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#ifndef slic3r_PrintBase_hpp_
#define slic3r_PrintBase_hpp_
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include "ObjectID.hpp"
#include "Model.hpp"
#include "PlaceholderParser.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class CanceledException : public std::exception {
const char* what() const throw() { return "Background processing has been canceled"; }
class PrintStateBase {
enum class State {
// Fresh state, either the object is new or the data of that particular milestone was cleaned up.
// Fresh state may transit to Started.
// Milestone was started and now it is being executed.
// Started state may transit to Canceled with invalid data or Done with valid data.
// Milestone was being executed, but now it is canceled and not yet cleaned up.
// Canceled state may transit to Fresh state if its invalid data is cleaned up
// or to Started state.
// Canceled and Invalidated states are of similar nature: Canceled step was Started but canceled,
// while Invalidated state was Done but invalidated.
// Milestone was finished successfully, it's data is now valid.
// Done state may transit to Invalidated state if its data is no more valid
// or to a Started state.
// Milestone was finished successfully (done), but now it is invalidated and it's data is no more valid.
// Invalidated state may transit to Fresh if its invalid data is cleaned up,
// or to state Started.
// Canceled and Invalidated states are of similar nature: Canceled step was Started but canceled,
// while Invalidated state was Done but invalidated.
enum class WarningLevel {
typedef size_t TimeStamp;
// A new unique timestamp is being assigned to the step every time the step changes its state.
struct StateWithTimeStamp
State state { State::Fresh };
TimeStamp timestamp { 0 };
bool enabled { true };
bool is_done() const { return state == State::Done; }
// The milestone may have some data available, but it is no more valid and it should be cleaned up to conserve memory.
bool is_dirty() const { return state == State::Canceled || state == State::Invalidated; }
// If the milestone is Started or Done, invalidate it:
// Turn Started to Canceled, turn Done to Invalidated.
// Update timestamp of this milestone.
bool try_invalidate() {
bool invalidated = this->state == State::Started || this->state == State::Done;
if (invalidated) {
this->state = this->state == State::Started ? State::Canceled : State::Invalidated;
this->timestamp = ++ g_last_timestamp;
return invalidated;
struct Warning
// Critical warnings will be displayed on G-code export in a modal dialog, so that the user cannot miss them.
WarningLevel level;
// If the warning is not current, then it is in an unknown state. It may or may not be valid.
// A current warning will become non-current if its milestone gets invalidated.
// A non-current warning will either become current or it will be removed at the end of a milestone.
bool current;
// Message to be shown to the user, UTF8, localized.
std::string message;
// If message_id == 0, then the message is expected to identify the warning uniquely.
// Otherwise message_id identifies the message. For example, if the message contains a varying number, then
// it cannot itself identify the message type.
int message_id;
struct StateWithWarnings : public StateWithTimeStamp
void mark_warnings_non_current() { for (auto &w : warnings) w.current = false; }
std::vector<Warning> warnings;
//FIXME last timestamp is shared between Print & SLAPrint,
// and if multiple Print or SLAPrint instances are executed in parallel, modification of g_last_timestamp
// is not synchronized!
static size_t g_last_timestamp;
// To be instantiated over PrintStep or PrintObjectStep enums.
template <class StepType, size_t COUNT>
class PrintState : public PrintStateBase
PrintState() {}
StateWithTimeStamp state_with_timestamp(StepType step, std::mutex &mtx) const {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
StateWithTimeStamp state = m_state[step];
return state;
StateWithWarnings state_with_warnings(StepType step, std::mutex &mtx) const {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
StateWithWarnings state = m_state[step];
return state;
bool is_started(StepType step, std::mutex &mtx) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp(step, mtx).state == State::Started;
bool is_done(StepType step, std::mutex &mtx) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp(step, mtx).state == State::Done;
StateWithTimeStamp state_with_timestamp_unguarded(StepType step) const {
return m_state[step];
bool is_started_unguarded(StepType step) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp_unguarded(step).state == State::Started;
bool is_done_unguarded(StepType step) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp_unguarded(step).state == State::Done;
void enable_unguarded(StepType step, bool enable) {
m_state[step].enabled = enable;
void enable_all_unguarded(bool enable) {
for (size_t istep = 0; istep < COUNT; ++ istep)
m_state[istep].enabled = enable;
bool is_enabled_unguarded(StepType step) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp_unguarded(step).enabled;
// Set the step as started. Block on mutex while the Print / PrintObject / PrintRegion objects are being
// modified by the UI thread.
