il volume (in millimetri cubici) necessario per spurgare il filamento nella torre di spurgo per una qualunque coppia di attrezzi."
Binary file not shown.
@ -331,6 +331,10 @@ msgstr "アクティブなプリントプロファイルの構成値を使用す
msgid "A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active printer profile."
msgstr "アクティブなプリンタープロファイルの構成値を使った論理式です。 この論理式が真の場合、このプロファイルはアクティブなプリンタープロファイルと互換性があると見なされます。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:975
msgid "A copy of the current system preset will be created, which will be detached from the system preset."
msgstr "現在のシステムプリセットからコピーを作成し、システムプリセットから切り離します。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:1034
msgid "A rule of thumb is 160 to 230 °C for PLA, and 215 to 250 °C for ABS."
msgstr "一般的には、PLAは160〜230℃、ABSは215〜250℃です。"
@ -1561,13 +1565,6 @@ msgstr "現在のプリセット継承元"
msgid "Current preset is inherited from the default preset."
msgstr "現在の設定はデフォルト設定から継承されます。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:960
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Current preset is inherited from:\n"
msgstr "現在のプリセット継承元:%s"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/UpdateDialogs.cpp:43
msgid "Current version:"
msgstr "現在のバージョン:"
@ -1867,6 +1864,18 @@ msgstr "方形で選択解除"
msgid "Deselects all objects"
msgstr "全てのオブジェクトの選択解除"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:963
msgid "Detach from system preset"
msgstr "システムプリセットから取り外す"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:984
msgid "Detach preset"
msgstr "プリセットを切り離す"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgid "Detached"
msgstr "取り外しました"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1373
msgid "Detect bridging perimeters"
msgstr "ブリッジ外周の検出"
@ -2127,6 +2136,23 @@ msgstr "マーカーの編集-マウスの右ボタン"
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "編集中"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Ejec&t SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "SDカード/USBメモリーを取り出す(&t)"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:126
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "SDカード/USBメモリーを取り出す"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive after the G-code was exported to it."
msgstr "Gコードをエクスポートした後に、SDカード/USBメモリーを取り出します。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp:2202
#, c-format
msgid "Ejecting of device %s(%s) has failed."
msgstr "デバイス %s(%s) の取り出しに失敗しました。"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:118
msgid "Elephant foot compensation"
msgstr "最初の層の広がり補正"
@ -2417,6 +2443,10 @@ msgstr "現在のプレートをAMFとしてエクスポート"
msgid "Export current plate as G-code"
msgstr "現在のプレートをGコードとしてエクスポート"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export current plate as G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "現在のプレートをGコードとしてSDカード/USBメモリーにエクスポート"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:486
msgid "Export current plate as STL"
msgstr "現在のプレートをSTLとしてエクスポート"
@ -2438,6 +2468,10 @@ msgstr "モデルのフルパス名とパーツソースを3mfおよびamfファ
msgid "Export G-code"
msgstr "Gコードのエクスポート"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "GコードをSDカード/USBメモリーにエクスポート"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:3320
msgid "Export OBJ"
msgstr "OBJのエクスポート"
@ -2938,13 +2972,6 @@ msgstr "詳細については、Wikiページをご覧ください:"
msgid "For support enforcers only"
msgstr "強制サポートのみ"
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3265
msgid ""
"for the left button: \tindicates a non-system (or non-default) preset,\n"
"for the right button: \tindicates that the settings hasn't been modified."
msgstr "左ボタンの場合:システム(デフォルト)プリセットでないことを示し、右側ボタンの場合:設定が変更されていないことを示します。"
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3267
msgid ""
@ -3362,17 +3389,6 @@ msgstr "HTTPS CAファイル"
msgid "HTTPS CA file is optional. It is only needed if you use HTTPS with a self-signed certificate."
msgstr "HTTPS CAファイルはオプションです。 HTTPSを自己署名証明書で使用する場合にのみ必要です。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:1757
#, c-format
msgid ""
"HTTPS CA File:\n"
" \tOn this system, %s uses HTTPS certificates from the system Certificate Store or Keychain.\n"
" \tTo use a custom CA file, please import your CA file into Certificate Store / Keychain."
