Refactored Perimeter code with new Slic3r::Polygon and Slic3r::ExPolygon objects
Large refactoring. Speed gains. Removed convex hull for bridges.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 174 additions and 100 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ sub debugf {
use Slic3r::Config;
use Slic3r::ExPolygon;
use Slic3r::Extruder;
use Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop;
use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath;
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ use Slic3r::Line;
use Slic3r::Line::FacetEdge;
use Slic3r::Perimeter;
use Slic3r::Point;
use Slic3r::Polygon;
use Slic3r::Polyline;
use Slic3r::Polyline::Closed;
use Slic3r::Print;
@ -27,7 +29,6 @@ use Slic3r::Skein;
use Slic3r::STL;
use Slic3r::Surface;
use Slic3r::Surface::Bridge;
use Slic3r::Surface::Collection;
# printer options
our $nozzle_diameter = 0.5;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package Slic3r::ExPolygon;
use strict;
use warnings;
# an ExPolygon is a polygon with holes
use Math::Clipper qw(CT_UNION PFT_NONZERO JT_MITER);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union_ex);
# the constructor accepts an array of polygons
# or a Math::Clipper ExPolygon (hashref)
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self;
if (@_ == 1 && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
$self = [
map Slic3r::Polygon->new($_), @{$_[0]{holes}},
} else {
$self = [@_];
bless $self, $class;
# this class method accepts an array of polygons and returns
# an array of expolygons with the right holes applied to the
# right contours
sub make {
my $class = shift;
return map $class->new($_), @{ union_ex(\@_) };
sub contour {
my $self = shift;
return $self->[0];
sub holes {
my $self = shift;
return @$self[1..$#$self];
sub clipper_expolygon {
my $self = shift;
return {
outer => $self->contour,
holes => [ $self->holes ],
sub offset {
my $self = shift;
my ($distance, $scale, $joinType, $miterLimit) = @_;
$scale ||= $Slic3r::resolution * 1000000;
$joinType = JT_MITER if !defined $joinType;
$miterLimit ||= 2;
my $offsets = Math::Clipper::offset($self, $distance, $scale, $joinType, $miterLimit);
# apply holes to the right contours
return (ref $self)->make(@$offsets);
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ sub split_at_acute_angles {
# if the angle between $p[-2], $p[-1], $p3 is too acute
# then consider $p3 only as a starting point of a new
# path and stop the current one as it is
push @paths, __PACKAGE__->cast([@p]);
push @paths, (ref $self)->cast([@p]);
@p = ($p3);
push @p, grep $_, shift @points or last;
} else {
push @p, $p3;
push @paths, __PACKAGE__->cast([@p]) if @p > 1;
push @paths, (ref $self)->cast([@p]) if @p > 1;
return @paths;
@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ sub make_fill {
printf "Filling layer %d:\n", $layer->id;
foreach my $surface_collection (@{ $layer->fill_surfaces }) {
foreach my $surfaces (@{ $layer->fill_surfaces }) {
my @path_collection = ();
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@{ $surface_collection->surfaces }) {
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@$surfaces) {
Slic3r::debugf " Processing surface %s:\n", $surface->id;
my $filler = $Slic3r::fill_type;
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package Slic3r::Layer;
use Moo;
use Math::Clipper ':all';
use Math::ConvexHull qw(convex_hull);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(polygon_lines points_coincide angle3points polyline_lines nearest_point
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union_ex);
@ -63,10 +62,10 @@ has 'skirts' => (
# collection of surfaces generated by offsetting the innermost perimeter(s)
# they represent boundaries of areas to fill
# they represent boundaries of areas to fill (grouped by original objects)
has 'fill_surfaces' => (
is => 'rw',
#isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::Surface::Collection]',
#isa => 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Slic3r::Surface]]',
default => sub { [] },
@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ sub make_surfaces {
my $n = 0;
my @polylines = ();
my @polygons = ();
while (my $first_line = shift @lines) {
my @points = @$first_line;
my %seen_points = map { $get_point_id->($points[$_]) => $_ } 0..1;
@ -219,14 +218,15 @@ sub make_surfaces {
pop @points;
Slic3r::debugf "Discovered polyline of %d points\n", scalar(@points);
push @polylines, [@points];
Slic3r::debugf "Discovered polygon of %d points\n", scalar(@points);
push @polygons, Slic3r::Polygon->new(@points);
my $expolygons = union_ex([ @polylines ]);
my $expolygons = union_ex([ @polygons ]);
Slic3r::debugf " %d surface(s) detected from %d polylines\n",
scalar(@$expolygons), scalar(@polylines);
scalar(@$expolygons), scalar(@polygons);
push @{$self->surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon($_, surface_type => 'internal'), @$expolygons;
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ sub process_bridges {
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@bottom_surfaces) {