// This is necessary to block until the Print::apply() updates its state, which may
// influence the processing step being entered.
// Returns false if the step is not enabled or if the step has already been finished (it is done).
template<typename ThrowIfCanceled>
bool set_started(StepType step, std::mutex &mtx, ThrowIfCanceled throw_if_canceled) {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
// If canceled, throw before changing the step state.
#ifndef NDEBUG
// The following test is not necessarily valid after the background processing thread
// is stopped with throw_if_canceled(), as the CanceledException is not being catched
// by the Print or PrintObject to update m_step_active or m_state[...].state.
// This should not be a problem as long as the caller calls set_started() / set_done() /
// active_step_add_warning() consistently. From the robustness point of view it would be
// be better to catch CanceledException and do the updates. From the performance point of view,
// the current implementation is optimal.
// assert(m_step_active == -1);
// for (int i = 0; i < int(COUNT); ++ i)
// assert(m_state[i].state != State::Started);
#endif // NDEBUG
PrintStateBase::StateWithWarnings &state = m_state[step];
if (! state.enabled || state.state == State::Done)
return false;
state.state = State::Started;
state.timestamp = ++ g_last_timestamp;
m_step_active = static_cast<int>(step);
return true;
// Set the step as done. Block on mutex while the Print / PrintObject / PrintRegion objects are being
// modified by the UI thread.
// Return value:
// Timestamp when this step entered the Done state.
// bool indicates whether the UI has to update the slicing warnings of this step or not.
template<typename ThrowIfCanceled>
std::pair<TimeStamp, bool> set_done(StepType step, std::mutex &mtx, ThrowIfCanceled throw_if_canceled) {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
// If canceled, throw before changing the step state.
assert(m_state[step].state == State::Started);
assert(m_step_active == static_cast<int>(step));
PrintStateBase::StateWithWarnings &state = m_state[step];
state.state = State::Done;
state.timestamp = ++ g_last_timestamp;
m_step_active = -1;
// Remove all non-current warnings.
auto it = std::remove_if(state.warnings.begin(), state.warnings.end(), [](const auto &w) { return ! w.current; });
bool update_warning_ui = false;
if (it != state.warnings.end()) {
state.warnings.erase(it, state.warnings.end());
update_warning_ui = true;
return std::make_pair(state.timestamp, update_warning_ui);
// Make the step invalid.
// PrintBase::m_state_mutex should be locked at this point, guarding access to m_state.
// In case the step has already been entered or finished, cancel the background
// processing by calling the cancel callback.
template<typename CancelationCallback>
bool invalidate(StepType step, CancelationCallback cancel) {
if (PrintStateBase::StateWithWarnings &state = m_state[step]; state.try_invalidate()) {
#if 0
if (mtx.state != mtx.HELD) {
printf("Not held!\n");
// Raise the mutex, so that the following cancel() callback could cancel
// the background processing.
// Internally the cancel() callback shall unlock the PrintBase::m_status_mutex to let
// the working thread proceed.
// Now the worker thread should be stopped, therefore it cannot write into the warnings field.
// It is safe to modify it.
m_step_active = -1;
return true;
} else
return false;
template<typename CancelationCallback, typename StepTypeIterator>
bool invalidate_multiple(StepTypeIterator step_begin, StepTypeIterator step_end, CancelationCallback cancel) {
bool invalidated = false;
for (StepTypeIterator it = step_begin; it != step_end; ++ it)
if (m_state[*it].try_invalidate())
invalidated = true;
if (invalidated) {
#if 0
if (mtx.state != mtx.HELD) {
printf("Not held!\n");
// Raise the mutex, so that the following cancel() callback could cancel
// the background processing.
// Internally the cancel() callback shall unlock the PrintBase::m_status_mutex to let
// the working thread to proceed.
// Now the worker thread should be stopped, therefore it cannot write into the warnings field.
// It is safe to modify the warnings.
for (StepTypeIterator it = step_begin; it != step_end; ++ it)
m_step_active = -1;
return invalidated;
// Make all steps invalid.
// PrintBase::m_state_mutex should be locked at this point, guarding access to m_state.