msgstr ""
"HTTPS CAファイル:\n"
" このシステムでは、%sはシステムの証明書ストアまたはキーチェーンからのHTTPS証明書を使用します。\n"
" カスタムCAファイルを使用するには、CAファイルを証明書ストア/キーチェーンにインポートしてください。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Icon size in a respect to the default size"
msgstr "デフォルトのサイズと相対的なアイコンのサイズ"
@ -4572,6 +4588,10 @@ msgstr "モデル修正完了"
msgid "Model repaired successfully"
msgstr "モデルの修復完了"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:979
msgid "Modifications to the current profile will be saved."
msgstr "現在のプロファイルの編集が保存されます。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preset.cpp:247
msgid "modified"
msgstr "変更あり"
@ -5370,10 +5390,10 @@ msgstr "プリセット(%s)"
msgid "Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists."
msgstr "\"%1%\"というプリセット名は既に存在します。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3045
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgctxt "PresetName"
msgid "%1% - Copy"
msgstr "%1% - コピー"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "コピー"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:163
msgid "Press to activate deselection rectangle"
@ -6409,16 +6429,6 @@ msgstr "必要なパッドの種類を選択してください"
msgid "Select what kind of support do you need"
msgstr "必要なサポートの種類を選択してください"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
"\tNO if you want all tool changes switch to color changes, \n"
"\tor CANCEL to leave it unchanged."
msgstr ""
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
@ -7579,6 +7589,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:976
msgid "The current custom preset will be detached from the parent system preset."
msgstr "現在のカスタムプリセットは、親システムプリセットから切り離されます。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectManipulation.cpp:875
msgid ""
"The currently manipulated object is tilted (rotation angles are not multiples of 90°).\n"
@ -7734,7 +7748,7 @@ msgstr "選択したオブジェクトには複数のボリューム/マテリ
msgid "The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part."
msgstr "選択したオブジェクトには、1つのパーツしか含まれていないため、分割できませんでした。"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:432
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:461
msgid ""
"The selected project is no longer available.\n"
"Do you want to remove it from the recent projects list?"
@ -7742,10 +7756,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:422
msgid "The selected project is no more available"
msgstr "選択したプロジェクトはもう利用できません"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:998
msgid ""
"The sequential print is on.\n"
@ -7914,6 +7924,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This %s version: %s"
msgstr "この%sのバージョン: %s"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:982
msgid ""
"This action is not revertable.\n"
"Do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:165
msgid "This code is inserted between objects when using sequential printing. By default extruder and bed temperature are reset using non-wait command; however if M104, M109, M140 or M190 are detected in this custom code, Slic3r will not add temperature commands. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want."
msgstr "このコードは、オブジェクト別の順次プリンティングを使用するとき、オブジェクト間に挿入されます。 デフォルトでは、エクストルーダーとベッドの温度は非待機コマンドを使用します(M104/M140)。 ただし、このカスタムコードでM104、M109、M140またはM190が記述された場合、Slic3rは温度コマンドを追加しません。 すべてのSlic3r代替変数を使用できるため、「M109 S [first_layer_temperature]」コマンドを必要な場所に記述できます。"
@ -8086,10 +8104,6 @@ msgstr "このエクストルーダーの最小プリント可能なレイヤー
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "これは通常、無視できるほど少量の押出量またはモデルの欠陥が原因です。 ベッド上のモデルの修復または向きを再配置してみてください。"
#: src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp:639
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "これは通常、無視できるほど少量の押出量またはモデルの欠陥が原因です。 ベッド上のモデルの修復または向きを再配置してみてください。"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2215
msgid "This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools."
msgstr "この行列は、任意のツールチェンジ間においてワイプタワーの新しいフィラメントをパージするために必要な体積(立方ミリメートル)を示しています。"
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Binary file not shown.
@ -337,6 +337,10 @@ msgstr "Wyrażenie logiczne (Boole'owskie) używające wartości konfiguracji ak
msgid "A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible with the active printer profile."
msgstr "Wyrażenie logiczne (Boole'owskie) używające wartości konfiguracji aktywnego profilu drukarki. Jeśli to wyrażenie jest prawdziwe to znaczy, że aktywny profil jest kompatybilny z drukarką."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:975
msgid "A copy of the current system preset will be created, which will be detached from the system preset."
msgstr "Zostanie utworzona kopia obecnego zestawu ustawień i odłączona od ustawień systemowych."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.cpp:1034
msgid "A rule of thumb is 160 to 230 °C for PLA, and 215 to 250 °C for ABS."
msgstr "Generalną zasadą jest 160 do 230 °C dla PLA i 215 do 250 °C dla ABS."
