Tighter parsing of PrusaSlicer's own G-code annotations
to avoid clashes with comments inside user G-codes.
Also the GCodeReader was extended to return string_views instead
of copying a substring, and the GCodeProcessor was partially adapted
to string_views.
with the following refactorings:
1) Removed the "printhost_slug" config from the Printer config
and from all the Printer config related spots.
2) "printhost_slug" renamed to "printhost_port". Slug sounds nasty.
3) Improved error reporting of RepetierHost class.
4) Refactored for the new "Physical Printers"
Following refactorings were done independently of the Repetier pull request:
1) Removed PrintHost static print config.
2) Clean-up after conversion of print host configuration
from Printer config to Physical Printer config.
3) Fixed some issues, where the Printer config was still queried for
host configuration. Vojtech believes that this should not happen
after the host configuration is converted to physical printers.
Vojtech still feels that more refactoring is needed in regard to porting
the host configuration from Printer profile to the new Physical Printer
Updated the snapshots dialog to display sla_print and sla_material.
Updated the snapshots dialog to display physical_printer instead of
printer if the physical_printer key is nonempty.
The "physical_printer" key was moved from [extras] to [presets] section
of PrusaSlicer.ini
libudev is linked explicitly and only a few structures need to be declared which are passed as pointers to the dynamically loaded functions. No need to require libudev-dev on the build machines.
These new API functions are not available on Windows 7 and on older Windows 10,
thus they are newly loaded dynamically and the functions using it retur
a bool indicating whether the functionality is supported or not.
Also the OSX variants that are not supported newly return false instead
of throwing an exception.
Use https in config update URLs
http://files.prusa3d.com/* always redirects to HTTPS so use https scheme
The pull request broke updates to those who installed configs with
http://, not https:// prefix.