// In case any step has already been entered or finished, cancel the background
// processing by calling the cancel callback.
template<typename CancelationCallback>
bool invalidate_all(CancelationCallback cancel) {
bool invalidated = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++ i)
if (m_state[i].try_invalidate())
invalidated = true;
if (invalidated) {
// Now the worker thread should be stopped, therefore it cannot write into the warnings field.
// It is safe to modify the warnings.
for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++ i)
m_step_active = -1;
return invalidated;
// If the milestone is Canceled or Invalidated, return true and turn the state of the milestone to Fresh.
// The caller is responsible for releasing the data of the milestone that is no more valid.
bool query_reset_dirty_unguarded(StepType step) {
if (PrintStateBase::StateWithWarnings &state = m_state[step]; state.is_dirty()) {
state.state = State::Fresh;
return true;
} else
return false;
// To be called after the background thread was stopped by the user pressing the Cancel button,
// which in turn stops the background thread without adjusting state of the milestone being executed.
// This method fixes the state of the canceled milestone by setting it to a Canceled state.
void mark_canceled_unguarded() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++ i) {
if (State &state = m_state[i].state; state == State::Started)
state = State::Canceled;
// Update list of warnings of the current milestone with a new warning.
// The warning may already exist in the list, marked as current or not current.
// If it already exists, mark it as current.
// Return value:
// Current milestone (StepType).
// bool indicates whether the UI has to be updated or not.
std::pair<StepType, bool> active_step_add_warning(PrintStateBase::WarningLevel warning_level, const std::string &message, int message_id, std::mutex &mtx)
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
assert(m_step_active != -1);
StateWithWarnings &state = m_state[m_step_active];
assert(state.state == State::Started);
std::pair<StepType, bool> retval(static_cast<StepType>(m_step_active), true);
// Does a warning of the same level and message or message_id exist already?
auto it = (message_id == 0) ?
std::find_if(state.warnings.begin(), state.warnings.end(), [&message](const auto &w) { return w.message_id == 0 && w.message == message; }) :
std::find_if(state.warnings.begin(), state.warnings.end(), [message_id](const auto& w) { return w.message_id == message_id; });
if (it == state.warnings.end())
// No, create a new warning and update UI.
state.warnings.emplace_back(PrintStateBase::Warning{ warning_level, true, message, message_id });
else if (it->message != message || it->level != warning_level) {
// Yes, however it needs an update.
it->message = message;
it->level = warning_level;
it->current = true;
} else if (it->current)
// Yes, and it is current. Don't update UI.
retval.second = false;
// Yes, but it is not current. Mark it as current.
it->current = true;
return retval;
StateWithWarnings m_state[COUNT];
// Active class StepType or -1 if none is active.
// If the background processing is canceled, m_step_active may not be resetted
// to -1, see the comment in this->set_started().
int m_step_active = -1;
class PrintBase;
class PrintObjectBase : public ObjectBase
const ModelObject* model_object() const { return m_model_object; }
ModelObject* model_object() { return m_model_object; }
PrintObjectBase(ModelObject *model_object) : m_model_object(model_object) {}
virtual ~PrintObjectBase() {}
// Declared here to allow access from PrintBase through friendship.
static std::mutex& state_mutex(PrintBase *print);
static std::function<void()> cancel_callback(PrintBase *print);
// Notify UI about a new warning of a milestone "step" on this PrintObjectBase.
// The UI will be notified by calling a status callback registered on print.
// If no status callback is registered, the message is printed to console.
void status_update_warnings(PrintBase *print, int step, PrintStateBase::WarningLevel warning_level, const std::string &message);
ModelObject *m_model_object;
// Wrapper around the private PrintBase.throw_if_canceled(), so that a cancellation object could be passed
// to a non-friend of PrintBase by a PrintBase derived object.
class PrintTryCancel
// calls print.throw_if_canceled().
void operator()() const;
friend PrintBase;
PrintTryCancel() = delete;
PrintTryCancel(const PrintBase *print) : m_print(print) {}
const PrintBase *m_print;
* @brief Printing involves slicing and export of device dependent instructions.
