
623 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
#include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp"
#include "AppConfig.hpp"
#include "Exception.hpp"
#include "LocalesUtils.hpp"
#include "Thread.hpp"
#include "format.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/cenv.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/format/format_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#ifdef WIN32
//FIXME replace the two following includes with <boost/md5.hpp> after it becomes mainstream.
#include <boost/uuid/detail/md5.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/hex.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
static const std::string VENDOR_PREFIX = "vendor:";
static const std::string MODEL_PREFIX = "model:";
// Because of a crash in PrusaSlicer 2.3.0/2.3.1 when showing an update notification with some locales, we don't want PrusaSlicer 2.3.0/2.3.1
// to show this notification. On the other hand, we would like PrusaSlicer 2.3.2 to show an update notification of the upcoming PrusaSlicer 2.4.0.
// Thus we will let PrusaSlicer 2.3.2 and couple of follow-up versions to download the version number from an alternate file until the PrusaSlicer 2.3.0/2.3.1
// are phased out, then we will revert to the original name.
//static const std::string VERSION_CHECK_URL = "";
static const std::string VERSION_CHECK_URL = "";
const std::string AppConfig::SECTION_FILAMENTS = "filaments";
const std::string AppConfig::SECTION_MATERIALS = "sla_materials";
void AppConfig::reset()
// Override missing or keys with their defaults.
void AppConfig::set_defaults()
if (m_mode == EAppMode::Editor) {
// Reset the empty fields to defaults.
if (get("autocenter").empty())
set("autocenter", "0");
// Disable background processing by default as it is not stable.
if (get("background_processing").empty())
set("background_processing", "0");
// If set, the "Controller" tab for the control of the printer over serial line and the serial port settings are hidden.
// By default, Prusa has the controller hidden.
if (get("no_controller").empty())
set("no_controller", "1");
// If set, the "- default -" selections of print/filament/printer are suppressed, if there is a valid preset available.
if (get("no_defaults").empty())
set("no_defaults", "1");
if (get("show_incompatible_presets").empty())
set("show_incompatible_presets", "0");
if (get("show_drop_project_dialog").empty())
set("show_drop_project_dialog", "1");
if (get("drop_project_action").empty())
set("drop_project_action", "1");
if (get("version_check").empty())
set("version_check", "1");
if (get("preset_update").empty())
set("preset_update", "1");
if (get("export_sources_full_pathnames").empty())
set("export_sources_full_pathnames", "0");
#ifdef _WIN32
if (get("associate_3mf").empty())
set("associate_3mf", "0");
if (get("associate_stl").empty())
set("associate_stl", "0");
if (get("dark_color_mode").empty())
set("dark_color_mode", "0");
if (get("tabs_as_menu").empty())
set("tabs_as_menu", "0");
#endif // _WIN32
// remove old 'use_legacy_opengl' parameter from this config, if present
if (!get("use_legacy_opengl").empty())
erase("", "use_legacy_opengl");
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (get("use_retina_opengl").empty())
set("use_retina_opengl", "1");
if (get("single_instance").empty())
#ifdef __APPLE__
2020-10-23 07:51:58 +02:00
#else // __APPLE__
2020-10-23 07:51:58 +02:00
#endif // __APPLE__
if (get("remember_output_path").empty())
set("remember_output_path", "1");
2018-09-17 15:12:13 +02:00
if (get("remember_output_path_removable").empty())
set("remember_output_path_removable", "1");
if (get("use_custom_toolbar_size").empty())
set("use_custom_toolbar_size", "0");
if (get("custom_toolbar_size").empty())
set("custom_toolbar_size", "100");
if (get("auto_toolbar_size").empty())
set("auto_toolbar_size", "100");
if (get("use_environment_map").empty())
set("use_environment_map", "0");
if (get("use_inches").empty())
set("use_inches", "0");
if (get("default_action_on_close_application").empty())
set("default_action_on_close_application", "none"); // , "discard" or "save"
if (get("default_action_on_select_preset").empty())
set("default_action_on_select_preset", "none"); // , "transfer", "discard" or "save"
