Improved readability by introducing invalid_id() getter.
Made the ResetIndexWhenRemoved flag active in both debug and release mode,
it used to be made active by Vojtech for release mode only for unknown
Small refactoring of AABB tree distance query function, to allow different primitives (apart from triangles)
Implemented Distancer and functions to create AABB tree from lines and use closest point query
Added test for the AABBTree with lines
Added Benchmark comparing EdgeGrid with AABBTree on line contours (Inside AABBTree test file, disabled under compilation flag)
provided for Perl bindings and their semantic was confusing.
Implemented free function angle() to measure angle between two vectors.
Reworked Polygon::convex/concave_points(), changed the meaning of their
angle threshold parameter.
Removed some unused methods from Perl bindings and tests.
Reworked the "wipe inside at the external perimeter" function
after Point::ccw_angle() was removed.
Follow-up to 7da4bebe7a
WIP GCode substitutions: Changed the format of gcode_substitutions by
adding an empty comment as a fourth parameter to each substitution.
In the future, we will provide a UI to show / edit the comment.
circular, convex, concave) and performs efficient collision detection agains these build
volumes. As of now, collision detection is performed against a convex
hull of a concave build volume for efficency.
GCodeProcessor::Result renamed out of GCodeProcessor to GCodeProcessorResult,
so it could be forward declared.
Plater newly exports BuildVolume, not Bed3D. Bed3D is a rendering class,
while BuildVolume is a purely geometric class.
Reduced usage of global wxGetApp, the Bed3D is passed as a parameter
to View3D/Preview/GLCanvas.
Convex hull code was extracted from Geometry.cpp/hpp to Geometry/ConvexHulll.cpp,hpp.
New test inside_convex_polygon().
New efficent point inside polygon test: Decompose convex hull
to bottom / top parts and use the decomposition to detect point inside
a convex polygon in O(log n). decompose_convex_polygon_top_bottom(),
New Circle constructing functions: circle_ransac() and circle_taubin_newton().
New polygon_is_convex() test with unit tests.