Lukas Matena 1d3b259c0a Fixed incorrect use of _NDEBUG instead of NDEBUG
Some debugging code was compiled even in release mode because of this
2021-06-30 11:59:16 +02:00

360 lines
16 KiB

#include "MutablePolygon.hpp"
#include "Line.hpp"
#include "libslic3r.h"
namespace Slic3r {
// Remove exact duplicate points. May reduce the polygon down to empty polygon.
void remove_duplicates(MutablePolygon &polygon)
if (! polygon.empty()) {
auto begin = polygon.begin();
auto it = begin;
for (++ it; it != begin;) {
auto prev = it.prev();
if (*prev == *it)
it = it.remove();
++ it;
// Remove nearly duplicate points. May reduce the polygon down to empty polygon.
void remove_duplicates(MutablePolygon &polygon, double eps)
if (! polygon.empty()) {
auto eps2 = eps * eps;
auto begin = polygon.begin();
auto it = begin;
for (++ it; it != begin;) {
auto prev = it.prev();
if ((*it - *prev).cast<double>().squaredNorm() < eps2)
it = it.remove();
++ it;
// Adapted from Cura ConstPolygonRef::smooth_corner_complex() by Tim Kuipers.
// A concave corner at it1 with position p1 has been removed by the caller between it0 and it2, where |p2 - p0| < shortcut_length.
// Now try to close a concave crack by walking left from it0 and right from it2 as long as the new clipping edge is smaller than shortcut_length
// and the new clipping edge is still inside the polygon (it is a diagonal, it does not intersect polygon boundary).
// Once the traversal stops (always at a clipping edge shorter than shortcut_length), the final trapezoid is clipped with a new clipping edge of shortcut_length.
// Return true if a hole was completely closed (degenerated to an empty polygon) or a single CCW triangle was left, which is not to be simplified any further.
// it0, it2 are updated to the final clipping edge.
static bool clip_narrow_corner(
const Vec2i64 p1,
MutablePolygon::iterator &it0,
MutablePolygon::iterator &it2,
MutablePolygon::range &unprocessed_range,
int64_t dist2_current,
const int64_t shortcut_length)
MutablePolygon &polygon = it0.polygon();
assert(polygon.size() >= 2);
const int64_t shortcut_length2 = sqr(shortcut_length);
enum Status {
Status forward = Free;
Status backward = Free;
Vec2i64 p0 = it0->cast<int64_t>();
Vec2i64 p2 = it2->cast<int64_t>();
Vec2i64 p02;
Vec2i64 p22;
int64_t dist2_next = 0;
// As long as there is at least a single triangle left in the polygon.
while (polygon.size() >= 3) {
assert(dist2_current <= shortcut_length2);
if (forward == Far && backward == Far) {
p02 = it0.prev()->cast<int64_t>();
p22 =>cast<int64_t>();
auto d2 = (p22 - p02).squaredNorm();
if (d2 <= shortcut_length2) {
// The region was narrow until now and it is still narrow. Trim at both sides.
it0 = unprocessed_range.remove_back(it0).prev();
it2 = unprocessed_range.remove_front(it2);
if (polygon.size() <= 2)
// A hole degenerated to an empty polygon.
return true;
forward = Free;
backward = Free;
dist2_current = d2;
p0 = p02;
p2 = p22;
} else {
// The region is widening. Stop traversal and trim the final trapezoid.
dist2_next = d2;
} else if (forward != Free && backward != Free)
// One of the corners is blocked, the other is blocked or too far. Stop traversal.
// Try to proceed by flipping a diagonal.
// Progress by keeping the distance of the clipping edge end points equal to initial p1.
//FIXME This is an arbitrary condition, maybe a more local condition will be better (take a shorter diagonal?).
if (forward == Free && (backward != Free || (p2 - p1).squaredNorm() < (p0 - p1).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm())) {
p22 =>cast<int64_t>();
if (cross2(p2 - p0, p22 - p0) > 0)
forward = Blocked;
else {
// New clipping edge lenght.
auto d2 = (p22 - p0).squaredNorm();
if (d2 > shortcut_length2) {
forward = Far;
dist2_next = d2;
} else {
forward = Free;
// Make one step in the forward direction.
it2 = unprocessed_range.remove_front(it2);
p2 = p22;
dist2_current = d2;
} else {
assert(backward == Free);
p02 = it0.prev()->cast<int64_t>();
if (cross2(p02 - p2, p0 - p2) > 0)
backward = Blocked;
else {
// New clipping edge lenght.
auto d2 = (p2 - p02).squaredNorm();
if (d2 > shortcut_length2) {
backward = Far;
dist2_next = d2;
} else {
backward = Free;
// Make one step in the backward direction.
it0 = unprocessed_range.remove_back(it0).prev();
p0 = p02;
dist2_current = d2;
assert(dist2_current <= shortcut_length2);
assert(polygon.size() >= 2);
assert(polygon.size() == 2 || forward == Blocked || forward == Far);
assert(polygon.size() == 2 || backward == Blocked || backward == Far);
if (polygon.size() <= 3) {
// A hole degenerated to an empty polygon, or a tiny triangle remained.
