Quite some time ago, many of the TBB components were deprecated in favor of their near-equivalents in the STL or, in the case of task_scheduler_init, were broken up and reconstituted under a less ad-hoc logic. Every time a header file marked deprecated gets included, a rather loud warning is emitted, which leads to a complete TBB's domination over the stderr stream during build time, making it harder to notice _legitimate_ warnings. Instead of merely muting the output with TBB_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED_MESSAGES, perform a genuine migration away from the deprecated components with the added benefit of achieving a source compatibility with oneTBB, the successor to TBB which has dropped the deprecated API for good. What got replaced for what? | Deprecated | Replacement | | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | `tbb::atomic` | `std::atomic` | | `tbb::mutex` | `std::mutex` | | `tbb::mutex::scoped_lock` | `std::scoped_lock<std::mutex>` | | `tbb::mutex::scoped_lock` (empty) | `std::unique_lock<std::mutex>` (deferred) | | `tbb::task_scheduler_init` | `tbb::global_control` | | `tbb::this_thread` | `std::this_thread` | Signed-off-by: Roman Beranek <roman.beranek@prusa3d.com>
122 lines
5 KiB
122 lines
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#include "Exception.hpp"
#include "PrintBase.hpp"
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "I18N.hpp"
//! macro used to mark string used at localization,
//! return same string
#define L(s) Slic3r::I18N::translate(s)
namespace Slic3r
void PrintTryCancel::operator()()
size_t PrintStateBase::g_last_timestamp = 0;
// Update "scale", "input_filename", "input_filename_base" placeholders from the current m_objects.
void PrintBase::update_object_placeholders(DynamicConfig &config, const std::string &default_ext) const
// get the first input file name
std::string input_file;
std::vector<std::string> v_scale;
for (const ModelObject *model_object : m_model.objects) {
ModelInstance *printable = nullptr;
for (ModelInstance *model_instance : model_object->instances)
if (model_instance->is_printable()) {
printable = model_instance;
if (printable) {
// CHECK_ME -> Is the following correct ?
v_scale.push_back("x:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(X) * 100) +
"% y:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(Y) * 100) +
"% z:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(Z) * 100) + "%");
if (input_file.empty())
input_file = model_object->name.empty() ? model_object->input_file : model_object->name;
config.set_key_value("scale", new ConfigOptionStrings(v_scale));
if (! input_file.empty()) {
// get basename with and without suffix
const std::string input_filename = boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename().string();
const std::string input_filename_base = input_filename.substr(0, input_filename.find_last_of("."));
config.set_key_value("input_filename", new ConfigOptionString(input_filename_base + default_ext));
config.set_key_value("input_filename_base", new ConfigOptionString(input_filename_base));
// Generate an output file name based on the format template, default extension, and template parameters
// (timestamps, object placeholders derived from the model, current placeholder prameters, print statistics - config_override)
std::string PrintBase::output_filename(const std::string &format, const std::string &default_ext, const std::string &filename_base, const DynamicConfig *config_override) const
DynamicConfig cfg;
if (config_override != nullptr)
cfg = *config_override;
this->update_object_placeholders(cfg, default_ext);
if (! filename_base.empty()) {
cfg.set_key_value("input_filename", new ConfigOptionString(filename_base + default_ext));
cfg.set_key_value("input_filename_base", new ConfigOptionString(filename_base));
try {
boost::filesystem::path filename = format.empty() ?
cfg.opt_string("input_filename_base") + default_ext :
this->placeholder_parser().process(format, 0, &cfg);
if (filename.extension().empty())
filename = boost::filesystem::change_extension(filename, default_ext);
return filename.string();
} catch (std::runtime_error &err) {
throw Slic3r::PlaceholderParserError(L("Failed processing of the output_filename_format template.") + "\n" + err.what());
std::string PrintBase::output_filepath(const std::string &path, const std::string &filename_base) const
// if we were supplied no path, generate an automatic one based on our first object's input file
if (path.empty())
// get the first input file name
return (boost::filesystem::path(m_model.propose_export_file_name_and_path()).parent_path() / this->output_filename(filename_base)).make_preferred().string();
// if we were supplied a directory, use it and append our automatically generated filename
boost::filesystem::path p(path);
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(p))
return (p / this->output_filename(filename_base)).make_preferred().string();
// if we were supplied a file which is not a directory, use it
return path;
void PrintBase::status_update_warnings(int step, PrintStateBase::WarningLevel /* warning_level */, const std::string &message, const PrintObjectBase* print_object)
if (this->m_status_callback) {
auto status = print_object ? SlicingStatus(*print_object, step) : SlicingStatus(*this, step);
else if (! message.empty())
printf("%s warning: %s\n", print_object ? "print_object" : "print", message.c_str());
std::mutex& PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(PrintBase *print)
return print->state_mutex();
std::function<void()> PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(PrintBase *print)
return print->cancel_callback();
void PrintObjectBase::status_update_warnings(PrintBase *print, int step, PrintStateBase::WarningLevel warning_level, const std::string &message)
print->status_update_warnings(step, warning_level, message, this);
} // namespace Slic3r