* Every technology has a potentially different set of requirements for
* slicing, support structures and output print instructions. The pipeline
* however remains roughly the same:
* slice -> convert to instructions -> send to printer
* The PrintBase class will abstract this flow for different technologies.
class PrintBase : public ObjectBase
PrintBase() : m_placeholder_parser(&m_full_print_config) { this->restart(); }
inline virtual ~PrintBase() {}
virtual PrinterTechnology technology() const noexcept = 0;
// Reset the print status including the copy of the Model / ModelObject hierarchy.
virtual void clear() = 0;
// The Print is empty either after clear() or after apply() over an empty model,
// or after apply() over a model, where no object is printable (all outside the print volume).
virtual bool empty() const = 0;
// List of existing PrintObject IDs, to remove notifications for non-existent IDs.
virtual std::vector<ObjectID> print_object_ids() const = 0;
// Validate the print, return empty string if valid, return error if process() cannot (or should not) be started.
virtual std::string validate(std::string* warning = nullptr) const { return std::string(); }
enum ApplyStatus {
// No change after the Print::apply() call.
// Some of the Print / PrintObject / PrintObjectInstance data was changed,
// but no result was invalidated (only data influencing not yet calculated results were changed).
// Some data was changed, which in turn invalidated already calculated steps.
virtual ApplyStatus apply(const Model &model, DynamicPrintConfig config) = 0;
const Model& model() const { return m_model; }
struct TaskParams {
TaskParams() : single_model_object(0), single_model_instance_only(false), to_object_step(-1), to_print_step(-1) {}
// If non-empty, limit the processing to this ModelObject.
ObjectID single_model_object;
// If set, only process single_model_object. Otherwise process everything, but single_model_object first.
bool single_model_instance_only;
// If non-negative, stop processing at the successive object step.
int to_object_step;
// If non-negative, stop processing at the successive print step.
int to_print_step;
// After calling the apply() function, call set_task() to limit the task to be processed by process().
virtual void set_task(const TaskParams &params) = 0;
// Perform the calculation. This is the only method that is to be called at a worker thread.
virtual void process() = 0;
// Clean up after process() finished, either with success, error or if canceled.
// The adjustments on the Print / PrintObject data due to set_task() are to be reverted here.
virtual void finalize() = 0;
// Clean up print step / print object step data after
// 1) some print step / print object step was invalidated inside PrintBase::apply() while holding the milestone mutex locked.
// 2) background thread finished being canceled.
virtual void cleanup() = 0;
struct SlicingStatus {
SlicingStatus(int percent, const std::string &text, unsigned int flags = 0) : percent(percent), text(text), flags(flags) {}
SlicingStatus(const PrintBase &print, int warning_step) :
flags(UPDATE_PRINT_STEP_WARNINGS), warning_object_id(, warning_step(warning_step) {}
SlicingStatus(const PrintObjectBase &print_object, int warning_step) :
flags(UPDATE_PRINT_OBJECT_STEP_WARNINGS), warning_object_id(, warning_step(warning_step) {}
int percent { -1 };
std::string text;
// Bitmap of flags.
enum FlagBits {
RELOAD_SCENE = 1 << 1,
// Bitmap of FlagBits
unsigned int flags;
// set to an ObjectID of a Print or a PrintObject based on flags
ObjectID warning_object_id;
// For which Print or PrintObject step a new warning is being issued?
int warning_step { -1 };
typedef std::function<void(const SlicingStatus&)> status_callback_type;
// Default status console print out in the form of percent => message.
void set_status_default() { m_status_callback = nullptr; }
// No status output or callback whatsoever, useful mostly for automatic tests.
void set_status_silent() { m_status_callback = [](const SlicingStatus&){}; }
// Register a custom status callback.
void set_status_callback(status_callback_type cb) { m_status_callback = cb; }
// Calls a registered callback to update the status, or print out the default message.
void set_status(int percent, const std::string &message, unsigned int flags = SlicingStatus::DEFAULT) {
if (m_status_callback) m_status_callback(SlicingStatus(percent, message, flags));
else printf("%d => %s\n", percent, message.c_str());
typedef std::function<void()> cancel_callback_type;
// Various methods will call this callback to stop the background processing (the Print::process() call)
// in case a successive change of the Print / PrintObject / PrintRegion instances changed
// the state of the finished or running calculations.
void set_cancel_callback(cancel_callback_type cancel_callback) { m_cancel_callback = cancel_callback; }
// Has the calculation been canceled?
enum CancelStatus {
// No cancelation, background processing should run.
// Canceled by user from the user interface (user pressed the "Cancel" button or user closed the application).
// Canceled internally from Print::apply() through the Print/PrintObject::invalidate_step() or ::invalidate_all_steps().