if (get("color_mapinulation_panel").empty())
set("color_mapinulation_panel", "0");
if (get("order_volumes").empty())
set("order_volumes", "1");
else {
#ifdef _WIN32
if (get("associate_gcode").empty())
set("associate_gcode", "0");
#endif // _WIN32
if (get("seq_top_layer_only").empty())
set("seq_top_layer_only", "1");
if (get("seq_top_gcode_indices").empty())
set("seq_top_gcode_indices", "1");
if (get("use_perspective_camera").empty())
set("use_perspective_camera", "1");
2020-01-16 09:12:36 +01:00
if (get("use_free_camera").empty())
set("use_free_camera", "0");
if (get("reverse_mouse_wheel_zoom").empty())
set("reverse_mouse_wheel_zoom", "0");
if (get("show_splash_screen").empty())
set("show_splash_screen", "1");
#ifdef _WIN32
if (get("use_legacy_3DConnexion").empty())
set("use_legacy_3DConnexion", "0");
#endif // _WIN32
2018-09-17 15:12:13 +02:00
// Remove legacy window positions/sizes
erase("", "main_frame_maximized");
erase("", "main_frame_pos");
erase("", "main_frame_size");
erase("", "object_settings_maximized");
erase("", "object_settings_pos");
erase("", "object_settings_size");
#ifdef WIN32
static std::string appconfig_md5_hash_line(const std::string_view data)
//FIXME replace the two following includes with <boost/md5.hpp> after it becomes mainstream.
// return boost::md5(data).hex_str_value();
// boost::uuids::detail::md5 is an internal namespace thus it may change in the future.
// Also this implementation is not the fastest, it was designed for short blocks of text.
using boost::uuids::detail::md5;
md5 md5_hash;
// unsigned int[4], 128 bits
md5::digest_type md5_digest{};
std::string md5_digest_str;
md5_hash.process_bytes(, data.size());
boost::algorithm::hex(md5_digest, md5_digest + std::size(md5_digest), std::back_inserter(md5_digest_str));
// MD5 hash is 32 HEX digits long.
assert(md5_digest_str.size() == 32);
// This line will be emited at the end of the file.
return "# MD5 checksum " + md5_digest_str + "\n";
// Assume that the last line with the comment inside the config file contains a checksum and that the user didn't modify the config file.
static bool verify_config_file_checksum(boost::nowide::ifstream &ifs)
auto read_whole_config_file = [&ifs]() -> std::string {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << ifs.rdbuf();
return ss.str();
ifs.seekg(0, boost::nowide::ifstream::beg);
std::string whole_config = read_whole_config_file();
// The checksum should be on the last line in the config file.
if (size_t last_comment_pos = whole_config.find_last_of('#'); last_comment_pos != std::string::npos) {
// Split read config into two parts, one with checksum, and the second part is part with configuration from the checksum was computed.
// Verify existence and validity of the MD5 checksum line at the end of the file.
// When the checksum isn't found, the checksum was not saved correctly, it was removed or it is an older config file without the checksum.
// If the checksum is incorrect, then the file was either not saved correctly or modified.
if (std::string_view(whole_config.c_str() + last_comment_pos, whole_config.size() - last_comment_pos) == appconfig_md5_hash_line({, last_comment_pos }))
return true;
return false;
std::string AppConfig::load()
// 1) Read the complete config file into a boost::property_tree.
namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
pt::ptree tree;
boost::nowide::ifstream ifs;
bool recovered = false;
try {;
#ifdef WIN32
// Verify the checksum of the config file without taking just for debugging purpose.
if (!verify_config_file_checksum(ifs))
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "The configuration file " << AppConfig::config_path() <<
" has a wrong MD5 checksum or the checksum is missing. This may indicate a file corruption or a harmless user edit.";
ifs.seekg(0, boost::nowide::ifstream::beg);
pt::read_ini(ifs, tree);
} catch (pt::ptree_error& ex) {
#ifdef WIN32
// The configuration file is corrupted, try replacing it with the backup configuration.
std::string backup_path = (boost::format("%1%.bak") % AppConfig::config_path()).str();
if (boost::filesystem::exists(backup_path)) {
// Compute checksum of the configuration backup file and try to load configuration from it when the checksum is correct.
