Merge branch 'tm_branching_tree_4'

This commit is contained in:
tamasmeszaros 2022-08-03 10:09:10 +02:00
commit e7338ade2f
19 changed files with 1354 additions and 69 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
#include "BranchingTree.hpp"
#include "PointCloud.hpp"
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <algorithm>
#include "libslic3r/SLA/SupportTreeUtils.hpp"
namespace Slic3r { namespace branchingtree {
void build_tree(PointCloud &nodes, Builder &builder)
constexpr size_t initK = 5;
auto ptsqueue = nodes.start_queue();
auto &properties =;
struct NodeDistance
size_t node_id = Node::ID_NONE;
float dst_branching = NaNf;
float dst_euql = NaNf;
auto distances = reserve_vector<NodeDistance>(initK);
double prev_dist_max = 0.;
size_t K = initK;
bool routed = true;
size_t node_id = Node::ID_NONE;
while ((!ptsqueue.empty() && builder.is_valid()) || !routed) {
if (routed) {
node_id =;
Node node = nodes.get(node_id);
float dmax = 0.;
[&distances, &dmax](size_t id, float dst_branching, float dst_euql) {
distances.emplace_back(NodeDistance{id, dst_branching, dst_euql});
dmax = std::max(dmax, dst_euql);
}, K, prev_dist_max);
std::sort(distances.begin(), distances.end(),
[](auto &a, auto &b) { return a.dst_branching < b.dst_branching; });
if (distances.empty()) {
K = initK;
prev_dist_max = 0.;
routed = true;
prev_dist_max = dmax;
K *= 2;
auto closest_it = distances.begin();
routed = false;
while (closest_it != distances.end() && !routed && builder.is_valid()) {
size_t closest_node_id = closest_it->node_id;
Node closest_node = nodes.get(closest_node_id);
auto type = nodes.get_type(closest_node_id);
float w = nodes.get(node_id).weight + closest_it->dst_branching;
closest_node.Rmin = std::max(node.Rmin, closest_node.Rmin);
switch (type) {
case BED: {
closest_node.weight = w;
if (closest_it->dst_branching > {
auto hl_br_len = float( / 2.f;
Node new_node {{node.pos.x(), node.pos.y(), node.pos.z() - hl_br_len}, node.Rmin}; = int(nodes.next_junction_id());
new_node.weight = nodes.get(node_id).weight + hl_br_len;
new_node.left =;
if ((routed = builder.add_bridge(node, new_node))) {
size_t new_idx = nodes.insert_junction(new_node);
else if ((routed = builder.add_ground_bridge(node, closest_node))) {
closest_node.left = closest_node.right = node_id;
nodes.get(closest_node_id) = closest_node;
case MESH: {
closest_node.weight = w;
if ((routed = builder.add_mesh_bridge(node, closest_node))) {
closest_node.left = closest_node.right = node_id;
nodes.get(closest_node_id) = closest_node;
case LEAF:
case JUNCTION: {
auto max_slope = float(properties.max_slope());
if (auto mergept = find_merge_pt(node.pos, closest_node.pos, max_slope)) {
float mergedist_closest = (*mergept - closest_node.pos).norm();
float mergedist_node = (*mergept - node.pos).norm();
float Wnode = nodes.get(node_id).weight;
float Wclosest = nodes.get(closest_node_id).weight;
float Wsum = std::max(Wnode, Wclosest);
float distsum = std::max(mergedist_closest, mergedist_node);
w = Wsum + distsum;
if (mergedist_closest > EPSILON && mergedist_node > EPSILON) {
Node mergenode{*mergept, closest_node.Rmin};
mergenode.weight = w; = int(nodes.next_junction_id());
if ((routed = builder.add_merger(node, closest_node, mergenode))) {
mergenode.left = node_id;
mergenode.right = closest_node_id;
size_t new_idx = nodes.insert_junction(mergenode);
size_t qid = nodes.get_queue_idx(closest_node_id);
if (qid != PointCloud::Unqueued)
} else if (closest_node.pos.z() < node.pos.z() &&
(closest_node.left == Node::ID_NONE ||
closest_node.right == Node::ID_NONE)) {
closest_node.weight = w;
if ((routed = builder.add_bridge(node, closest_node))) {
if (closest_node.left == Node::ID_NONE)
closest_node.left = node_id;
else if (closest_node.right == Node::ID_NONE)
closest_node.right = node_id;
nodes.get(closest_node_id) = closest_node;
case NONE:;
if (routed) {
prev_dist_max = 0.;
K = initK;
void build_tree(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
const std::vector<Node> &support_roots,
Builder &builder,
const Properties &properties)
PointCloud nodes(its, support_roots, properties);
build_tree(nodes, builder);
ExPolygon make_bed_poly(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
auto bb = bounding_box(its);
BoundingBox bbcrd{scaled(to_2d(bb.min)), scaled(to_2d(bb.max))};
Point min = bbcrd.min, max = bbcrd.max;
ExPolygon ret = {{min.x(), min.y()},
{max.x(), min.y()},
{max.x(), max.y()},
{min.x(), max.y()}};
return ret;
}} // namespace Slic3r::branchingtree