CancelStatus cancel_status() const { return m_cancel_status.load(std::memory_order_acquire); }
// Has the calculation been canceled?
bool canceled() const { return m_cancel_status.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != NOT_CANCELED; }
// Cancel the running computation. Stop execution of all the background threads.
void cancel() { m_cancel_status = CANCELED_BY_USER; }
void cancel_internal() { m_cancel_status = CANCELED_INTERNAL; }
// Cancel the running computation. Stop execution of all the background threads.
void restart() { m_cancel_status = NOT_CANCELED; }
// Returns true if the last step was finished with success.
virtual bool finished() const = 0;
const PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() const { return m_placeholder_parser; }
const DynamicPrintConfig& full_print_config() const { return m_full_print_config; }
virtual std::string output_filename(const std::string &filename_base = std::string()) const = 0;
// If the filename_base is set, it is used as the input for the template processing. In that case the path is expected to be the directory (may be empty).
// If filename_set is empty, than the path may be a file or directory. If it is a file, then the macro will not be processed.
std::string output_filepath(const std::string &path, const std::string &filename_base = std::string()) const;
friend class PrintObjectBase;
friend class BackgroundSlicingProcess;
std::mutex& state_mutex() const { return m_state_mutex; }
std::function<void()> cancel_callback() { return m_cancel_callback; }
void call_cancel_callback() { m_cancel_callback(); }
// Notify UI about a new warning of a milestone "step" on this PrintBase.
// The UI will be notified by calling a status callback.
// If no status callback is registered, the message is printed to console.
void status_update_warnings(int step, PrintStateBase::WarningLevel warning_level, const std::string &message, const PrintObjectBase* print_object = nullptr);
// If the background processing stop was requested, throw CanceledException.
// To be called by the worker thread and its sub-threads (mostly launched on the TBB thread pool) regularly.
void throw_if_canceled() const { if (m_cancel_status.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) throw CanceledException(); }
// Wrapper around this->throw_if_canceled(), so that throw_if_canceled() may be passed to a function without making throw_if_canceled() public.
PrintTryCancel make_try_cancel() const { return PrintTryCancel(this); }
// To be called by this->output_filename() with the format string pulled from the configuration layer.
std::string output_filename(const std::string &format, const std::string &default_ext, const std::string &filename_base, const DynamicConfig *config_override = nullptr) const;
// Update "scale", "input_filename", "input_filename_base" placeholders from the current printable ModelObjects.
void update_object_placeholders(DynamicConfig &config, const std::string &default_ext) const;
Model m_model;
DynamicPrintConfig m_full_print_config;
PlaceholderParser m_placeholder_parser;
// Callback to be evoked regularly to update state of the UI thread.
status_callback_type m_status_callback;
std::atomic<CancelStatus> m_cancel_status;
// Callback to be evoked to stop the background processing before a state is updated.
cancel_callback_type m_cancel_callback = [](){};
// Mutex used for synchronization of the worker thread with the UI thread:
// The mutex will be used to guard the worker thread against entering a stage
// while the data influencing the stage is modified.
mutable std::mutex m_state_mutex;
friend PrintTryCancel;
template<typename PrintStepEnumType, const size_t COUNT>
class PrintBaseWithState : public PrintBase
using PrintStepEnum = PrintStepEnumType;
static constexpr const size_t PrintStepEnumSize = COUNT;
PrintBaseWithState() = default;
bool is_step_done(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_done(step, this->state_mutex()); }
PrintStateBase::StateWithTimeStamp step_state_with_timestamp(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.state_with_timestamp(step, this->state_mutex()); }
PrintStateBase::StateWithWarnings step_state_with_warnings(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.state_with_warnings(step, this->state_mutex()); }
bool set_started(PrintStepEnum step) { return m_state.set_started(step, this->state_mutex(), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); }); }
PrintStateBase::TimeStamp set_done(PrintStepEnum step) {
std::pair<PrintStateBase::TimeStamp, bool> status = m_state.set_done(step, this->state_mutex(), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); });
if (status.second)
this->status_update_warnings(static_cast<int>(step), PrintStateBase::WarningLevel::NON_CRITICAL, std::string());
return status.first;
bool invalidate_step(PrintStepEnum step)
{ return m_state.invalidate(step, this->cancel_callback()); }
template<typename StepTypeIterator>
bool invalidate_steps(StepTypeIterator step_begin, StepTypeIterator step_end)
{ return m_state.invalidate_multiple(step_begin, step_end, this->cancel_callback()); }
bool invalidate_steps(std::initializer_list<PrintStepEnum> il)
{ return m_state.invalidate_multiple(il.begin(), il.end(), this->cancel_callback()); }
bool invalidate_all_steps()
{ return m_state.invalidate_all(this->cancel_callback()); }
bool is_step_started_unguarded(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_started_unguarded(step); }
bool is_step_done_unguarded(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_done_unguarded(step); }
// Add a slicing warning to the active Print step and send a status notification.