boost::nowide::ifstream backup_ifs(backup_path);
if (!verify_config_file_checksum(backup_ifs)) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << format("Both \"%1%\" and \"%2%\" are corrupted. It isn't possible to restore configuration from the backup.", AppConfig::config_path(), backup_path);
} else if (std::string error_message; copy_file(backup_path, AppConfig::config_path(), error_message, false) != SUCCESS) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << format("Configuration file \"%1%\" is corrupted. Failed to restore from backup \"%2%\": %3%", AppConfig::config_path(), backup_path, error_message);
} else {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << format("Configuration file \"%1%\" was corrupted. It has been succesfully restored from the backup \"%2%\".", AppConfig::config_path(), backup_path);
// Try parse configuration file after restore from backup.
try {;
pt::read_ini(ifs, tree);
recovered = true;
} catch (pt::ptree_error& ex) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << format("Failed to parse configuration file \"%1%\" after it has been restored from backup: %2%", AppConfig::config_path(), ex.what());
} else
#endif // WIN32
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << format("Failed to parse configuration file \"%1%\": %2%", AppConfig::config_path(), ex.what());
if (! recovered) {
// Report the initial error of parsing PrusaSlicer.ini.
// Error while parsing config file. We'll customize the error message and rethrow to be displayed.
// ! But to avoid the use of _utf8 (related to use of wxWidgets)
// we will rethrow this exception from the place of load() call, if returned value wouldn't be empty
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(
_utf8(L("Error parsing PrusaSlicer config file, it is probably corrupted. "
"Try to manually delete the file to recover from the error. Your user profiles will not be affected.")) +
"\n\n" + AppConfig::config_path() + "\n\n" + ex.what());
return ex.what();
// 2) Parse the property_tree, extract the sections and key / value pairs.
for (const auto &section : tree) {
if (section.second.empty()) {
// This may be a top level (no section) entry, or an empty section.
std::string data =;
if (! data.empty())
// If there is a non-empty data, then it must be a top-level (without a section) config entry.
m_storage[""][section.first] = data;
} else if (boost::starts_with(section.first, VENDOR_PREFIX)) {
// This is a vendor section listing enabled model / variants
const auto vendor_name = section.first.substr(VENDOR_PREFIX.size());
auto &vendor = m_vendors[vendor_name];
for (const auto &kvp : section.second) {
if (! boost::starts_with(kvp.first, MODEL_PREFIX)) { continue; }
const auto model_name = kvp.first.substr(MODEL_PREFIX.size());
std::vector<std::string> variants;
if (! unescape_strings_cstyle(, variants)) { continue; }
for (const auto &variant : variants) {
} else {
// This must be a section name. Read the entries of a section.
std::map<std::string, std::string> &storage = m_storage[section.first];
for (auto &kvp : section.second)
storage[kvp.first] =;
// Figure out if datadir has legacy presets
auto ini_ver = Semver::parse(get("version"));
m_legacy_datadir = false;
if (ini_ver) {
m_orig_version = *ini_ver;
// Make 1.40.0 alphas compare well
m_legacy_datadir = ini_ver < Semver(1, 40, 0);
// Legacy conversion
if (m_mode == EAppMode::Editor) {
// Convert [extras] "physical_printer" to [presets] "physical_printer",
// remove the [extras] section if it becomes empty.
if (auto it_section = m_storage.find("extras"); it_section != m_storage.end()) {
if (auto it_physical_printer = it_section->second.find("physical_printer"); it_physical_printer != it_section->second.end()) {
m_storage["presets"]["physical_printer"] = it_physical_printer->second;
if (it_section->second.empty())
// Override missing or keys with their defaults.
m_dirty = false;
return "";
void AppConfig::save()
// Returns "undefined" if the thread naming functionality is not supported by the operating system.
std::optional<std::string> current_thread_name = get_current_thread_name();
if (current_thread_name && *current_thread_name != "slic3r_main")
throw CriticalException("Calling AppConfig::save() from a worker thread!");
// The config is first written to a file with a PID suffix and then moved
// to avoid race conditions with multiple instances of Slic3r
const auto path = config_path();
std::string path_pid = (boost::format("%1%.%2%") % path % get_current_pid()).str();
std::stringstream config_ss;
if (m_mode == EAppMode::Editor)
config_ss << "# " << Slic3r::header_slic3r_generated() << std::endl;
config_ss << "# " << Slic3r::header_gcodeviewer_generated() << std::endl;
// Make sure the "no" category is written first.