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool blocked = forward == Blocked || backward == Blocked;
assert(polygon.size() < 3 ||
// Remaining triangle is CCW oriented. Both sides must be "blocked", but the other side may have not been
// updated after the the p02 / p22 became united into a single point.
blocked ||
// Remaining triangle is concave, however both of its arms are long.
(forward == Far && backward == Far));
if (polygon.size() == 3) {
// Verify that the remaining triangle is CCW or CW.
p02 = it0.prev()->cast<int64_t>();
p22 =>cast<int64_t>();
assert(p02 == p22);
auto orient1 = cross2(p02 - p2, p0 - p2);
auto orient2 = cross2(p2 - p0, p22 - p0);
assert(orient1 > 0 == blocked);
assert(orient2 > 0 == blocked);
#endif // NDEBUG
if (polygon.size() < 3 || (forward == Far && backward == Far)) {
} else {
// The remaining triangle is CCW oriented, keep it.
assert(forward == Blocked || backward == Blocked);
return true;
assert(dist2_current <= shortcut_length2);
if ((forward == Blocked && backward == Blocked) || dist2_current > sqr(shortcut_length - int64_t(SCALED_EPSILON))) {
// The crack is filled, keep the last clipping edge.
} else if (dist2_next < sqr(shortcut_length - int64_t(SCALED_EPSILON))) {
// To avoid creating tiny edges.
if (forward == Far)
it0 = unprocessed_range.remove_back(it0).prev();
if (backward == Far)
it2 = unprocessed_range.remove_front(it2);
if (polygon.size() <= 2)
// A hole degenerated to an empty polygon.
return true;
} else if (forward == Blocked || backward == Blocked) {
// One side is far, the other blocked.
assert(forward == Far || backward == Far);
if (forward == Far) {
// Sort, so we will clip the 1st edge.
std::swap(p0, p2);
std::swap(p02, p22);
// Find point on (p0, p02) at distance shortcut_length from p2.
// Circle intersects a line at two points, however because |p2 - p0| < shortcut_length,
// only the second intersection is valid. Because |p2 - p02| > shortcut_length, such
// intersection should always be found on (p0, p02).
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto dfar2 = (p02 - p2).squaredNorm();
assert(dfar2 >= shortcut_length2);
#endif // NDEBUG
const Vec2d v = (p02 - p0).cast<double>();
const Vec2d d = (p0 - p2).cast<double>();
const double a = v.squaredNorm();
const double b = 2. * double(;
double u = b * b - 4. * a * (d.squaredNorm() - shortcut_length2);
assert(u > 0.);
u = sqrt(u);
double t = (- b + u) / (2. * a);
assert(t > 0. && t < 1.);
(backward == Far ? *it2 : *it0) += (v.cast<double>() * t).cast<coord_t>();
} else {
// The trapezoid (it0.prev(), it0, it2, is widening. Trim it.
assert(forward == Far && backward == Far);
assert(dist2_next > shortcut_length2);
const double dcurrent = sqrt(double(dist2_current));
double t = (shortcut_length - dcurrent) / (sqrt(double(dist2_next)) - dcurrent);
assert(t > 0. && t < 1.);
*it0 += ((p02 - p0).cast<double>() * t).cast<coord_t>();
*it2 += ((p22 - p2).cast<double>() * t).cast<coord_t>();
return false;
// adapted from Cura ConstPolygonRef::smooth_outward() by Tim Kuipers.
void smooth_outward(MutablePolygon &polygon, coord_t clip_dist_scaled)
remove_duplicates(polygon, scaled<double>(0.01));
const auto clip_dist_scaled2 = sqr<int64_t>(clip_dist_scaled);
const auto clip_dist_scaled2eps = sqr(clip_dist_scaled + int64_t(SCALED_EPSILON));
const auto foot_dist_min2 = sqr(SCALED_EPSILON);
// Each source point will be visited exactly once.