# since we can't print concave bridges, we transform the surface
# in a convex polygon; this will print thin membranes eventually
my $surface_p = convex_hull($surface->contour->p);
my $surface_p = $surface->contour->p;
# offset the surface a bit to avoid approximation issues when doing the
# intersection below (this is to make sure we overlap with supporting
@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ sub split_bridges_fills {
my $self = shift;
my $clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
foreach my $surf_coll (@{$self->fill_surfaces}) {
my @surfaces = @{$surf_coll->surfaces};
@{$surf_coll->surfaces} = ();
foreach my $surfaces (@{$self->fill_surfaces}) {
my @surfaces = @$surfaces;
@$surfaces = ();
# intersect fill_surfaces with bridges to get actual bridges
foreach my $bridge (@{$self->bridges}) {
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ sub split_bridges_fills {
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ map $_->p, @surfaces ]);
my $intersection = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_INTERSECTION, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
push @{$surf_coll->surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface::Bridge->cast_from_expolygon($_,
push @$surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface::Bridge->cast_from_expolygon($_,
surface_type => 'bottom',
bridge_angle => $bridge->bridge_angle,
), @$intersection;
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ sub split_bridges_fills {
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ $surface->p ]);
$clipper->add_clip_polygons([ map $_->contour->p, @{$self->bridges} ]);
my $difference = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_DIFFERENCE, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
push @{$surf_coll->surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon($_,
push @$surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon($_,
surface_type => $surface->surface_type), @$difference;
@ -65,4 +65,9 @@ sub parallel_to {
return Slic3r::Geometry::lines_parallel($self, $line);
sub length {
my $self = shift;
return Slic3r::Geometry::line_length($self);
@ -14,63 +14,64 @@ sub make_perimeter {
printf "Making perimeter for layer %d:\n", $layer->id;
# at least one perimeter is required
die "Can't extrude object without any perimeter!\n"
die "Can't slice object with no perimeters!\n"
if $Slic3r::perimeter_offsets == 0;
my (%contours, %holes) = ();
# this array will hold one arrayref per original surface;
# each item of this arrayref is an arrayref representing a depth (from inner
# perimeters to outer); each item of this arrayref is an ExPolygon:
# @perimeters = (
# [ # first object (identified by a single surface before offsetting)
# [ Slic3r::ExPolygon, Slic3r::ExPolygon... ], #item 0: outer loop
# [ Slic3r::ExPolygon, Slic3r::ExPolygon... ], #item 1: inner loop
# ],
# [ # second object
# ...
# ]
# )
my @perimeters = (); # one item per depth; each item
foreach my $surface (@{ $layer->perimeter_surfaces }) {
$contours{$surface} = [];
$holes{$surface} = [];
my @last_offsets = ();
# first perimeter
my $polygon = $surface->clipper_polygon;
my ($contour_p, @holes_p) = ($polygon->{outer}, @{$polygon->{holes}});
push @{ $contours{$surface} }, $contour_p;
push @{ $holes{$surface} }, @holes_p;
@last_offsets = ($polygon);
# the outer loop must be offsetted by half extrusion width inwards
my @last_offsets = ($surface->expolygon);
my $distance = $Slic3r::flow_width / 2 / $Slic3r::resolution;
# create other offsets
for (my $loop = 1; $loop < $Slic3r::perimeter_offsets; $loop++) {
push @perimeters, [];
for (my $loop = 0; $loop < $Slic3r::perimeter_offsets; $loop++) {
# offsetting a polygon can result in one or many offset polygons
@last_offsets = map $self->offset_polygon($_), @last_offsets;
@last_offsets = map $_->offset(-$distance), @last_offsets;
push @{ $perimeters[-1] }, [@last_offsets];
foreach my $offset_polygon (@last_offsets) {
my ($contour_p, @holes_p) = ($offset_polygon->{outer}, @{$offset_polygon->{holes}});
push @{ $contours{$surface} }, $contour_p;
push @{ $holes{$surface} }, @holes_p;
# offset distance for inner loops
$distance = $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution;
# create one more offset to be used as boundary for fill
my @fill_surfaces = map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon(
surface_type => $surface->surface_type,
), map $self->offset_polygon($_), @last_offsets;
my @fill_surfaces = map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon
($_, surface_type => $surface->surface_type),
map $_->offset(-$distance), @last_offsets;
push @{ $layer->fill_surfaces }, Slic3r::Surface::Collection->new(
surfaces => [@fill_surfaces],
) if @fill_surfaces;
push @{ $layer->fill_surfaces }, [@fill_surfaces] if @fill_surfaces;
# generate paths for holes:
# we start from innermost loops (that is, external ones), do them
# for all holes, than go on with inner loop and do that for all
# holes and so on;
# then we generate paths for contours:
# first generate paths for all holes, starting from external (innermost) perimeters
foreach my $i (1..$Slic3r::perimeter_offsets) {