View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// For indexed_triangle_set
#include <admesh/stl.h>
#include "libslic3r/ExPolygon.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/BoundingBox.hpp"
namespace Slic3r { namespace branchingtree {
// Branching tree input parameters. This is an in-line fillable structure with
// setters returning self references.
class Properties
double m_max_slope = PI / 4.;
double m_ground_level = 0.;
double m_sampling_radius = .5;
double m_max_branch_len = 10.;
ExPolygons m_bed_shape;
// Maximum slope for bridges of the tree
Properties &max_slope(double val) noexcept
m_max_slope = val;
return *this;
// Z level of the ground
Properties &ground_level(double val) noexcept
m_ground_level = val;
return *this;
// How far should sample points be in the mesh and the ground
Properties &sampling_radius(double val) noexcept
m_sampling_radius = val;
return *this;
// Shape of the print bed (ground)
Properties &bed_shape(ExPolygons bed) noexcept
m_bed_shape = std::move(bed);
return *this;
Properties &max_branch_length(double val) noexcept
m_max_branch_len = val;
return *this;
double max_slope() const noexcept { return m_max_slope; }
double ground_level() const noexcept { return m_ground_level; }
double sampling_radius() const noexcept { return m_sampling_radius; }
double max_branch_length() const noexcept { return m_max_branch_len; }
const ExPolygons &bed_shape() const noexcept { return m_bed_shape; }
// A junction of the branching tree with position and radius.
struct Node
static constexpr int ID_NONE = -1;
int id = ID_NONE, left = ID_NONE, right = ID_NONE;
Vec3f pos;
float Rmin = 0.f;
// Tracking the weight of each junction, which is essentially the sum of
// the lenghts of all branches emanating from this junction.
float weight = 0.f;
Node(const Vec3f &p, float r_min = .0f) : pos{p}, Rmin{r_min}, weight{0.f}
// An output interface for the branching tree generator function. Consider each
// method as a callback and implement the actions that need to be done.
class Builder
virtual ~Builder() = default;
// A simple bridge from junction to junction.
virtual bool add_bridge(const Node &from, const Node &to) = 0;
// An Y shaped structure with two starting points and a merge point below
// them. The angles will respect the max_slope setting.
virtual bool add_merger(const Node &node,
const Node &closest,
const Node &merge_node) = 0;
// Add an anchor bridge to the ground (print bed)
virtual bool add_ground_bridge(const Node &from,
const Node &to) = 0;
// Add an anchor bridge to the model body
virtual bool add_mesh_bridge(const Node &from, const Node &to) = 0;
// Report nodes that can not be routed to an endpoint (model or ground)
virtual void report_unroutable(const Node &j) = 0;
// If returns false, the tree building process shall stop
virtual bool is_valid() const { return true; }
// Build the actual tree.
// its: The input mesh
// support_leafs: The input support points
// builder: The output interface, describes how to build the tree
// properties: Parameters of the tree
// Notes:
// The original algorithm implicitly ensures that the generated tree avoids
// the model body. This implementation uses point sampling of the mesh thus an
// explicit check is needed if the part of the tree being inserted properly
// avoids the model. This can be done in the builder implementation. Each
// method can return a boolean indicating whether the given branch can or
// cannot be inserted. If a particular path is unavailable, the algorithm
// will try a few other paths as well. If all of them fail, one of the
// report_unroutable_* methods will be called as a last resort.
void build_tree(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
const std::vector<Node> &support_leafs,
Builder &builder,
const Properties &properties = {});
inline void build_tree(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
const std::vector<Node> &support_leafs,
Builder &&builder,
const Properties &properties = {})
build_tree(its, support_leafs, builder, properties);
// Helper function to derive a bed polygon only from the model bounding box.
ExPolygon make_bed_poly(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
}} // namespace Slic3r::branchingtree

