Further changes:
- Added new configuration option Host Type
- Added abstract base class for future printer hosts
- Moved location of upload dialog (also made it a little bit more configureable)
- added possibility to send file via postfield instead a new frame
"filament_load_time" and "filament_unload_time" values to match
the MK3 MMU2 behavior.
Emitting of the remaining times into the output G-code was made optional
through a new "remaining_times" configuration value, so the firmware
flavors and versions, which do not know the M73 code, will not complain.
Configuration changes:
The wipe tower default position was shifted inwards after the wipe tower
coordinate reference point was changed from the center to the left front
Added the "filament_load_time" and "filament_unload_time" values
to the MK3 MMU filament profiles.
Enabled "remaining_times" for the MK2.5, MK3 and MK3MMU2 printers.
to suppress the MM priming towers.
The PrusaResearch.ini was modified for the MMU2 printers to
correctly prime the initial extruder when
single_extruder_multi_material_priming is disabled.
based on the Slic3r printer profile.
Also the bundled config has been updated, so that the machine envelope
G-code values were removed and the new Slic3r printer profile values
were updated with the former G-code values.
Slic3r version has been bumped up to 1.41.0-alpha for the configuration
files to work.
to "compatible_printers_condition_cummulative" and "inherits_cummulative"
when storing to AMF/3MF/Config files.
Improved escaping of strings stored / loaded from config files.
and "inherits" fields from / to the AMF/3MF/Config files.
The "compatible_printers_condition" are collected over all active profiles
(one print, possibly multiple filament, and one printer profile)
into a single vector.
(the MachineEnvelopeConfig class).
Added localization support for libslic3r through a callback
(the callback is not registered yet, so the localization does nothing).
Localized the Print::validate() error messages.