Find if there is more recent config in other folders (alpha / beta / release).
If yes, ask user, make snapshot, copy files.
if there is no current config, ask user and copy recent one.
that configuration could be recovered in the case PrusaSlicer.ini
is corrupted during saving. The config is first written into a temp file
marked with a MD5 checksum. Once the file is saved, it is
copied to a backup file first, then moved to PrusaSlicer.ini.
When loading PrusaSlicer.ini fails, the backup file will be loaded
instead, however only if its MD5 checksum is valid.
The following "Fixes" comments are for github triggers. We implemented
a workaround, not a fix, we don't actually know how the data corruption
happens and why. Most likely the "Move file" Windows API is not atomic
and if PrusaSlicer crashes on another thread while moving the file,
PrusaSlicer.ini will only be partially saved, with the rest of the file
filled with nulls. We did not "fix" the issue, we just hope that our
workaround will help in majority of cases.
Fixes prusaslicer wont open 2.3 windows 10 #5812
Fixes Won't Open - Windows 10 #4915
Fixes PrusaSlicer Crashes upon opening with "'=' character not found in
line error" #2438
Fixes Fails to open on blank slic3r.ini %user%\AppData\Roaming\Slic3rPE
Renamed its_create_neighbors_index() / its_create_neighbors_index_par() to its_face_neighbors() / its_face_neighbors_par().
New variant of its_face_edge_ids() to create edge IDs from face neighbors.
Fixed some incorrect use of _NDEBUG, it should be NDEBUG.
PrintObject::slice_support_volumes() returns newly Polygons, which are cheaper than ExPolygons.
Updated SeamPlacer and SupportMaterial to use regions defined as Polygons, not ExPolygons.
TriangleSelector::get_facets_strict() returning a patch with T-joints retriangulated.
New slice_mesh_slabs() - slicing projections of a triangle patch into top / bottom layers of slices, for MMU top / bottom segmentation.
TriangleMeshSlicer - use 64 mutexes instead of one when scattering sliced triangles into layers. This makes a big difference on modern many core desktop computers.
When applying MM segmented regions to input regions, the split regions are now re-merged with 10x higher positive offset epsilon to avoid creating gaps.
When testing for existence of paint-on supports or seam, use a more efficient has_facets() test, which does not deserialize into the expensive TriangleSelector tree structure.
GLIndexedVertexArray newly uses Eigen::AlignedBox<float, 3> for efficiency instead of our double based BoundingBoxf3.
Improved MMU painting refresh speed by optimizing generation of the vertex buffers.
Refactored MMU segmentation - projection of painted surfaces from top / bottom.
1) Parallelized.
2) Using the new slice_mesh_slabs() instead of projecting one triangle by the other and merging them with Clipper.
Updated the snapshots dialog to display sla_print and sla_material.
Updated the snapshots dialog to display physical_printer instead of
printer if the physical_printer key is nonempty.
The "physical_printer" key was moved from [extras] to [presets] section
of PrusaSlicer.ini