MutablePolygon::range unprocessed_range(polygon);
while (! unprocessed_range.empty() && polygon.size() > 2) {
auto it1 = unprocessed_range.process_next();
auto it0 = it1.prev();
auto it2 =;
const Point p0 = *it0;
const Point p1 = *it1;
const Point p2 = *it2;
const Vec2i64 v1 = (p0 - p1).cast<int64_t>();
const Vec2i64 v2 = (p2 - p1).cast<int64_t>();
if (cross2(v1, v2) > 0) {
// Concave corner.
int64_t dot =;
auto l2v1 = double(v1.squaredNorm());
auto l2v2 = double(v2.squaredNorm());
if (dot > 0 || Slic3r::sqr(double(dot)) * 2. < l2v1 * l2v2) {
// Angle between v1 and v2 bigger than 135 degrees.
// Simplify the sharp angle.
Vec2i64 v02 = (p2 - p0).cast<int64_t>();
int64_t l2v02 = v02.squaredNorm();
if (l2v02 < clip_dist_scaled2) {
// (p0, p2) is short.
// Clip a sharp concave corner by possibly expanding the trimming region left of it0 and right of it2.
// Updates it0, it2 and num_to_process.
if (clip_narrow_corner(p1.cast<int64_t>(), it0, it2, unprocessed_range, l2v02, clip_dist_scaled))
// Trimmed down to an empty polygon or to a single CCW triangle.
} else {
// Clip an obtuse corner.
if (l2v02 > clip_dist_scaled2eps) {
Vec2d v1d = v1.cast<double>();
Vec2d v2d = v2.cast<double>();
// Sort v1d, v2d, shorter first.
bool swap = l2v1 > l2v2;
if (swap) {
std::swap(v1d, v2d);
std::swap(l2v1, l2v2);
double lv1 = sqrt(l2v1);
double lv2 = sqrt(l2v2);
// Bisector between v1 and v2.
Vec2d bisector = v1d / lv1 + v2d / lv2;
double l2bisector = bisector.squaredNorm();
// Squared distance of the end point of v1 to the bisector.
double d2 = l2v1 - sqr( / l2bisector;
if (d2 < foot_dist_min2) {
// Height of the p1, p0, p2 triangle is tiny. Just remove p1.
} else if (d2 < 0.25 * clip_dist_scaled2 + SCALED_EPSILON) {
// The shorter vector is too close to the bisector. Trim the shorter vector fully,
// trim the longer vector partially.
// Intersection of a circle at p2 of radius = clip_dist_scaled
// with a ray (p1, p0), take the intersection after the foot point.
// The intersection shall always exist because |p2 - p1| > clip_dist_scaled.
const double b = - 2. * v1d.cast<double>().dot(v2d);
double u = b * b - 4. * l2v2 * (double(l2v1) - clip_dist_scaled2);
assert(u > 0.);
// Take the second intersection along v2.
double t = (- b + sqrt(u)) / (2. * l2v2);
assert(t > 0. && t < 1.);
Point pt_new = p1 + (t * v2d).cast<coord_t>();
#ifndef NDEBUG
double d2new = (pt_new - (swap ? p2 : p0)).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
assert(std::abs(d2new - clip_dist_scaled2) < 1e-5 * clip_dist_scaled2);
#endif // NDEBUG
} else {
// Cut the corner with a line perpendicular to the bisector.
double t = sqrt(0.25 * clip_dist_scaled2 / d2);
double t2 = t * lv1 / lv2;
assert(t > 0. && t < 1.);
assert(t2 > 0. && t2 < 1.);
Point p0 = p1 + (v1d * t ).cast<coord_t>();
Point p2 = p1 + (v2d * t2).cast<coord_t>();
if (swap)
std::swap(p0, p2);
} else {
// Just remove p1.
assert(l2v02 >= clip_dist_scaled2 && l2v02 <= clip_dist_scaled2eps);
it1 = it2;
} else
++ it1;
} else
++ it1;
if (polygon.size() == 3) {
// Check whether the last triangle is clockwise oriented (it is a hole) and its height is below clip_dist_scaled.
// If so, fill in the hole.
const Point p0 = *polygon.begin().prev();
const Point p1 = *polygon.begin();
const Point p2 = *polygon.begin().next();
Vec2i64 v1 = (p0 - p1).cast<int64_t>();
Vec2i64 v2 = (p2 - p1).cast<int64_t>();
if (cross2(v1, v2) > 0) {
// CW triangle. Measure its height.
const Vec2i64 v3 = (p2 - p0).cast<int64_t>();
int64_t l12 = v1.squaredNorm();
int64_t l22 = v2.squaredNorm();
int64_t l32 = v3.squaredNorm();
if (l22 > l12 && l22 > l32) {
std::swap(v1, v2);
std::swap(l12, l22);
} else if (l32 > l12 && l32 > l22) {
v1 = v3;
l12 = l32;
auto h2 = l22 - sqr(double( / double(l12);
if (h2 < clip_dist_scaled2)
// CW triangle with a low height. Close the hole.
} else if (polygon.size() < 3)
} // namespace Slic3r