+ added crash detection for the cases, when PrusaSlicer is started from secondary display
Possible fix for part of:
#2939 - PrusaSlic3r freezing at startup (Win 10)
#5573 - PrusaSlicer won't launch on secondary monitor. Nahimic?
- Unified preferences settings. version_check option is replaced with notify_release that has 3 states.
- fixed logic when show notification based on version string.
- notification shows released version
- dialog notifying new version is never showing if external updater is running.
Escape quotes inside path to external updater
* Refreshed title bar for all Dialogs and MainFrame
* Refreshed header of the DataViewCtrl and ListView
* Refresh tooltips
* Redraw SpinCtrls
* Use system menu with is colored in respect to the color mode
* Preferences: Added parameter "Use system menu for application" and moved to the "Dark mode" tab with "Enable Dark mode parameter"
Find if there is more recent config in other folders (alpha / beta / release).
If yes, ask user, make snapshot, copy files.
if there is no current config, ask user and copy recent one.
* Check Unsaved changes (partially related to #5903)
+ Allow create new project when Plater is empty, but some of presets are modified (related to #5903)
+ When creating new project allow Keep or Discard modification from previous project
+ Added check of changes:
* before any load project (including DnD and "Load From Recent Projects")
* before preset updater
* when configuration is changing from the ConfigWizard
+ Dialog caption is added for each check
+ Create/Destroy ConfigWizard every time when it's called
* Check Unsaved changes: Next Improvements
+ For dialog "Save project changes" added a reason of saving and name of the current project (or "Untitled")
+ UnsavedChangesDialog: Headers are extended to better explain the reason
+ Preferences: Fixed tooltiops for "Always ask for unsaved changes when..."
+ Suppress "Remember my choice" checkbox for actions which are not frequently used
* Fixed behavior of the application when try to save changed project but "Cancel" button is selected in "Save file as..." dialog
* Check unsaved changes: Improvements for Config Wizard - Check all cases when presets should be updated
+ Fixed info line for Materials pages. Text of the info relates to the printer technology now
* Improved suggested name for a project when Application is closing
* Fixed Linux/OSX build warnings
notification with some locales, we don't want PrusaSlicer 2.3.0/2.3.1
to show this notification. On the other hand, we would like PrusaSlicer
2.3.2 to show an update notification of the upcoming PrusaSlicer 2.4.0.
Thus we will let PrusaSlicer 2.3.2 and couple of follow-up versions
to download the version number from an alternate file until
the PrusaSlicer 2.3.0/2.3.1 are phased out, then we will revert to
the original name.
that configuration could be recovered in the case PrusaSlicer.ini
is corrupted during saving. The config is first written into a temp file
marked with a MD5 checksum. Once the file is saved, it is
copied to a backup file first, then moved to PrusaSlicer.ini.
When loading PrusaSlicer.ini fails, the backup file will be loaded
instead, however only if its MD5 checksum is valid.
The following "Fixes" comments are for github triggers. We implemented
a workaround, not a fix, we don't actually know how the data corruption
happens and why. Most likely the "Move file" Windows API is not atomic
and if PrusaSlicer crashes on another thread while moving the file,
PrusaSlicer.ini will only be partially saved, with the rest of the file
filled with nulls. We did not "fix" the issue, we just hope that our
workaround will help in majority of cases.
Fixes prusaslicer wont open 2.3 windows 10 #5812
Fixes Won't Open - Windows 10 #4915
Fixes PrusaSlicer Crashes upon opening with "'=' character not found in
line error" #2438
Fixes Fails to open on blank slic3r.ini %user%\AppData\Roaming\Slic3rPE
* MSW specific: Dark Mode: First implementation
* Use menu instead of NoteBook
* Implemented MessageDialog
+ Fixed DarkMode for all dialogs and ColorPicker
* MSW DarkMode: Added missed updates for the switching between modes
* MSW DarkMode: Updated all existed context menus after switching of the mode
+ Added markers for the menu item witch is related to the selected tab
* Used wxFrame instead of wxDialog for SettingsDialog
(this change allow us to use menu bar in SettingsDialog)
+ fix for #6548 - Prusa Slicer 2.3.1 not activating non-modal settings window if settings window is minimized
* Implemented "Always use Dark mode colors" preference option
* Fixes for non_MSW build
* Next fixes for non-MSW builds
* Preferences: Fixed selection of the Settings Layout for non-MSW platforms
+ Updated DarkMode for colorpickers
* Windows DarkMode next fixes
* MSWDarkMode: Suppress to use system color to the PrusaSlicer
Select "Preferences -> Use Dark color mode (experimental)" to allow dark mode for the application
* Fixed MSW build
* MSWDarkMode: Upadteed color mode for ExtruderSequenceDialog and for dialogs related to the DoubleSlider
* Implemented Auto recreation of the PrusaSlicer when color mode is changed.
* Preferences: Added option "Set settings tabs as menu items (experimental)"
option "Use colors for axes values in Manipulation panel" is enabled in Preferences -> GUI
+ Fix one more compilation warning in UnsavedChangesDialog.cpp
Updated the snapshots dialog to display sla_print and sla_material.
Updated the snapshots dialog to display physical_printer instead of
printer if the physical_printer key is nonempty.
The "physical_printer" key was moved from [extras] to [presets] section
of PrusaSlicer.ini
These new API functions are not available on Windows 7 and on older Windows 10,
thus they are newly loaded dynamically and the functions using it retur
a bool indicating whether the functionality is supported or not.
Also the OSX variants that are not supported newly return false instead
of throwing an exception.
* Added "Remember my choice" checkbox
* Center on the screen and set position in respect to the position of mainframe or settings dialog
Preferences : Added checkboxes for enable/suppress showing of the UnsavedChangeDialog
SearchImGui : close after parameter selection_is_changed_according_to_physical_printers
PhysicalPrinterDialog, SavePresetDialog : Center on the screen
1) All slicer's exceptions are now derived from Slic3r::Exception.
2) New exceptions are defined for slicing errors.
3) Exceptions are propagated to the Plater to show.
It remains to modify the slicing back-end to throw the new SlicingError
exceptions instead of std::runtime_error and to show the other exceptions
by a message dialog instead of a notification.
* Show it on the display same as an Application
* Code refactoring : All related functions moved to the SplashScreen class
* Add a possibility o hide/show splash scree in Preferences