Renamed its_create_neighbors_index() / its_create_neighbors_index_par() to its_face_neighbors() / its_face_neighbors_par().
New variant of its_face_edge_ids() to create edge IDs from face neighbors.
Fixed some incorrect use of _NDEBUG, it should be NDEBUG.
PrintObject::slice_support_volumes() returns newly Polygons, which are cheaper than ExPolygons.
Updated SeamPlacer and SupportMaterial to use regions defined as Polygons, not ExPolygons.
TriangleSelector::get_facets_strict() returning a patch with T-joints retriangulated.
New slice_mesh_slabs() - slicing projections of a triangle patch into top / bottom layers of slices, for MMU top / bottom segmentation.
TriangleMeshSlicer - use 64 mutexes instead of one when scattering sliced triangles into layers. This makes a big difference on modern many core desktop computers.
When applying MM segmented regions to input regions, the split regions are now re-merged with 10x higher positive offset epsilon to avoid creating gaps.
When testing for existence of paint-on supports or seam, use a more efficient has_facets() test, which does not deserialize into the expensive TriangleSelector tree structure.
GLIndexedVertexArray newly uses Eigen::AlignedBox<float, 3> for efficiency instead of our double based BoundingBoxf3.
Improved MMU painting refresh speed by optimizing generation of the vertex buffers.
Refactored MMU segmentation - projection of painted surfaces from top / bottom.
1) Parallelized.
2) Using the new slice_mesh_slabs() instead of projecting one triangle by the other and merging them with Clipper.
multi_material_segmentation_by_painting is now returning only the painted region. Regions with default colors that aren't painted by multi-material gizmo aren't returned.
Occasionally, some input polygons contained self-intersections that caused problems with Voronoi diagrams and consequently with the extraction of colored segments by function extract_colored_segments.
Also, occasionally input polygons contained several points very close together (distance between points is 1 or so). Such close points sometimes caused that the Voronoi diagram has self-intersecting edges around these vertices. This consequently leads to issues with the extraction of colored segments by function extract_colored_segments.
MMU segmentation no longer works directly on lslices, instead of it works on custom merged regions. So lslices in PrintObject are no longer overwritten because of MMU segmentation.
All regions are scaled by SCALED_EPSILON before merging and shrunk back by SCALED_EPSILON after merging. That fixed issues with multi-volume objects when very close regions weren't merged.
Also, small expolygons and holes are filtered out that fixed missing segmentation at the boundary of two volumes in the case of multi-volume objects.
Serialization and deserialization in TriangleSelector were extended to support up to 16 materials (3 unused states left for possible later extension). These changes also affect the encoding of data from custom supports and seams, but it is backward compatible with the previous encoding. And for custom supports and seams, it is produced exactly the same data encoding as before.
the code more readable and to highlight where PrintObject::region_volumes
are actually set and consumed.
2) Replaced Slic3r::clamp() with std::clamp(). They differ in the order
of their parameters, thus hopefully no new bugs were introduced.
3) Some refactoring of MultiMaterialSegmentation for efficiency.