* Changed some labels on buttons. The Dialog name shows a purpose now
* SaveDialog is called, when UnsavedChangesDialog is shown.
* Added prototype for the "exit" icon
+ Fixed layout for the "Machine limits" page
Splash Screen under OSX requires a call of wxYeild() for update.
But wxYield() furthers a case, when CallAfter() in CLI::run() was called at the wrong time, before some of the GUI was created.
So, there is workaround:
Parameters needed for later loads are encapsulated to GUI_App::AFTER_INIT_LOADS structure
and are used in GUI_App::AFTER_INIT_LOADS::on_loads which is called just ones after wxEVT_IDLE
+ Create controls only on the shown and active tab
+ Line class : deleted unused sizer
+ In GUI_Utils added TaskTimer class for the print a time of some task duration
+ BedShapeDialog:: activated options_groups
+ commented some unused code
UnsavedChangesDialog: Disabled "Move changes to selected preset" button, when printer technology is changed
PresetComboBox: Fixed color of the filament, if it is modified
1) All slicer's exceptions are now derived from Slic3r::Exception.
2) New exceptions are defined for slicing errors.
3) Exceptions are propagated to the Plater to show.
It remains to modify the slicing back-end to throw the new SlicingError
exceptions instead of std::runtime_error and to show the other exceptions
by a message dialog instead of a notification.
* Show it on the display same as an Application
* Code refactoring : All related functions moved to the SplashScreen class
* Add a possibility o hide/show splash scree in Preferences
* Now we show a list of printers name with selected preset
+ Added a edit_button for the editing of the physical printer fro the Settings Tab
+ Show whole list of the loaded presets with "Print host upload"