Renamed its_create_neighbors_index() / its_create_neighbors_index_par() to its_face_neighbors() / its_face_neighbors_par().
New variant of its_face_edge_ids() to create edge IDs from face neighbors.
Fixed some incorrect use of _NDEBUG, it should be NDEBUG.
PrintObject::slice_support_volumes() returns newly Polygons, which are cheaper than ExPolygons.
Updated SeamPlacer and SupportMaterial to use regions defined as Polygons, not ExPolygons.
TriangleSelector::get_facets_strict() returning a patch with T-joints retriangulated.
New slice_mesh_slabs() - slicing projections of a triangle patch into top / bottom layers of slices, for MMU top / bottom segmentation.
TriangleMeshSlicer - use 64 mutexes instead of one when scattering sliced triangles into layers. This makes a big difference on modern many core desktop computers.
When applying MM segmented regions to input regions, the split regions are now re-merged with 10x higher positive offset epsilon to avoid creating gaps.
When testing for existence of paint-on supports or seam, use a more efficient has_facets() test, which does not deserialize into the expensive TriangleSelector tree structure.
GLIndexedVertexArray newly uses Eigen::AlignedBox<float, 3> for efficiency instead of our double based BoundingBoxf3.
Improved MMU painting refresh speed by optimizing generation of the vertex buffers.
Refactored MMU segmentation - projection of painted surfaces from top / bottom.
1) Parallelized.
2) Using the new slice_mesh_slabs() instead of projecting one triangle by the other and merging them with Clipper.
1) If "support on build plate only" is enabled, the support columns are
newly trimmed to not land on top of an object. However this may make
the column too small to be stable.
2) Support enforcers newly take precedence over "supports on build plate only"
and over "don't support bridges".
3) Some refactoring of the support generator code for clarity: Reduced
some of the worst spagetti offenders.
Fixes Support generated even if support on build only activated #915
Fixes Bug: supports on build plate only #1340
Fixes Bottom interface layer is not generated , support on build plate only. (long open defect) #4199
Fixes option "supports on build plate only" does not work #3980
Fixes No support interface layers generated #1997
Fixes Feature Request: Option to combine results of 'support from build plate only' and 'support enforcers only' #2801
Fixes Support interface isn't generated: build plate only + blocked by model + support enforcer #3831
Fixes Support Enforcer don't create interface layers #5748
Fixes Support Enforcers Don't Have Top Loops/Raft #1870
Fixes Don't cancel support enforcers with "don't support bridges" #5105
Adjustment of GUI/3DBed.cpp,hpp to use the more stable triangulation algoritm
derived from SGI glut.
Fix of an extremely slow bridging calculation, caused by an extremely
slow bridged area detection function, of which the results were never used.
Fixes "slicing fails or takes too long #5974"
This is a fix of a bug, which was in Slic3r forever, where raw slices
were not cached, but recalculated from classified regions, where
merging the regions did not produce the original contour reliably.
Fixes [2.3.0-beta2] Odd bad slicing related to infill (?) percentage #5407
The two new config keys define a minimum vertical shell thickness.
The top shell thickness is calculated as a maximum of sum over
top_solid_layers * layer heights and top_solid_min_thickness,
the bottom shell thickness is calculated as a maximum of sum over
bottom_solid_layers * layer heights and bottom_solid_min_thickness.
The results of the formula above are shown at the Print parameter page
below the two new values to hint the user about the interaction
of the old versus new config values.
top_solid_min_thickness has no meaning if top_solid_layers is zero,
bottom_solid_min_thickness has no meaning if bottom_solid_layers is zero.
If the Elephant foot compensation is applied to the 1st object's layer,
the uncompensated 1st object's slice is newly used for calculation
of bridges, overhans, skirt, brim, raft and supports.
Layer::slices were renamed to Layer::lslices to simplify reading
of the code, to differentiate from LayerRegion::slices.
Layer newly remembers bounding boxes of slices,
the bounding boxes are used by G-code generator & newly the support
Slices are stored as ExPolygons, not ExPolygonCollection.
Fix of "Bridging infill not connecting with infill set to 0%" #1301
Top, bottom and bridging areas are extended into infill as long
as the infill is not zero. If the infill is zero,
top, bottom and bridging areas wound not expand into these "void" areas.
With this commit, the top, bottom and bridging areas are allowed to expand
into the "void" areas as long as these "void" areas are supported below
with perimeters or some other non-empty infill, and slightly beyond
these supporting areas into the voids (currently hard coded to 1mm).