233 lines
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233 lines
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#ifndef slic3r_SupportMaterial_hpp_
#define slic3r_SupportMaterial_hpp_
#include "Flow.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "Slicing.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class PrintObject;
class PrintConfig;
class PrintObjectConfig;
// how much we extend support around the actual contact area
// This class manages raft and supports for a single PrintObject.
// Instantiated by Slic3r::Print::Object->_support_material()
// This class is instantiated before the slicing starts as Object.pm will query
// the parameters of the raft to determine the 1st layer height and thickness.
class PrintObjectSupportMaterial
// Support layer type to be used by MyLayer. This type carries a much more detailed information
// about the support layer type than the final support layers stored in a PrintObject.
enum SupporLayerType {
sltUnknown = 0,
// Ratft base layer, to be printed with the support material.
// Raft interface layer, to be printed with the support interface material.
// Bottom contact layer placed over a top surface of an object. To be printed with a support interface material.
// Dense interface layer, to be printed with the support interface material.
// This layer is separated from an object by an sltBottomContact layer.
// Sparse base support layer, to be printed with a support material.
// Dense interface layer, to be printed with the support interface material.
// This layer is separated from an object with sltTopContact layer.
// Top contact layer directly supporting an overhang. To be printed with a support interface material.
// Some undecided type yet. It will turn into sltBase first, then it may turn into sltBottomInterface or sltTopInterface.
// A support layer type used internally by the SupportMaterial class. This class carries a much more detailed
// information about the support layer than the layers stored in the PrintObject, mainly
// the MyLayer is aware of the bridging flow and the interface gaps between the object and the support.
class MyLayer
MyLayer() :
delete contact_polygons;
contact_polygons = nullptr;
delete overhang_polygons;
overhang_polygons = nullptr;
bool operator==(const MyLayer &layer2) const {
return print_z == layer2.print_z && height == layer2.height && bridging == layer2.bridging;
// Order the layers by lexicographically by an increasing print_z and a decreasing layer height.
bool operator<(const MyLayer &layer2) const {
if (print_z < layer2.print_z) {
return true;
} else if (print_z == layer2.print_z) {
if (height > layer2.height)
return true;
else if (height == layer2.height) {
// Bridging layers first.
return bridging && ! layer2.bridging;
} else
return false;
} else
return false;
coordf_t bottom_print_z() const { return print_z - height; }
SupporLayerType layer_type;
// Z used for printing, in unscaled coordinates.
coordf_t print_z;
// Bottom Z of this layer. For soluble layers, bottom_z + height = print_z,
// otherwise bottom_z + gap + height = print_z.
coordf_t bottom_z;
// Layer height in unscaled coordinates.
coordf_t height;
// Index of a PrintObject layer_id supported by this layer. This will be set for top contact layers.
// If this is not a contact layer, it will be set to size_t(-1).
size_t idx_object_layer_above;
// Index of a PrintObject layer_id, which supports this layer. This will be set for bottom contact layers.
// If this is not a contact layer, it will be set to size_t(-1).
size_t idx_object_layer_below;
// Use a bridging flow when printing this support layer.
bool bridging;
// Polygons to be filled by the support pattern.
Polygons polygons;
// Currently for the contact layers only.
// MyLayer owns the contact_polygons and overhang_polygons, they are freed by the destructor.
Polygons *contact_polygons;
Polygons *overhang_polygons;
// Layers are allocated and owned by a deque. Once a layer is allocated, it is maintained
// up to the end of a generate() method. The layer storage may be replaced by an allocator class in the future,
// which would allocate layers by multiple chunks.
typedef std::deque<MyLayer> MyLayerStorage;
typedef std::vector<MyLayer*> MyLayersPtr;
PrintObjectSupportMaterial(const PrintObject *object, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params);
// Is raft enabled?
bool has_raft() const { return m_slicing_params.has_raft(); }
// Has any support?
bool has_support() const { return m_object_config->support_material.value; }
bool build_plate_only() const { return this->has_support() && m_object_config->support_material_buildplate_only.value; }
bool synchronize_layers() const { return m_object_config->support_material_synchronize_layers.value; }
bool has_contact_loops() const { return m_object_config->support_material_interface_contact_loops.value; }
// Generate support material for the object.
// New support layers will be added to the object,
// with extrusion paths and islands filled in for each support layer.
void generate(PrintObject &object);
// Generate top contact layers supporting overhangs.
// For a soluble interface material synchronize the layer heights with the object, otherwise leave the layer height undefined.
// If supports over bed surface only are requested, don't generate contact layers over an object.
MyLayersPtr top_contact_layers(const PrintObject &object, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const;
// Generate bottom contact layers supporting the top contact layers.
// For a soluble interface material synchronize the layer heights with the object,
// otherwise set the layer height to a bridging flow of a support interface nozzle.
MyLayersPtr bottom_contact_layers_and_layer_support_areas(
const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage,
std::vector<Polygons> &layer_support_areas) const;
// Trim the top_contacts layers with the bottom_contacts layers if they overlap, so there would not be enough vertical space for both of them.
void trim_top_contacts_by_bottom_contacts(const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts, MyLayersPtr &top_contacts) const;
// Generate raft layers and the intermediate support layers between the bottom contact and top contact surfaces.
MyLayersPtr raft_and_intermediate_support_layers(
const PrintObject &object,
const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const;
// Fill in the base layers with polygons.
void generate_base_layers(
const PrintObject &object,
const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers,
const std::vector<Polygons> &layer_support_areas) const;
// Generate raft layers, also expand the 1st support layer
// in case there is no raft layer to improve support adhesion.
MyLayersPtr generate_raft_base(
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &interface_layers,
const MyLayersPtr &base_layers,
MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const;
// Turn some of the base layers into interface layers.
MyLayersPtr generate_interface_layers(
const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers,
MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const;
// Trim support layers by an object to leave a defined gap between
// the support volume and the object.
void trim_support_layers_by_object(
const PrintObject &object,
MyLayersPtr &support_layers,
const coordf_t gap_extra_above,
const coordf_t gap_extra_below,
const coordf_t gap_xy) const;
void generate_pillars_shape();
void clip_with_shape();
// Produce the actual G-code.
void generate_toolpaths(
const PrintObject &object,
const MyLayersPtr &raft_layers,
const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers,
const MyLayersPtr &interface_layers) const;
// Following objects are not owned by SupportMaterial class.
const PrintObject *m_object;
const PrintConfig *m_print_config;
const PrintObjectConfig *m_object_config;
// Pre-calculated parameters shared between the object slicer and the support generator,
// carrying information on a raft, 1st layer height, 1st object layer height, gap between the raft and object etc.
SlicingParameters m_slicing_params;
Flow m_first_layer_flow;
Flow m_support_material_flow;
Flow m_support_material_interface_flow;
coordf_t m_support_layer_height_min;
coordf_t m_support_layer_height_max;
coordf_t m_gap_xy;
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* slic3r_SupportMaterial_hpp_ */