fix issue with enforced patches
refactor end_index to mark index after the last point hackfix issue with overhang seem placement
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 91 additions and 64 deletions
@ -557,50 +557,72 @@ void process_perimeter_polygon(const Polygon &orig_polygon, float z_coord, const
result.points.emplace_back(position, perimeter, local_ccw_angle, type);
perimeter.end_index = result.points.size() - 1;
perimeter.end_index = result.points.size();
// We will find first patch of enforced points (patch: continuous section of enforced points) and select the middle
// point, which will have priority during alignment
// If there are multiple enforced patches in the perimeter, others are ignored
if (some_point_enforced) {
size_t perimeter_size = perimeter.end_index - perimeter.start_index + 1;
// We will patches of enforced points (patch: continuous section of enforced points), choose
// the longest patch, and select the middle point or sharp point (depending on the angle)
// this point will have high priority on this perimeter
size_t perimeter_size = perimeter.end_index - perimeter.start_index;
const auto next_index = [&](size_t idx) {
return perimeter.start_index + Slic3r::next_idx_modulo(idx - perimeter.start_index, perimeter_size);
size_t first_enforced_idx = perimeter.start_index;
for (size_t _ = 0; _ < perimeter_size; ++_) {
if (result.points[first_enforced_idx].type != EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced &&
result.points[next_index(first_enforced_idx)].type == EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced) {
std::vector<size_t> patches_starts_ends;
for (size_t i = perimeter.start_index; i < perimeter.end_index; ++i) {
if (result.points[i].type != EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced &&
result.points[next_index(i)].type == EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced) {
if (result.points[i].type == EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced &&
result.points[next_index(i)].type != EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced) {
first_enforced_idx = next_index(first_enforced_idx);
first_enforced_idx = next_index(first_enforced_idx);
// Gather also points with large angles (these are points from the original mesh, since oversampled points have zero angle)
// If there are any, the middle point will be picked from those (makes drawing over sharp corners easier)
std::vector<size_t> orig_large_angle_points_indices { };
std::vector<size_t> viable_points_indices { };
size_t last_enforced_idx = first_enforced_idx;
for (size_t _ = 0; _ < perimeter_size; ++_) {
if (result.points[last_enforced_idx].type != EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced) {
//if patches_starts_ends are empty, it means that the whole perimeter is enforced.. don't do anything in that case
if (!patches_starts_ends.empty()) {
//if the first point in the patches is not enforced, it marks a patch end. in that case, put it to the end and start on next
// to simplify the processing
assert(patches_starts_ends.size() % 2 == 0);
bool start_on_second = false;
if (result.points[patches_starts_ends[0]].type != EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced) {
start_on_second = true;
if (compute_angle_penalty(result.points[last_enforced_idx].local_ccw_angle)
< SeamPlacer::sharp_angle_penalty_snapping_threshold) {
//now pick the longest patch
std::pair<size_t, size_t> longest_patch { 0, 0 };
auto patch_len = [perimeter_size](const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &start_end) {
if (start_end.second < start_end.first) {
return start_end.first + (perimeter_size - start_end.second);
} else {
return start_end.second - start_end.first;
for (size_t patch_idx = start_on_second ? 1 : 0; patch_idx < patches_starts_ends.size(); patch_idx += 2) {
std::pair<size_t, size_t> current_patch { patches_starts_ends[patch_idx], patches_starts_ends[patch_idx
+ 1] };
if (patch_len(longest_patch) < patch_len(current_patch)) {
longest_patch = current_patch;
std::vector<size_t> viable_points_indices;
std::vector<size_t> large_angle_points_indices;
for (size_t point_idx = longest_patch.first; point_idx != longest_patch.second;
point_idx = next_index(point_idx)) {
if (compute_angle_penalty(result.points[point_idx].local_ccw_angle)
< SeamPlacer::sharp_angle_penalty_snapping_threshold) {
assert(viable_points_indices.size() > 0);
if (large_angle_points_indices.empty()) {
size_t central_idx = viable_points_indices[viable_points_indices.size() / 2];
result.points[central_idx].central_enforcer = true;
} else {
size_t central_idx = large_angle_points_indices.size() / 2;
result.points[large_angle_points_indices[central_idx]].central_enforcer = true;
last_enforced_idx = next_index(last_enforced_idx);
assert(viable_points_indices.size() > 0);
if (orig_large_angle_points_indices.empty()) {