// This method could be called multiple times between this->set_started() and this->set_done().
void active_step_add_warning(PrintStateBase::WarningLevel warning_level, const std::string &message, int message_id = 0) {
2020-07-15 18:13:11 +02:00
std::pair<PrintStepEnum, bool> active_step = m_state.active_step_add_warning(warning_level, message, message_id, this->state_mutex());
if (active_step.second)
// Update UI.
this->status_update_warnings(static_cast<int>(active_step.first), warning_level, message);
// After calling the apply() function, set_task() may be called to limit the task to be processed by process().
template<typename PrintObject>
void set_task_impl(const TaskParams &params, std::vector<PrintObject*> &print_objects)
static constexpr const auto PrintObjectStepEnumSize = int(PrintObject::PrintObjectStepEnumSize);
using PrintObjectStepEnum = typename PrintObject::PrintObjectStepEnum;
// Grab the lock for the Print / PrintObject milestones.
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->state_mutex());
int n_object_steps = int(params.to_object_step) + 1;
if (n_object_steps == 0)
n_object_steps = PrintObjectStepEnumSize;
if (params.single_model_object.valid()) {
// Find the print object to be processed with priority.
PrintObject *print_object = nullptr;
size_t idx_print_object = 0;
for (; idx_print_object < print_objects.size(); ++ idx_print_object)
if (print_objects[idx_print_object]->model_object()->id() == params.single_model_object) {
print_object = print_objects[idx_print_object];
assert(print_object != nullptr);
// Find out whether the priority print object is being currently processed.
bool running = false;
for (int istep = 0; istep < n_object_steps; ++ istep) {
if (! print_object->is_step_enabled_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep)))
// Step was skipped, cancel.
if (print_object->is_step_started_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep))) {
// No step was skipped, and a wanted step is being processed. Don't cancel.
running = true;
if (! running)
// Now the background process is either stopped, or it is inside one of the print object steps to be calculated anyway.
if (params.single_model_instance_only) {
// Suppress all the steps of other instances.
for (PrintObject *po : print_objects)
for (size_t istep = 0; istep < PrintObjectStepEnumSize; ++ istep)
po->enable_step_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep), false);
} else if (! running) {
// Swap the print objects, so that the selected print_object is first in the row.
// At this point the background processing must be stopped, so it is safe to shuffle print objects.
if (idx_print_object != 0)
std::swap(print_objects.front(), print_objects[idx_print_object]);
// and set the steps for the current object.
for (int istep = 0; istep < n_object_steps; ++ istep)
print_object->enable_step_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep), true);
for (int istep = n_object_steps; istep < PrintObjectStepEnumSize; ++ istep)
print_object->enable_step_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep), false);
} else {
// Slicing all objects.
bool running = false;
for (PrintObject *print_object : print_objects)
for (int istep = 0; istep < n_object_steps; ++ istep) {
if (! print_object->is_step_enabled_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep))) {
// Step may have been skipped. Restart.
goto loop_end;
if (print_object->is_step_started_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep))) {
// This step is running, and the state cannot be changed due to the this->state_mutex() being locked.
// It is safe to manipulate m_stepmask of other PrintObjects and Print now.
running = true;
goto loop_end;
if (! running)
for (PrintObject *po : print_objects) {
for (int istep = 0; istep < n_object_steps; ++ istep)
po->enable_step_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep), true);
for (int istep = n_object_steps; istep < PrintObjectStepEnumSize; ++ istep)
po->enable_step_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(istep), false);
if (params.to_object_step != -1 || params.to_print_step != -1) {
// Limit the print steps.
size_t istep = (params.to_object_step != -1) ? 0 : size_t(params.to_print_step) + 1;
for (; istep < PrintStepEnumSize; ++ istep)
m_state.enable_unguarded(PrintStepEnum(istep), false);
// Clean up after process() finished, either with success, error or if canceled.
// The adjustments on the Print / PrintObject m_stepmask data due to set_task() are to be reverted here:
// Execution of all milestones is enabled in case some of them were suppressed for the last background execution.