@ -1569,15 +1573,6 @@ msgstr "Obecny zestaw ustawień jest dziedziczony z"
msgid "Current preset is inherited from the default preset."
msgstr "Obecny zestaw ustawień jest dziedziczony z zestawu domyślnego."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:960
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Current preset is inherited from:\n"
msgstr ""
"Obecny zestaw ustawień jest dziedziczony z:\n"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/UpdateDialogs.cpp:43
msgid "Current version:"
msgstr "Obecna wersja:"
@ -1877,6 +1872,18 @@ msgstr "Odznaczenie prostokątem"
msgid "Deselects all objects"
msgstr "Odznacza wszystkie modele"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:963
msgid "Detach from system preset"
msgstr "Odłącz od ustawień systemowych"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:984
msgid "Detach preset"
msgstr "Odłącz zestaw ustawień"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgid "Detached"
msgstr "Odłączono"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:1373
msgid "Detect bridging perimeters"
msgstr "Wykrywanie mostów przy obrysach"
@ -2140,6 +2147,23 @@ msgstr "Edytuj zaznaczenie - kliknij prawym przyciskiem"
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Edytowanie"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Ejec&t SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Wysuń kar&tę SD / pamięć flash"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:126
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Wysuń kartę SD / pamięć flash"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:547
msgid "Eject SD card / Flash drive after the G-code was exported to it."
msgstr "Wysuń kartę SD / pamięć flash po wyeksportowaniu na nią G-code."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp:2202
#, c-format
msgid "Ejecting of device %s(%s) has failed."
msgstr "Wysuwanie urządzenia %s(%s) nie powiodło się."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:118
msgid "Elephant foot compensation"
msgstr "Kompensacja \"stopy słonia\""
@ -2430,6 +2454,10 @@ msgstr "Eksport zawartości stołu jako AMF"
msgid "Export current plate as G-code"
msgstr "Eksport zawartości stołu jako G-code"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export current plate as G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Eksport zawartości stołu jako G-gode na kartę SD / pamięć flash"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:486
msgid "Export current plate as STL"
msgstr "Eksport zawartości stołu jako STL"
@ -2451,6 +2479,10 @@ msgstr "Eksport pełnych ścieżek źródłowych modeli i części do plików 3M
msgid "Export G-code"
msgstr "Eksport G-code"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:521
msgid "Export G-code to SD card / Flash drive"
msgstr "Eksport G-gode na kartę SD / pamięć flash"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:3320
msgid "Export OBJ"
msgstr "Eksport OBJ"
@ -2951,15 +2983,6 @@ msgstr "Aby uzyskać więcej informacji odwiedź naszą wiki:"
msgid "For support enforcers only"
msgstr "Tylko dla wymuszania podpór"
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3265
msgid ""
"for the left button: \tindicates a non-system (or non-default) preset,\n"
"for the right button: \tindicates that the settings hasn't been modified."
msgstr ""
"dla lewego przycisku: wskazuje na niesystemowy (lub inny niż domyślny) zestaw ustawień,\n"
"dla prawego przycisku: wskazuje, że ustawienia nie zostały zmodyfikowane."
#. TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3267
msgid ""
@ -3377,16 +3400,6 @@ msgstr "Plik certyfikatu HTTPS CA"
msgid "HTTPS CA file is optional. It is only needed if you use HTTPS with a self-signed certificate."
msgstr "Plik HTTPS CA jest opcjonalny. Jest potrzebny jedynie w sytuacji, gdy używasz HTTPS z certyfikatem samopodpisanym."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:1757
#, c-format
msgid ""
"HTTPS CA File:\n"
" \tOn this system, %s uses HTTPS certificates from the system Certificate Store or Keychain.\n"
" \tTo use a custom CA file, please import your CA file into Certificate Store / Keychain."
msgstr ""
"Plik certyfikatu HTTPS:\n"
"W tym systemie, %s używa certyfikatu HTTPS z magazynu systemowego (Certificate Store) lub Keychain. Aby użyć własnego certyfikatu, zaimportuj plik do Certificate Store / Keychain."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preferences.cpp:222
msgid "Icon size in a respect to the default size"
msgstr "Rozmiar ikon w odniesieniu do domyślnego"
@ -4603,6 +4616,10 @@ msgstr "Ukończono naprawę modelu"
msgid "Model repaired successfully"
msgstr "Model naprawiono pomyślnie"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:979
msgid "Modifications to the current profile will be saved."