size_t central_idx = viable_points_indices[viable_points_indices.size() / 2];
result.points[central_idx].central_enforcer = true;
} else {
size_t central_idx = orig_large_angle_points_indices.size() / 2;
result.points[orig_large_angle_points_indices[central_idx]].central_enforcer = true;
@ -620,7 +642,7 @@ std::pair<size_t, size_t> find_previous_and_next_perimeter_point(const std::vect
prev = current.perimeter.end_index;
if (point_index == current.perimeter.end_index) {
if (point_index == current.perimeter.end_index - 1) {
// if point_index is equal to end, than next neighbour is at the start
next = current.perimeter.start_index;
@ -748,7 +770,8 @@ struct SeamComparator {
float angle_importance;
explicit SeamComparator(SeamPosition setup) :
setup(setup) {
angle_importance = setup == spNearest ? SeamPlacer::angle_importance_nearest : SeamPlacer::angle_importance_aligned;
angle_importance =
setup == spNearest ? SeamPlacer::angle_importance_nearest : SeamPlacer::angle_importance_aligned;
// Standard comparator, must respect the requirements of comparators (e.g. give same result on same inputs) for sorting usage
@ -765,8 +788,7 @@ struct SeamComparator {
//avoid overhangs
if (a.overhang > SeamPlacer::overhang_distance_tolerance_factor * a.perimeter.flow_width ||
b.overhang > SeamPlacer::overhang_distance_tolerance_factor * b.perimeter.flow_width) {
if (a.overhang > 0.0f || b.overhang > 0.0f) {
return a.overhang < b.overhang;
@ -823,8 +845,8 @@ struct SeamComparator {
//avoid overhangs
if (a.overhang > SeamPlacer::overhang_distance_tolerance_factor * a.perimeter.flow_width ||
b.overhang > SeamPlacer::overhang_distance_tolerance_factor * b.perimeter.flow_width) {
if ((a.overhang > 0.0f || b.overhang > 0.0f)
&& abs(a.overhang - b.overhang) > (0.2f * a.perimeter.flow_width)) {
return a.overhang < b.overhang;
@ -857,9 +879,9 @@ struct SeamComparator {
float weight(const SeamCandidate &a) const {
if (setup == SeamPosition::spAligned && a.central_enforcer) {
return 2.0f;
if (setup == SeamPosition::spAligned && a.central_enforcer) {
return 2.0f;
return a.visibility + angle_importance * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle) / (1.0f + angle_importance);
@ -930,7 +952,7 @@ void pick_seam_point(std::vector<SeamCandidate> &perimeter_points, size_t start_
size_t end_index = perimeter_points[start_index].perimeter.end_index;
size_t seam_index = start_index;
for (size_t index = start_index; index <= end_index; ++index) {
for (size_t index = start_index; index < end_index; ++index) {
if (comparator.is_first_better(perimeter_points[index], perimeter_points[seam_index])) {
seam_index = index;
@ -944,7 +966,7 @@ size_t pick_nearest_seam_point_index(const std::vector<SeamCandidate> &perimeter
SeamComparator comparator { spNearest };
size_t seam_index = start_index;
for (size_t index = start_index; index <= end_index; ++index) {
for (size_t index = start_index; index < end_index; ++index) {
if (comparator.is_first_better(perimeter_points[index], perimeter_points[seam_index], preffered_location)) {
seam_index = index;
@ -971,10 +993,10 @@ void pick_random_seam_point(const std::vector<SeamCandidate> &perimeter_points,
std::vector<Viable> viables;
for (size_t index = start_index; index <= end_index; ++index) {
for (size_t index = start_index; index < end_index; ++index) {
if (comparator.are_similar(perimeter_points[index], perimeter_points[viable_example_index])) {
// index ok, push info into viables
Vec3f edge_to_next { perimeter_points[index == end_index ? start_index : index + 1].position
Vec3f edge_to_next { perimeter_points[index == end_index - 1 ? start_index : index + 1].position
- perimeter_points[index].position };
float dist_to_next = edge_to_next.norm();
viables.push_back( { index, dist_to_next, edge_to_next });
@ -987,7 +1009,7 @@ void pick_random_seam_point(const std::vector<SeamCandidate> &perimeter_points,
viable_example_index = index;
Vec3f edge_to_next = (perimeter_points[index == end_index ? start_index : index + 1].position
Vec3f edge_to_next = (perimeter_points[index == end_index - 1 ? start_index : index + 1].position
- perimeter_points[index].position);
float dist_to_next = edge_to_next.norm();
viables.push_back( { index, dist_to_next, edge_to_next });
@ -1041,7 +1063,7 @@ public:
float distance_from_perimeter(const Point &point) const {
Vec2d p = unscale(point);
size_t hit_idx_out{};
size_t hit_idx_out { };
Vec2d hit_point_out = Vec2d::Zero();
auto distance = AABBTreeLines::squared_distance_to_indexed_lines(lines, tree, p, hit_idx_out, hit_point_out);
if (distance < 0) {
@ -1075,7 +1097,7 @@ void SeamPlacer::gather_seam_candidates(const PrintObject *po,
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, po->layers().size()),
[po, configured_seam_preference, arachne_generated, &global_model_info, &seam_data]
(tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
(tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
for (size_t layer_idx = r.begin(); layer_idx < r.end(); ++layer_idx) {
PrintObjectSeamData::LayerSeams &layer_seams = seam_data.layers[layer_idx];
const Layer *layer = po->get_layer(layer_idx);
@ -1136,7 +1158,8 @@ void SeamPlacer::calculate_overhangs_and_layer_embedding(const PrintObject *po)
for (SeamCandidate &perimeter_point : layers[layer_idx].points) {
Point point = Point::new_scale(Vec2f { perimeter_point.position.head<2>() });
if (prev_layer_distancer.get() != nullptr) {
perimeter_point.overhang = prev_layer_distancer->distance_from_perimeter(point);
perimeter_point.overhang = prev_layer_distancer->distance_from_perimeter(point)
- tan(SeamPlacer::overhang_angle_threshold * PI / 180.0f) * po->layers()[layer_idx]->height;
if (should_compute_layer_embedding) { // search for embedded perimeter points (points hidden inside the print ,e.g. multimaterial join, best position for seam)
@ -1263,8 +1286,8 @@ std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> SeamPlacer::find_seam_string(const PrintO
if (step == 1) {
if (next_layer < 0) {
} else {
@ -1309,7 +1332,7 @@ void SeamPlacer::align_seam_points(const PrintObject *po, const SeamPlacerImpl::
size_t current_point_index = 0;
while (current_point_index < layer_perimeter_points.size()) {
seams.emplace_back(layer_idx, layer_perimeter_points[current_point_index].perimeter.seam_index);
current_point_index = layer_perimeter_points[current_point_index].perimeter.end_index + 1;
current_point_index = layer_perimeter_points[current_point_index].perimeter.end_index;
@ -1342,10 +1365,12 @@ void SeamPlacer::align_seam_points(const PrintObject *po, const SeamPlacerImpl::
} else {
seam_string = this->find_seam_string(po, { layer_idx, seam_index }, comparator);
size_t step_size = 1 + seam_string.size() / 20;
for (size_t alternative_start = 0; alternative_start < seam_string.size(); alternative_start+=step_size) {
for (size_t alternative_start = 0; alternative_start < seam_string.size(); alternative_start += step_size) {
size_t start_layer_idx = seam_string[alternative_start].first;
size_t seam_idx = layers[start_layer_idx].points[seam_string[alternative_start].second].perimeter.seam_index;
alternative_seam_string = this->find_seam_string(po, std::pair<size_t,size_t>(start_layer_idx, seam_idx), comparator);
size_t seam_idx =
alternative_seam_string = this->find_seam_string(po,
std::pair<size_t, size_t>(start_layer_idx, seam_idx), comparator);
if (alternative_seam_string.size() > seam_string.size()) {
seam_string = std::move(alternative_seam_string);
@ -1487,7 +1512,7 @@ void SeamPlacer::init(const Print &print, std::function<void(void)> throw_if_can
for (size_t layer_idx = r.begin(); layer_idx < r.end(); ++layer_idx) {
std::vector<SeamCandidate> &layer_perimeter_points = layers[layer_idx].points;
for (size_t current = 0; current < layer_perimeter_points.size();
current = layer_perimeter_points[current].perimeter.end_index + 1)
current = layer_perimeter_points[current].perimeter.end_index)
if (configured_seam_preference == spRandom)
pick_random_seam_point(layer_perimeter_points, current);
@ -1561,12 +1586,12 @@ void SeamPlacer::place_seam(const Layer *layer, ExtrusionLoop &loop, bool extern
// the internal seam into the concave corner, and not on the perpendicular projection on the closest edge (which is what the split_at function does)
size_t index_of_prev =
seam_index == perimeter_point.perimeter.start_index ?
perimeter_point.perimeter.end_index :
perimeter_point.perimeter.end_index - 1 :
seam_index - 1;
size_t index_of_next =
seam_index == perimeter_point.perimeter.end_index ?
perimeter_point.perimeter.start_index :
seam_index + 1;
seam_index == perimeter_point.perimeter.end_index - 1 ?
perimeter_point.perimeter.start_index :
seam_index + 1;
Vec2f dir_to_middle =
((perimeter_point.position - layer_perimeters.points[index_of_prev].position).head<2>().normalized()
@ -131,8 +131,10 @@ public:
// value for angles with penalty lower than this threshold - such angles will be snapped to their original position instead of spline interpolated position
static constexpr float sharp_angle_penalty_snapping_threshold = 0.6f;
// max tolerable distance from the previous layer is overhang_distance_tolerance_factor * flow_width
static constexpr float overhang_distance_tolerance_factor = 0.5f;
// max allowed overhang angle for seam placement, in degrees, measured from vertical direction
//TODO There is some problem in layer distance computation, so the current angle is much lower to counter that issue
// However, it should be fixed correctly
static constexpr float overhang_angle_threshold = 15.0f;
// determines angle importance compared to visibility ( neutral value is 1.0f. )
static constexpr float angle_importance_aligned = 0.6f;
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