Lukas Matena 079e63e190 The wipe tower now respects filament max volumetric flow
The odd commands that lowered the speed override values for PVA, FLEX etc. were removed

Now the wipe tower backups user speed override, sets it to 100%, does what is needed
and restores the old value when finished. There are no special cases - lowering
the speed for certain materials can be achieved by lowering the volumetric flow.
2019-06-14 12:28:52 +02:00

383 lines
16 KiB

#ifndef WipeTowerPrusaMM_hpp_
#define WipeTowerPrusaMM_hpp_
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include "WipeTower.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
namespace Slic3r
namespace PrusaMultiMaterial {
class Writer;
class WipeTowerPrusaMM : public WipeTower
enum material_type
PLA = 0, // E:210C B:55C
ABS = 1, // E:255C B:100C
PET = 2, // E:240C B:90C
HIPS = 3, // E:220C B:100C
FLEX = 4, // E:245C B:80C
SCAFF = 5, // E:215C B:55C
EDGE = 6, // E:240C B:80C
NGEN = 7, // E:230C B:80C
PVA = 8, // E:210C B:80C
PC = 9
// Parse material name into material_type.
static material_type parse_material(const char *name);
static std::string to_string(material_type material);
// x -- x coordinates of wipe tower in mm ( left bottom corner )
// y -- y coordinates of wipe tower in mm ( left bottom corner )
// width -- width of wipe tower in mm ( default 60 mm - leave as it is )
// wipe_area -- space available for one toolchange in mm
WipeTowerPrusaMM(float x, float y, float width, float rotation_angle, float cooling_tube_retraction,
float cooling_tube_length, float parking_pos_retraction, float extra_loading_move,
float bridging, bool set_extruder_trimpot, GCodeFlavor flavor,
const std::vector<std::vector<float>>& wiping_matrix, unsigned int initial_tool) :
m_wipe_tower_pos(x, y),
virtual ~WipeTowerPrusaMM() {}
// Set the extruder properties.
void set_extruder(size_t idx, material_type material, int temp, int first_layer_temp, float loading_speed, float loading_speed_start,
float unloading_speed, float unloading_speed_start, float delay, int cooling_moves,
float cooling_initial_speed, float cooling_final_speed, std::string ramming_parameters, float max_volumetric_speed, float nozzle_diameter)
//while (m_filpar.size() < idx+1) // makes sure the required element is in the vector
m_filpar[idx].material = material;
m_filpar[idx].temperature = temp;
m_filpar[idx].first_layer_temperature = first_layer_temp;
m_filpar[idx].loading_speed = loading_speed;
m_filpar[idx].loading_speed_start = loading_speed_start;
m_filpar[idx].unloading_speed = unloading_speed;
m_filpar[idx].unloading_speed_start = unloading_speed_start;
m_filpar[idx].delay = delay;
m_filpar[idx].cooling_moves = cooling_moves;
m_filpar[idx].cooling_initial_speed = cooling_initial_speed;
m_filpar[idx].cooling_final_speed = cooling_final_speed;
if (max_volumetric_speed != 0.f)
m_filpar[idx].max_e_speed = (max_volumetric_speed / Filament_Area);
m_filpar[idx].nozzle_diameter = nozzle_diameter; // to be used in future with (non-single) multiextruder MM
m_perimeter_width = nozzle_diameter * Width_To_Nozzle_Ratio; // all extruders are now assumed to have the same diameter
std::stringstream stream{ramming_parameters};
float speed = 0.f;
stream >> m_filpar[idx].ramming_line_width_multiplicator >> m_filpar[idx].ramming_step_multiplicator;
m_filpar[idx].ramming_line_width_multiplicator /= 100;
m_filpar[idx].ramming_step_multiplicator /= 100;
while (stream >> speed)
m_used_filament_length.resize(std::max(m_used_filament_length.size(), idx + 1)); // makes sure that the vector is big enough so we don't have to check later
// Appends into internal structure m_plan containing info about the future wipe tower
// to be used before building begins. The entries must be added ordered in z.
void plan_toolchange(float z_par, float layer_height_par, unsigned int old_tool, unsigned int new_tool, bool brim, float wipe_volume = 0.f);
// Iterates through prepared m_plan, generates ToolChangeResults and appends them to "result"
void generate(std::vector<std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult>> &result);
float get_depth() const { return m_wipe_tower_depth; }
// Switch to a next layer.
virtual void set_layer(
// Print height of this layer.
float print_z,
// Layer height, used to calculate extrusion the rate.
float layer_height,
// Maximum number of tool changes on this layer or the layers below.
size_t max_tool_changes,
// Is this the first layer of the print? In that case print the brim first.
bool is_first_layer,
// Is this the last layer of the waste tower?
bool is_last_layer)
m_z_pos = print_z;
m_layer_height = layer_height;
m_is_first_layer = is_first_layer;
m_print_brim = is_first_layer;
m_depth_traversed = 0.f;
m_current_shape = (! is_first_layer && m_current_shape == SHAPE_NORMAL) ? SHAPE_REVERSED : SHAPE_NORMAL;
if (is_first_layer) {
this->m_num_layer_changes = 0;
this->m_num_tool_changes = 0;
++ m_num_layer_changes;
// Calculate extrusion flow from desired line width, nozzle diameter, filament diameter and layer_height:
m_extrusion_flow = extrusion_flow(layer_height);
// Advance m_layer_info iterator, making sure we got it right
while (!m_plan.empty() && m_layer_info->z < print_z - WT_EPSILON && m_layer_info+1 != m_plan.end())
// Return the wipe tower position.
virtual const xy& position() const { return m_wipe_tower_pos; }
// Return the wipe tower width.
virtual float width() const { return m_wipe_tower_width; }
// The wipe tower is finished, there should be no more tool changes or wipe tower prints.
virtual bool finished() const { return m_max_color_changes == 0; }
// Returns gcode to prime the nozzles at the front edge of the print bed.
virtual ToolChangeResult prime(
// print_z of the first layer.
float first_layer_height,
// Extruder indices, in the order to be primed. The last extruder will later print the wipe tower brim, print brim and the object.
const std::vector<unsigned int> &tools,
// If true, the last priming are will be the same as the other priming areas, and the rest of the wipe will be performed inside the wipe tower.
// If false, the last priming are will be large enough to wipe the last extruder sufficiently.
bool last_wipe_inside_wipe_tower);
// Returns gcode for a toolchange and a final print head position.
// On the first layer, extrude a brim around the future wipe tower first.
virtual ToolChangeResult tool_change(unsigned int new_tool, bool last_in_layer);
// Fill the unfilled space with a sparse infill.
// Call this method only if layer_finished() is false.
virtual ToolChangeResult finish_layer();
// Is the current layer finished?
virtual bool layer_finished() const {
return ( (m_is_first_layer ? m_wipe_tower_depth - m_perimeter_width : m_layer_info->depth) - WT_EPSILON < m_depth_traversed);
virtual std::vector<float> get_used_filament() const override { return m_used_filament_length; }
virtual int get_number_of_toolchanges() const override { return m_num_tool_changes; }
struct FilamentParameters {
material_type material = PLA;
int temperature = 0;
int first_layer_temperature = 0;
float loading_speed = 0.f;
float loading_speed_start = 0.f;
float unloading_speed = 0.f;
float unloading_speed_start = 0.f;
float delay = 0.f ;
int cooling_moves = 0;
float cooling_initial_speed = 0.f;
float cooling_final_speed = 0.f;
float ramming_line_width_multiplicator = 0.f;
float ramming_step_multiplicator = 0.f;
float max_e_speed = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
std::vector<float> ramming_speed;
float nozzle_diameter;
enum wipe_shape // A fill-in direction
const bool m_peters_wipe_tower = false; // sparse wipe tower inspired by Peter's post processor - not finished yet
const float Filament_Area = float(M_PI * 1.75f * 1.75f / 4.f); // filament area in mm^2
const float Width_To_Nozzle_Ratio = 1.25f; // desired line width (oval) in multiples of nozzle diameter - may not be actually neccessary to adjust
const float WT_EPSILON = 1e-3f;
xy m_wipe_tower_pos; // Left front corner of the wipe tower in mm.
float m_wipe_tower_width; // Width of the wipe tower.
float m_wipe_tower_depth = 0.f; // Depth of the wipe tower
float m_wipe_tower_rotation_angle = 0.f; // Wipe tower rotation angle in degrees (with respect to x axis)
float m_internal_rotation = 0.f;
float m_y_shift = 0.f; // y shift passed to writer
float m_z_pos = 0.f; // Current Z position.
float m_layer_height = 0.f; // Current layer height.
size_t m_max_color_changes = 0; // Maximum number of color changes per layer.
bool m_is_first_layer = false;// Is this the 1st layer of the print? If so, print the brim around the waste tower.
int m_old_temperature = -1; // To keep track of what was the last temp that we set (so we don't issue the command when not neccessary)
// G-code generator parameters.
float m_cooling_tube_retraction = 0.f;
float m_cooling_tube_length = 0.f;
float m_parking_pos_retraction = 0.f;
float m_extra_loading_move = 0.f;
float m_bridging = 0.f;
bool m_set_extruder_trimpot = false;
bool m_adhesion = true;
GCodeFlavor m_gcode_flavor;
float m_perimeter_width = 0.4f * Width_To_Nozzle_Ratio; // Width of an extrusion line, also a perimeter spacing for 100% infill.
float m_extrusion_flow = 0.038f; //0.029f;// Extrusion flow is derived from m_perimeter_width, layer height and filament diameter.