View file

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
#include "PointCloud.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Geometry.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Tesselate.hpp"
#include <igl/random_points_on_mesh.h>
namespace Slic3r { namespace branchingtree {
std::optional<Vec3f> find_merge_pt(const Vec3f &A,
const Vec3f &B,
float critical_angle)
// The idea is that A and B both have their support cones. But searching
// for the intersection of these support cones is difficult and its enough
// to reduce this problem to 2D and search for the intersection of two
// rays that merge somewhere between A and B. The 2D plane is a vertical
// slice of the 3D scene where the 2D Y axis is equal to the 3D Z axis and
// the 2D X axis is determined by the XY direction of the AB vector.
// Z^
// | A *
// | . . B *
// | . . . .
// | . . . .
// | . x .
// -------------------> XY
// Determine the transformation matrix for the 2D projection:
Vec3f diff = {B.x() - A.x(), B.y() - A.y(), 0.f};
Vec3f dir = diff.normalized(); // TODO: avoid normalization
Eigen::Matrix<float, 2, 3> tr2D;
tr2D.row(0) = Vec3f{dir.x(), dir.y(), dir.z()};
tr2D.row(1) = Vec3f{0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
// Transform the 2 vectors A and B into 2D vector 'a' and 'b'. Here we can
// omit 'a', pretend that its the origin and use BA as the vector b.
Vec2f b = tr2D * (B - A);
// Get the square sine of the ray emanating from 'a' towards 'b'. This ray might
// exceed the allowed angle but that is corrected subsequently.
// The sign of the original sine is also needed, hence b.y is multiplied by
// abs(b.y)
float b_sqn = b.squaredNorm();
float sin2sig_a = b_sqn > EPSILON ? (b.y() * std::abs(b.y())) / b_sqn : 0.f;
// sine2 from 'b' to 'a' is the opposite of sine2 from a to b
float sin2sig_b = -sin2sig_a;
// Derive the allowed angles from the given critical angle.
// critical_angle is measured from the horizontal X axis.
// The rays need to go downwards which corresponds to negative angles
float sincrit = std::sin(critical_angle); // sine of the critical angle
float sin2crit = -sincrit * sincrit; // signed sine squared
sin2sig_a = std::min(sin2sig_a, sin2crit); // Do the angle saturation of both rays
sin2sig_b = std::min(sin2sig_b, sin2crit); //
float sin2_a = std::abs(sin2sig_a); // Get cosine squared values
float sin2_b = std::abs(sin2sig_b);
float cos2_a = 1.f - sin2_a;
float cos2_b = 1.f - sin2_b;
// Derive the new direction vectors. This is by square rooting the sin2
// and cos2 values and restoring the original signs
Vec2f Da = {std::copysign(std::sqrt(cos2_a), b.x()), std::copysign(std::sqrt(sin2_a), sin2sig_a)};
Vec2f Db = {-std::copysign(std::sqrt(cos2_b), b.x()), std::copysign(std::sqrt(sin2_b), sin2sig_b)};
// Determine where two rays ([0, 0], Da), (b, Db) intersect.
// Based on
// One ray is emanating from (0, 0) so the formula is simplified
double t1 = (Db.y() * b.x() - b.y() * Db.x()) /
(Da.x() * Db.y() - Da.y() * Db.x());
Vec2f mp = t1 * Da;
Vec3f Mp = A + tr2D.transpose() * mp;
return t1 >= 0.f ? Mp : Vec3f{};
void to_eigen_mesh(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
Eigen::MatrixXd &V,
Eigen::MatrixXi &F)
V.resize(its.vertices.size(), 3);
F.resize(its.indices.size(), 3);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < its.indices.size(); ++i)
F.row(i) = its.indices[i];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < its.vertices.size(); ++i)
V.row(i) = its.vertices[i].cast<double>();
std::vector<Node> sample_mesh(const indexed_triangle_set &its, double radius)
std::vector<Node> ret;
double surface_area = 0.;
for (const Vec3i &face : its.indices) {
std::array<Vec3f, 3> tri = {its.vertices[face(0)],
auto U = tri[1] - tri[0], V = tri[2] - tri[0];
surface_area += 0.5 * U.cross(V).norm();
int N = surface_area / (PI * radius * radius);
Eigen::MatrixXd B;
Eigen::MatrixXi FI;
Eigen::MatrixXd V;
Eigen::MatrixXi F;
to_eigen_mesh(its, V, F);
igl::random_points_on_mesh(N, V, F, B, FI);
for (int i = 0; i < FI.size(); i++) {
int face_id = FI(i);
if (face_id < 0 || face_id >= int(its.indices.size()))
Vec3i face = its.indices[face_id];
if (face(0) >= int(its.vertices.size()) ||
face(1) >= int(its.vertices.size()) ||
face(2) >= int(its.vertices.size()))
Vec3f c = B.row(i)(0) * its.vertices[face(0)] +
B.row(i)(1) * its.vertices[face(1)] +
B.row(i)(2) * its.vertices[face(2)];
return ret;
std::vector<Node> sample_bed(const ExPolygons &bed, float z, double radius)
std::vector<Vec3f> ret;
auto triangles = triangulate_expolygons_3d(bed, z);
indexed_triangle_set its;
for (size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i += 3) {
its.vertices.emplace_back(triangles[i + 1].cast<float>());
its.vertices.emplace_back(triangles[i + 2].cast<float>());
its.indices.emplace_back(i, i + 1, i + 2);
return sample_mesh(its, radius);
PointCloud::PointCloud(const indexed_triangle_set &M,
std::vector<Node> support_leafs,
const Properties &props)
: PointCloud{sample_mesh(M, props.sampling_radius()),
std::move(support_leafs), props}
PointCloud::PointCloud(std::vector<Node> meshpts,
std::vector<Node> bedpts,
std::vector<Node> support_leafs,
const Properties &props)
: m_leafs{std::move(support_leafs)}
, m_meshpoints{std::move(meshpts)}
, m_bedpoints{std::move(bedpts)}
, m_props{props}
, cos2bridge_slope{std::cos(props.max_slope()) *
, MESHPTS_BEGIN{m_bedpoints.size()}
, LEAFS_BEGIN{MESHPTS_BEGIN + m_meshpoints.size()}
, m_searchable_indices(JUNCTIONS_BEGIN + m_junctions.size(), true)
, m_queue_indices(JUNCTIONS_BEGIN + m_junctions.size(), Unqueued)
, m_reachable_cnt{JUNCTIONS_BEGIN + m_junctions.size()}
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_bedpoints.size(); ++i) {
m_bedpoints[i].id = int(i);
m_ktree.insert({m_bedpoints[i].pos, i});
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_meshpoints.size(); ++i) {
Node &n = m_meshpoints[i]; = int(MESHPTS_BEGIN + i);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_leafs.size(); ++i) {
Node &n = m_leafs[i]; = int(LEAFS_BEGIN + i);
float PointCloud::get_distance(const Vec3f &p, size_t node_id) const
auto t = get_type(node_id);
auto ret = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
const auto &node = get(node_id);
switch (t) {
case MESH:
case BED: {
// Points of mesh or bed which are outside of the support cone of
// 'pos' must be discarded.
if (is_outside_support_cone(p, node.pos))
ret = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
ret = (node.pos - p).norm();
case LEAF:
auto mergept = find_merge_pt(p, node.pos, m_props.max_slope());
double maxL2 = m_props.max_branch_length() * m_props.max_branch_length();
if (!mergept || mergept->z() < (m_props.ground_level() + 2 * node.Rmin))
ret = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
else if (double a = (node.pos - *mergept).squaredNorm(),
b = (p - *mergept).squaredNorm();
a < maxL2 && b < maxL2)
ret = std::sqrt(b);
case NONE:
// Setting the ret val to infinity will effectively discard this
// connection of nodes. max_branch_length property is used here
// to discard node=>node and node=>mesh connections longer than this
// property.
if (t != BED && ret > m_props.max_branch_length())
ret = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
return ret;
}} // namespace Slic3r::branchingtree

