We no longer allow people to create issues from a blank template. The templates for bug reports and build issues are also much more explicit in what they want from the user.
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61 lines
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name: Bug Report
about: Create a report for something that misbehaves
## Checklist
<!-- Please carefully go through this checklist and put an 'x' inside the brackets: '[x]' -->
* [ ] I have read the appropriate section in the [contributing
* [ ] I believe this issue is a problem with polybar itself and not a misconfiguration on my part.
* [ ] I have searched for other open and closed [issues](https://github.com/polybar/polybar/issues?q=is%3Aissue) that
may have already reported this problem.
* [ ] I have checked the [known issues](https://github.com/polybar/polybar/wiki/Known-Issues) page for this problem.
## Describe the bug
<!-- A clear and concise description of what the bug is: -->
**Expected behavior:**
<!-- A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen: -->
**Actual behavior:**
<!-- What actually happens: -->
**Was it working before?**
* Did you also experience this bug in an earlier version of polybar (yes/no/don't know)?
* If no, what was the last version where this worked correctly?
## To Reproduce
<!-- A minimal but complete config with which the problem occurs: -->
<!-- List any other steps needed to reproduce the issue, besides starting polybar with the config you posted above. -->
## Polybar Log
<!-- Post everything polybar outputs to the terminal when you run it and the issue occurs below -->
## Screenshots
<!-- If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. -->
## Environment:
* WM:
* Distro:
* Output of `polybar -vvv`:
## Additional context
<!-- Add any other context that you think is necessary about the problem here. -->