// Extruder specific parameters.
std::vector<FilamentParameters> m_filpar;
// State of the wipe tower generator.
unsigned int m_num_layer_changes = 0; // Layer change counter for the output statistics.
unsigned int m_num_tool_changes = 0; // Tool change change counter for the output statistics.
///unsigned int m_idx_tool_change_in_layer = 0; // Layer change counter in this layer. Counting up to m_max_color_changes.
bool m_print_brim = true;
// A fill-in direction (positive Y, negative Y) alternates with each layer.
wipe_shape m_current_shape = SHAPE_NORMAL;
unsigned int m_current_tool = 0;
const std::vector<std::vector<float>> wipe_volumes;
float m_depth_traversed = 0.f; // Current y position at the wipe tower.
bool m_left_to_right = true;
float m_extra_spacing = 1.f;
// Calculates extrusion flow needed to produce required line width for given layer height
float extrusion_flow(float layer_height = -1.f) const // negative layer_height - return current m_extrusion_flow
if ( layer_height < 0 )
return m_extrusion_flow;
return layer_height * ( m_perimeter_width - layer_height * (1.f-float(M_PI)/4.f)) / Filament_Area;
// Calculates length of extrusion line to extrude given volume
float volume_to_length(float volume, float line_width, float layer_height) const {
return std::max(0.f, volume / (layer_height * (line_width - layer_height * (1.f - float(M_PI) / 4.f))));
// Calculates depth for all layers and propagates them downwards
void plan_tower();
// Goes through m_plan and recalculates depths and width of the WT to make it exactly square - experimental
void make_wipe_tower_square();
// Goes through m_plan, calculates border and finish_layer extrusions and subtracts them from last wipe
void save_on_last_wipe();
struct box_coordinates
box_coordinates(float left, float bottom, float width, float height) :
ld(left , bottom ),
lu(left , bottom + height),
rd(left + width, bottom ),
ru(left + width, bottom + height) {}
box_coordinates(const xy &pos, float width, float height) : box_coordinates(pos.x, pos.y, width, height) {}
void translate(const xy &shift) {
ld += shift; lu += shift;
rd += shift; ru += shift;
void translate(const float dx, const float dy) { translate(xy(dx, dy)); }
void expand(const float offset) {
ld += xy(- offset, - offset);
lu += xy(- offset, offset);
rd += xy( offset, - offset);
ru += xy( offset, offset);
void expand(const float offset_x, const float offset_y) {
ld += xy(- offset_x, - offset_y);
lu += xy(- offset_x, offset_y);
rd += xy( offset_x, - offset_y);
ru += xy( offset_x, offset_y);
xy ld; // left down
xy lu; // left upper
xy rd; // right lower
xy ru; // right upper
// to store information about tool changes for a given layer
struct WipeTowerInfo{
struct ToolChange {
unsigned int old_tool;
unsigned int new_tool;
float required_depth;
float ramming_depth;
float first_wipe_line;
float wipe_volume;
ToolChange(unsigned int old, unsigned int newtool, float depth=0.f, float ramming_depth=0.f, float fwl=0.f, float wv=0.f)
: old_tool{old}, new_tool{newtool}, required_depth{depth}, ramming_depth{ramming_depth}, first_wipe_line{fwl}, wipe_volume{wv} {}
float z; // z position of the layer
float height; // layer height
float depth; // depth of the layer based on all layers above
float extra_spacing;
float toolchanges_depth() const { float sum = 0.f; for (const auto &a : tool_changes) sum += a.required_depth; return sum; }
std::vector<ToolChange> tool_changes;
WipeTowerInfo(float z_par, float layer_height_par)
: z{z_par}, height{layer_height_par}, depth{0}, extra_spacing{1.f} {}
std::vector<WipeTowerInfo> m_plan; // Stores information about all layers and toolchanges for the future wipe tower (filled by plan_toolchange(...))
std::vector<WipeTowerInfo>::iterator m_layer_info = m_plan.end();
// Stores information about used filament length per extruder:
std::vector<float> m_used_filament_length;
// Returns gcode for wipe tower brim
// sideOnly -- set to false -- experimental, draw brim on sides of wipe tower
// offset -- set to 0 -- experimental, offset to replace brim in front / rear of wipe tower
ToolChangeResult toolchange_Brim(bool sideOnly = false, float y_offset = 0.f);
void toolchange_Unload(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const box_coordinates &cleaning_box,
const material_type current_material,
const int new_temperature);
void toolchange_Change(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const unsigned int new_tool,
material_type new_material);
void toolchange_Load(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const box_coordinates &cleaning_box);
void toolchange_Wipe(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const box_coordinates &cleaning_box,
float wipe_volume);
}; // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* WipeTowerPrusaMM_hpp_ */