View file

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
#include <optional>
#include "BranchingTree.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Execution/Execution.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/MutablePriorityQueue.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/BoostAdapter.hpp"
#include "boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp"
namespace Slic3r { namespace branchingtree {
std::optional<Vec3f> find_merge_pt(const Vec3f &A,
const Vec3f &B,
float max_slope);
void to_eigen_mesh(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
Eigen::MatrixXd &V,
Eigen::MatrixXi &F);
std::vector<Node> sample_mesh(const indexed_triangle_set &its, double radius);
std::vector<Node> sample_bed(const ExPolygons &bed,
float z,
double radius = 1.);
inline BoundingBox3Base<Vec3f> get_support_cone_bb(const Vec3f &p, const Properties &props)
double gnd = props.ground_level() - EPSILON;
double h = p.z() - gnd;
double phi = PI / 2 - props.max_slope();
auto r = float(std::min(h * std::tan(phi), props.max_branch_length() * std::sin(phi)));
Vec3f bb_min = {p.x() - r, p.y() - r, float(gnd)};
Vec3f bb_max = {p.x() + r, p.y() + r, p.z()};
return {bb_min, bb_max};
// A cloud of points including support points, mesh points, junction points
// and anchor points on the bed. Junction points can be added or removed, all
// the other point types are established on creation and remain unchangeable.
class PointCloud {
std::vector<Node> m_leafs, m_junctions, m_meshpoints, m_bedpoints;
const branchingtree::Properties &m_props;
const double cos2bridge_slope;
// These vectors have the same size as there are indices for nodes to keep
// access complexity constant. WARN: there might be cache non-locality costs
std::vector<bool> m_searchable_indices; // searchable flag value of a node
std::vector<size_t> m_queue_indices; // queue id of a node if queued
size_t m_reachable_cnt;
struct CoordFn
const PointCloud *self;
CoordFn(const PointCloud *s) : self{s} {}
float operator()(size_t nodeid, size_t dim) const
return self->get(nodeid).pos(int(dim));
using PointIndexEl = std::pair<Vec3f, unsigned>;
rtree<PointIndexEl, boost::geometry::index::rstar<16, 4> /* ? */>
bool is_outside_support_cone(const Vec3f &supp, const Vec3f &pt) const
Vec3d D = (pt - supp).cast<double>();
double dot_sq = -D.z() * std::abs(-D.z());
return dot_sq < D.squaredNorm() * cos2bridge_slope;
template<class PC>
static auto *get_node(PC &&pc, size_t id)
auto *ret = decltype(;
switch(pc.get_type(id)) {
case BED: ret = &pc.m_bedpoints[id]; break;
case MESH: ret = &pc.m_meshpoints[id - pc.MESHPTS_BEGIN]; break;
case LEAF: ret = &pc.m_leafs [id - pc.LEAFS_BEGIN]; break;
case JUNCTION: ret = &pc.m_junctions[id - pc.JUNCTIONS_BEGIN]; break;
case NONE: assert(false);
return ret;
static constexpr auto Unqueued = size_t(-1);
struct ZCompareFn
const PointCloud *self;
ZCompareFn(const PointCloud *s) : self{s} {}
bool operator()(size_t node_a, size_t node_b) const
return self->get(node_a).pos.z() > self->get(node_b).pos.z();
PointCloud(const indexed_triangle_set &M,
std::vector<Node> support_leafs,
const Properties &props);
PointCloud(std::vector<Node> meshpts,
std::vector<Node> bedpts,
std::vector<Node> support_leafs,
const Properties &props);
PtType get_type(size_t node_id) const
PtType ret = NONE;
if (node_id < MESHPTS_BEGIN && !m_bedpoints.empty()) ret = BED;
else if (node_id < LEAFS_BEGIN && !m_meshpoints.empty()) ret = MESH;
else if (node_id < JUNCTIONS_BEGIN && !m_leafs.empty()) ret = LEAF;
else if (node_id >= JUNCTIONS_BEGIN && !m_junctions.empty()) ret = JUNCTION;
return ret;
const Node &get(size_t node_id) const
return *get_node(*this, node_id);
Node &get(size_t node_id)
return *get_node(*this, node_id);
const Node *find(size_t node_id) const { return get_node(*this, node_id); }
Node *find(size_t node_id) { return get_node(*this, node_id); }
// Return the original index of a leaf in the input array, if the given
// node id is indeed of type SUPP
int get_leaf_id(size_t node_id) const
return node_id >= LEAFS_BEGIN && node_id < JUNCTIONS_BEGIN ?
node_id - LEAFS_BEGIN :
size_t get_queue_idx(size_t node_id) const { return m_queue_indices[node_id]; }
float get_distance(const Vec3f &p, size_t node) const;
size_t next_junction_id() const
return JUNCTIONS_BEGIN + m_junctions.size();
size_t insert_junction(const Node &p)
size_t new_id = next_junction_id();
m_junctions.back().id = int(new_id);
m_ktree.insert({m_junctions.back().pos, new_id});
return new_id;
const std::vector<Node> &get_junctions() const noexcept { return m_junctions; }
const std::vector<Node> &get_bedpoints() const noexcept { return m_bedpoints; }
const std::vector<Node> &get_meshpoints() const noexcept { return m_meshpoints; }
const std::vector<Node> &get_leafs() const noexcept { return m_leafs; }
const Properties & properties() const noexcept { return m_props; }
void mark_unreachable(size_t node_id)
assert(node_id < m_searchable_indices.size());
m_searchable_indices[node_id] = false;
m_queue_indices[node_id] = Unqueued;
size_t reachable_count() const { return m_reachable_cnt; }
template<class Fn>
void foreach_reachable(const Vec3f &pos,
Fn &&visitor,
size_t k,
double min_dist = 0.)
// Fake output iterator
struct Output {
const PointCloud *self;
Vec3f p;
Fn &visitorfn;
Output& operator *() { return *this; }
void operator=(const PointIndexEl &el) {
visitorfn(el.second, self->get_distance(p, el.second),
(p - el.first).squaredNorm());
Output& operator++() { return *this; }
namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
float brln = 2 * m_props.max_branch_length();
BoundingBox3Base<Vec3f> bb{{pos.x() - brln, pos.y() - brln,
float(m_props.ground_level() - EPSILON)},
{pos.x() + brln, pos.y() + brln,
// Extend upwards to find mergable junctions and support points
bb.max.z() = m_ktree.bounds().max_corner().get<Z>();
auto filter = bgi::satisfies(
[this, &pos, min_dist](const PointIndexEl &e) {
double D_branching = get_distance(pos, e.second);
double D_euql = (pos - e.first).squaredNorm() ;
return m_searchable_indices[e.second] &&
!std::isinf(D_branching) && D_euql > min_dist;
m_ktree.query(bgi::intersects(bb) && filter && bgi::nearest(pos, k),
Output{this, pos, visitor});
auto start_queue()
auto ptsqueue = make_mutable_priority_queue<size_t, true>(
[this](size_t el, size_t idx) { m_queue_indices[el] = idx; },
size_t iend = LEAFS_BEGIN + m_leafs.size();
for (size_t i = LEAFS_BEGIN; i < iend; ++i)
return ptsqueue;
template<class PC, class Fn> void traverse(PC &&pc, size_t root, Fn &&fn)
if (auto nodeptr = pc.find(root); nodeptr != nullptr) {
auto &nroot = *nodeptr;
if (nroot.left >= 0) traverse(pc, nroot.left, fn);
if (nroot.right >= 0) traverse(pc, nroot.right, fn);
void build_tree(PointCloud &pcloud, Builder &builder);
}} // namespace Slic3r::branchingtree

