Vojtech Bubnik e4fd6a828f 1) Fixed a significant bug in MutablePriorityQueue when setting
the indices allowing rescheduling of values in the middle of the queue.
2) Implemented a cache friendly variant - MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue
   based on
2021-07-09 12:53:29 +02:00

445 lines
17 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_MutablePriorityQueue_hpp_
#define slic3r_MutablePriorityQueue_hpp_
#include <assert.h>
template<typename T, typename IndexSetter, typename LessPredicate, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved = false>
class MutablePriorityQueue
// It is recommended to use make_mutable_priority_queue() for construction.
MutablePriorityQueue(IndexSetter &&index_setter, LessPredicate &&less_predicate) :
~MutablePriorityQueue() { clear(); }
void clear();
void reserve(size_t cnt) { m_heap.reserve(cnt); }
void push(const T &item);
void push(T &&item);
void pop();
T& top() { return m_heap.front(); }
void remove(size_t idx);
void update(size_t idx) { T item = m_heap[idx]; remove(idx); push(item); }
size_t size() const { return m_heap.size(); }
bool empty() const { return m_heap.empty(); }
using iterator = typename std::vector<T>::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator;
iterator begin() { return m_heap.begin(); }
iterator end() { return m_heap.end(); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return m_heap.cbegin(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return m_heap.cend(); }
void update_heap_up(size_t top, size_t bottom);
void update_heap_down(size_t top, size_t bottom);
std::vector<T> m_heap;
IndexSetter m_index_setter;
LessPredicate m_less_predicate;
template<typename T, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved, typename IndexSetter, typename LessPredicate>
MutablePriorityQueue<T, IndexSetter, LessPredicate, ResetIndexWhenRemoved> make_mutable_priority_queue(IndexSetter &&index_setter, LessPredicate &&less_predicate)
return MutablePriorityQueue<T, IndexSetter, LessPredicate, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>(
std::forward<IndexSetter>(index_setter), std::forward<LessPredicate>(less_predicate));
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutablePriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::clear()
#ifdef NDEBUG
// Only mark as removed from the queue in release mode, if configured so.
if (ResetIndexWhenRemoved)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < m_heap.size(); ++ idx)
// Mark as removed from the queue.
m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutablePriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::push(const T &item)
size_t idx = m_heap.size();
m_index_setter(m_heap.back(), idx);
update_heap_up(0, idx);
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutablePriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::push(T &&item)
size_t idx = m_heap.size();
m_index_setter(m_heap.back(), idx);
update_heap_up(0, idx);
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutablePriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::pop()
assert(! m_heap.empty());
#ifdef NDEBUG
// Only mark as removed from the queue in release mode, if configured so.
if (ResetIndexWhenRemoved)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Mark as removed from the queue.
m_index_setter(m_heap.front(), std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
if (m_heap.size() > 1) {
m_heap.front() = m_heap.back();
m_index_setter(m_heap.front(), 0);
update_heap_down(0, m_heap.size() - 1);
} else
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutablePriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::remove(size_t idx)
assert(idx < m_heap.size());
#ifdef NDEBUG
// Only mark as removed from the queue in release mode, if configured so.
if (ResetIndexWhenRemoved)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Mark as removed from the queue.
m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
if (idx + 1 == m_heap.size()) {
m_heap[idx] = m_heap.back();
m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], idx);
update_heap_down(idx, m_heap.size() - 1);
update_heap_up(0, idx);
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutablePriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::update_heap_up(size_t top, size_t bottom)
size_t childIdx = bottom;
T *child = &m_heap[childIdx];
for (;;) {
size_t parentIdx = (childIdx - 1) >> 1;
if (childIdx == 0 || parentIdx < top)
T *parent = &m_heap[parentIdx];
// switch nodes
if (! m_less_predicate(*parent, *child)) {
T tmp = *parent;
m_index_setter(tmp, childIdx);
m_index_setter(*child, parentIdx);
m_heap[parentIdx] = *child;
m_heap[childIdx] = tmp;
// shift up
childIdx = parentIdx;
child = parent;
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutablePriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::update_heap_down(size_t top, size_t bottom)
size_t parentIdx = top;
T *parent = &m_heap[parentIdx];
for (;;) {
size_t childIdx = (parentIdx << 1) + 1;
if (childIdx > bottom)
T *child = &m_heap[childIdx];
size_t child2Idx = childIdx + 1;
if (child2Idx <= bottom) {
T *child2 = &m_heap[child2Idx];
if (! m_less_predicate(*child, *child2)) {
child = child2;
childIdx = child2Idx;
if (m_less_predicate(*parent, *child))
// switch nodes
T tmp = *parent;
m_index_setter(tmp, childIdx);
m_index_setter(*child, parentIdx);
m_heap[parentIdx] = *child;
m_heap[childIdx] = tmp;
// shift down
parentIdx = childIdx;
parent = child;
// Binary heap addressing of a hierarchy of binary miniheaps by a higher level binary heap.