// Also if the background processing was canceled, the current milestone that was just abandoned
// in Started state is to be reset to Canceled state.
template<typename PrintObject>
void finalize_impl(std::vector<PrintObject*> &print_objects)
// Grab the lock for the Print / PrintObject milestones.
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->state_mutex());
for (auto *po : print_objects)
PrintState<PrintStepEnum, COUNT> m_state;
template<typename PrintType, typename PrintObjectStepEnumType, const size_t COUNT>
class PrintObjectBaseWithState : public PrintObjectBase
using PrintObjectStepEnum = PrintObjectStepEnumType;
static constexpr const size_t PrintObjectStepEnumSize = COUNT;
PrintType* print() { return m_print; }
const PrintType* print() const { return m_print; }
typedef PrintState<PrintObjectStepEnum, COUNT> PrintObjectState;
bool is_step_done(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_done(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print)); }
PrintStateBase::StateWithTimeStamp step_state_with_timestamp(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.state_with_timestamp(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print)); }
PrintStateBase::StateWithWarnings step_state_with_warnings(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.state_with_warnings(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print)); }
auto last_completed_step() const
static_assert(COUNT > 0, "Step count should be > 0");
auto s = int(COUNT) - 1;
std::lock_guard lk(state_mutex(m_print));
while (s >= 0 && ! is_step_done_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum(s)))
if (s < 0)
s = COUNT;
return PrintObjectStepEnum(s);
PrintObjectBaseWithState(PrintType *print, ModelObject *model_object) : PrintObjectBase(model_object), m_print(print) {}
bool set_started(PrintObjectStepEnum step)
{ return m_state.set_started(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); }); }
PrintStateBase::TimeStamp set_done(PrintObjectStepEnum step) {
std::pair<PrintStateBase::TimeStamp, bool> status = m_state.set_done(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); });
if (status.second)
this->status_update_warnings(m_print, static_cast<int>(step), PrintStateBase::WarningLevel::NON_CRITICAL, std::string());
return status.first;
bool invalidate_step(PrintObjectStepEnum step)
{ return m_state.invalidate(step, PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(m_print)); }
template<typename StepTypeIterator>
bool invalidate_steps(StepTypeIterator step_begin, StepTypeIterator step_end)
{ return m_state.invalidate_multiple(step_begin, step_end, PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(m_print)); }
bool invalidate_steps(std::initializer_list<PrintObjectStepEnum> il)
{ return m_state.invalidate_multiple(il.begin(), il.end(), PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(m_print)); }
bool invalidate_all_steps()
{ return m_state.invalidate_all(PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(m_print)); }
bool is_step_started_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_started_unguarded(step); }
bool is_step_done_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_done_unguarded(step); }
bool is_step_enabled_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_enabled_unguarded(step); }
void enable_step_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum step, bool enable) { m_state.enable_unguarded(step, enable); }
void enable_all_steps_unguarded(bool enable) { m_state.enable_all_unguarded(enable); }
// See the comment at PrintBaseWithState::finalize_impl()
void finalize_impl() { m_state.enable_all_unguarded(true); m_state.mark_canceled_unguarded(); }
// If the milestone is Canceled or Invalidated, return true and turn the state of the milestone to Fresh.
// The caller is responsible for releasing the data of the milestone that is no more valid.
bool query_reset_dirty_step_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum step) { return m_state.query_reset_dirty_unguarded(step); }
// Add a slicing warning to the active PrintObject step and send a status notification.
// This method could be called multiple times between this->set_started() and this->set_done().
void active_step_add_warning(PrintStateBase::WarningLevel warning_level, const std::string &message, int message_id = 0) {
2020-07-15 18:13:11 +02:00
std::pair<PrintObjectStepEnum, bool> active_step = m_state.active_step_add_warning(warning_level, message, message_id, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print));
if (active_step.second)
this->status_update_warnings(m_print, static_cast<int>(active_step.first), warning_level, message);
// If the background processing stop was requested, throw CanceledException.
// To be called by the worker thread and its sub-threads (mostly launched on the TBB thread pool) regularly.
void throw_if_canceled() { if (m_print->canceled()) throw CanceledException(); }
friend PrintType;
PrintType *m_print;
PrintState<PrintObjectStepEnum, COUNT> m_state;
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* slic3r_PrintBase_hpp_ */