View file

@ -319,6 +319,12 @@ set(SLIC3R_SOURCES

View file

@ -560,13 +560,13 @@ inline bool is_rotation_ninety_degrees(const Vec3d &rotation)
return is_rotation_ninety_degrees(rotation.x()) && is_rotation_ninety_degrees(rotation.y()) && is_rotation_ninety_degrees(rotation.z());
template <class T>
std::pair<T, T> dir_to_spheric(const Vec<3, T> &n, T norm = 1.)
template <class Tout = double, class Tin>
std::pair<Tout, Tout> dir_to_spheric(const Vec<3, Tin> &n, Tout norm = 1.)
T z = n.z();
T r = norm;
T polar = std::acos(z / r);
T azimuth = std::atan2(n(1), n(0));
Tout z = n.z();
Tout r = norm;
Tout polar = std::acos(z / r);
Tout azimuth = std::atan2(n(1), n(0));
return {polar, azimuth};

View file

@ -493,6 +493,7 @@ static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_sla_print_options {

View file

@ -176,6 +176,12 @@ static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SLAMaterialSpeed = {
static inline const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SLASupportTreeType = {
{"default", int(sla::SupportTreeType::Default)},
{"branching", int(sla::SupportTreeType::Branching)}
static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_BrimType = {
{"no_brim", btNoBrim},
{"outer_only", btOuterOnly},
@ -3564,6 +3570,17 @@ void PrintConfigDef::init_sla_params()
def->mode = comSimple;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true));
def = this->add("support_tree_type", coEnum);
def->label = L("Support tree type");
def->tooltip = L("Support tree building strategy");
def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<sla::SupportTreeType>::get_enum_values();
def->enum_values = ConfigOptionEnum<sla::SupportTreeType>::get_enum_names();
def->enum_labels = ConfigOptionEnum<sla::SupportTreeType>::get_enum_names();
def->enum_labels[0] = L("Default");
def->enum_labels[1] = L("Branching");
def->mode = comAdvanced;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(sla::SupportTreeType::Default));
def = this->add("support_head_front_diameter", coFloat);
def->label = L("Pinhead front diameter");
def->category = L("Supports");
@ -3649,13 +3666,17 @@ void PrintConfigDef::init_sla_params()
def = this->add("support_pillar_widening_factor", coFloat);
def->label = L("Pillar widening factor");
def->category = L("Supports");
def->tooltip = L("Merging bridges or pillars into another pillars can "
"increase the radius. Zero means no increase, one means "
"full increase.");
def->tooltip = L(
"Merging bridges or pillars into another pillars can "
"increase the radius. Zero means no increase, one means "
"full increase. The exact amount of increase is unspecified and can "
"change in the future. What is garanteed is that thickness will not "
"exceed \"support_base_diameter\"");
def->min = 0;
def->max = 1;
def->mode = comExpert;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0));
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.15));
def = this->add("support_base_diameter", coFloat);
def->label = L("Support base diameter");

View file

@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DECLARE_STATIC_MAPS(SupportMaterialInterfacePattern)
@ -829,6 +830,8 @@ PRINT_CONFIG_CLASS_DEFINE(
// Enabling or disabling support creation
((ConfigOptionBool, supports_enable))
((ConfigOptionEnum<sla::SupportTreeType>, support_tree_type))
// Diameter in mm of the pointing side of the head.
((ConfigOptionFloat, support_head_front_diameter))/*= 0.2*/

