due to the differences in the M203 code
(RepRap firmware has it in mm/min, Marlin in mm/sec).
This difference is important to the G-code time estimator.
Changed the g-code flavor to Marlin for all Prusa3D bundled profiles.
The PlaceholderParser is currently used by the GCode.cpp
and by Printer.cpp to generate a new name for the exported G-code or SVG file.
The PlaceholderParser::process() will throw a runtime_error with
a comprehensive error message.
The G-code export will include these error messages into the G-code text
with !!!!!! separators, and the GUI will inform the user, that the G-code
export failed.
both single_extruder_multi_material and wipe_tower are enabled,
and the print prints with a single extruder only.
Newly the same situation will be handled through a conditional G-code
in the following format:
{if not has_wipe_tower}
; Do the priming
fixed crashes when loading a config.ini with "compatible_printers"
disabled export of "compatible_printers" into gcode and config.ini
Enabled compatibility of printing multiple objects with support / no support
with a wipe tower.
G-codes in case of single extruder multiple material setup:
At the start of the print, the filament_gcode_start is executed
for the active extruder only, and the filament_gcode_start /
filament_gcode_end are then executed at each tool change.
When the Prusa MM wipe tower is active, the tool changes are handled
a bit differently: M900 K0 is emited before the wipe tower extrusions start,
and the filament_gcode_start code is executed after the wipe tower extrusions
are done. This rule effectively disables the linear advance over the wipe tower.
Implements https://github.com/prusa3d/Slic3r/issues/568
thanks @lordofhyphens, https://github.com/alexrj/Slic3r/pull/3275
Improved handling of custom G-code blocks: Slic3r will try to extract
the target extruder and bed temperatures from the custom G-code blocks.
Removed the Perl dependencies on Encode, Encode::Locale and Unicode::Normalize.
Added dependency on boost::locale.
Added encode_path, decode_path, normalize_utf8 functions to Slic3r.xs
Slic3r.xs has been made mostly utf8 safe by using the boost::nowide library,
thanks to @alexrj for the idea.
Simplified the encode_path / decode_path stuff:
wxWidgets are unicode already, so there is no need to decode_path() from it.
Perl / win32 interfacing is non-unicode, so decode_path() is executed
on ARGV just at the beginning of the perl scripts.
Change of the PlaceholderParser:
All vector configuration values stored into the PlaceholderParser
are expected to be addressed by the extruder ID, therefore
if a vector configuration value is addressed without an index,
a current extruder ID is used.
Also a small fix of fan handling: The fan speed is set to zero
at the start of the G-code if the cooling for the initial extruder
is disabled.
perimeters if not necessary, don't take the bridging time into account
when slowing down the print.
Removed Extruder & GCodeWriter Perl bindings.
Improved Extruder for constness.
Refactored GCode::m_elapsed_time to struct ElapsedTime.