Fixes Connecting / expanding Bottom Layers to Vase Perimeter #253 Fixes Slicing error in vase mode #452 Fixes Slicing Issue (Vase Mode, 0.6mm dmr nozzle) #1887 Fixes Top fill pattern isn't used in spiral vase mode #2533 Fixes Cisar's vase doesn't slice correctly, creates artefacts #3595 When the model is sliced, all the contours are newly oriented counter-clockwise (even holes), merged and then only the largest area contour is retained. In perimeter generator, if the largest contour splits into multiple perimeters, newly only the largest area perimeter is retained in spiral vase mode. These two changes solve #3595 and similar. The infill is newly calculated only for the bottom solid layers if the spiral vase mode is active (removes various unwanted infill along the vase walls), and the last bottom solid layer is switched to a top solid pattern (solves #2533). The thin walls are newly enforced to be disabled in spiral vase mode, and the "ensure vertical shell wall" is enforced in spiral vase mode to extend the bottom of the vase to the vase hull (fixes #253).
264 lines
11 KiB
264 lines
11 KiB
#ifndef slic3r_TriangleMesh_hpp_
#define slic3r_TriangleMesh_hpp_
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include <admesh/stl.h>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
#include "Line.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class TriangleMesh;
class TriangleMeshSlicer;
typedef std::vector<TriangleMesh*> TriangleMeshPtrs;
class TriangleMesh
TriangleMesh() : repaired(false) {}
TriangleMesh(const Pointf3s &points, const std::vector<Vec3crd> &facets);
explicit TriangleMesh(const indexed_triangle_set &M);
void clear() { this->stl.clear(); this->its.clear(); this->repaired = false; }
bool ReadSTLFile(const char* input_file) { return stl_open(&stl, input_file); }
bool write_ascii(const char* output_file) { return stl_write_ascii(&this->stl, output_file, ""); }
bool write_binary(const char* output_file) { return stl_write_binary(&this->stl, output_file, ""); }
void repair(bool update_shared_vertices = true);
float volume();
void check_topology();
bool is_manifold() const { return this->stl.stats.connected_facets_3_edge == (int)this->stl.stats.number_of_facets; }
void WriteOBJFile(const char* output_file) const;
void scale(float factor);
void scale(const Vec3d &versor);
void translate(float x, float y, float z);
void translate(const Vec3f &displacement);
void rotate(float angle, const Axis &axis);
void rotate(float angle, const Vec3d& axis);
void rotate_x(float angle) { this->rotate(angle, X); }
void rotate_y(float angle) { this->rotate(angle, Y); }
void rotate_z(float angle) { this->rotate(angle, Z); }
void mirror(const Axis &axis);
void mirror_x() { this->mirror(X); }
void mirror_y() { this->mirror(Y); }
void mirror_z() { this->mirror(Z); }
void transform(const Transform3d& t, bool fix_left_handed = false);
void transform(const Matrix3d& t, bool fix_left_handed = false);
void align_to_origin();
void rotate(double angle, Point* center);
TriangleMeshPtrs split() const;
void merge(const TriangleMesh &mesh);
ExPolygons horizontal_projection() const;
const float* first_vertex() const { return this->stl.facet_start.empty() ? nullptr : &this->stl.facet_start.front().vertex[0](0); }
// 2D convex hull of a 3D mesh projected into the Z=0 plane.
Polygon convex_hull();
BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box() const;
// Returns the bbox of this TriangleMesh transformed by the given transformation
BoundingBoxf3 transformed_bounding_box(const Transform3d &trafo) const;
// Return the size of the mesh in coordinates.
Vec3d size() const { return stl.stats.size.cast<double>(); }
/// Return the center of the related bounding box.
Vec3d center() const { return this->bounding_box().center(); }
// Returns the convex hull of this TriangleMesh
TriangleMesh convex_hull_3d() const;
// Slice this mesh at the provided Z levels and return the vector
std::vector<ExPolygons> slice(const std::vector<double>& z);
void reset_repair_stats();
bool needed_repair() const;
void require_shared_vertices();
bool has_shared_vertices() const { return ! this->its.vertices.empty(); }
size_t facets_count() const { return this->stl.stats.number_of_facets; }
bool empty() const { return this->facets_count() == 0; }
bool is_splittable() const;
// Estimate of the memory occupied by this structure, important for keeping an eye on the Undo / Redo stack allocation.
size_t memsize() const;
// Release optional data from the mesh if the object is on the Undo / Redo stack only. Returns the amount of memory released.
size_t release_optional();
// Restore optional data possibly released by release_optional().
void restore_optional();
stl_file stl;
indexed_triangle_set its;
bool repaired;
std::deque<uint32_t> find_unvisited_neighbors(std::vector<unsigned char> &facet_visited) const;
enum FacetEdgeType {
// A general case, the cutting plane intersect a face at two different edges.
// Two vertices are aligned with the cutting plane, the third vertex is below the cutting plane.
// Two vertices are aligned with the cutting plane, the third vertex is above the cutting plane.
// All three vertices of a face are aligned with the cutting plane.
class IntersectionReference
IntersectionReference() : point_id(-1), edge_id(-1) {};
IntersectionReference(int point_id, int edge_id) : point_id(point_id), edge_id(edge_id) {}
// Where is this intersection point located? On mesh vertex or mesh edge?
// Only one of the following will be set, the other will remain set to -1.