View file

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
#include "BranchingTreeSLA.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Execution/ExecutionTBB.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/KDTreeIndirect.hpp"
#include "SupportTreeUtils.hpp"
#include "BranchingTree/PointCloud.hpp"
#include "Pad.hpp"
#include <map>
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
class BranchingTreeBuilder: public branchingtree::Builder {
SupportTreeBuilder &m_builder;
const SupportableMesh &m_sm;
const branchingtree::PointCloud &m_cloud;
// Scaling of the input value 'widening_factor:<0, 1>' to produce resonable
// widening behaviour
static constexpr double WIDENING_SCALE = 0.02;
double get_radius(const branchingtree::Node &j)
double w = WIDENING_SCALE * m_sm.cfg.pillar_widening_factor * j.weight;
return std::min(m_sm.cfg.base_radius_mm, double(j.Rmin) + w);
std::vector<size_t> m_unroutable_pinheads;
void build_subtree(size_t root)
traverse(m_cloud, root, [this](const branchingtree::Node &node) {
if (node.left >= 0 && node.right >= 0) {
auto nparent = m_cloud.get(;
auto nleft = m_cloud.get(node.left);
auto nright = m_cloud.get(node.right);
Vec3d from1d = nleft.pos.cast<double>();
Vec3d from2d = nright.pos.cast<double>();
Vec3d tod = nparent.pos.cast<double>();
double mergeR = get_radius(nparent);
double leftR = get_radius(nleft);
double rightR = get_radius(nright);
m_builder.add_diffbridge(from1d, tod, leftR, mergeR);
m_builder.add_diffbridge(from2d, tod, rightR, mergeR);
m_builder.add_junction(tod, mergeR);
} else if (int child = node.left + node.right + 1; child >= 0) {
auto from = m_cloud.get(child);
auto to = m_cloud.get(;
auto tod = to.pos.cast<double>();
double toR = get_radius(to);
m_builder.add_junction(tod, toR);
void discard_subtree(size_t root)
// Discard all the support points connecting to this branch.
traverse(m_cloud, root, [this](const branchingtree::Node &node) {
int suppid_parent = m_cloud.get_leaf_id(;
int suppid_left = m_cloud.get_leaf_id(node.left);
int suppid_right = m_cloud.get_leaf_id(node.right);
if (suppid_parent >= 0)
if (suppid_left >= 0)
if (suppid_right >= 0)
BranchingTreeBuilder(SupportTreeBuilder &builder,
const SupportableMesh &sm,
const branchingtree::PointCloud &cloud)
: m_builder{builder}, m_sm{sm}, m_cloud{cloud}
bool add_bridge(const branchingtree::Node &from,
const branchingtree::Node &to) override;
bool add_merger(const branchingtree::Node &node,
const branchingtree::Node &closest,
const branchingtree::Node &merge_node) override;
bool add_ground_bridge(const branchingtree::Node &from,
const branchingtree::Node &/*to*/) override;
bool add_mesh_bridge(const branchingtree::Node &from,
const branchingtree::Node &to) override;
void report_unroutable(const branchingtree::Node &j) override
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Cannot route junction at " << j.pos.x()
<< " " << j.pos.y() << " " << j.pos.z();
// Discard all the support points connecting to this branch.
const std::vector<size_t>& unroutable_pinheads() const
return m_unroutable_pinheads;
bool is_valid() const override { return !m_builder.ctl().stopcondition(); }
bool BranchingTreeBuilder::add_bridge(const branchingtree::Node &from,
const branchingtree::Node &to)
Vec3d fromd = from.pos.cast<double>(), tod = to.pos.cast<double>();
double fromR = get_radius(from), toR = get_radius(to);
Beam beam{Ball{fromd, fromR}, Ball{tod, toR}};
auto hit = beam_mesh_hit(ex_tbb, m_sm.emesh, beam,
bool ret = hit.distance() > (tod - fromd).norm();
return ret;
bool BranchingTreeBuilder::add_merger(const branchingtree::Node &node,
const branchingtree::Node &closest,
const branchingtree::Node &merge_node)
Vec3d from1d = node.pos.cast<double>(),
from2d = closest.pos.cast<double>(),
tod = merge_node.pos.cast<double>();
double mergeR = get_radius(merge_node);
double nodeR = get_radius(node);
double closestR = get_radius(closest);
Beam beam1{Ball{from1d, nodeR}, Ball{tod, mergeR}};
Beam beam2{Ball{from2d, closestR}, Ball{tod, mergeR}};
auto sd = m_sm.cfg.safety_distance_mm ;
auto hit1 = beam_mesh_hit(ex_tbb, m_sm.emesh, beam1, sd);
auto hit2 = beam_mesh_hit(ex_tbb, m_sm.emesh, beam2, sd);
bool ret = hit1.distance() > (tod - from1d).norm() &&
hit2.distance() > (tod - from2d).norm();
return ret;
bool BranchingTreeBuilder::add_ground_bridge(const branchingtree::Node &from,
const branchingtree::Node &to)
bool ret = search_ground_route(ex_tbb, m_builder, m_sm,
if (ret) {
return ret;
bool BranchingTreeBuilder::add_mesh_bridge(const branchingtree::Node &from,
const branchingtree::Node &to)
sla::Junction fromj = {from.pos.cast<double>(), get_radius(from)};
auto anchor = m_sm.cfg.ground_facing_only ?
std::optional<Anchor>{} : // If no mesh connections are allowed
calculate_anchor_placement(ex_tbb, m_sm, fromj,
if (anchor) {
sla::Junction toj = {anchor->junction_point(), anchor->r_back_mm};
auto hit = beam_mesh_hit(ex_tbb, m_sm.emesh,
Beam{{fromj.pos, fromj.r}, {toj.pos, toj.r}}, 0.);
if (hit.distance() > distance(fromj.pos, toj.pos)) {
m_builder.add_diffbridge(fromj.pos, toj.pos, fromj.r, toj.r);
} else {
return bool(anchor);
void create_branching_tree(SupportTreeBuilder &builder, const SupportableMesh &sm)
auto coordfn = [&sm](size_t id, size_t dim) { return sm.pts[id].pos(dim); };
KDTreeIndirect<3, float, decltype (coordfn)> tree{coordfn, sm.pts.size()};
auto nondup_idx = non_duplicate_suppt_indices(tree, sm.pts, 0.1);
std::vector<std::optional<Head>> heads(nondup_idx.size());
auto leafs = reserve_vector<branchingtree::Node>(nondup_idx.size());
ex_tbb, size_t(0), nondup_idx.size(),
[&sm, &heads, &nondup_idx, &builder](size_t i) {
if (!builder.ctl().stopcondition())
heads[i] = calculate_pinhead_placement(ex_seq, sm, nondup_idx[i]);
if (builder.ctl().stopcondition())
for (auto &h : heads)
if (h && h->is_valid()) {
leafs.emplace_back(h->junction_point().cast<float>(), h->r_back_mm);
h->id = leafs.size() - 1;
builder.add_head(h->id, *h);
auto &its = *sm.emesh.get_triangle_mesh();
ExPolygons bedpolys = {branchingtree::make_bed_poly(its)};
auto props = branchingtree::Properties{}
auto meshpts = sm.cfg.ground_facing_only ?
std::vector<branchingtree::Node>{} :
auto bedpts = branchingtree::sample_bed(props.bed_shape(),
branchingtree::PointCloud nodes{std::move(meshpts), std::move(bedpts),
std::move(leafs), props};
BranchingTreeBuilder vbuilder{builder, sm, nodes};
branchingtree::build_tree(nodes, vbuilder);
for (size_t id : vbuilder.unroutable_pinheads())
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "libslic3r/BranchingTree/BranchingTree.hpp"
#include "SupportTreeBuilder.hpp"
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
void create_branching_tree(SupportTreeBuilder& builder, const SupportableMesh &sm);
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SpatIndex.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SupportTreeBuilder.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/DefaultSupportTree.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/BranchingTreeSLA.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/MTUtils.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/ClipperUtils.hpp>
@ -34,6 +35,10 @@ indexed_triangle_set create_support_tree(const SupportableMesh &sm,
create_default_tree(*builder, sm);
case SupportTreeType::Branching: {
create_branching_tree(*builder, sm);