msgstr "Modyfikacje zostaną zapisane na obecnym profilu."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Preset.cpp:247
msgid "modified"
msgstr "zmodyfikowano"
@ -5400,10 +5417,10 @@ msgstr "Zestaw ustawień (%s)"
msgid "Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists."
msgstr "Zestaw ustawień o nazwie \"%1%\" już istnieje."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3045
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:3029
msgctxt "PresetName"
msgid "%1% - Copy"
msgstr "%1% - Kopia"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopia"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/KBShortcutsDialog.cpp:163
msgid "Press to activate deselection rectangle"
@ -6446,16 +6463,6 @@ msgstr "Wybierz rodzaj wymaganej podkładki"
msgid "Select what kind of support do you need"
msgstr "Wybierz rodzaj potrzebnych podpór"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
"\tNO if you want all tool changes switch to color changes, \n"
"\tor CANCEL to leave it unchanged."
msgstr ""
"Wybierz TAK, jeśli chcesz usunąć wszystkie zapisane zmiany narzędzi,\n"
"NIE, jeśli chcesz przełączyć zmiany narzędzi na zmiany koloru lub\n"
"ANULUJ, aby pozostawić bez zmian."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:1917
msgid ""
"Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n"
@ -7618,6 +7625,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie znaleziono urządzenia %s .\n"
"Jeśli urządzenie jest podłączone, to naciśnij przycisk Reset obok złącza USB ..."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:976
msgid "The current custom preset will be detached from the parent system preset."
msgstr "Obecny niestandardowy zestaw ustawień zostanie odłączony od dziedziczącego zestawu systemowego."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectManipulation.cpp:875
msgid ""
"The currently manipulated object is tilted (rotation angles are not multiples of 90°).\n"
@ -7774,7 +7785,7 @@ msgstr "Wybrany model nie może być podzielony ponieważ składa się z więcej
msgid "The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part."
msgstr "Wybrany model nie może być rozdzielony ponieważ zawiera tylko jedną część."
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:432
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:461
msgid ""
"The selected project is no longer available.\n"
"Do you want to remove it from the recent projects list?"
@ -7782,10 +7793,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Wybrany obiekt nie jest już dostępny.\n"
"Czy chcesz usunąć go z listy niedawno używanych projektów?"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp:422
msgid "The selected project is no more available"
msgstr "Wybrany projekt nie jest dostępny"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/DoubleSlider.cpp:998
msgid ""
"The sequential print is on.\n"
@ -7955,6 +7962,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This %s version: %s"
msgstr "%s wersja: %s"
#: src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp:982
msgid ""
"This action is not revertable.\n"
"Do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Tej czynności nie można odwrócić.\n"
"Czy chcesz kontynuować?"
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:165
msgid "This code is inserted between objects when using sequential printing. By default extruder and bed temperature are reset using non-wait command; however if M104, M109, M140 or M190 are detected in this custom code, Slic3r will not add temperature commands. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want."
msgstr "Ten kod jest wykonywany pomiędzy drukiem poszczególnych modeli w trybie druku sekwencyjnego. Domyślnie przy komendzie non-wait temperatury dyszy i stołu są resetowane; jednakże jeśli przy tej opcji zostaną użyte komendy M104, M109, M140 lub M190 to Slic3r nie doda własnych komend do kontroli temperatury. Pamiętaj, że możesz używać zmiennych typu placeholder, więc np. komendę \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" (temperatura pierwszej warstwy) możesz umieścić gdzie chcesz."
@ -8127,10 +8142,6 @@ msgstr "To jest najniższa możliwa do wydrukowania wysokość warstwy dla tego
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "Dzieje się to zazwyczaj z powodu zbyt małych odcinków ekstruzji (są one pomijane) lub uszkodzenia modelu. Spróbuj naprawić model lub zmienić jego orientację na stole."
#: src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp:639
msgid "This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed."
msgstr "Dzieje się to zazwyczaj z powodu zbyt małych odcinków ekstruzji (są one pomijane) lub uszkodzenia modelu. Spróbuj naprawić model lub zmienić jego orientację na stole."
#: src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp:2215
msgid "This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools."
msgstr "Ta formuła określa objętość (w milimetrach sześciennych) wymaganą do wyczyszczenia filamentu na wieży czyszczącej dla danej pary narzędzi (filamentów)."
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