// Index of the mesh vertex.
int point_id;
// Index of the mesh edge.
int edge_id;
class IntersectionPoint : public Point, public IntersectionReference
IntersectionPoint() {};
IntersectionPoint(int point_id, int edge_id, const Point &pt) : IntersectionReference(point_id, edge_id), Point(pt) {}
IntersectionPoint(const IntersectionReference &ir, const Point &pt) : IntersectionReference(ir), Point(pt) {}
// Inherits coord_t x, y
class IntersectionLine : public Line
IntersectionLine() : a_id(-1), b_id(-1), edge_a_id(-1), edge_b_id(-1), edge_type(feGeneral), flags(0) {}
bool skip() const { return (this->flags & SKIP) != 0; }
void set_skip() { this->flags |= SKIP; }
bool is_seed_candidate() const { return (this->flags & NO_SEED) == 0 && ! this->skip(); }
void set_no_seed(bool set) { if (set) this->flags |= NO_SEED; else this->flags &= ~NO_SEED; }
// Inherits Point a, b
// For each line end point, either {a,b}_id or {a,b}edge_a_id is set, the other is left to -1.
// Vertex indices of the line end points.
int a_id;
int b_id;
// Source mesh edges of the line end points.
int edge_a_id;
int edge_b_id;
// feGeneral, feTop, feBottom, feHorizontal
FacetEdgeType edge_type;
// Used by TriangleMeshSlicer::slice() to skip duplicate edges.
enum {
// Triangle edge added, because it has no neighbor.
// Triangle edge added, because it makes a fold with another horizontal edge.
EDGE0_FOLD = 0x010,
EDGE1_FOLD = 0x020,
EDGE2_FOLD = 0x040,
// The edge cannot be a seed of a greedy loop extraction (folds are not safe to become seeds).
NO_SEED = 0x100,
SKIP = 0x200,
uint32_t flags;
typedef std::vector<IntersectionLine> IntersectionLines;
typedef std::vector<IntersectionLine*> IntersectionLinePtrs;
enum class SlicingMode : uint32_t {
// Regular slicing, maintain all contours and their orientation.
// Maintain all contours, orient all contours CCW, therefore all holes are being closed.
// Orient all contours CCW and keep only the contour with the largest area.
// This mode is useful for slicing complex objects in vase mode.
class TriangleMeshSlicer
typedef std::function<void()> throw_on_cancel_callback_type;
TriangleMeshSlicer() : mesh(nullptr) {}
TriangleMeshSlicer(const TriangleMesh* mesh) { this->init(mesh, [](){}); }
void init(const TriangleMesh *mesh, throw_on_cancel_callback_type throw_on_cancel);
void slice(const std::vector<float> &z, SlicingMode mode, std::vector<Polygons>* layers, throw_on_cancel_callback_type throw_on_cancel) const;
void slice(const std::vector<float> &z, SlicingMode mode, const float closing_radius, std::vector<ExPolygons>* layers, throw_on_cancel_callback_type throw_on_cancel) const;
enum FacetSliceType {
NoSlice = 0,
Slicing = 1,
Cutting = 2
FacetSliceType slice_facet(float slice_z, const stl_facet &facet, const int facet_idx,
const float min_z, const float max_z, IntersectionLine *line_out) const;
void cut(float z, TriangleMesh* upper, TriangleMesh* lower) const;
void set_up_direction(const Vec3f& up);
const TriangleMesh *mesh;
// Map from a facet to an edge index.
std::vector<int> facets_edges;
// Scaled copy of this->mesh->stl.v_shared
std::vector<stl_vertex> v_scaled_shared;
// Quaternion that will be used to rotate every facet before the slicing
Eigen::Quaternion<float, Eigen::DontAlign> m_quaternion;
// Whether or not the above quaterion should be used
bool m_use_quaternion = false;
void _slice_do(size_t facet_idx, std::vector<IntersectionLines>* lines, boost::mutex* lines_mutex, const std::vector<float> &z) const;
void make_loops(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, Polygons* loops) const;
void make_expolygons(const Polygons &loops, const float closing_radius, ExPolygons* slices) const;
void make_expolygons_simple(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, ExPolygons* slices) const;
void make_expolygons(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, const float closing_radius, ExPolygons* slices) const;
inline void slice_mesh(
const TriangleMesh & mesh,
const std::vector<float> & z,
std::vector<Polygons> & layers,
TriangleMeshSlicer::throw_on_cancel_callback_type thr = nullptr)
if (mesh.empty()) return;
TriangleMeshSlicer slicer(&mesh);
slicer.slice(z, SlicingMode::Regular, &layers, thr);
inline void slice_mesh(
const TriangleMesh & mesh,
const std::vector<float> & z,
std::vector<ExPolygons> & layers,
float closing_radius,
TriangleMeshSlicer::throw_on_cancel_callback_type thr = nullptr)
if (mesh.empty()) return;
TriangleMeshSlicer slicer(&mesh);
slicer.slice(z, SlicingMode::Regular, closing_radius, &layers, thr);
TriangleMesh make_cube(double x, double y, double z);
// Generate a TriangleMesh of a cylinder
TriangleMesh make_cylinder(double r, double h, double fa=(2*PI/360));
TriangleMesh make_sphere(double rho, double fa=(2*PI/360));
// Serialization through the Cereal library
#include <cereal/access.hpp>
namespace cereal {
template <class Archive> struct specialize<Archive, Slic3r::TriangleMesh, cereal::specialization::non_member_load_save> {};
template<class Archive> void load(Archive &archive, Slic3r::TriangleMesh &mesh) {
stl_file &stl = mesh.stl;
stl.stats.type = inmemory;
archive(stl.stats.number_of_facets, stl.stats.original_num_facets);
archive.loadBinary((char*)stl.facet_start.data(), stl.facet_start.size() * 50);
template<class Archive> void save(Archive &archive, const Slic3r::TriangleMesh &mesh) {
const stl_file& stl = mesh.stl;
archive(stl.stats.number_of_facets, stl.stats.original_num_facets);
archive.saveBinary((char*)stl.facet_start.data(), stl.facet_start.size() * 50);