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
enum class SupportTreeType { Default, Clever };
enum class SupportTreeType { Default, Branching };
enum class PillarConnectionMode { zigzag, cross, dynamic };
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla

View file

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ sla::SupportTreeConfig make_support_cfg(const SLAPrintObjectConfig& c)
sla::SupportTreeConfig scfg;
scfg.enabled = c.supports_enable.getBool();
scfg.tree_type = c.support_tree_type.value;
scfg.head_front_radius_mm = 0.5*c.support_head_front_diameter.getFloat();
double pillar_r = 0.5 * c.support_pillar_diameter.getFloat();
scfg.head_back_radius_mm = pillar_r;
@ -824,6 +825,7 @@ bool SLAPrintObject::invalidate_state_by_config_options(const std::vector<t_conf
|| opt_key == "pad_enable"
|| opt_key == "pad_wall_thickness"
|| opt_key == "supports_enable"
|| opt_key == "support_tree_type"
|| opt_key == "support_object_elevation"
|| opt_key == "pad_around_object"
|| opt_key == "pad_around_object_everywhere"

View file

@ -363,21 +363,26 @@ void ConfigManipulation::update_print_sla_config(DynamicPrintConfig* config, con
void ConfigManipulation::toggle_print_sla_options(DynamicPrintConfig* config)
bool supports_en = config->opt_bool("supports_enable");
sla::SupportTreeType treetype = config->opt_enum<sla::SupportTreeType>("support_tree_type");
bool is_default_tree = treetype == sla::SupportTreeType::Default;
bool is_branching_tree = treetype == sla::SupportTreeType::Branching;
toggle_field("support_head_front_diameter", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_head_penetration", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_head_width", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_pillar_diameter", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_small_pillar_diameter_percent", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_max_bridges_on_pillar", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_pillar_connection_mode", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_max_bridges_on_pillar", supports_en && is_default_tree);
toggle_field("support_pillar_connection_mode", supports_en && is_default_tree);
toggle_field("support_tree_type", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_buildplate_only", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_base_diameter", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_base_height", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_base_safety_distance", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_critical_angle", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_max_bridge_length", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_max_pillar_link_distance", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_max_pillar_link_distance", supports_en && is_default_tree);
toggle_field("support_pillar_widening_factor", supports_en && is_branching_tree);
toggle_field("support_points_density_relative", supports_en);
toggle_field("support_points_minimal_distance", supports_en);

View file

@ -4637,6 +4637,7 @@ void TabSLAPrint::build()
page = add_options_page(L("Supports"), "support"/*"sla_supports"*/);
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(L("Supports"));
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(L("Support head"));
@ -4650,8 +4651,7 @@ void TabSLAPrint::build()
// TODO: This parameter is not used at the moment.
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_pillar_widening_factor");

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <libslic3r/TriangleMeshSlicer.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SupportTreeMesher.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/BranchingTree/PointCloud.hpp>
namespace {
@ -156,37 +157,138 @@ TEST_CASE("DefaultSupports::FloorSupportsDoNotPierceModel", "[SLASupportGenerati
test_support_model_collision(fname, supportcfg);
//TEST_CASE("CleverSupports::ElevatedSupportGeometryIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration][Clever]") {
//TEST_CASE("BranchingSupports::ElevatedSupportGeometryIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration][Branching]") {
// sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
// supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 10.;
// supportcfg.tree_type = sla::SupportTreeType::Clever;
// supportcfg.tree_type = sla::SupportTreeType::Branching;
// for (auto fname : SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS) test_supports(fname, supportcfg);
//TEST_CASE("CleverSupports::FloorSupportGeometryIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration][Clever]") {
//TEST_CASE("BranchingSupports::FloorSupportGeometryIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration][Branching]") {
// sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
// supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 0;
// supportcfg.tree_type = sla::SupportTreeType::Clever;
// supportcfg.tree_type = sla::SupportTreeType::Branching;
// for (auto &fname: SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS) test_supports(fname, supportcfg);
TEST_CASE("CleverSupports::ElevatedSupportsDoNotPierceModel", "[SLASupportGeneration][Clever]") {
bool is_outside_support_cone(const Vec3f &supp, const Vec3f &pt, float angle)
Vec3d D = (pt - supp).cast<double>();
double dot_sq = -D.z() * std::abs(-D.z());
return dot_sq <
D.squaredNorm() * std::cos(angle) * std::abs(std::cos(angle));
TEST_CASE("BranchingSupports::MergePointFinder", "[SLASupportGeneration][Branching]") {
SECTION("Identical points have the same merge point") {
Vec3f a{0.f, 0.f, 0.f}, b = a;
auto slope = float(PI / 4.);
auto mergept = branchingtree::find_merge_pt(a, b, slope);
REQUIRE((*mergept - b).norm() < EPSILON);
REQUIRE((*mergept - a).norm() < EPSILON);
// ^ Z
// | a *
// |
// | b * <= mergept
SECTION("Points at different heights have the lower point as mergepoint") {
Vec3f a{0.f, 0.f, 0.f}, b = {0.f, 0.f, -1.f};
auto slope = float(PI / 4.);
auto mergept = branchingtree::find_merge_pt(a, b, slope);
REQUIRE((*mergept - b).squaredNorm() < 2 * EPSILON);
// -|---------> X
// a b
// * *
// * <= mergept
SECTION("Points at different X have mergept in the middle at lower Z") {
Vec3f a{0.f, 0.f, 0.f}, b = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f};
auto slope = float(PI / 4.);
auto mergept = branchingtree::find_merge_pt(a, b, slope);
// Distance of mergept should be equal from both input points
float D = std::abs((*mergept - b).squaredNorm() - (*mergept - a).squaredNorm());
REQUIRE(!is_outside_support_cone(a, *mergept, slope));
REQUIRE(!is_outside_support_cone(b, *mergept, slope));
// -|---------> Y
// a b
// * *
// * <= mergept
SECTION("Points at different Y have mergept in the middle at lower Z") {
Vec3f a{0.f, 0.f, 0.f}, b = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
auto slope = float(PI / 4.);
auto mergept = branchingtree::find_merge_pt(a, b, slope);
// Distance of mergept should be equal from both input points
float D = std::abs((*mergept - b).squaredNorm() - (*mergept - a).squaredNorm());
REQUIRE(!is_outside_support_cone(a, *mergept, slope));
REQUIRE(!is_outside_support_cone(b, *mergept, slope));
SECTION("Points separated by less than critical angle have the lower point as mergept") {
Vec3f a{-1.f, -1.f, -1.f}, b = {-1.5f, -1.5f, -2.f};
auto slope = float(PI / 4.);
auto mergept = branchingtree::find_merge_pt(a, b, slope);
REQUIRE((*mergept - b).norm() < 2 * EPSILON);
// -|----------------------------> Y
// a b
// * * <= mergept *
SECTION("Points at same height have mergepoint in the middle if critical angle is zero ") {
Vec3f a{-1.f, -1.f, -1.f}, b = {-1.5f, -1.5f, -1.f};
auto slope = EPSILON;
auto mergept = branchingtree::find_merge_pt(a, b, slope);
Vec3f middle = (b + a) / 2.;
REQUIRE((*mergept - middle).norm() < 4 * EPSILON);
TEST_CASE("BranchingSupports::ElevatedSupportsDoNotPierceModel", "[SLASupportGeneration][Branching]") {
sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 10.;
supportcfg.tree_type = sla::SupportTreeType::Clever;
supportcfg.tree_type = sla::SupportTreeType::Branching;
for (auto fname : SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS)
test_support_model_collision(fname, supportcfg);
TEST_CASE("CleverSupports::FloorSupportsDoNotPierceModel", "[SLASupportGeneration][Clever]") {
TEST_CASE("BranchingSupports::FloorSupportsDoNotPierceModel", "[SLASupportGeneration][Branching]") {
sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 0;
supportcfg.tree_type = sla::SupportTreeType::Clever;
supportcfg.tree_type = sla::SupportTreeType::Branching;
for (auto fname : SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS)
test_support_model_collision(fname, supportcfg);

View file

@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
#include "libslic3r/TriangleMeshSlicer.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/AGGRaster.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/DefaultSupportTree.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/BranchingTreeSLA.hpp"
#include <iomanip>
void test_support_model_collision(const std::string &obj_filename,
const sla::SupportTreeConfig &input_supportcfg,
const sla::HollowingConfig &hollowingcfg,
const sla::DrainHoles &drainholes)
void test_support_model_collision(
const std::string &obj_filename,
const sla::SupportTreeConfig &input_supportcfg,
const sla::HollowingConfig &hollowingcfg,
const sla::DrainHoles &drainholes)
SupportByproducts byproducts;
@ -22,15 +24,15 @@ void test_support_model_collision(const std::string &obj_filename,
// Slice the support mesh given the slice grid of the model.
std::vector<ExPolygons> support_slices =
byproducts.slicegrid, CLOSING_RADIUS, {});
// The slices originate from the same slice grid so the numbers must match
bool support_mesh_is_empty =
byproducts.supporttree.retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Pad).empty() &&
byproducts.suptree_builder.retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Pad).empty() &&
if (support_mesh_is_empty)
@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ void export_failed_case(const std::vector<ExPolygons> &support_slices, const Sup
if (do_export_stl) {
indexed_triangle_set its;
TriangleMesh m{its};
m.WriteOBJFile((Catch::getResultCapture().getCurrentTestName() + "_" +
@ -118,10 +120,10 @@ void test_supports(const std::string &obj_filename,
// is the input of the support point and support mesh generators
AABBMesh emesh{mesh};
if (hollowingcfg.enabled)
// TODO: do the cgal hole cutting...
@ -160,6 +162,11 @@ void test_supports(const std::string &obj_filename,
check_support_tree_integrity(treebuilder, supportcfg, sla::ground_level(sm));
case sla::SupportTreeType::Branching: {
create_branching_tree(treebuilder, sm);
// TODO: check_support_tree_integrity(treebuilder, supportcfg);
@ -180,9 +187,9 @@ void test_supports(const std::string &obj_filename,
// Move out the support tree into the byproducts, we can examine it further
// in various tests.
out.obj_fname = std::move(obj_filename);
out.supporttree = std::move(treebuilder);
out.input_mesh = std::move(mesh);
out.obj_fname = std::move(obj_filename);
out.suptree_builder = std::move(treebuilder);
out.input_mesh = std::move(mesh);
void check_support_tree_integrity(const sla::SupportTreeBuilder &stree,

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ struct SupportByproducts
std::string obj_fname;
std::vector<float> slicegrid;
std::vector<ExPolygons> model_slices;
sla::SupportTreeBuilder supporttree;
sla::SupportTreeBuilder suptree_builder;
TriangleMesh input_mesh;