2021-01-29 16:16:23 +01:00
for (const auto& kvp : m_storage[""])
config_ss << kvp.first << " = " << kvp.second << std::endl;
// Write the other categories.
2021-01-29 16:16:23 +01:00
for (const auto& category : m_storage) {
if (category.first.empty())
config_ss << std::endl << "[" << category.first << "]" << std::endl;
2021-01-29 16:16:23 +01:00
for (const auto& kvp : category.second)
config_ss << kvp.first << " = " << kvp.second << std::endl;
// Write vendor sections
for (const auto &vendor : m_vendors) {
size_t size_sum = 0;
for (const auto &model : vendor.second) { size_sum += model.second.size(); }
if (size_sum == 0) { continue; }
config_ss << std::endl << "[" << VENDOR_PREFIX << vendor.first << "]" << std::endl;
for (const auto &model : vendor.second) {
if (model.second.empty()) { continue; }
const std::vector<std::string> variants(model.second.begin(), model.second.end());
const auto escaped = escape_strings_cstyle(variants);
config_ss << MODEL_PREFIX << model.first << " = " << escaped << std::endl;
// One empty line before the MD5 sum.
config_ss << std::endl;
std::string config_str = config_ss.str();
boost::nowide::ofstream c;, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
c << config_str;
#ifdef WIN32
// WIN32 specific: The final "rename_file()" call is not safe in case of an application crash, there is no atomic "rename file" API
// provided by Windows (sic!). Therefore we save a MD5 checksum to be able to verify file corruption. In addition,
// we save the config file into a backup first before moving it to the final destination.
c << appconfig_md5_hash_line(config_str);
#ifdef WIN32
// Make a backup of the configuration file before copying it to the final destination.
std::string error_message;
std::string backup_path = (boost::format("%1%.bak") % path).str();
// Copy configuration file with PID suffix into the configuration file with "bak" suffix.
if (copy_file(path_pid, backup_path, error_message, false) != SUCCESS)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Copying from " << path_pid << " to " << backup_path << " failed. Failed to create a backup configuration.";
// Rename the config atomically.
// On Windows, the rename is likely NOT atomic, thus it may fail if PrusaSlicer crashes on another thread in the meanwhile.
// To cope with that, we already made a backup of the config on Windows.
rename_file(path_pid, path);
m_dirty = false;
bool AppConfig::get_variant(const std::string &vendor, const std::string &model, const std::string &variant) const
const auto it_v = m_vendors.find(vendor);
if (it_v == m_vendors.end()) { return false; }
const auto it_m = it_v->second.find(model);
return it_m == it_v->second.end() ? false : it_m->second.find(variant) != it_m->second.end();
void AppConfig::set_variant(const std::string &vendor, const std::string &model, const std::string &variant, bool enable)
if (enable) {
if (get_variant(vendor, model, variant)) { return; }
} else {
auto it_v = m_vendors.find(vendor);
if (it_v == m_vendors.end()) { return; }
auto it_m = it_v->second.find(model);
if (it_m == it_v->second.end()) { return; }
auto it_var = it_m->second.find(variant);
if (it_var == it_m->second.end()) { return; }
// If we got here, there was an update
m_dirty = true;
void AppConfig::set_vendors(const AppConfig &from)
m_vendors = from.m_vendors;
m_dirty = true;
std::string AppConfig::get_last_dir() const
const auto it = m_storage.find("recent");
if (it != m_storage.end()) {
const auto it2 = it->second.find("skein_directory");
if (it2 != it->second.end() && ! it2->second.empty())
return it2->second;
const auto it2 = it->second.find("config_directory");
if (it2 != it->second.end() && ! it2->second.empty())
return it2->second;
return std::string();
std::vector<std::string> AppConfig::get_recent_projects() const
std::vector<std::string> ret;
const auto it = m_storage.find("recent_projects");
if (it != m_storage.end())
for (const std::map<std::string, std::string>::value_type& item : it->second)
return ret;
