
116 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <functional>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Hollowing.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/MTUtils.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/I18N.hpp>
//! macro used to mark string used at localization,
//! return same string
#define L(s) Slic3r::I18N::translate(s)
namespace Slic3r {
namespace sla {
template<class S, class = FloatingOnly<S>>
inline void _scale(S s, TriangleMesh &m) { m.scale(float(s)); }
template<class S, class = FloatingOnly<S>>
inline void _scale(S s, Contour3D &m)
for (auto &p : m.points) p *= s;
template<class Mesh>
remove_cvref_t<Mesh> _grid_to_mesh(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isosurf,
double adapt);
TriangleMesh _grid_to_mesh<TriangleMesh>(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isosurf,
double adapt)
return grid_to_mesh(grid, isosurf, adapt);
Contour3D _grid_to_mesh<Contour3D>(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isosurf,
double adapt)
return grid_to_contour3d(grid, isosurf, adapt);
template<class Mesh>
remove_cvref_t<Mesh> _generate_interior(Mesh &&mesh,
const JobController &ctl,
double min_thickness,
double voxel_scale,
double closing_dist)
using MMesh = remove_cvref_t<Mesh>;
MMesh imesh{std::forward<Mesh>(mesh)};
_scale(voxel_scale, imesh);
double offset = voxel_scale * min_thickness;
double D = voxel_scale * closing_dist;
float out_range = 0.1f * float(offset);
float in_range = 1.1f * float(offset + D);
if (ctl.stopcondition()) return {};
else ctl.statuscb(0, L("Hollowing"));
auto gridptr = mesh_to_grid(imesh, {}, out_range, in_range);
if (!gridptr) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Returned OpenVDB grid is NULL";
return MMesh{};
if (ctl.stopcondition()) return {};
else ctl.statuscb(30, L("Hollowing"));
if (closing_dist > .0) {
gridptr = redistance_grid(*gridptr, -(offset + D), double(in_range));
} else {
D = -offset;
if (ctl.stopcondition()) return {};
else ctl.statuscb(70, L("Hollowing"));
double iso_surface = D;
double adaptivity = 0.;
auto omesh = _grid_to_mesh<MMesh>(*gridptr, iso_surface, adaptivity);
_scale(1. / voxel_scale, omesh);
if (ctl.stopcondition()) return {};
else ctl.statuscb(100, L("Hollowing"));
return omesh;
TriangleMesh generate_interior(const TriangleMesh &mesh, const HollowingConfig &hc, const JobController &ctl)
static const double MAX_OVERSAMPL = 7.;
// I can't figure out how to increase the grid resolution through openvdb API
// so the model will be scaled up before conversion and the result scaled
// down. Voxels have a unit size. If I set voxelSize smaller, it scales
// the whole geometry down, and doesn't increase the number of voxels.
// max 8x upscale, min is native voxel size
auto voxel_scale = (1.0 + MAX_OVERSAMPL * hc.quality);
return _generate_interior(mesh, ctl, hc.min_thickness, voxel_scale, hc.closing_distance);
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla