(rewrote the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm to use a binary priority
heap instead of a dumb O(n^2) algorithm, added some bounding box tests
to avoid expensive in-polygon tests if possible).
Removed GCode.pm
Removed the Perl bindigns for AvoidCrossingPerimeters, OozePrevention, SpiralVase, Wipe
Changed the std::set of extruder IDs to vector of IDs.
Removed some MSVC compiler warnings, removed obnoxious compiler warnings when compiling the Perl bindings.
Removed the questionable Pressure Advance feature. It is better to use the Pressure Advance implemented into a firmware.
Added a C++ implementation of GCodeReader and SpiralVase, thanks to @alexrj
Added a C++ implementation of GCodeTimeEstimator, thanks to @lordofhyphens
This is similar to an ExtrusionLoop, but it is open.
It may contain multiple chained paths with differing parameters.
This allows one to have a hierarchy of paths, where the ExtrusionEntityCollection
will be chained by the G-code generator, but ExtrusionMultiPath will not.
Some code copied from xs-model branch.
* Generate ::Ref classes programatically.
* Add separate __REGISTER_CLASS macro
(for use where forward declaration won't work, i.e. typedefs)
Type handling is mainly done using templates.
Template Slic3r::ClassTraits is used to store info about exported types (perl class name). Currently only perl class name and refference name is used.
Template values are initialized by REGISTER_CLASS macro. This macro is used in .cpp file of class ( it needs to be used exactly for each type).
Ref<type> class is used to return value as perl reference. Operator overloading is used to make c++ and XSpp happy, only pointer value should be possible to return.
Clone<type> class is used to return copy of value ( using new and copy constructor). Copy is created on assigment, this should be probably improved (memory leak on multiple assignments).
It is overloaded to be able to return type, type* and type&.
Typechecking in ExtrusionEntityCollection updated to check all passed types.