// Conceptually it works the same as a plain binary heap, however it is cache friendly.
// A binary block of "block_size" implements a binary miniheap of (block_size / 2) leaves and
// ((block_size / 2) - 1) nodes, thus wasting a single element. To make addressing simpler,
// the zero'th element inside each miniheap is wasted, thus for example a single element heap is
// 2 elements long and the 1st element starts at address 1.
// Mostly copied from the following great source:
// original source Copyright Björn Fahller 2015, Boost Software License, Version 1.0,
template <std::size_t blocking>
struct SkipHeapAddressing
static const constexpr std::size_t block_size = blocking;
static const constexpr std::size_t block_mask = block_size - 1;
static_assert((block_size & block_mask) == 0U, "block size must be 2^n for some integer n");
static inline std::size_t child_of(std::size_t node_no) noexcept {
if (! is_block_leaf(node_no))
// If not a leaf, then it is sufficient to just traverse down inside a miniheap.
// The following line is equivalent to, but quicker than
// return block_base(node_no) + 2 * block_offset(node_no);
return node_no + block_offset(node_no);
// Otherwise skip to a root of a child miniheap.
return (block_base(node_no) + 1 + child_no(node_no) * 2) * block_size + 1;
static inline std::size_t parent_of(std::size_t node_no) noexcept {
auto const node_root = block_base(node_no); // 16
if (! is_block_root(node_no))
// If not a block (miniheap) root, then it is sufficient to just traverse up inside a miniheap.
return node_root + block_offset(node_no) / 2;
// Otherwise skipping from a root of one miniheap into leaf of another miniheap.
// Address of a parent miniheap block. One miniheap branches at (block_size / 2) leaves to (block_size) miniheaps.
auto const parent_base = block_base(node_root / block_size - 1); // 0
// Index of a leaf of a parent miniheap, which is a parent of node_no.
auto const child = ((node_no - block_size) / block_size - parent_base) / 2;
// Address of a parent miniheap
parent_base +
// Address of a leaf of a parent miniheap
block_size / 2 + child; // 30
// Leafs are stored inside the second half of a block.
static inline bool is_block_leaf(std::size_t node_no) noexcept { return (node_no & (block_size >> 1)) != 0U; }
// Unused space aka padding to facilitate quick addressing.
static inline bool is_padding (std::size_t node_no) noexcept { return block_offset(node_no) == 0U; }
// Following methods are internal, but made public for unit tests.
// Address is a root of a block (of a miniheap).
static inline bool is_block_root(std::size_t node_no) noexcept { return block_offset(node_no) == 1U; }
// Offset inside a block (inside a miniheap).
static inline std::size_t block_offset (std::size_t node_no) noexcept { return node_no & block_mask; }
// Base address of a block (a miniheap).
static inline std::size_t block_base (std::size_t node_no) noexcept { return node_no & ~block_mask; }
// Index of a leaf.
static inline std::size_t child_no (std::size_t node_no) noexcept { assert(is_block_leaf(node_no)); return node_no & (block_mask >> 1); }
// Cache friendly variant of MutablePriorityQueue, implemented as a binary heap of binary miniheaps,
// building upon SkipHeapAddressing.
template<typename T, typename IndexSetter, typename LessPredicate, std::size_t blocking = 32, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved = false>
class MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue
using address = SkipHeapAddressing<blocking>;
// It is recommended to use make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue() for construction.
MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue(IndexSetter &&index_setter, LessPredicate &&less_predicate) :
~MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue() { clear(); }
void clear();
// Reserve one unused element per miniheap.
void reserve(size_t cnt) { m_heap.reserve(cnt + ((cnt + (address::block_size - 1)) / (address::block_size - 1))); }
void push(const T &item);
void push(T &&item);
void pop();
T& top() { return m_heap[1]; }
void remove(size_t idx);
void update(size_t idx) { assert(! address::is_padding(idx)); T item = m_heap[idx]; remove(idx); push(item); }
// There is one padding element storead at each miniheap, thus lower the number of elements by the number of miniheaps.