void AppConfig::set_recent_projects(const std::vector<std::string>& recent_projects)
auto it = m_storage.find("recent_projects");
if (it == m_storage.end())
it = m_storage.insert(std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string>>::value_type("recent_projects", std::map<std::string, std::string>())).first;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)recent_projects.size(); ++i)
it->second[std::to_string(i + 1)] = recent_projects[i];
void AppConfig::set_mouse_device(const std::string& name, double translation_speed, double translation_deadzone,
float rotation_speed, float rotation_deadzone, double zoom_speed, bool swap_yz)
std::string key = std::string("mouse_device:") + name;
auto it = m_storage.find(key);
if (it == m_storage.end())
it = m_storage.insert(std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string>>::value_type(key, std::map<std::string, std::string>())).first;
it->second["translation_speed"] = float_to_string_decimal_point(translation_speed);
it->second["translation_deadzone"] = float_to_string_decimal_point(translation_deadzone);
it->second["rotation_speed"] = float_to_string_decimal_point(rotation_speed);
it->second["rotation_deadzone"] = float_to_string_decimal_point(rotation_deadzone);
it->second["zoom_speed"] = float_to_string_decimal_point(zoom_speed);
it->second["swap_yz"] = swap_yz ? "1" : "0";
std::vector<std::string> AppConfig::get_mouse_device_names() const
2020-04-22 12:49:52 +02:00
static constexpr const char *prefix = "mouse_device:";
static const size_t prefix_len = strlen(prefix);
std::vector<std::string> out;
2021-01-29 18:08:04 +01:00
for (const auto& key_value_pair : m_storage)
2020-04-22 12:49:52 +02:00
if (boost::starts_with(key_value_pair.first, prefix) && key_value_pair.first.size() > prefix_len)
2020-04-22 12:49:52 +02:00
return out;
void AppConfig::update_config_dir(const std::string &dir)
this->set("recent", "config_directory", dir);
void AppConfig::update_skein_dir(const std::string &dir)
this->set("recent", "skein_directory", dir);
std::string AppConfig::get_last_output_dir(const std::string &alt) const
2019-11-27 13:30:45 +01:00
const auto it = m_storage.find("");
if (it != m_storage.end()) {
const auto it2 = it->second.find("last_output_path");
const auto it3 = it->second.find("remember_output_path");
if (it2 != it->second.end() && it3 != it->second.end() && ! it2->second.empty() && it3->second == "1")
return it2->second;
return alt;
void AppConfig::update_last_output_dir(const std::string &dir)
this->set("", "last_output_path", dir);
std::string AppConfig::get_last_output_dir(const std::string& alt, const bool removable) const
std::string s1 = (removable ? "last_output_path_removable" : "last_output_path");
std::string s2 = (removable ? "remember_output_path_removable" : "remember_output_path");
const auto it = m_storage.find("");
if (it != m_storage.end()) {
const auto it2 = it->second.find(s1);
const auto it3 = it->second.find(s2);
if (it2 != it->second.end() && it3 != it->second.end() && !it2->second.empty() && it3->second == "1")
return it2->second;
return alt;
void AppConfig::update_last_output_dir(const std::string& dir, const bool removable)
this->set("", (removable ? "last_output_path_removable" : "last_output_path"), dir);
void AppConfig::reset_selections()
auto it = m_storage.find("presets");
if (it != m_storage.end()) {
2018-11-19 11:10:22 +01:00
2018-07-31 15:09:57 +02:00
m_dirty = true;
std::string AppConfig::config_path()
std::string path = (m_mode == EAppMode::Editor) ?
(boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::data_dir()) / (SLIC3R_APP_KEY ".ini")).make_preferred().string() :
(boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::data_dir()) / (GCODEVIEWER_APP_KEY ".ini")).make_preferred().string();
return path;
2018-04-25 17:43:01 +02:00
std::string AppConfig::version_check_url() const
auto from_settings = get("version_check_url");
return from_settings.empty() ? VERSION_CHECK_URL : from_settings;
bool AppConfig::exists()
return boost::filesystem::exists(config_path());
}; // namespace Slic3r