1) Flipped the order of "discover_vertical_shells" and "process_external_surfaces",
now the external surfaces are expanded after "discover_vertical_shells"
aka "ensure vertical wall thickness" is solved.
2) Reworked LayerRegion::process_external_surfaces() to only expand into
"ensure vertical wall thickness" regions, also the expansion is done
in small steps to avoid overflowing into neighbor regions.
Utility functions reserve_more(), reserve_power_of_2(), reserve_more_power_of_2()
Various SurfaceCollecion::filter_xxx() modified to accept an initializer list of surface types.
New bridges detector refactored to accept overhang boundaries.
BoundingBoxWrapper was moved from RetractCrossingPerimeters to AABBTreeIndirect.
1) New region expansion code to propagate wave from a boundary
of a region inside of it.
2) get_extents() extended with a template attribute to work with
zero area data sets.
3) ClipperZUtils.hpp for handling Clipper operation with Z coordinate
(for source contour identification)
The one level lower QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED makes our tester Filip
unhappy, because when slicing tree supports Filip switches to a browser
on another display wating for the slicer to finish, while OSX moves
the slicing threads to high efficiency low coal burning cores.
PrusaLink: Use PUT or POST based on information read during test connection (upload-by-put). If put - do additional GET for storage_list and let user to choose where to upload or show name if only 1 is possible. Allow PrusaLink for MK2.5 and MK2.5S.
PrusaConnect: New host type PrusaConnect inherited from PrusaLink class with filled host address, disabled http diggest. After upload read header information - status message and pass it to notification and Printhost upload dialog via events, this message can be shown as warning notification and is recieved in localized lang. Pass accept-language shortcut in upload header. 3 option to upload. (upload, to queue, to print)
Upload Notification: Showing status text, changes in text, not showing close button, Completed state on special call (not 100%) and other design changes.
Right panel: Open URL button.