size_t size() const noexcept { return m_heap.size() - (m_heap.size() + address::block_size - 1) / address::block_size; }
bool empty() const { return m_heap.empty(); }
void update_heap_up(size_t top, size_t bottom);
void update_heap_down(size_t top, size_t bottom);
void pop_back() noexcept {
assert(m_heap.size() > 1);
assert(! address::is_padding(m_heap.size() - 1));
if (address::is_padding(m_heap.size() - 1))
std::vector<T> m_heap;
IndexSetter m_index_setter;
LessPredicate m_less_predicate;
template<typename T, std::size_t BlockSize, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved, typename IndexSetter, typename LessPredicate>
MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, IndexSetter, LessPredicate, BlockSize, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue(IndexSetter &&index_setter, LessPredicate &&less_predicate)
return MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, IndexSetter, LessPredicate, BlockSize, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>(
std::forward<IndexSetter>(index_setter), std::forward<LessPredicate>(less_predicate));
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, std::size_t blocking, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, blocking, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::clear()
#ifdef NDEBUG
// Only mark as removed from the queue in release mode, if configured so.
if (ResetIndexWhenRemoved)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < m_heap.size(); ++ idx)
// Mark as removed from the queue.
if (! address::is_padding(idx))
m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, std::size_t blocking, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, blocking, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::push(const T &item)
if (address::is_padding(m_heap.size()))
size_t idx = m_heap.size();
m_index_setter(m_heap.back(), idx);
update_heap_up(1, idx);
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, std::size_t blocking, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, blocking, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::push(T &&item)
if (address::is_padding(m_heap.size()))
size_t idx = m_heap.size();
m_index_setter(m_heap.back(), idx);
update_heap_up(1, idx);
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, std::size_t blocking, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, blocking, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::pop()
assert(! m_heap.empty());
#ifdef NDEBUG
// Only mark as removed from the queue in release mode, if configured so.
if (ResetIndexWhenRemoved)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Mark as removed from the queue.
m_index_setter(m_heap.front(), std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
// Zero'th element is padding, thus non-empty queue must have at least two elements.
if (m_heap.size() > 2) {
m_heap[1] = m_heap.back();
m_index_setter(m_heap[1], 1);
update_heap_down(1, m_heap.size() - 1);
} else
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, std::size_t blocking, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, blocking, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::remove(size_t idx)
assert(idx < m_heap.size());
assert(! address::is_padding(idx));
#ifdef NDEBUG
// Only mark as removed from the queue in release mode, if configured so.
if (ResetIndexWhenRemoved)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Mark as removed from the queue.
m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
if (idx + 1 == m_heap.size()) {
m_heap[idx] = m_heap.back();
m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], idx);
update_heap_down(idx, m_heap.size() - 1);
update_heap_up(1, idx);
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, std::size_t blocking, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, blocking, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::update_heap_up(size_t top, size_t bottom)
assert(! address::is_padding(top));
assert(! address::is_padding(bottom));
size_t childIdx = bottom;
T *child = &m_heap[childIdx];
for (;;) {
size_t parentIdx = address::parent_of(childIdx);
if (childIdx == 1 || parentIdx < top)
T *parent = &m_heap[parentIdx];
// switch nodes
if (! m_less_predicate(*parent, *child)) {
T tmp = *parent;
m_index_setter(tmp, childIdx);
m_index_setter(*child, parentIdx);
m_heap[parentIdx] = *child;
m_heap[childIdx] = tmp;
// shift up
childIdx = parentIdx;
child = parent;
template<class T, class LessPredicate, class IndexSetter, std::size_t blocking, const bool ResetIndexWhenRemoved>
inline void MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, blocking, ResetIndexWhenRemoved>::update_heap_down(size_t top, size_t bottom)
assert(! address::is_padding(top));
assert(! address::is_padding(bottom));
size_t parentIdx = top;
T *parent = &m_heap[parentIdx];
for (;;) {
size_t childIdx = address::child_of(parentIdx);
if (childIdx > bottom)
T *child = &m_heap[childIdx];
size_t child2Idx = childIdx + (address::is_block_leaf(parentIdx) ? address::block_size : 1);
if (child2Idx <= bottom) {
T *child2 = &m_heap[child2Idx];
if (! m_less_predicate(*child, *child2)) {
child = child2;
childIdx = child2Idx;
if (m_less_predicate(*parent, *child))
// switch nodes
T tmp = *parent;
m_index_setter(tmp, childIdx);
m_index_setter(*child, parentIdx);
m_heap[parentIdx] = *child;
m_heap[childIdx] = tmp;
// shift down
parentIdx = childIdx;
parent = child;
#endif /* slic3r_MutablePriorityQueue_hpp_ */