foreach my $hole (map $_->holes, map @{$_->[$i-1]}, @perimeters) {
push @{ $layer->perimeters }, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->cast($hole);
# then generate paths for contours
# this time we do something different: we do contour loops for one
# shape (that is, one original surface) at a time: we start from the
# innermost loop (that is, internal one), then without interrupting
# our path we go onto the outer loop and continue; this should ensure
# good surface quality
foreach my $p (map @$_, values %holes, values %contours) {
push @{ $layer->perimeters }, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->cast($p);
foreach my $contour (map $_->contour, map @$_, map @$_, @perimeters) {
push @{ $layer->perimeters }, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->cast($contour);
# generate skirt on bottom layer
@ -87,32 +88,4 @@ sub make_perimeter {
sub offset_polygon {
my $self = shift;
my ($polygon) = @_;
# $polygon holds a Math::Clipper ExPolygon hashref representing
# a polygon and its holes
# generate offsets
my $distance = $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution;
my $offsets = offset([ $polygon->{outer}, @{$polygon->{holes}} ], -$distance,
$Slic3r::resolution * 100000, JT_MITER, 2);
# defensive programming
my (@contour_offsets, @hole_offsets) = ();
for (@$offsets) {
if (is_counter_clockwise($_)) {
push @contour_offsets, $_;
} else {
push @hole_offsets, $_;
# apply holes to the right contours
my $clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
my $results = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_UNION, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
return @$results;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package Slic3r::Polygon;
use strict;
use warnings;
# a polygon is a closed polyline.
# if you're asking why there's a Slic3r::Polygon as well
# as a Slic3r::Polyline::Closed you're right. I plan to
# ditch the latter and port everything to this class.
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(polygon_remove_parallel_continuous_edges);
# the constructor accepts an array(ref) of points
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self;
if (@_ == 1) {
$self = [ @{$_[0]} ];
} else {
$self = [ @_ ];
bless $self, $class;
sub cleanup {
my $self = shift;
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
my $layer = $self->layers->[$i];
foreach my $type (qw(top bottom)) {
# find surfaces of current type for current layer
my @surfaces = grep $_->surface_type eq $type, map @{$_->surfaces}, @{$layer->fill_surfaces} or next;
my @surfaces = grep $_->surface_type eq $type, map @$_, @{$layer->fill_surfaces} or next;
Slic3r::debugf "Layer %d has %d surfaces of type '%s'\n",
$i, scalar(@surfaces), $type;
@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
next if $n < 0 || $n >= $self->layer_count;
Slic3r::debugf " looking for neighbors on layer %d...\n", $n;
foreach my $surf_coll (@{$self->layers->[$n]->fill_surfaces}) {
my $neighbor_polygons = [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type =~ /internal/, @{$surf_coll->surfaces} ];
foreach my $surfaces (@{$self->layers->[$n]->fill_surfaces}) {
my $neighbor_polygons = [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type =~ /internal/, @$surfaces ];
# find intersection between @surfaces and current layer's surfaces
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ map $_->p, @surfaces ]);
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
# polygons as $internal_polygons; they will be removed by removed_small_features()
# assign resulting inner surfaces to layer
@$surfaces = ();
foreach my $p (@$internal_polygons) {
push @{$surf_coll->surfaces}, Slic3r::Surface->new(
push @$surfaces, Slic3r::Surface->new(
surface_type => 'internal',
contour => Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->cast($p->{outer}),
holes => [
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
# assign new internal-solid surfaces to layer
foreach my $p (@$intersections) {
push @{$surf_coll->surfaces}, Slic3r::Surface->new(
push @$surfaces, Slic3r::Surface->new(
surface_type => 'internal-solid',
contour => Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->cast($p->{outer}),
holes => [
@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ sub cast_from_expolygon {
my $class = shift;
my ($expolygon, %args) = @_;
if (ref $expolygon ne 'HASH') {
$expolygon = $expolygon->clipper_expolygon;
return $class->new(
contour => Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->cast($expolygon->{outer}),
holes => [
@ -79,6 +83,11 @@ sub p {
return ($self->contour->p, map $_->p, @{$self->holes});
sub expolygon {
my $self = shift;
return Slic3r::ExPolygon->new($self->contour->p, map $_->p, @{$self->holes});
sub lines {
my $self = shift;
return @{ $self->contour->lines }, map @{ $_->lines }, @{ $self->holes };
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
package Slic3r::Surface::Collection;
use Moo;
has 'surfaces' => (
is => 'rw',
#isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::Surface]',
default => sub { [] },
Add table
Reference in a new issue