1) Slic3r::RuntimeError was replaced with ConfigurationError,
all exceptions thrown by the configuration layer are derived
from ConfigurationError.
2) When parsing configuration files, ConfigurationError is catched and
rethrown extended with the file name being parsed.
1) Starting with this commit, configuration block exported into G-code
is delimited by "; prusaslicer_config = begin" and "; prusaslicer_config = end".
These delimiters look like any other key / value configuration pairs
on purpose to be compatible with older PrusaSlicer config parsing from G-code.
2) Config parser from G-code newly searches for "; generated by ..."
comment over the complete G-code, thus it is compatible with various
post processing scripts extending the G-code at the start.
3) Config parser from G-code parses PrusaSlicer version from
the "; generated by PrusaSlicer ...." header and if the G-code was
generated by PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha0 and newer, it expects that
the G-code already contains the "; prusaslicer_config = begin / end"
tags and it relies on these tags to extract configuration.
4) A new simple and robust parser was written for reading project configuration
from 3MF / AMF, while a heuristic parser to read config from G-code located
at the end of the G-code file was used before.
Note: When ProgressDialog has no-nullptr parent, then PrusaSlicer doesn't lose the focus at the end of model fixing,
but start to flickering during fixing of the big models.
changes in hints.ini
Hint notification: Just one button in Help menu.
Hint notification: New naming - Tip of the day
Notifications: no scrolling.
Hint notification: fadeout colors.
- The optional output_name file might contain the .pp suffix.
- In case the file contains just filename, prepend it with the
output dir. We don't want to save to current workdir.
1) New environment variable SLIC3R_PP_HOST contains one of
"File", "PrusaLink", "Repetier", "SL1Host", "OctoPrint", "FlashAir", "Duet", "AstroBox" ...
2) New environment variable SLIC3R_PP_OUTPUT_NAME contains the name
of the G-code file including path (for SLIC3R_PP_HOST == "File")
or a name of the file after upload to the host (PrusaLink, Octoprint ...)
3) The post-processing script may suggest a new output file name
(likely based on SLIC3R_PP_OUTPUT_NAME) by saving it as a single line
into a new "output name" temp file. The "output name" file name is
created by suffixing the input G-code file name with ".output_name".
Please note that the G-code viewer visualizes G-code before post-processing.
Fixes Broken PostProcessing when script changes out-filename #6042
Hints notification: enabled / disabled tags
Hints notification: suppress opening url due to preferences.
Hint notification: close after 5 minutes and button in Help menu
Hint notification bold (diff color) headline on multiple lines
Hint notification: Documentation link button.
Hints.ini header
hints logo - clippy
disabled a preffered modes and techs for hints notifications
Empty hints array check. Fix of #6774.