improved debugging outputs and asserts of the slicing code.
Disabled detection of concave corners with horizontal faces,
as too often there were found models with badly triangulated faces,
see for example GH issue #895.
"filament_load_time" and "filament_unload_time" values to match
the MK3 MMU2 behavior.
Emitting of the remaining times into the output G-code was made optional
through a new "remaining_times" configuration value, so the firmware
flavors and versions, which do not know the M73 code, will not complain.
Configuration changes:
The wipe tower default position was shifted inwards after the wipe tower
coordinate reference point was changed from the center to the left front
Added the "filament_load_time" and "filament_unload_time" values
to the MK3 MMU filament profiles.
Enabled "remaining_times" for the MK2.5, MK3 and MK3MMU2 printers.
Fix of
M204 S.. T..:
T is interpreted by the firmware and Slic3r time estimator the old way
(as acceleration when retracting) only if an S code is found at the same line.
This allows PrusaResearch to interpret the legacy G-codes generated
by our older Slic3r with older Slic3r profiles.
M204 P.. R.. T..:
T is ignored, P is interpreted as acceleration when extruding,
R is interpreted as acceleration when retracting.
This will be the format the Slic3r 1.41.0 will produce from
the Machine Limits page.
In the future both MK3 firmware and Slic3r will likely be extended
to support the separate travel acceleration.
This change is in sync with the Prusa3D firmware:
Slic3r will now export
M204 P[machine_max_acceleration_extruding] R[machine_max_acceleration_retracting] T[machine_max_acceleration_extruding]
before the custom start G-code, which will be correctly interpreted
by both the new Prusa3D firmware and the Slic3r's time estimator.
To support our legacy MK2 firmware before we merge the commit above, we may
just insert the following line into the custom start G-code section to override
the block inserted by Slic3r automatically before the custom start G-code:
M204 S[machine_max_acceleration_extruding] T[machine_max_acceleration_retracting]
After the changes in previous commit, the 3D scene must be reloaded after the wipe tower
is invalidated. This can mostly be done on the C++ side, but reloading after Purging volumes
are changed required this C++ -> Perl call
- it renders red with one egde as indeterminate, the front edge is where the wipe tower will start
- changing width changes depth of the block (as requested)
- the block shows the brim of the wipe tower
- after slicing, the block is rendered in usual dark green and takes the exact shape of the tower (also with brim)
- moving or rotationg the block after slicing does not invalidate the wipe tower (and hence the exact block dimensions are preserved)
- changing anything that invalidates the wipe tower reverts the block back to the "indeterminate" shape
- the block is not shown after slicing, if the wipe tower is not actually generated (printing single color object with the wipe tower enabled)
This required changes in the wipe tower generator, which now generates the tower
at origin with no rotation. Resulting gcode is postprocessed and transformed during
gcode export. This means the wipe tower needs not be invalidated when it is moved or rotated.